Name | Department | Rank | Location |
Aaronson, Alec (DO) | Psychiatry-Inpatient Psych | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ackerman, Sara (PMHNP) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Acosta, William (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Adi, Ahmad (MD, MPH) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Ahern, Martin (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ahmed, Farduus (MSW, BS) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Albert, Avery (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Albert, Laura (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Allen, Michael (MD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Professor | School of Medicine |
Almony, Jeffrey (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Anthony, Bruno (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Professor | School of Medicine |
Anthony, Laura (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Professor | School of Medicine |
Arguelles, Irene (MA) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ariefdjohan, Merlin (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Ash, Jordana (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ashbrook, Charles (MD) | Psychiatry | Visiting Associate Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Ashby, Bethany (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Avery, Morgan (PA-C) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Babich, Mollie (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Bacon, Victoria (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Baird, Kyle (DO) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Bale, Tracy (PhD) | Psychiatry-Psychopharmacology | Professor | School of Medicine |
Barnes, Julia (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Barnes, Marla (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Barnes, Sean (PhD) | Psychiatry-Psychology | Associate Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Bartolo, Nicole (NP) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Batt, Melissa (MD, MPH) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Bauman, Elizabeth (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Bautzmann, Crista (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Beall Brown, Dana Lynn (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Bender, Bruce (PhD, MS) | Psychiatry | Professor | National Jewish Hospital |
Benitez, Elida (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Beresford, Thomas (MD) | Psychiatry | Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Berghane, Jena (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Berkowitz, Steven (MD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Professor | School of Medicine |
Bert, Kevin (MS) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Bertsche, Brian (MSW, LCSW) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Bhasi, Bishara (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Bhatia, Devika (MD) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Bishop, Kammy (LAC, LPC) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Blackmon, Shari (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Blakeley-Smith, Audrey (PhD) | Psychiatry-JFK | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Bonaguidi, Angela (MSW) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Bono, Colleen (DO) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Bontemps, Andrew (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Borges, Lauren (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Branagan, Tyler (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Brantley, John (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Brar, Samrit (MD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Brown, David (DO) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Brown, Sarah (PhD, MS) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Buchanan, Cindy (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Buchholz, Melissa (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Harris Program | Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Bundrick, Jennifer (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Butler, Sarah (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Butterfield, Austin (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Cadice, Paige (LMFT) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Calderone, Jacqueline (MD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Cameron, Drew (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Campisi, Catherine (APN, PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Carlson, Clint (MS, BS) | Psychiatry-Admin | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Carlson, Gina (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Carter, Charles (LPC) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Carter, Debbie (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Carter, Mary Kaye (RN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Carubia, Beau (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Casey, Therese (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Chamberlain, Liz (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Champoux, Bianca (PA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Chao, Dominique (PsyD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Chavez, Alexis (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Chen, Eileen (PsyD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Cheney, Elisabeth (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Cherry, Jerrica (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Chrisman, Martin (FNP-BC, MSN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Christiaans, Cora (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Christofferson, Elizabeth (PhD, MA, BA) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Clark, Julie (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Clark, Theresa (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Cleary, Sarah (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Clementi, Michelle (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Codd, Evadine (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Collins, Sara (BS) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Cooke, Dani (PhD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Corpuz, Geepress (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Cowell, Whitney (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Cox, Ashley (BSN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Cox-Buday, Lori (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Coyle, Tyler (MD) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Cristobal, Megan (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Addiction Science, Prevention, and Treatment | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Cruz, Aimee (PsyD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Curry, Ashley (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Curtin, Colleen (MD) | Psychiatry-Inpatient Psych | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Curtis, Kaley (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Dardar, Shaleah (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Dausch, Barbara (PhD) | Psychiatry | Associate Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Davies, Robert (MD) | Psychiatry-Med Students | Professor | School of Medicine |
Davis, Charles (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Davis, Debra (NP, PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Davis, Rachel (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
De La Cruz, Edna (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Deal, Morgan (MD) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Dech, Bert (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
DeFrancisco, Daniel (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
DeJesus, Juan (MD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Delgado, Pedro (MD) | Psychiatry | Visiting Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Deliere, Matthew (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
DeMars, Emily (MSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Demers, Catherine (PhD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Dempsey, Allison (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Professor | School of Medicine |
Dennis, Rachel (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Denu, Yodit (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Desai, Alisha (PhD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Desrosiers, Matthew (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Devine, Alexis (MA) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Instructor | School of Medicine |
DiJoseph, Donna (BSN, RN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Dixion, Kristen (MA) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Dobbelstein, Christopher (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Dodson, Bobbie (DO) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Doria, Mandy (MS, LPC) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Drake, Morgan (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Drechsler, Jeremy (DO) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Dreier, Amy (PhD) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Duffy, Korrina (PhD) | Psychiatry-Admin | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Dumas, Audrey (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Dygert, Charles (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Eckhart, Lauren (PsyD, MA) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Ehmer, Amelia (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Ellingson, Jarrod (PhD) | Psychiatry-Substance Dependence | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Epperson, C. Neill (MD) | Psychiatry-Admin | Professor | School of Medicine |
Erb, Natalie (MSN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Etter, Darryl (PsyD, MS, BA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Evans, Stephanie (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Eways, Kalon (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Farnsworth, Jacob (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Feldman, Elyana (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Fenstermacher, Elizabeth (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Fireman, Orah (M.Ed, LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Fischer, Collette (PhD) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Fisher, Amanda (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Florence, Karma (APN, PMHNP, MSN) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Folse, Katherine (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Foreman, Kristina (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Frankel, Karen (PhD) | Psychiatry-Harris Program | Professor | School of Medicine |
Franks, Adrienne (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Freer, Kipton (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Frison, Katie (FNP, MSN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Fritsch, Sandra (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Professor | School of Medicine |
Gabriels, Robin (PsyD, MA) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Gadbaw, Jacob (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Gafford, Jennifer (PhD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Gallanis, Lauren (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Garces-Wood, Ana (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Garcia, Audrey (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Garcia-Rocha, Erika (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Gardner, Kolbie (MSN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Garver-Apgar, Christine (PhD) | Psychiatry-BHWP | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Garvey, Katrina (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Garza, Alie (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Gatto, Alyssa (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Gedzior, Joanna (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Gerber, Holly (PhD) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Germone, Monique (PhD, MA) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Gilstrap, Jean (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Glaze, Kelly (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Gleason, Erica (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Gold, Jeffrey (PharmD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Sr. Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Gorshkalova, Olga (DO) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Graham, Bethany (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Grande, Leah (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Gray, Kristen (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Green, Joel (MSW) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Greene, Devin (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Greisch, Catherine (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Gurley, Mollie (APRN, PMHNP, MSN) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Gutierrez, Abbigail (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Gutierrez, Michael (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Hacker, Robyn (PhD) | Psychiatry-BHWP | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Hagman-Hazell, Jennifer (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Hansen, Anne (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Harris, David (MA, LPC) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Harris, Kristin (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Hartnack, Katharine (PsyD, MS, BS) | Psychiatry-Neuropsychology | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Harvey, Megan (PhD) | Psychiatry-Psychology | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Haskins, Cole (MD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Hastie, Meagan (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Hatten, Alyson (MS, BA, LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Haug, James (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Hauxwell, Justin (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Hawks, Jessica (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Hayduke, David (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Hearst, Rebecca (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Hebert, Charles (MD) | Psychiatry | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Heil, Kristin (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Heiman, Noa (PhD, MA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Hemendinger, Emily (MPH, LCSW) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Henderson, Michael (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Heneghan, Mike (BSc, MB ChB) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Henry, Lauren (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Hernandez, Robert (MD, JD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Herraez Sanchez, Juan (PA-C) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Hester, Shannon (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Hiller, Aaron (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Hinrichs, Martin (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Hoberecht, Christina (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Hoff, Allison (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Hoff, Elizabeth (PsyD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Hoffman, Graham (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Hoffman, Lorrie (NP, MSN, RN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Holland, Mandy (MSW, LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Holliday, Ryan (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Holsan, Theresa (FNP) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Holzman, Jacob (PhD, MA, BS) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Homaifar, Beeta (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Hopfer, Christian (MD) | Psychiatry-Substance Dependence | Professor | School of Medicine |
Horvath, Sarah (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Huhn, Ruth (MD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Humberstone, Robert (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Hunter, Sharon (PhD) | Psychiatry-Developmental Research | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Hunter, Winnie (PhD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Hutchison, Kent (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Professor | School of Medicine |
Ivey, Laurie (PsyD, MA) | Psychiatry | Professor of Clinical Practice | School of Medicine |
Jacobs, Laura (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Psychology | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Jaji, Adaeze (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
James, Christopher (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
James Baumann, Ciara (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
James-Banks, Terri (MSW, LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Johnson, Joy (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Joseph, Ann (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Judd-Glossy, Laura (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Kacmarski, Jason (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Kagadkar, Faisal (MBBS) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Karoly, Hollis (PhD) | Psychiatry-Addiction Science, Prevention, and Treatment | Visiting Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Kaul, Eva (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Keeley, Caitlin (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Kelleher, Jessalyn (PsyD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Kelling, Erin | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Kelly, Megan (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Kelmer, Gretchen (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Kelsay, Kim (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Kemp, Thomas (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Kennedy, Sarah (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Kenny, Jessica (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Kim, Barunie (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
King, Jennifer (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Kinney, Thomas (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Sr. Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Kittrell, DeeAnn (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Klawetter, Susanne (PhD, LCSW) | Psychiatry-BHWP | Visiting Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Kleiner-Morrissey, Stephanie (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Kliewer, Molly (NP, MSN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Klott, Anastasia (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Koprivnikar, Joan (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Kovari, Susanna (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Kovensky, Rachel (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Kovoor-Misra, Sonali | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Kozora, Elizabeth (PhD) | Psychiatry | Professor | National Jewish Hospital |
Kreeger, Ashley (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Kuperman, Kelsey (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Kurash, Sarah (MSN, RN) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Kwitowski, Melissa (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
LaBate, Alyssa (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Other |
Ladegard, Kristie (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Laird, Christina (PhD, MSW, BS) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Lalinde, Michelle (MSN, BSN) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Law, Amanda (PhD) | Psychiatry-Psychopharmacology | Professor | School of Medicine |
LeBeau, Erin (MSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Lebin, Lindsay (MD, BA) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Lee, Jooyoung (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Legget, Kristina (PhD, MA) | Psychiatry-Psychopharmacology | Associate Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Lehto, Stephanie (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Leone, Ruschelle (PhD) | Psychiatry-Addiction Science, Prevention, and Treatment | Visiting Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Lessman, Elizabeth (DNP, BSN, RN) | Psychiatry-BHWP | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Levenson, Amy (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Levinthal, Ryan (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Liaw, K. Ron-Li (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Libbon, Randi (MD, BA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Lindwall, Jennifer (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Lintz, Mario (MD, PhD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Lish, Darren (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-Forensic | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | School of Medicine |
Loh, Ryan (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Lomonaco Haycraft, Kimberly (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Longenecker, Karen (LCSW) | Psychiatry-BHWP | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Longo, Joseph (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Lopez, Amy (PhD, LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Loring, Jonathon (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Love, Tiffany (PhD) | Psychiatry | Visiting Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Lowdermilk, Elizabeth (MD) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Lubuguin, Fernand (PhD, MA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | School of Medicine |
Lucas, Lisa (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Luehring, Mathew (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Lundberg, Cheryl (PsyD, MS, BA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Lynch, Alexandra (MD) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Lyon, Tiffany (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Lyons, Emma | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
MacIndoe, Emily (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Mack, A Nicole (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
MacPhee, Edward (MD) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | School of Medicine |
Major, Alice (DO) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Manwaring, Jamie (PhD, MA, BA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Mardis, Sean (DO) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Margolis, Elizabeth (DO) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Marquardt, Renee (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Martinez, Adriana (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Martinez, Danny (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Martinez, Richard (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Professor | School of Medicine |
Mattox, Paul (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Mauch, Roseanne (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
McBride, Samantha (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
McCall, Kassia (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
McCann, Emily (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
McChesney, Katie (PsyD, MA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
McClellan, Brigitte (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
McHugo, Maureen (PhD) | Psychiatry-Neuropsychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
McNitt, Cassidy (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Mcreynolds, Dianne (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Mecherikoff, Chandra (MA, BA, LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Medlin, Haley (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Meeker, Julie (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Meintzer, Mary Kay (LAC, LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Menninger, John (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Metcalf, Christina (PhD, MA) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Meyers, Tarah (LCSW) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Mikulich-Gilbertson, Susan (PhD) | Psychiatry-Substance Dependence | Professor | School of Medicine |
Miller, Frederick (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Miller, Luke (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Mirshamsi, Daniel (MSN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Mishkind, Matthew (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Mizenko, Michael (DO) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Sr. Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Moe Hartman, Jami (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Mohr, Robyn (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Montoya, Hyun Joo (BSN, RN) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Moore, Michael (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Moran, Maura (PMHNP, RN, CCRP) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Morgan, Elyse (MD) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Morris, Chad (PhD) | Psychiatry-BHWP | Professor | School of Medicine |
Motes, Melinda (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Mullin, Benjamin (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Murray, Heather (MD, MPH) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Muther, Emily (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Naclerio, Catherine (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Nagle-Yang, Sarah (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Narayanan Nair, Kalpana (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Natvig, Crystal (MPH) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
New, Christina (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Nguyen, Victoria (PA-C) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Niep, Laurel (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Nostrant, Carrie (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Novick, Andrew (MD, PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Novins, Douglas (MD) | Psychiatry-NATP | Professor | School of Medicine |
Novoa, Kenneth (MD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Nunes-Moreno, Marissa (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Nussbaum, Abraham (MD) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Nye, Ashley (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
O'Donnell, Daniel (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
O'Hara, Mary (MA, BA) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Obit, Laura (DO) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Olsavsky, Aviva (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Ontiveros, Steffanie (FNP) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Orszulak, Jessica (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Addiction Science, Prevention, and Treatment | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ortiz, Heather (MSN) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ozanick, Krystal (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Page, Chloe (PhD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Palozzi, Julia (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Pandya, Rhiday (DO) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Patel, Lina (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Patterson, Megan (PhD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Paull, Robert (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Pedapudi, Anangamanjari (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Penner, Anne (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Peraza, Jennifer (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Persinger, Alexandra (LCSW) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Pesko, Matthew (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Peterson, Geoffrey (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Peterson, John (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Petrelli, Michael (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Phimphasone-Brady, Noy (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Piantino, Kalen (PA) | Psychiatry-P3-Forensic | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Piatz, Christopher (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Pickenpaugh, Emili (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Pierce, Christopher (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Associate Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Pillai, Hareesh | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Pinch, Alea (LCSW) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Porter, John/William (MD) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Pounds, Richard (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Powell, Matthew (MSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Quigley, Jennifer (PA-C) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Rabenhorst-Bell, Mandy (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Radomski, Sharon (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Rajendran, Gautam (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Reaven, Judy (PhD) | Psychiatry-JFK | Professor | School of Medicine |
Reid, Chrissy (DO) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Reinhard, Christine (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Reinman, Laura (PhD, MA) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Reis, Daniel (PhD, MA) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Reséndiz Rodriguez, Rebecca (PsyD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Retherford, Amy (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Reynolds, David (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Reynolds, Katie (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Reynolds, Nicole (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Rider, Sarah (NP) | Psychiatry-CeDAR | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Riedford, David (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Riggs, Paula (MD) | Psychiatry-CTN | Professor | School of Medicine |
Riley, Corie (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Rinaldi, Julie (PhD, MS) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Ritvo, Alexis (MD, MPH, BA) | Psychiatry-CeDAR | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Roberts, Andrea (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Rogers, Lindsey (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Rolingher, Frederick (PA-C) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Romano, Eleni (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Rosman, Jonathan (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ross, Jessica (PhD) | Psychiatry-Substance Dependence | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Ross, Kaitlin (PhD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ross, Lela (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Rossmassler, Laura (MA, BA) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Rothberg, Brian (MD) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Rudolph, Maj-Stina (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Russell, Adam (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ryder, Justin (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Sabolish, Rachel (APN) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Safer-Lichtenstein, Jonathan (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Sakai, Joseph (MD) | Psychiatry-Substance Dependence | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Salamander, Rakel (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Sannar, Elise (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Santonastaso, Hailey (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Sapp, Jason (DO) | Psychiatry-CeDAR | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Savin, Daniel (MD) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Professor | School of Medicine |
Schacht, Joseph (PhD) | Psychiatry-Substance Dependence | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Scheberle, Matthew (PA) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Scheer, Annaliese (MSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Schiel, Marissa (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Schiffman, Lucy (DO) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Schimmel, Layla (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Schimpf, Maria (MA) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Schlander, Daniella (MA, BS) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Schneck, Chris (MD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Professor | School of Medicine |
Schoenwald, Daniel (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Schumacher, Joseph (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Schwenk, Sarah (NP) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Sebestyen, H. Elizabeth (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Seefeldt, Trina (PhD) | Psychiatry-Psychology | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Serrano, Verenea (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Severn, Daniel (DO) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Shaban, Kamleh (MD) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Shankman, Jessica (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Shaw, Nicole (MD) | Psychiatry-Inpatient Psych | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Sheffield, Kimberly (PhD, MA, BS) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor of Clinical Practice | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Shore, James (MD, MPH/MSPH) | Psychiatry-NATP | Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Signoracci, Gina (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Simone, Yan (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Simpson, Scott (MD, MPH) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Professor | School of Medicine |
Singh, Tejinder (PA) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Singleton, Albert (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Singleton, Gregory (MD) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Skulstad, John (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Slattery, Amanda (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Smith, A (PA) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Smith, Geoffrey (PsyD, MA) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Smith, Lisa (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Soares, Erin (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Sochet, Joseph (DO, JD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIFL | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Solomon, Debra (MD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Sosa-Lowry, Lynda (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
South, Kelsey (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Spellman, Morgan (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Spice, Jill (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | Other |
St John-Larkin, Celeste (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Stamey, Jenna (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Stanger, Michael (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Starr, Jennifer (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Sr. Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Steidtmann, Dana (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Stephens, Jared (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Stewart, Alexandra (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Stewart, Stephanie (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Stoddard, Joel (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Stone, Sarah (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Stovall, Samaria (MA) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Sukenik, Danielle | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Sullivan, Aimee (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Swain, Maren (LCSW) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Swain-Cockrell, Arletta (MS, RN) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Sward, Ashley (PsyD) | Psychiatry-Harris Program | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Swinson, Karyn (PhD, MA, BA) | Psychiatry-Depression Center | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Tabugadir, Dara Lynne (LPC) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Taft, Tonie (PMHNP) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Talmi, Ayelet (PhD) | Psychiatry-Harris Program | Professor | School of Medicine |
Tanguturi, Yasas (MBBS, MPH) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | School of Medicine |
Taylor, Marisa (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Taylor, Nathanael (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Taylor-Cavelier, Sarah (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Thant, Thida (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Thibodeau, Pari (PhD, LCSW) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Thiele, Jonathan (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Thompson, Scott (PhD) | Psychiatry-Psychopharmacology | Professor | School of Medicine |
Thompson, Vivian (BS) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Thurstone, Christian (MD) | Psychiatry | Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Todd, Eleanor (MSW) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Toepp, Lisa (MD) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Torok, Brad (MD) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Tran, Alyssa (DO) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Tregellas, Jason (PhD) | Psychiatry-Psychopharmacology | Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Trimble, Kyra (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Tull, Kelly (DO) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Twomey, Megan (PhD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Tycner, Slawomir (NP) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Urosevich, Z. (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Valenzuela, Emily (PMHNP) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Vargas, Laura (PhD) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Vigil, Caitlin (MD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Vogt, Jeremy (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Vu, My Hanh (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Vukadinovic, Zoran (MD) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Waller, Holly (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Walsh, Michael (PA) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Sr. Instructor | Other |
Washington, Katherine (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Wasserstein, Mitzi (MD) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Assistant Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Waters, Travis | Psychiatry-P3-DOC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Watson, Lea (MD) | Psychiatry-Outpatient | Professor of Clinical Practice | School of Medicine |
Wellborn, James (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
West, Michelle (PhD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Wheeler, Ike (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Community, Population, and Public Mental Health | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
White, Andrew (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
White, Emily (PsyD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Whitney, Meagan (LPC) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Whitney, Noelle (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Wick, Anna-Lisa (NP) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Winchester, Jake (LPC) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Winkler, Rachel (MA) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Winston, Helena (MD, MPhil, MSc, BA) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Winter, Joan (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Wojcieszak, Zuzanna (PhD) | Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Wolcott, Catherine (PhD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Associate Professor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Wolf, Chelsea (MD) | Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Wolfe, Julie (MD) | Psychiatry-Other CI Services | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Wolff, Daniele (MS) | Psychiatry-ARTS | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Wortmann, Jennifer (NP) | Psychiatry-P3-CMHIP | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Wortzel, Hal (MD) | Psychiatry-Neuropsychiatry | Professor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Wu, Leah (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
Y. Perez, Daniela (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Yancey, Genevieve (MD) | Psychiatry-Public Psyc | Instructor | Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Yannacone, Alexandra (MS) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Yoo, Jennifer (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Young, Elizabeth (LPC) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Zachary, Kathleen (LCSW) | Psychiatry | Instructor | School of Medicine |
Zaderaka, Danielle (PMHNP) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Zastrow, Bradley (MD) | Psychiatry | Instructor | Denver Health and Hospital Authority |
Zik, Jodi (MD, BS) | Psychiatry-Adult Psychiatry | Assistant Professor | School of Medicine |
Zimmer, Thomas (MD) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | School of Medicine |
Ziniel, Emily (PMHNP, MSN, BSN) | Psychiatry-Child-CHC | Sr. Instructor | Children's Hospital of Colorado |
13001 East 17th Place
Aurora, CO 80045