Co-Director, Division of Addiction Science, Prevention, & Treatment
Program Award, CU Public Health & General Preventive Medicine Residency
Awarded by residents to faculty member for outstanding teaching and mentorship.
Chancellor's Teaching Recognition Award, University of Colorado School of Medicine
Research Interests
I am interested in drug safety, concomitant use of medication, medical education, and buprenorphine waiver training.
Bortz C, Armistead I, Bonaguidi A, Coyle DT. Critical incidents in Colorado's opioid treatment programs: A comparison of the COVID-19 pandemic to previous years. J Subst Use Addict Treat. 2024 Jun;161:209342. PubMed PMID: 38513975
Hale E, Coyle DT. Under-documented or Under-recognized? Comorbid ADHD in Emergency Department Patients with Addictive Disorders. Journal of Attention Disorders. February 2023; 27(3):270-272. PMID: 36354068
Coyle DT, Stewart S, Bortz C, Manalo J, Ritvo A, Krsak M. Buprenorphine Prescribing and Dosing Limits: Evidence and Policy Goals. Substance Abuse. April 2023;44(1):17-23. PMID: 37226901
Locke T, Salisbury-Afshar E, Coyle DT. Treatment Updates for Pain Management and Opioid Use Disorder. Medical Clinics of North America. November 2023;107(6):1035-1046. PMID: 37806723
Ward-Gaines J, Coyle T, Miller S, Basha E, Jensen D, Lee R, Roosevelt G, Pierce C, Rustici M, Neumeier A. Creation and Evaluation of a Health Equity Certificate Program for Standardized Patients. Academic Medicine. November 2023;98(11S):S190-S191. PMID 37881996
Coyle T, Shah S, Lee R. "Discussing Opioid Use - Faculty Guide." In The TTR Compendium - Discussing Opioid Use, edited by Cason Pierce & Matthew Rustici, Transition To Residency Educators, 2023.
Shah S, Rustici M. "Discussing Opioid Use - EM." In The TTR Compendium - Discussing Opioid Use, edited by Cason Pierce & Tyler Coyle, Transition To Residency Educators, 2023.
Piggott P, Shah S, Adkins K, Rustici M, Guo P. "Discussing Opioid Use - FM." In The TTR Compendium - Discussing Opioid Use, edited by Cason Pierce & Tyler Coyle, Transition To Residency Educators, 2023.
Shah S, Rustici M. "Discussing Opioid Use - IM." In The TTR Compendium - Discussing Opioid Use, edited by Cason Pierce & Tyler Coyle, Transition To Residency Educators, 2023.
Zamkoff J, Rustici M, Guo P. "Discussing Opioid Use - Peds." In The TTR Compendium - Discussing Opioid Use, edited by Cason Pierce & Tyler Coyle, Transition To Residency Educators, 2023.
Shah S, Rustici M, Adkins K. "Discussing Opioid Use - OBGYN." In The TTR Compendium - Discussing Opioid Use, edited by Cason Pierce & Tyler Coyle, Transition To Residency Educators, 2023.
Huynh V, Shah S, Rustici M, Billings J. "Discussing Opioid Use - Surgery." In The TTR Compendium - Discussing Opioid Use, edited by Cason Pierce & Tyler Coyle, Transition To Residency Educators, 2023.
Bortz C, Armistead I, Bonaguidi A, Coyle DT. Critical Incidents in Colorado’s Opioid Treatment Programs: A Comparison of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Previous Years. 53rd Annual Conference of the American Society of Addiction Medicine. Hollywood, FL, 04/2022.
Stewart S, Krueger J, Armistead I, Munro T, Klie K, Coyle DT. Addiction & Preventive Medicine Trainee Pilot Policy Advocacy Experience, Colorado 2021. California Society of Addiction Medicine: State of the Art in Addiction Medicine Conference. San Diego, CA, 08/2022.
Locke T, Coyle DT. Alcohol and public health do not mix well. Colorado Sun, 11/06/2022
Locke T, Sugar S, Coyle DT. Letter to the Editor: Future Analyses of Gabapentin. Pharmacy Times, December 2022.
Kuehl C, Bortz C, Fussner H, Olson C, Russell N, Sumner RA, Coyle DT. How Do Colorado Public Libraries Respond to Patron Queries about Opioid Use Disorder? A Secret Shopper Study. Substance Use and Misuse. November 2022;28:1-6.
Sugar S, Coyle T. Keep Your Pin Up: Students Combating Opioid Use Disorder Stigma with Lapel Pins. Harvard Public Health Review (HPHR) Journal. October 2022;50. DOI: 10.54111/0001/
Hale E, Coyle DT. Under-documented or Under-recognized? Comorbid ADHD in Emergency Department Patients with Addictive Disorders. Journal of Attention Disorders. November 2022;0(0).
Coyle DT. Trigeminal Zoster with Drug-Induced Labial Angioedema Leading to Necrosis. Medicine and Pharmacy Reports, September 2021. DOI: 10.15386/MPR-2103
Coyle T, Tantillo TJ. LETTER TO THE EDITOR. J Opioid Manag. 2021 Nov-Dec;17(6):443-444. PubMed PMID: 34904692
Coyle DT, Woodworth TS, Moeny D, Staffa J, Meyer T, Woods C, Welch EC, Haynes K, Toh S, Maro JC. Concomitant Filled Prescriptions of Oxymorphone or Oxycodone with CYP3A Inhibitors and Inducers. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2020 May;26(5):668-672. PubMed PMID: 32347183
Hale E, Coyle DT. Substance Use Disorder in Patients with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Lift the Label Feature; Colorado Family Physician Newsletter.