Charles Kaufman I Award for Best Poster by Junior Faculty, Developmental Psychobiological Research Group
Hale, E. W., & Kelsay, K. (2024, October). Latent Class Analysis of Youth Suicide: Vulnerable, Treated, Hidden, and Critical. In AACAP's 2024 Annual Meeting. AACAP.
Stroupe, S., Kelsay, K., Moorthy, B., Davidson, S., (2024) Did you see what I did there? Strengthening faculty teaching through peer observation. Presented at the 2024 AADPRT meeting, San Antonia, Texas
Henry, L., Khindria, N., Kelsay, K., Bryant M. L., Hall, C. (June 2023). Collaborating with Schools to Support Youth Mental Health. Children’s Hospital Colorado: NewsNow! Monthly Updates for Our Community Partners. Retrieved from: Collaborating with Schools to Support Youth Mental Health | Children's Hospital Colorado (
Liaw, R, and Kelsay, K.
retrieved from
Creating a Statewide Continuum of Care
Ron-Li Liaw, K.Anthony, Bruno J.Hawks, JessicaKelsay, KimberlyKennedy, Sarah M.Ladegard, Kristie M.Lueck, Michele et al.
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 62, Issue 10, S99
Yager J, Kay J, Kelsay K. Clinicians' Cognitive and Affective Biases and the Practice of Psychotherapy. Am J Psychother. 2021 Aug 1;74(3):119-126. PubMed PMID: 33445958
Costello LH, Suh C, Burnett B, Kelsay K, Bunik M, Talmi A. Addressing Adolescent Depression in Primary Care: Building Capacity Through Psychologist and Pediatrician Partnership. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2021 Mar;28(1):53-66. PubMed PMID: 31749100
Kenny J, Costello L, Kelsay K, Bunik M, Xiong S, Chiaravalloti L, Millar A, Talmi A. All Hands on Deck: Addressing Adolescent Depression in Pediatric Primary Care. J Pediatr Psychol. 2021 Aug 19;46(8):903-911. PubMed PMID: 34010421
Penner A, Shaban K, Solomon S, Coleman S, Kelsay K. Improving diversity, equity and inclusion in a child and adolescent fellowship by targeting bias and structural barriers. Presented at the 2021 American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, Virtual Conference.
Kelsay K. Bilge-Johnson S. Leadership Skills update: Practical (free) tools to successfully lead change, influence and improve your team’s function, engagement and overall resilience. Mid Career Workshop presented at the 2021 American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, Virtual Conference.
Kelsay, K. Burstein, A, and Talmi, A (2020) Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders & Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics. In W. W. Hay, Jr., M. J. Levin, M. Bunik, and M. Abzug (Eds.), Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Pediatrics, 25th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
Kelsay, K and Penner, A (2020, March) Teaching Cognitive Bias: Development and implementation of dual process theory curriculum in child and adolescent psychiatry (CAP) fellowship. Presented at the 2020 American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, Dallas TX.
Penner, A., Ariefdjohan, Kelsay, K. (2020) Engaging junior faculty and residents: a comprehensive model for effectively supporting scholarship in early academic careers. Workshop presented at the 2020 American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, Dallas TX.
Kelsay, K., Bilge-Johnson, S., & Daniolos, P. (2020) Building a super team within your fellowship/residency: Applying the science of group dynamics to save your sanity, maximize trainee success, live long and prosper. Workshop presented at the 2020 American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, Dallas TX
Bhuiyan, J & Kelsay, K. (2020) Minority Residency Council needs assessment. Poster Presented at University of Colorado Department of Psychiatry Poster Session
Costello LH, Suh C, Burnett B, Kelsay K, Bunik M, Talmi A. Addressing Adolescent Depression in Primary Care: Building Capacity Through Psychologist and Pediatrician Partnership. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2019 Nov 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31749100
Ariefdjohan, M.. Perks, E. Sinclair, M. Kelsay, K, Novins, D. (2019) Fostering Career Development: A New Model to Advance Scholarship and Research of Early Career Clinical Faculty in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Presented at Annual meeting of American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, San Diego.
Kenny, J. J., Xiong, S., Chiaravalloti, L., Asherin, R., Millar, A., Costello, L., Burnett, B., Suh, C., Kelsay, K., Bunik, M., & Talmi, A. (2019, April). There’s no place like the medical home: Identifying adolescent depression in pediatric primary care. Poster presented at the Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA
Kelsay, K. Dardar, S. Handbook of Psychological Pediatric Screening and Assessment in Primary Care. New York, Routledge; 2018. Chapter 16, Screening for Pediatric ADHD in the Primary Care Clinic; p 381-394.
Burstein, A, Kelsay, K. and Talmi, A. Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Pediatrics, 24rd Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2018. Chapter 7, Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders & Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics; p 168-212.
Margolis K, Kelsay K, Talmi A, McMillan H,
Fraley C, Thomas F. A Multidisciplinary, Team-Based Teleconsultation
Approach to Enhance Child Mental Health Services in Rural Pediatrics. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 2018; 28 (3)
Suh C, Burnett B, Kelsay K, Costello L, Talmi A, Bunik M. Quality Improvement in Screening for and Managing Adolescent Depression in a Primary Care Teaching Clinic. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting; 2018;Toronto Canada
Kelsay K, Bunik M, Buchholz M, Burnett B, Talmi A. Incorporating Trainees' Development into a Multidisciplinary Training Model for Integrated Behavioral Health Within a Pediatric Continuity Clinic. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2017 Oct;26(4):703-715. PubMed PMID: 28916009
Hutchison AK, Kelsay K, Talmi A, Noonan K, Ross RG. Thought Disorder in Preschool Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2016 Aug;47(4):618-26. PubMed PMID: 26429569
Kelsay,K, Talmi
Kelsay K, Brustein A,Talmi A. Child and adolescent psychiatric disorders and psychosocial aspects of pediatrics. In: Hay, WH, Deterding, RR, Levin, M, Azbug, MJ, editors. Current diagnosis and treatment: Pediatrics. 23rd ed. New York: McGraw Hill: c2016. p. 171-215.
Kelsay, K. Butterfield, A., LeNoue, S. (2016) Exploring the Utility of a Reverse Clinical Competency Committee, presented at the American Association of Directors of Residency Training, 43rd Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX
St. John Larkin, C., Misch, D., Del Fabbro, A., Kelsay, K (2016) Clinical Perspectives 4: The Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist: Novel Models of Perinatal Mental Health Care to Improve Maternal–Infant Outcomes presented at American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 63rd Annual Meeting, New York, NY
Radhakrishnan, R., Charoensook, J., Sidaros, R., Rafik, M., Pier, K., Millard, M.,Wassar, T., Kelsay, K. (2016) Educational experience with a national, resident-led psychiatry journal. presented at the American Association of Directors of Residency Training, 43rd Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX
Hutchison AK, Kelsay K, Talmi A, Noonan K, Ross RG. Thought Disorder in Preschool Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2015 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26429569
Kelsay, K., Weisnicht, E., Bender, B., Leung, D., Klinnert,M.
2013. Association of Stress, Pruruitis and Illness Severity in
Children with Atopic Dermatitis
Kimberly Kelsay, MD1, Eleni Weisnicht2,3, Bruce G. Bender, PhD
Journal of Clinical Allergy and Immunology.
Kelsay, K., Weisnicht, E. M., Bender, B., Leung, D.Y.M., Klinnert M.D.
(2013) Pruruitis and Illness Severity in Children with Atopic Dermatitis. Poster presented at the American Academy of Asthma and Allergy Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
Kelsay, K., Leung, D. Y., Mrazek, D. A., & Klinnert, M. D. (2012). Prospectively assessed early life experiences in relation to cortisol reactivity in adolescents at risk for asthma. Dev Psychobiol.
Kelsay,Kim. 2012. A Study Of Emotional Expression and Language: Implications For
Studying and understanding Development of Emotions
Commentary to Kubicek and Emde, Emotional Expression and Language: A Longitudinal
Study of Typically Developing Earlier and Later Talkers from 15 to 30 Months. INFANT MENTAL HEALTH JOURNAL, Vol. 33(6), 590–592
Kelsay, K, Burstein, A., Talmi, A., (In Press). Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders & Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics. In W. W. Hay, Jr., M. J. Levin, R. R. Deterding, and M. Abzug (Eds.), Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Pediatrics, 23rd Edition. McGraw-Hill.
Kenny, J., Kelsay, K., Buink, M., Xiong, S., Millar, A & Talmi, A. (in press). Addressing Adolescent Suicide in Pediatric Primary Care. Journal of Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics.
Glaze, K., Kelsay, K., and Talmi, A. (2025) Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders & Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics. In M. Bunik, M. J. Levin, and M. Abzug (Eds.), Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Pediatrics, 27th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
Burstein, A., Talmi, A., Stafford, B. & Kelsay, K. (in press). Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders & Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics. In W. W. Hay, Jr., M. J. Levin, R. R. Deterding, and M. Abzug (Eds.), Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Pediatrics, 22st Edition. McGraw-Hill.
Yager, J, Kay, J and Kelsay, K (in press) Clinicians’ cognitive and affective biases and the practice of psychotherapy, The American Journal of Psychotherapy
Kelsay, K. Burstein, A, and Talmi, A Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders & Psychosocial Aspects of Pediatrics. In W. W. Hay, Jr., M. J. Levin, M. Bunik, and M. Abzug (Eds.), Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Pediatrics, 25th Edition. McGraw-Hill.