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Belanger HG, Wortzel HS, Vanderploeg RD, Cooper DB. A model for intervening with veterans and service members who are concerned about developing Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Clin Neuropsychol. 2020 Aug;34(6):1105-1123. PubMed PMID: 31847694
Wortzel HS, Barnes SM, Cannizzaro KA, Villarreal EJ, Allen MH, Matarazzo BB. Welfare Checks for Suicide Risk Management: Risks and Benefits. J Psychiatr Pract. 2019 Sep;25(5):379-382. PubMed PMID: 31505523
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Arciniegas DB, Wortzel HS. Emotional and behavioral dyscontrol after traumatic brain injury. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2014 Mar;37(1):31-53. PubMed PMID: 24529422
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Wortzel HS, Arciniegas DB, Anderson CA, Vanderploeg RD, Brenner LA. A phase I study of low-pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy for blast-induced post-concussion syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder: a neuropsychiatric perspective. J Neurotrauma. 2012 Sep 20;29(14):2421-4; author reply 2425-30. PubMed PMID: 22519979
Wortzel HS, Kraus MF, Filley CM, Anderson CA, Arciniegas DB. Diffusion tensor imaging in mild traumatic brain injury litigation. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2011;39(4):511-23. PubMed PMID: 22159979
Wagner PJ, Wortzel HS, Frey KL, Anderson CA, Arciniegas DB. Clock-drawing performance predicts inpatient rehabilitation outcomes after traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011 Fall;23(4):449-53. PubMed PMID: 22231317
Wortzel HS, Arciniegas DB. Combat veterans and the death penalty: a forensic neuropsychiatric perspective. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2010;38(3):407-14. PubMed PMID: 20852228
Arciniegas DB, Frey KL, Newman J, Wortzel HS. Evaluation and Management of Posttraumatic Cognitive Impairments. Psychiatr Ann. 2010 Nov 1;40(11):540-552. PubMed PMID: 21270968
Wortzel HS, Gutierrez PM, Homaifar BY, Breshears RE, Harwood JE. Surrogate endpoints in suicide research. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2010 Oct;40(5):500-5. PubMed PMID: 21034212
Wortzel HS, Binswanger IA, Anderson CA, Adler LE. Suicide among incarcerated veterans. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2009;37(1):82-91. PubMed PMID: 19297638
Wortzel HS, Frey KL, Anderson CA, Arciniegas DB. Subtle neurological signs predict the severity of subacute cognitive and functional impairments after traumatic brain injury. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2009 Fall;21(4):463-6. PubMed PMID: 19996256
Binswanger IA, Wortzel HS. Treatment for individuals with HIV/AIDS following release from prison. JAMA. 2009 Jul 8;302(2):147; author reply 148. PubMed PMID: 19584343
Wortzel HS, Oster TJ, Anderson CA, Arciniegas DB. Pathological laughing and crying : epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment. CNS Drugs. 2008;22(7):531-45. PubMed PMID: 18547124
Wortzel HS, Arciniegas DB. Amnesia and crime: a neuropsychiatric response. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2008;36(2):218-23. PubMed PMID: 18583698
Wortzel HS, Filley CM, Anderson CA, Oster T, Arciniegas DB. Forensic applications of cerebral single photon emission computed tomography in mild traumatic brain injury. J Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 2008;36(3):310-22. PubMed PMID: 18802178