Martinez, O. G., Clevenger, J., Ashby, B. D., Reimer, K., & Houskamp, B. M. (In press). Experiences of border town Latinas: A grounded theory analysis of stress and coping. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences.
Houskamp, B. M., Graham-Howard, M., Ashby, B. D., & Fok-Trela, A. (2011). Treatment of teen victims of violence. In M. Paludi (Ed). The psychology of teen violence and victimization Volume I: From bullying and cyberstalking to assault and sexual victimization. Praeger Publishers.
Ashby, B.D. (2012). Providing integrated care to adolescent motehrs and their children in a primary care setting. The Colorado Psychologist, 40,1, 4-5.
Subcommittee on Assessment and Screening, Statewide Committee for Pregnancy-Related Depression. (2013). HealthTeam Works Pregnancy-related Depressive Symptoms Guideline.
Ashby BD, Kaul P. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder After Sexual Abuse in Adolescent Girls. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2016 Dec;29(6):531-536. PubMed PMID: 26872713
Ashby B, Ranadive N, Alaniz V, St John-Larkin C, Scott S. Implications of Comprehensive Mental Health Services Embedded in an Adolescent Obstetric Medical Home. Matern Child Health J. 2016 Jun;20(6):1258-65. PubMed PMID: 26961142
Ashby B, & Bromberg, S. Infant mental health in high risk populations. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2016 Dec; 16 (4): 269-273.
Ashby B, Lakatos P., & Scott S. Infant mental health in prenatal care. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2016 Dec; 16(4). 264-268
St. John-Larkin C., Ashby B., Scott S. The HEART program: integrated mental health care in an adolescent obstetric and teen-tot medical home. Presented at the 63rd Annual American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Conference; 2016 October 24-29; New York, NY.
McDunn C, Germone N, Lindwall J, Ashby B, Griffith E, Solomon M, Janusz J, & Jason Williams. APPIC Competency Assessment Project. Poster presented at APPIC 2016 Membership Conference; 2016 May 26-29; New Orleans, LA.
Ashby B, Huguelet P, St. John-Larkin C, & Scott S. Mental Health Diagnoses Among Older Versus Younger Pregnant Teens. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016 April 8-10. New York, NY
Ashby B. Interview by Sarah Rosenberg.Can an Integrated Mental Health Model Improve Engagement Among Pregnant Youth?. National Clearinghouse on Children, Families, and Youth.
Ashby B, Ranadive N, Alaniz V, St John-Larkin C, Scott S. Implications of Comprehensive Mental Health Services Embedded in an Adolescent Obstetric Medical Home. [abstract taken from Matern Child Health J. 2016;20(6):1258-65].
Kleiber BV, Dimidjian S, Felder, JN, Ashby B, Scott S, Dean J. (in submission). Treating Symptoms of Postpartum Depression among Adolescents with a Modified Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Group. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
Sward A. & Ashby B. Healthy Steps in the Young Mothers Clinic. In M. Buchholz (Chair), Growing Pains: Scaling Up an Evidenced-Based Program in Pediatric Primary Care. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association; 2016 August 4-7; Denver, Colorado
Muther EF, Margolis K, Ashby B, Buchholz M, Asherin R, Millar A, Bunik M, & Talmi A. Characterizing an Integrated Behavioral Health Practice in Pediatric Primary Care. Presented at the 124th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association; 2016 August 4-7; Denver, Colorado
Montalvo-Santiago A, Ashby B, Margolis K, & Talmi A. Understanding Maternal Concerns and Developmental Topics Discussed in the 2-year Well Child Visit at an Adolescent Mothers Clinic. Poster presented at the Department of Psychiatry Poster Session, University of Colorado; 2016 March; Denver, CO.
Montalvo-Santiago A, Ashby B, Margolis K, & Talmi A. Understanding Maternal Concerns and Developmental Topics Discussed in the 2-year Well Child Visit at an Adolescent Mothers Clinic. Poster session presented at the Spring Pediatric Poster Session, University of Colorado; 2016 May; Denver, CO
Kleiber, B.V., Dimidjian, S. Felder, J.N., Ashby, B., Scott, S., Dean, J. (2017). Treating Symptoms of Postpartum Depression among Adolescents with a Modified Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Group. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 24, 416-427
Ashby BD, Ehmer AC, Scott SM. Trauma-informed care in a patient-centered medical home for adolescent mothers and their children. Psychol Serv. 2018 Nov 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30475045
Serrano, V., Hasbrouck, S., Alfonso, A., Ashby, B., Paul, J., & Buchholz, M. (2018). Focusing on fathers: Recognizing the role of paternal mental health in family well-being during the postpartum period. Zero to Three Journal, 38(6). 13-20
Ashby BD, Ehmer AC, Scott SM. Trauma-informed care in a patient-centered medical home for adolescent mothers and their children. Psychol Serv. 2019 Feb;16(1):67-74. PubMed PMID: 30475045
Hasbrouck, S., Smith, H., & Ashby, B. (2020). Adolescent parents and neurodevelopmental maturation. Zero to Three Journal, 40 (6), 39-42.
Olsavksy, A., Ehmer, C., Carter, D., Scott, S., Ashby, B. (2020). The PROMISE of Perinatal Intervention for Mom–Baby Mental Health. Zero to Three Journal, 40(7), 39-42.
Buchholz, M., Ashby, B., Costello, L., Ehmer, A., Serrano, V., von Schulz, J., Wolcott, C., & Talmi, A. (2021). From planning to implementation: Creating and adapting universal screening protocols to address caregiver mental health and psychosocial complexity. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 9(2), 112-122
Smith, H., Ehmer, A., Scott, S., Hasbrouck, S., Sheeder, J., & Ashby, B. (in press). Implementing Interconception Care in a Dyadic Adolescent Mother-Child Clinic. Maternal and Child Health Journal
Ehmer, A., Scott, S. & Ashby, B. (in press). Connecting during COVID: the application of teleservices in two integrated perinatal settings. Infant Mental Health Journal.
Smith H, Ashby B. Looking Into the Future for Children of Young Mothers. Pediatrics. 2022 Nov 1;150(5). PubMed PMID: 36281713
Bell K, Ashby BD, Scott SM, Poleshuck E. Integrating Mental Health Care in Ambulatory Obstetrical Practices: Strategies and Models. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2024 Jan 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38174556
Noroña-Zhou AN, Ashby BD, Richardson G, Ehmer A, Scott SM, Dardar S, Marshall L, Talmi A. Rates of Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight in an Adolescent Obstetric Clinic: Achieving Health Equity Through Trauma-Informed Care. Health Equity. 2023;7(1):562-569. PubMed PMID: 37731783
Smith H, Ashby B, Tillema S, Xiong S, Sheeder J. Interconception Care for Adolescent Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Matern Child Health J. 2023 Sep;27(9):1570-1577. PubMed PMID: 37278843
Marshall L, Ashby B, Scott SM, Ellsmore R. (2023). "Communicate for the baby” or “never on the same page”: Conflict resolution styles between young co-parents.
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology,
Volume 36 (2), 214.