Bethany Ashby, PsyD

Associate Professor, Psychiatry-Child-CHC

Graduate Schools
  • MA, Azusa Pacific University (2003)
  • PsyD, Azusa Pacific University (2009)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Simpson College (IA) (2000)
  • University of Colorado (Children's Hospital Colorado) Program, Postdoctoral Integrated Services Clinician Adolescent Medicine (2011)


  • Bell K, Ashby BD, Scott SM, Poleshuck E. Integrating Mental Health Care in Ambulatory Obstetrical Practices: Strategies and Models. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2024 Jan 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38174556
  • Ehmer A, Greisch C, Sonnen E, Scott S, Carter D, Ashby B. Maternal depression, psychosocial stress and race/ethnicity: examining barriers to breastfeeding for young mothers. J Reprod Infant Psychol. 2024 Jun 3;:1-13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38828541
  • Bell K, Ashby BD, Scott SM, Poleshuck E. Integrating Mental Health Care in Ambulatory Obstetrical Practices: Strategies and Models. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2024 Mar 1;67(1):154-168. PubMed PMID: 38174556
  • Noroña-Zhou AN, Ashby BD, Richardson G, Ehmer A, Scott SM, Dardar S, Marshall L, Talmi A. Rates of Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight in an Adolescent Obstetric Clinic: Achieving Health Equity Through Trauma-Informed Care. Health Equity. 2023;7(1):562-569. PubMed PMID: 37731783
  • Smith H, Ashby B, Tillema S, Xiong S, Sheeder J. Interconception Care for Adolescent Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Matern Child Health J. 2023 Sep;27(9):1570-1577. PubMed PMID: 37278843
  • Marshall L, Ashby B, Scott SM, Ellsmore R. (2023). "Communicate for the baby” or “never on the same page”: Conflict resolution styles between young co-parents. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, Volume 36 (2), 214.
  • Smith H, Ashby B. Looking Into the Future for Children of Young Mothers. Pediatrics. 2022 Nov 1;150(5). PubMed PMID: 36281713
  • Buchholz, M., Ashby, B., Costello, L., Ehmer, A., Serrano, V., von Schulz, J., Wolcott, C., & Talmi, A. (2021). From planning to implementation: Creating and adapting universal screening protocols to address caregiver mental health and psychosocial complexity. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 9(2), 112-122
  • Hasbrouck, S., Smith, H., & Ashby, B. (2020). Adolescent parents and neurodevelopmental maturation. Zero to Three Journal, 40 (6), 39-42.
  • Olsavksy, A., Ehmer, C., Carter, D., Scott, S., Ashby, B. (2020). The PROMISE of Perinatal Intervention for Mom–Baby Mental Health. Zero to Three Journal, 40(7), 39-42.
  • Ashby BD, Ehmer AC, Scott SM. Trauma-informed care in a patient-centered medical home for adolescent mothers and their children. Psychol Serv. 2019 Feb;16(1):67-74. PubMed PMID: 30475045
  • Ashby BD, Ehmer AC, Scott SM. Trauma-informed care in a patient-centered medical home for adolescent mothers and their children. Psychol Serv. 2018 Nov 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30475045
  • Serrano, V., Hasbrouck, S., Alfonso, A., Ashby, B., Paul, J., & Buchholz, M. (2018). Focusing on fathers: Recognizing the role of paternal mental health in family well-being during the postpartum period. Zero to Three Journal, 38(6). 13-20
  • Kleiber, B.V., Dimidjian, S. Felder, J.N., Ashby, B., Scott, S., Dean, J. (2017). Treating Symptoms of Postpartum Depression among Adolescents with a Modified Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Group. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 24, 416-427
  • Ashby BD, Kaul P. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder After Sexual Abuse in Adolescent Girls. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2016 Dec;29(6):531-536. PubMed PMID: 26872713
  • Ashby B, Ranadive N, Alaniz V, St John-Larkin C, Scott S. Implications of Comprehensive Mental Health Services Embedded in an Adolescent Obstetric Medical Home. Matern Child Health J. 2016 Jun;20(6):1258-65. PubMed PMID: 26961142
  • Ashby B, & Bromberg, S. Infant mental health in high risk populations. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2016 Dec; 16 (4): 269-273.
  • Ashby B, Lakatos P., & Scott S. Infant mental health in prenatal care. Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2016 Dec; 16(4). 264-268
  • St. John-Larkin C., Ashby B., Scott S. The HEART program: integrated mental health care in an adolescent obstetric and teen-tot medical home. Presented at the 63rd Annual American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Conference; 2016 October 24-29; New York, NY.
  • McDunn C, Germone N, Lindwall J, Ashby B, Griffith E, Solomon M, Janusz J, & Jason Williams. APPIC Competency Assessment Project. Poster presented at APPIC 2016 Membership Conference; 2016 May 26-29; New Orleans, LA.
  • Ashby B, Huguelet P, St. John-Larkin C, & Scott S. Mental Health Diagnoses Among Older Versus Younger Pregnant Teens. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of the North American Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016 April 8-10. New York, NY
  • Ashby B. Interview by Sarah Rosenberg.Can an Integrated Mental Health Model Improve Engagement Among Pregnant Youth?. National Clearinghouse on Children, Families, and Youth.
  • Ashby B, Ranadive N, Alaniz V, St John-Larkin C, Scott S. Implications of Comprehensive Mental Health Services Embedded in an Adolescent Obstetric Medical Home. [abstract taken from Matern Child Health J. 2016;20(6):1258-65].
  • Kleiber BV, Dimidjian S, Felder, JN, Ashby B, Scott S, Dean J. (in submission). Treating Symptoms of Postpartum Depression among Adolescents with a Modified Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Group. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice
  • Sward A. & Ashby B. Healthy Steps in the Young Mothers Clinic. In M. Buchholz (Chair), Growing Pains: Scaling Up an Evidenced-Based Program in Pediatric Primary Care. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association; 2016 August 4-7; Denver, Colorado
  • Muther EF, Margolis K, Ashby B, Buchholz M, Asherin R, Millar A, Bunik M, & Talmi A. Characterizing an Integrated Behavioral Health Practice in Pediatric Primary Care. Presented at the 124th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association; 2016 August 4-7; Denver, Colorado
  • Montalvo-Santiago A, Ashby B, Margolis K, & Talmi A. Understanding Maternal Concerns and Developmental Topics Discussed in the 2-year Well Child Visit at an Adolescent Mothers Clinic. Poster presented at the Department of Psychiatry Poster Session, University of Colorado; 2016 March; Denver, CO.
  • Montalvo-Santiago A, Ashby B, Margolis K, & Talmi A. Understanding Maternal Concerns and Developmental Topics Discussed in the 2-year Well Child Visit at an Adolescent Mothers Clinic. Poster session presented at the Spring Pediatric Poster Session, University of Colorado; 2016 May; Denver, CO
  • Subcommittee on Assessment and Screening, Statewide Committee for Pregnancy-Related Depression. (2013). HealthTeam Works Pregnancy-related Depressive Symptoms Guideline.
  • Ashby, B.D. (2012). Providing integrated care to adolescent motehrs and their children in a primary care setting. The Colorado Psychologist, 40,1, 4-5.
  • Martinez, O. G., Clevenger, J., Ashby, B. D., Reimer, K., & Houskamp, B. M. (In press). Experiences of border town Latinas: A grounded theory analysis of stress and coping. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences.
  • Houskamp, B. M., Graham-Howard, M., Ashby, B. D., & Fok-Trela, A. (2011). Treatment of teen victims of violence. In M. Paludi (Ed). The psychology of teen violence and victimization Volume I: From bullying and cyberstalking to assault and sexual victimization. Praeger Publishers.
  • Smith, H., Ehmer, A., Scott, S., Hasbrouck, S., Sheeder, J., & Ashby, B. (in press). Implementing Interconception Care in a Dyadic Adolescent Mother-Child Clinic. Maternal and Child Health Journal
  • Ehmer, A., Scott, S. & Ashby, B. (in press). Connecting during COVID: the application of teleservices in two integrated perinatal settings. Infant Mental Health Journal.

Professional Memberships

  • American Psychological Association, Member

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Information

  • Psychology
  • Certified Clinical Family Psychologist, License (0001)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Mental Health and Behavior