Wolcott, C.S., Wanger, L., & Penny, L. (2022) Connecting patients to mental health and food resources during the pandemic: A novel use of group care relationships. Annals of Family Medicine.
Buchholz, M., Ashby, B., Costello, L., Ehmer, A., Serrano, V., von Schulz, J., Wolcott, C. S., & Talmi, A. (2021). From planning to implementation: Creating and adapting universal screening protocols to address caregiver mental health and psychosocial complexity. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 9(2), 112.
Talmi, A., Millar, A., Buchholz, M., Burnett, B., & Wolcott, C.S. (2020). BHIPP:0 – 5. Primary care practice transformation in early childhood behavioral health integration. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/cpp0000380
Wolcott, C. S., Williford, A.P., & Hartz-Mandell, K. (2018). The validity of narratives for understanding children’s perceptions of the teacher–child relationship for preschoolers who display elevated disruptive behaviors. Early Education and Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/10409289.2018.1556547
Wolcott, C. S., Penny, L., Wanger, L., & Talmi, A. (2018). Building relationships and buffering toxic stress: Group-based medical care with Spanish-speaking Latino families. Zero to Three Journal, 38(6), pp. 21-27.
Wolcott, C.S., Frankel, K.A., Goodwin, R.E., & Harrison, J. N. (2018). Approaches to the the management of young children's externalizing behavior problems in the primary care setting. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics, 4(1), 27-48. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40746-018-0113-4.
Vivrette, R., Wolcott, C.S., Ehmer, A. (2018, October). Family-Centered Primary Care For Pregnancy To 5: Lessons From Three Novel Programs. Poster presented at the Zero to Three Conference, Denver, CO.
Nguyen, P., Goodman, N., & Wolcott, C. S. (2018, April) Promoting Early Childhood and Maternal Mental Health in Colorado. Presentation given at the Parental Possible Conference, Westminster, CO.
Wolcott, C.S., Evans, L., St. John-Larkin, C., & Paul, J. Initial treatment engagement in a perinatal mental health outpatient program. Poster presented at: The Building Better Babies Conference; 2017, May 31;
Aurora, CO.
Wolcott, C.S., Ehmer, A., Stein, R., Buchholz, M., & Talmi, A. Adversity and well-child attendance: The role of a preventative primary care intervention. Poster presented at: Zero to Three Conference; 2017 Nov. 29 -Dec.1; San Diego, CA.
Paul, J., Wolcott, C.S., Evans, L., & St. John-Larkin, C. Accessing perinatal health support through Healthy Expectations. Poster presented at: The Perinatal Clinical Update; 2017, May 11-12; Aurora, CO.
Stein, R., Wolcott, C.S., Ehmer, A., Buchholz, M., & Talmi, A. (2017, May). Protective factors in early childhood within a pediatric primary care intervention. Poster presented at: The Pediatric Research Poster Session, Children’s Hospital Colorado; 2017, May 19; Aurora, CO.
Wolcott, C.S., Ehmer, A., Stein, R., Buchholz, M., & Talmi, A. Early childhood adversity factors and attendance at preventative care visits for families involved in a pediatric primary care intervention. Poster presented at: The Society of Pediatric Psychology; 2017, March 30-April 1; Portland, OR.
Wolcott, C.S., Wanger, L., & Penny, L. Connecting patients to mental health and food resources during the pandemic: A novel use of group care relationships. Annals of Family Medicine.
Buchholz, M., Serrano, V., Hills, S., & Wolcott, C. (in-press). Reflective consultation in child care for medically fragile young children. Zero to Three.