Melissa Buchholz, PsyD

Professor, Psychiatry-Harris Program

Psychiatry-Harris Program


  • Buchholz, M., Ashby, B., Ehmer, A., Fried, E., Gleason, E., Kenny, J., Sandoval, C., Serrano, V., & Yuen, J. (2023). Exceptional care for diverse populations. Zero to Three. 43(4), 5-12.
  • Hilado, A., Charbonia, A., Buchholz, M., Chu, A. (2024). Examining early childhood trauma: Promoting infant-early childhood mental health and community resilience for families with very young children. In Fromm-Reed, S, & Kent, J. (Eds.), Building Resilience Through Community Systems: An Ecological Frame for Understanding Adverse Childhood Experience. Routledge Publications, Trauma Series.
  • Serrano, V.J., von Schulz, J., Buchholz, M., Malik, K., Wrenn, A., & Talmi, A. (2022). After the NICU: Primary care behavioral health services. In A.G. Dempsey, J.C.M. Cole, & S.N. Saxton (Eds.), Behavioral Health Services with High-Risk Infants and Families. Oxford University Press.
  • Margolis, K. L., Buchholz, M., Charlot-Swilley, D., Serrano, V., Herbst, R., Meiselman, E., & Talmi, A. (2022). Early childhood integrated behavioral health: A promoter of equity in pediatric care. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 10(3). 263-272.
  • Lee, D., Serrano, V., von Schulz, J., Fields, D., & Buchholz, M. (2021). From patients to partners: Promoting health equity in pediatric primary care with the HealthySteps program. Zero to Three. 42(1). 72-7.
  • Buchholz, M., Ashby, B., Costello, L., Ehmer, A., Serrano, V., von Schultz, J., & Talmi, A. (2021). From planning to implementation: Creating and adapting universal screening protocols to address caregiver mental health and psychosocial complexity. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology. 9(2), 112-122.
  • von Schulz, J., Serrano, V., Buchholz, M., Natvig, C., & Talmi, Ayelet. (2021). Increased Behavioral Health Needs and Continued Psychosocial Stress among Children with Medical Complexity and their Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Infant Mental Health Journal, 1-16, DOI: 10.1002/imhj.21962
  • Talmi, A., Millar, A., Buchholz, M., Burnett, B., & Wolcott, C., (2020). BHIPP:0–5: Primary care practice transformation in early childhood behavioral health integration. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, Advance Online publication.
  • Buchholz, M., Serrano, V., Hills, S., & Wolcott, C. (2020). Reflective consultation in child care for medically fragile young children. Zero to Three. 40(3). 72-77.
  • Buchholz, M. & Paul, S. (2020). Investing in early childhood systems across the globe. Zero to Three. 40(5). 36-41.
  • Harmon, J., Buchholz, M., & Berry, O. (2020). Infusing infant and maternal mental health into health care settings: Practice makes perfect? Zero to Three. 40(5). 50-56.
  • Talmi, A., Burnett, B., & Buchholz, M. (2018). Integrated behavioral health in pediatric primary care settings: using screening processes as ports of entry for children and families. In M. Maruish (Ed), Handbook of pediatric psychological screening and assessment in primary care.
  • Serrano, V., Hasbrouck, S., Alfonso, A., Ashby, B., Paul, J., & Buchholz, M. (2018). Focusing on fathers: Recognizing the role of paternal mental health in family wellbeing during the postpartum period. Zero to Three, 38(6).13-20.
  • Buchholz, M., Burnett, B., Margolis, K., Millar, A., & Talmi, A. (2018). Early childhood behavioral health integration activities and HealthySteps: Sustaining practice, averting costs. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 6(2). 140-151. doi: 10.1037/cpp0000239.
  • Kelsay K, Bunik M, Buchholz M, Burnett B, Talmi A. Incorporating Trainees' Development into a Multidisciplinary Training Model for Integrated Behavioral Health Within a Pediatric Continuity Clinic. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2017 Oct;26(4):703-715. PubMed PMID: 28916009
  • Buchholz, M., Ehmer, A., Noniyeva, Y., Stein, R., Ashby, B., & Talmi, A. (2017). Levels of influence: Ecological model in pediatric primary care revealed. Zero to Three, 37(6). 11-17.
  • Watkins, L., Buchholz, M., Dunn, D., Talmi, A., & Bunik, M. (2016, February). Breastfeeding support trifecta: A new model for breastfeeding support. Poster presentation at the 29th Annual Gravens Conference on the Physical and Developmental Environment of the High Risk Infant. Clearwater Beach, FL.
  • Pajek, J., Buchholz, M., Asherin, R., & Talmi, A. (2016, April). Growing Pains: Improving primary care adherence with Healthy Steps home visitation. Poster presentation at the Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Kearns, M., Fischer, C., Buchholz, M., & Talmi, A. (2016, December). More than the blues? Comparing the challenges in pregnancy related depression symptoms based on enrollment in Healthy Steps. Poster presentation at the Zero to Three Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  • Muther, E.F., Margolis, K., Ashby, B., Buchholz, M., Asherin, R., Millar, A. Bunik, M., & Talmi. A. (2016, August). Characterizing integrated behavioral health practice in primary care. Paper presentation at the American Psychological Association National Convention. Denver, CO.
  • Talmi A, Muther EF, Margolis K, Buchholz M, Asherin R, Bunik M. The Scope of Behavioral Health Integration in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting. J Pediatr Psychol. 2016 Nov;41(10):1120-1132. PubMed PMID: 27424483
  • Talmi, A., Buchholz, M., & Muther, E.F., (2016). Funding, financing, and investing in integrated early childhood mental health services in primary care settings. In R. Briggs (Ed), Integrated early childhood behavioral health in primary care: A guide to implementation and evaluation. (pp. 143 – 164). Switzerland: Springer.
  • Buchholz, M., Fischer, C., Margolis, K., & Talmi, A. (2016). Early childhood behavioral health integration in pediatric primary care: Serving refugee families in the Healthy Steps program. Zero to Three. 36(6). 4-10.
  • Buchholz, M., Dunn, D., Watkins, L., & Bunik, M. (2016). Integrating Infant Mental Health with Breastfeeding Support: Five years of the Trifecta Approach. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 16. 293-297.
  • Margolis, K., Dunn, D., Becker Herbst, R., Bunik, M., Buchholz, M., Martinez, D., & Talmi, A. (2015). Mi bebé y yo: A primary care group for Latina/o infants and their Spanish-speaking caregivers. Zero to Three, 35(4), 35-40.
  • Talmi, A., Lovell, J. L., Herbst, R. B., Margolis, K. L., Muther, E. F., & Buchholz, M. (2015, June 29). Postdoctoral Fellows’ Developmental Trajectories in Becoming Pediatric Primary Care Psychologists. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 3(3), 233-240.
  • Buchholz, M. & Talmi, A. (in press). What we talked about at the Pediatrician's office? Exploring differences between Healthy Steps and traditional pediatric primary care visits. Infant Mental Health Journal.
  • Buchholz, M. & Talmi, A. (2012). What we talked about at the pediatrician's office: Exploring differences between healthy steps and traditional pediatric primary care visits. Infant mental Health Journal, 33($), 430-436.
  • Dunn, D., Buchholz, M., & Badwan, O. (2012). Supporting standardized developmental screening in pediatric primary care: Integrated mental health clinicians make a difference. Poster presentation a the 2012 DPRG annual retreat, Morrison, CO.
  • Serrano, V.J., von Schulz, J., Buchholz, M., Malik, K., Wrenn, A., & Talmi, A. (in press). After the NICU: Primary care behavioral health services. In A.G. Dempsey, J.C.M. Cole, & S.N. Saxton (Eds.), Behavioral Health Services with High-Risk Infants and Families. Oxford University Press.
  • Serrano, V.J., von Schulz, J., Buchholz, M., Malik, K., Wrenn, A., & Talmi, A. (in press). After the NICU: Primary care behavioral health services. In A.G. Dempsey, J.C.M. Cole, & S.N. Saxton (Eds.), Behavioral Health Services with High-Risk Infants and Families. Oxford University Press.

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045