Simoni, M., Spellman, M., McClellan, B., Lickly, M., & Talmi, A. (2024, April). Innovations in pediatric psychology: expanding capacity and enhancing resilience. Symposium conducted at the meeting of The Society for Pediatric Psychology, New Orleans, LA
McClellan, B. & Dardar, S. (2024, September). Meeting patients where they are: the intersection between cultural humility and trauma informed care. Symposium conducted for the Colorado ECHO series: perinatal mental health: bridging gaps in equity and outcomes, CO.
Ramzy, L., Monson, S., & McClellan, B. (2024, September). DEI miniseries: lessons learned from piloting an interactive, relationship-based intervention for healthcare teams. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Colorado Behavioral Healthcare Council, Breckenridge, CO.
McClellan, B., Tamkin, V., Ehmer, A., & Frankel, K. (in press). The diversity informed tenets for work with infants, children, and families: integrating cultural self-awareness into clinical practice. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics.