Ashley Curry, MD

Associate Professor, Psychiatry-Other CI Services


  • Curry A, Malas N, Mroczkowski M, Hong V, Nordstrom K, Terrell C. Updates in the Assessment and Management of Agitation. Focus (Am Psychiatr Publ). 2023 Jan;21(1):35-45. PubMed PMID: 37205032
  • Butterfield A, Curry A, Yager J, Sakai J. A Direct Observation Form for Evaluation of the Psychiatric Interview: Pilot Testing During the Psychiatry Clerkship. Acad Psychiatry. 2023 Aug;47(4):368-373. PubMed PMID: 36943577
  • Curry A, Butterfield A, Kunkle L, Sakai J. Adapting a first- and second-year medical student psychiatric interview course for virtual learning. MedEdPublish 2022, 12:35
  • Curry A, Simpson S. Cross-training Social Workers to Work in a Psychiatric Emergency Service during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Acad Psychiatry. 2021 Oct;45(5):603-607. PubMed PMID: 33409941
  • Novoa KC, Dunn T, Curry A, Froude R, Simpson SA. Limitations of Traditional Models for Medical Decision-Making Capacity and Ethical Clinical Practice in Light of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. Cureus. 2021 Apr 27;13(4):e14716. PubMed PMID: 34055555
  • Curry A, Riddle M. Personality disorders in the emergency department. In Behavioral Emergencies for Healthcare Providers. Eds Zun L, Nordstrom K, Wilson M. Switzerland: Springer International, 2021.
  • Curry A, Simpson SA. Management of the violent patient. In Emergency Medicine Secrets: Seventh Edition. Eds Bakes K, Buchanan J, Moreira M, Byyny R, Pons P. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2021.
  • Curry A, Simpson S. Cross-training Social Workers to Work in a Psychiatric Emergency Service during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Acad Psychiatry. 2021 Jan 7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33409941
  • Curry A, Riddle M. Personality disorders in the emergency department. In Behavioral Emergencies for Healthcare Professionals. Eds Zun L, Nordstrom K, Wilson M. Switzerland: Springer International, 2021.
  • Wolf C, Curry A, Nacht J, Simpson SA. Management of Alcohol Withdrawal in the Emergency Department: Current Perspectives. Open Access Emerg Med. 2020;12:53-65. PubMed PMID: 32256131
  • Curry AB. Use the power of “and.” In The Clinical Interview: Techniques for More Effective Patient Encounters. Eds Simpson S, McDowell A. Taylor & Francis/Rutledge, 2019.
  • Simpson S, Curry AB. Administration in Emergency Psychiatry. In Emergency Psychiatric Systems that Work. Ed Fitz-Gerald MJ. To be published by Springer in 2019.
  • Curry AB, Riddle M. Personality Disorders in the Emergency Department. In Behavioral Emergencies for the Healthcare Professional. Ed Zun L, Wilson M, Nordstrom K. To be published in 2019.
  • Curry AB, Simpson S. Management of the violent patient. In Emergency Medicine Secrets (7th Edition). Eds Bakes K, Buchanan J, Byyny R, Moreira M, Pons P. To be published by Elsevier in 2019.
  • Curry AB. Use the power of “and.” In The Clinical Interview: Techniques for More Effective Patient Encounters. Eds Simpson S, McDowell A. To be published by Taylor & Francis/Rutledge in 2019.