Jonathan Safer-Lichtenstein, PhD

Assistant Professor, Psychiatry-Child-CHC

Graduate School
  • PhD, University of Oregon (2022)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, Ursinus College (PA) (2012)
  • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Program (2022)
  • University of Colorado, Developmental Psychobiology (2024)
English, Spanish

Professional Titles

  • Assistant Professor
  • Licensed Pschologist

Research Interests

I am interested in working with neurodivergent children, including those with autism and ADHD, and their families as both a clinician and researcher. My primary research interest is in creating and evaluating interventions and screening programs for these populations. Specifically, my research has focused on developing the evidence base for low-cost interventions that are accessible for all children. I am also interested in differences in autism identification in medical and school settings.


  • Troxel M, Kraper C, Verbalis A, Safer-Lichtenstein J, Seese S, Ratto A, Myrick Y, Armour AC, Pugliese CE, Strang JF, Ba C, Martucci J, Biel MG, Jackson V, Hardy KK, Mandell D, Goode TD, Anthony BJ, Kenworthy L, Anthony LG. Reaching "The Other Half": Teacher Referral Increases Inclusivity in Intervention Research for Neurodivergent School-Age Children. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2024 Jan 25;:1-14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38270579
  • Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Kenworthy, L., Verbalis, A., Ba, C., Mikulich-Gilbertson, S.K., Anthony, B.J., & Anthony, L.G. (2024). Observing executive functioning of neurodivergent students and supporting practices of their teachers in the classroom. Neurodiversity.
  • Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Alexander, K., Adler Warner, M., & Ratto, A. B. (2024). Autism and Executive Functioning Supports: The “Unstuck and On Target!” Program. Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine.
  • Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Kenworthy, L., Verbalis, A., Ba, C., Mikulich-Gilbertson, S.K., Anthony, B.J., & Anthony, L.G. (2024). Observing executive functioning of neurodivergent students and supporting practices of their teachers in the classroom. Neurodiversity.
  • Troxel, M., Kraper, C., Verbalis, A., Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Kenworthy, L., Seese, S., Ratto, A.B., Myrick, Y., Armour, C., Pugliese, C., Strang, J., Luong-Tran, C., Martucci, J., Biel, M., Jackson, V., Hardy, K., Mandell, D., Anthony, B.J. & Anthony, L.G. (2024). Reaching “the other half”: Teacher referral increases inclusivity in intervention research for neurodivergent school-age children. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 1-14. https://10.1080/15374416.2024.2303723
  • Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Hamilton, J., & McIntyre, L. (2023). Impact of state-level changes to school-based autism identification criteria. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 39(5), 1-18.
  • Safer-Lichtenstein J, McIntyre LL, Rodriguez G, Gomez D, Puerta S, Neece CL. Feasibility and Acceptability of Spanish-Language Parenting Interventions for Young Children With Developmental Delays. Intellect Dev Disabil. 2023 Aug 1;61(4):307-325. PubMed PMID: 37536693
  • Zemantic PK, Kurtz-Nelson EC, Barton H, Safer-Lichtenstein J, McIntyre LL. Family Empowerment: Predicting Service Utilization for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2022 Nov;52(11):4986-4993. PubMed PMID: 34800228
  • Rothschild LB, Ratto AB, Kenworthy L, Hardy KK, Verbalis A, Pugliese C, Strang JF, Safer-Lichtenstein J, Anthony BJ, Anthony LG, Guter MM, Haaga DAF. Parents matter: Parent acceptance of school-based executive functions interventions relates to improved child outcomes. J Clin Psychol. 2022 Jul;78(7):1388-1406. PubMed PMID: 34997971
  • Safer-Lichtenstein J, Hamilton J, McIntyre LL. School-Based Autism Rates by State: An Analysis of Demographics, Political Leanings, and Differential Identification. J Autism Dev Disord. 2021 Jul;51(7):2271-2283. PubMed PMID: 32926306
  • McIntyre, L. L., Neece, C. L., Sanner, C. M., Rodriguez, G., & Safer-Lichtenstein, J. (2021). Telehealth delivery of a behavioral parent training program to Spanish- speaking Latinx parents of young children with developmental delay: Applying an implementation framework approach. School Psychology Review, 51(2), 206-220.
  • Safer-Lichtenstein, J., & McIntyre, L. L. (2020). Comparing autism symptom severity between children with a medical autism diagnosis and an autism special education eligibility. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 35(3), 186–192.
  • Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Reardon, K., & McIntyre, L. L. (2020). Does location matter? A single state case study examining geographic differences in school-based ASD identification practices. Journal of Applied School Psychology. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 37(2), 185–196.
  • Kunze, M., Drew, C., Machalicek, W., Safer-Lichtenstein, J., & Crowe, B. (2019). A systematic examination of the influence of interventionist language on mands using a speech generating device. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, 777-781.
  • Safer-Lichtenstein J, Hamilton JC, McIntyre LL. Examining Demographics in Randomized Controlled Trials of Group-Based Social Skills Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord. 2019 Aug;49(8):3453-3461. PubMed PMID: 31119512
  • Ratto AB, Anthony BJ, Pugliese C, Mendez R, Safer-Lichtenstein J, Dudley KM, Kahn NF, Kenworthy L, Biel M, Martucci JL, Anthony LG. Lessons learned: Engaging culturally diverse families in neurodevelopmental disorders intervention research. Autism. 2017 Jul;21(5):622-634. PubMed PMID: 27313190
  • Safer-Lichtenstein, J., Alexander, K., Adler Warner, M., & Ratto, A. B. (in press). Executive Function Intervention: The “Unstuck and On Target!” Program. In R. E. Oliveras-Rentas, M. Vega-Carrero, M., & W. Rodriguez-Irizarry (Eds.), El Espectro del Autismo: Una guía actualizada para la práctica efectiva y la intervención basada en la evidencia con la población hispanoparlante.

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Specialty Information

  • Psychology
Clinical Interests
My main clinical interests include children with autism, ADHD, executive functioning, and intellectual/developmental disabilities. I am also bilingual and have an interest in working with Spanish-speaking families.