Gibson LP, Giordano GR, Bidwell LC, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. Acute Effects of Ad Libitum Use of Commercially Available Cannabis Products on the Subjective Experience of Aerobic Exercise: A Crossover Study. Sports Med. 2024 Apr;54(4):1051-1066. PubMed PMID: 38147185
Bidwell LC, Martin-Willett R, Skrzynski C, Lisano J, Ortiz Torres M, Giordano G, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. Acute and Extended Anxiolytic Effects of Cannabidiol in Cannabis Flower: A Quasi-Experimental ad libitum Use Study. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2024 Aug;9(4):1015-1027. PubMed PMID: 38252547
Chen MY, Kramer EB, Gibson LP, Bidwell LC, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. Investigating the Relationship Between Cannabis Expectancies and Anxiety, Depression, and Pain Responses After Acute Flower and Edible Cannabis Use. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2024 Apr 12. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38608236
Lin D, Fu Z, Liu J, Perrone-Bizzozero N, Hutchison KE, Bustillo J, Du Y, Pearlson G, Calhoun VD. Association between the oral microbiome and brain resting state connectivity in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2024 Aug;270:392-402. PubMed PMID: 38986386
Qiu L, Liang C, Kochunov P, Hutchison KE, Sui J, Jiang R, Zhi D, Vergara VM, Yang X, Zhang D, Fu Z, Bustillo JR, Qi S, Calhoun VD. Associations of alcohol and tobacco use with psychotic, depressive and developmental disorders revealed via multimodal neuroimaging. Transl Psychiatry. 2024 Aug 7;14(1):326. PubMed PMID: 39112461
Bidwell LC, Martin-Willett R, Melendez SN, Rosa L, Giordano G, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. LOTUS: Protocol for a double-blind placebo controlled randomized trial of hemp-derived cannabidiol for the treatment of cannabis use disorder. PLoS One. 2024;19(9):e0308262. PubMed PMID: 39348366
Melendez SN, Ortiz Torres M, Lisano JK, Giordano G, Skrzynski C, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD, Bidwell LC. Edible cannabis for chronic low back pain: associations with pain, mood, and intoxication. Front Pharmacol. 2024;15:1464005. PubMed PMID: 39380911
Greenwood A, Yamamoto TM, Joshi M, Hutchison K, Bitler BG. Cannabidiol promotes apoptosis and downregulation of oncogenic factors. bioRxiv. 2024 Dec 5. PubMed PMID: 39677720
Cao Z, McCabe M, Callas P, Cupertino RB, Ottino-González J, Murphy A, Pancholi D, Schwab N, Catherine O, Hutchison K, Cousijn J, Dagher A, Foxe JJ, Goudriaan AE, Hester R, Li CR, Thompson WK, Morales AM, London ED, Lorenzetti V, Luijten M, Martin-Santos R, Momenan R, Paulus MP, Schmaal L, Sinha R, Solowij N, Stein DJ, Stein EA, Uhlmann A, van Holst RJ, Veltman DJ, Wiers RW, Yücel M, Zhang S, Conrod P, Mackey S, Garavan H. Recalibrating single-study effect sizes using hierarchical Bayesian models. Front Neuroimaging. 2023;2:1138193. PubMed PMID: 38179200
Gibson LP, Giordano GR, Bidwell LC, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. Acute Effects of Ad Libitum Use of Commercially Available Cannabis Products on the Subjective Experience of Aerobic Exercise: A Crossover Study. Sports Med. 2023 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38147185
Iraji A, Fu Z, Faghiri A, Duda M, Chen J, Rachakonda S, DeRamus T, Kochunov P, Adhikari BM, Belger A, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Pearlson GD, Potkin SG, Preda A, Turner JA, van Erp TGM, Bustillo JR, Yang K, Ishizuka K, Faria A, Sawa A, Hutchison K, Osuch EA, Theberge J, Abbott C, Mueller BA, Zhi D, Zhuo C, Liu S, Xu Y, Salman M, Liu J, Du Y, Sui J, Adali T, Calhoun VD. Identifying canonical and replicable multi-scale intrinsic connectivity networks in 100k resting-state fMRI datasets. Hum Brain Mapp. 2023 Dec 1;44(17):5729-5748. PubMed PMID: 37787573
Olsavsky AK, Chirico I, Ali D, Christensen H, Boggs B, Svete L, Ketcham K, Hutchison K, Zeanah C, Tottenham N, Riggs P, Epperson CN. Maternal Childhood Maltreatment, Internal Working Models, and Perinatal Substance Use: Is There a Role for Hyperkatifeia? A Systematic Review. Subst Abuse. 2023;17:11782218231186371. PubMed PMID: 37476500
Maggioni E, Rossetti MG, Allen NB, Batalla A, Bellani M, Chye Y, Cousijn J, Goudriaan AE, Hester R, Hutchison K, Li CR, Martin-Santos R, Momenan R, Sinha R, Schmaal L, Solowij N, Suo C, van Holst RJ, Veltman DJ, Yücel M, Thompson PM, Conrod P, Mackey S, Garavan H, Brambilla P, Lorenzetti V. Brain volumes in alcohol use disorder: Do females and males differ? A whole-brain magnetic resonance imaging mega-analysis. Hum Brain Mapp. 2023 Sep;44(13):4652-4666. PubMed PMID: 37436103
Skrzynski CJ, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. Mindfulness mechanisms in alcohol use: Comparing top-down and bottom-up processes. Psychol Addict Behav. 2023 May 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37199963
Skrzynski CJ, Karoly H, Ellingson JM, Hagerty SL, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. Comparing the Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention Versus Relapse Prevention for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Randomized Control Trial. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2023 Jul;84(4):560-569. PubMed PMID: 36971735
Cao Z, Cupertino RB, Ottino-Gonzalez J, Murphy A, Pancholi D, Juliano A, Chaarani B, Albaugh M, Yuan D, Schwab N, Stafford J, Goudriaan AE, Hutchison K, Li CR, Luijten M, Groefsema M, Momenan R, Schmaal L, Sinha R, van Holst RJ, Veltman DJ, Wiers RW, Porjesz B, Lett T, Banaschewski T, Bokde ALW, Desrivières S, Flor H, Grigis A, Gowland P, Heinz A, Brühl R, Martinot JL, Martinot MP, Artiges E, Nees F, Orfanos DP, Paus T, Poustka L, Hohmann S, Millenet S, Fröhner JH, Robinson L, Smolka MN, Walter H, Winterer J, Schumann G, Whelan R, Bhatt RR, Zhu A, Conrod P, Jahanshad N, Thompson PM, Mackey S, Garavan H. Cortical profiles of numerous psychiatric disorders and normal development share a common pattern. Mol Psychiatry. 2023 Feb;28(2):698-709. PubMed PMID: 36380235
Gibson LP, Mueller RL, Winiger EA, Klawitter J, Sempio C, Williams S, Bryan AD, Bidwell LC, Hutchison KE. Cannabinoid Exposure and Subjective Effects of THC and CBD in Edible Cannabis Products. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2022 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36378267
Gust CJ, Moe EN, Seals DR, Banich MT, Andrews-Hanna JR, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. Associations Between Age and Resting State Connectivity Are Partially Dependent Upon Cardiovascular Fitness. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022;14:858405. PubMed PMID: 35527739
Watson KK, Bryan AD, Thayer RE, Ellingson JM, Skrzynski CJ, Hutchison KE. Cannabis Use and Resting State Functional Connectivity in the Aging Brain. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022;14:804890. PubMed PMID: 35221994
Bidwell LC, Karoly HC, Torres MO, Master A, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. A naturalistic study of orally administered vs. inhaled legal market cannabis: cannabinoids exposure, intoxication, and impairment. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2022 Feb;239(2):385-397. PubMed PMID: 34708254
Gibson LP, Karoly HC, Ellingson JM, Klawitter J, Sempio C, Squeri JE, Bryan AD, Bidwell LC, Hutchison KE. Effects of cannabidiol in cannabis flower: Implications for harm reduction. Addict Biol. 2022 Jan;27(1):e13092. PubMed PMID: 34467598
Hahn S, Mackey S, Cousijn J, Foxe JJ, Heinz A, Hester R, Hutchinson K, Kiefer F, Korucuoglu O, Lett T, Li CR, London E, Lorenzetti V, Maartje L, Momenan R, Orr C, Paulus M, Schmaal L, Sinha R, Sjoerds Z, Stein DJ, Stein E, van Holst RJ, Veltman D, Walter H, Wiers RW, Yucel M, Thompson PM, Conrod P, Allgaier N, Garavan H. Predicting alcohol dependence from multi-site brain structural measures. Hum Brain Mapp. 2022 Jan;43(1):555-565. PubMed PMID: 33064342
Kulkarni KR, Schafer M, Berner LA, Fiore VG, Heflin M, Hutchison K, Calhoun V, Filbey F, Pandey G, Schiller D, Gu X. An Interpretable and Predictive Connectivity-Based Neural Signature for Chronic Cannabis Use. Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging. 2022 May 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35659965
Cao Z, Cupertino RB, Ottino-Gonzalez J, Murphy A, Pancholi D, Juliano A, Chaarani B, Albaugh M, Yuan D, Schwab N, Stafford J, Goudriaan AE, Hutchison K, Li CR, Luijten M, Groefsema M, Momenan R, Schmaal L, Sinha R, van Holst RJ, Veltman DJ, Wiers RW, Porjesz B, Lett T, Banaschewski T, Bokde ALW, Desrivières S, Flor H, Grigis A, Gowland P, Heinz A, Brühl R, Martinot JL, Martinot MP, Artiges E, Nees F, Orfanos DP, Paus T, Poustka L, Hohmann S, Millenet S, Fröhner JH, Robinson L, Smolka MN, Walter H, Winterer J, Schumann G, Whelan R, Bhatt RR, Zhu A, Conrod P, Jahanshad N, Thompson PM, Mackey S, Garavan H. Cortical profiles of numerous psychiatric disorders and normal development share a common pattern. Mol Psychiatry. 2022 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36380235
Gibson LP, Karoly HC, Ellingson JM, Klawitter J, Sempio C, Squeri JE, Bryan AD, Bidwell LC, Hutchison KE. Effects of cannabidiol in cannabis flower: Implications for harm reduction. Addict Biol. 2022 Jan;27(1):e13092. PubMed PMID: 34467598
Gillman AS, Helmuth T, Koljack CE, Hutchison KE, Kohrt WM, Bryan AD. The Effects of Exercise Duration and Intensity on Breast Cancer-Related DNA Methylation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Aug 17;13(16). PubMed PMID: 34439282
Mueller RL, Ellingson JM, Bidwell LC, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. Are the Acute Effects of THC Different in Aging Adults?. Brain Sci. 2021 May 1;11(5). PubMed PMID: 34062795
Steeger CM, Hitchcock LN, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE, Hill KG, Bidwell LC. Associations between self-reported cannabis use frequency, potency, and cannabis/health metrics. Int J Drug Policy. 2021 Nov;97:103278. PubMed PMID: 34062287
Gibson LP, Gust CJ, Ellingson JM, YorkWilliams SL, Sempio C, Klawitter J, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE, Cinnamon Bidwell L. Investigating sex differences in acute intoxication and verbal memory errors after ad libitum cannabis concentrate use. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2021 Jun 1;223:108718. PubMed PMID: 33866072
Karoly HC, Mueller RL, Andrade CC, Hutchison KE. THC and CBD effects on alcohol use among alcohol and cannabis co-users. Psychol Addict Behav. 2021 Sep;35(6):749-759. PubMed PMID: 33764086
Bryan AD, Magnan RE, Claus EW, Hutchison KE, Ewing SWF, Schmiege SJ. Randomized Controlled Trial of an Alcohol-related Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention with Adolescents: The Role of Neurocognitive Activation During Risky Decision-Making. AIDS Behav. 2021 Dec;25(Suppl 3):265-275. PubMed PMID: 33712986
Karoly HC, Ross JM, Prince MA, Zabelski AE, Hutchison KE. Effects of cannabis use on alcohol consumption in a sample of treatment-engaged heavy drinkers in Colorado. Addiction. 2021 Sep;116(9):2529-2537. PubMed PMID: 33464670
Drennan ML, Karoly HC, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE, Bidwell LC. Acute objective and subjective intoxication effects of legal-market high potency THC-dominant versus CBD-dominant cannabis concentrates. Sci Rep. 2021 Nov 5;11(1):21744. PubMed PMID: 34741088
Bidwell LC, Karoly HC, Torres MO, Master A, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. A naturalistic study of orally administered vs. inhaled legal market cannabis: cannabinoids exposure, intoxication, and impairment. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2021 Oct 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34708254
Karoly HC, Skrzynski CJ, Moe E, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. Investigating Associations Between Inflammatory Biomarkers, Gray Matter, Neurofilament Light and Cognitive Performance in Healthy Older Adults. Front Aging Neurosci. 2021;13:719553. PubMed PMID: 34539381
Karoly HC, Skrzynski CJ, Moe EN, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. Exploring relationships between alcohol consumption, inflammation, and brain structure in a heavy drinking sample. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2021 Nov;45(11):2256-2270. PubMed PMID: 34523725
Karoly HC, Mueller RL, Andrade CC, Hutchison KE. Investigating Relationships Between Alcohol and Cannabis Use in an Online Survey of Cannabis Users: A Focus on Cannabinoid Content and Cannabis for Medical Purposes. Front Psychiatry. 2020;11:613243. PubMed PMID: 33408657
YorkWilliams SL, Gibson LP, Gust CJ, Giordano G, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. Exercise Intervention Outcomes with Cannabis Users and Nonusers Aged 60 and Older. Am J Health Behav. 2020 Jul 1;44(4):420-431. PubMed PMID: 32553024
Bidwell LC, Ellingson JM, Karoly HC, YorkWilliams SL, Hitchcock LN, Tracy BL, Klawitter J, Sempio C, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. Association of Naturalistic Administration of Cannabis Flower and Concentrates With Intoxication and Impairment. JAMA Psychiatry. 2020 Aug 1;77(8):787-796. PubMed PMID: 32520316
Hagerty SL, Hutchison KE, Lowry CA, Bryan AD. An empirically derived method for measuring human gut microbiome alpha diversity: Demonstrated utility in predicting health-related outcomes among a human clinical sample. PLoS One. 2020;15(3):e0229204. PubMed PMID: 32119675
Karoly HC, Mueller RL, Bidwell LC, Hutchison KE. Cannabinoids and the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis: Emerging Effects of Cannabidiol and Potential Applications to Alcohol Use Disorders. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2020 Feb;44(2):340-353. PubMed PMID: 31803950
Hagerty SL, YorkWilliams SL, Bidwell LC, Weiland BJ, Sabbineni A, Blaine SK, Bryan AD, Hutchison KE. DRD2 methylation is associated with executive control network connectivity and severity of alcohol problems among a sample of polysubstance users. Addict Biol. 2020 Jan;25(1):e12684. PubMed PMID: 30370960