Julia Barnes, PhD

Assistant Professor, Psychiatry-Child-CHC


Professional Titles

  • Associate Director, Executive Functioning Clinic


  • Romani, P., Banks, T., Sannar, E. Murphy, J., and Barnes, J. (2021) Use of a short-term inpatient model to address problem behavior exhibited by youth with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Evidence-Based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health, 6:4, 447-458, DOI: 10.1080/23794925.2021.1975517
  • Gabriels, R. and Barnes, J., (2020) A model for addressing crisis behavior in youth with ASD within a functional and contextual framework. In White, S. Maddox, B. and Mazefsky, C. (Eds) Oxford Handbook of Autism and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions.
  • Stark K, Barnes J, Young N, Gabriels R. Brief Report: Understanding Crisis Behaviors in Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder - Iceberg Assessment Interview. J Autism Dev Disord. 2015 Nov; 45 (11): 3468-3474
  • Germone, M., Judd-Glossy, L., Malmberg, J., Barnes, J., Costello, L., Schiel, M., Morrow, M., & Cypers, S. Academic medicine commentary: Experiences of early career faculty in pediatric mental health. Colorado Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology. In press.
  • Gabriels, R. and Barnes, J., (in press) A model for addressing crisis behavior in youth with ASD within a functional and contextual framework. In White, S. Maddox, B. and Mazefsky, C. (Eds) Oxford Handbook of Autism and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Conditions.
  • Sannar, E., Barnes, J., Mowrey, L., Germone, M., and Stutzman, D. (forthcoming) Coffin-Siris Syndrome and Comorbid Psychiatric Illness: A Case Report. Colorado Journal of Psychology and Psychology (submitted and accepted July 2019)
  • • Gabriels R, Barnes J. A model for addressing crisis behavior in youth with ASD within a functional and contextual framework. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming 2019 (White S, Maddox B, Mazefsky C, editors. Oxford handbook of autism and co-occurring psychiatric conditions)

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

CU Medicine Psychiatry - Executive Functioning Clinic
1890 N Revere Ct
Anschutz Health Sciences Bldg, Suite 5240
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Board Certification (2017)
  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist, License (2013)