Whitney, N. & Miele, A.S. (2024, April). Health-Related Quality of Life and Psychosocial stressors of Children with Muscular Dystrophies and their Families. Poster presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Christofferson, E.S., Anthony, L.G., Hutaff-Lee, C., Leopold, D.R., Smith, T., Stiles, A.A., Tenenbaum, R., Whitney, N., & Glover, J. (2023). A psychology internship clinical supervision rotation: From discomfort and doubt to meaning and mastery. Academic Psychiatry, 47(3), 277-281.
Whitney, N. & Miele, A.S. (Submitted). Health-Related Quality of Life and Psychosocial stressors of Children with Muscular Dystrophies and their Families. Submitted for presentation at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Serrano, V.J., Whitney, N., Lee, D., Cisneros-Saucedo, N., Xiong, S., Millar, A.M., Dorado, S., Stille, C., & Talmi, A. (under review). Characterizing integrated behavioral health services for young children with medical complexity and their caregivers in primary care.