Branagan WT, Norvell JP. Assessment and Evaluation of Alcohol Use Disorder in Liver Transplant. Transplantation. 2023 Jul 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37408098
Davis RA, Branagan T, Schneck CD, Schold JD, Thant T, Kaplan B. Lithium and the living kidney donor: Science or stigma?. Am J Transplant. 2023 Sep;23(9):1300-1306. PubMed PMID: 37236400
Branagan, W.T. & Swanbrow Becker, M.A. (2017) Therapist Directiveness and Client Reactance in the Administration of Homework in Therapy with College Students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 31, 1-16.