Chad Morris, PhD

Professor, Psychiatry-BHWP



  • Garver-Apgar CE, Hacker R, Morris CD, Morris CW. An Organizational Approach to Burnout Prevention in Healthcare Professionals. Oral presentation at the Federation of State Physician Health Programs Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, April 20, 2024
  • Kypriotakis G, Cinciripini PM, Green C, Lawrence D, Anthenelli RM, Minnix JA, Beneventi D, Morris C, Karam-Hage M, & Blalock JA (2024). The effects of varenicline, bupropion, nicotine patch and placebo on treating smoking among persons with current or past major depressive disorder: Secondary analysis of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. American Journal of Psychiatry.
  • Gorilla AA, Kaye JT, Pavlik J, Bonniot C, Vijayaraghavan M, Conner KL, Morris CD (2024). A Call for Health Equity in Tobacco Control and Treatment for the Justice-Involved Population. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Jun 3:S0749-3797(24)00177-6. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2024.05.020. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38838793.
  • Mescher T, Hacker RL, Martinez LA, Morris CD, Mishkind MC, Garver-Apgar CE (2024). Mobile Health Apps: Guidance for Evaluation and Implementation by Healthcare Workers. Journal of technology in Behavioral Science.
  • Ylioja T, Rude M, Proctor A, Morris C, Garver-Apgar C (2024). Live Text Coaching Evaluation, Data Brief. National Jewish Health.
  • Anderson A, Morris C (2024). Behavioral Health Protocol. Illinois Tobacco Quitline.
  • Morris CD, Morris CW, Noland D, Pavlik J, Garver-Apgar C, Moreira K, Hacker RL, Kayser A (2024). DIMENSIONS: Nicotine-Free Toolkit. Behavioral Health & Wellness Program.
  • Noland DH, Morris CD, Kayser AM, Garver-Apgar CE (2023) The Results of a Peer Navigator Program to Address Chronic Illness Among Persons Experiencing Homelessness. Journal of Community Health
  • Garver-Apgar, Morris CD, Pavlik J, Lenartz T, Hamm, M (2023) Peer-Facilitated Tobacco Cessation in a Prison Setting: A Proof of Concept Study. Tobacco Use Insights, 16, 1-8. DOI: 10.1177/1179173X231168511
  • Morris CD, Morris CW. CO-CARES: Supporting Behavioral Health Worker Wellness. Breakout Session for the 2023 Behavioral Health Training Conference, Breckenridge, Colorado, September 28, 2023
  • Morris CW, Morris CD, Moreira K. The Avatar Project: Teach and Learn Motivational Interviewing Using Extended Reality Simulations. Breakout Session for the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 19, 2023
  • Garver-Apgar CE, Mescher T, Kayser A, Rajesh Kumar L, Moreira K, Martinez LA, Morris CW, Morris CD (2023). Work & Wellbeing Initiative: 2023 Snapshot and Outcomes Report. Separate reports for Community Alliance, Texas Panhandle Centers, Egyptian Public Health, and Chestnut Health Systems.
  • Noland D, Pavlik J, Morris CW, Kayser A, Morris CD (2023). The Behavioral Health Cessation Coordination Model Toolkit
  • Mescher T, Hacker RL, Morris CD, & Garver-Apgar CE (2023). CO-CARES Mobile Health Evaluation Toolkit
  • Cinciripini, P. M., Kypriotakis, G., Green, C., Lawrence, D., Anthenelli, R. M., Minnix, J., Blalock, J. A., Beneventi, D., Morris, C., & Karam-Hage, M. (2022). The effects of varenicline, bupropion, nicotine patch, and placebo on smoking cessation among smokers with major depression: A randomized clinical trial. Depression and Anxiety, 1–12.
  • Gallow TG, Guillen J, Kuo T, Tandoc J, Song-Mayeda C, Morris CD. Los Angeles County: Increasing Cessation Capacity with Evidence-Based Practice. Poster for the 2022 National Conference on Tobacco or Health, June 28-30, 2022
  • Noland D, Morris CD, Garver-Apgar C. Evaluating the Efficacy and Reach of State Tobacco Quitlines Among Rural Populations. Poster for the 2022 National Conference on Tobacco or Health, June 28-30, 2022
  • Morris CD, Mescher T, Morris CW, Martinez A, Cisneros N, Noland D, Pavlik J, Kayer A, Garver-Apgar C. Tobacco Treatment from a Whole-Health Perspective: Multiple Pathways to Change. Poster for the 2022 National Conference on Tobacco or Health, June 28-30, 2022
  • Morris CW, Moreira K, Morris CD (2022) The Protect | Me You Us KIDS Provider Brief
  • Morris CW, Moreira K, Morris CD (2022) The Protect | Me You Us KIDS Motivational Interviewing Video Modules
  • Morris CD, Lukowski AV, Vargas-Belcher RA, Ylioja TE, Nash CM, Bailey LA (2021). Quitline programs tailored for mental health: initial outcomes and feasibility. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 60(3S2):S163-S171. DOI:10.1016/j.amepre.2020.02.025
  • Garver Apgar C, Morris CD, Pavlik J, Lenartz T, Hamm M. Effects of peer-facilitated tobacco cessation among individuals in a pre-release program at Arizona Department of Corrections. Virtual E-poster for the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2021 Annual Meeting, virtual conference, February 24, 2021
  • Hamamsy KC, Lauren AS, Adams JE, Seymour DJ, Morris CW, Morris CD, Kulasekaran V, Frank AM. Development of a Novel Curriculum in Motivational Interviewing for Medical Students in an Elective and Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship. Virtual E-poster for the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting, April 2021
  • Morris, CD, Epperson CN (Oct 28, 2021). Critical Conversations with Vaccine Hesitant Patients. American Academy of Pediatrics- Colorado Chapter Newsletter.
  • Morris CW, Garrett K, Morris CD (2021) The Protect | Me You Us Provider Brief
  • Morris CW, Garrett K, Morris CD (2021) The Protect | Me You Us Motivational Interviewing Video Modules
  • Los Angeles County Tobacco Cessation Services
  • Justice Involved Tobacco Cessation- Arizona Department of Health Services
  • Morris CD, Garver-Apgar CE (2020). Nicotine and Opioids: A Call for Co-treatment as the Standard of Care. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research. 47(4):601-613.
  • Morris CD, Epperson N (Dec 8, 2020). Mind the Brain: Vaccine Hesitancy in the Time of COVID-19. Department of Psychiatry Podcast.
  • Noland D, Garver-Apgar C, Kayser A, Morris CD (2020). Rural Quitline Evaluation. An evaluation funded by National Jewish Health.
  • Kypriotakis G, Lawrence D, Green C, Anthenelli R, Morris CD, Samuels L, Cinciripini PM. The Effects of varenicline, bupropion, nicotine patch, and placebo on cessation among smoker with current and past major depression. Breakout session at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, February 21, 2019
  • Green C, Lawrence D, Kypriotakis G, Anthenelli R, Morris CD, Samuels L, Minnix J, Blalock J, Cinciripini PM. The effects of varenicline, bupropion, nicotine patch, and placebo on cessation and neuropsychiatric adverse events among smokers with recurrent or single episode major depressive disorder. Poster at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco 2019 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, February 22, 2019
  • Karan LD, Martin L, Hyder-Ferry L, Morris CD. Up in smoke: igniting recovery from tobacco and e-cigarettes. Workshop session at the American Society for Addiction Medicine 50th Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 5, 2019
  • Morris CD (2018). The Journey Starts Here: Creating and Sustaining Strategic Community Partnerships.
  • Morris CW, Hansen A, Morris CD (2018). Tobacco Free Florida: The Journey Starts Here: Tobacco Cessation Medications- the Basics
  • Garver-Apgar C, Young S, Howard B, Udochi B, Morris C. Effects of a Statewide Tobacco Cessation Program Among Individuals Involved With Arkansas Community Correction. J Correct Health Care. 2017 Jul;23(3):259-270. PubMed PMID: 28534434
  • Richey R., Garver-Apgar C., Martin L., Morris C., Morris C. (2017). Tobacco-Free Policy Outcomes for an Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Center. Health Promotion Practice, online first doi:10.1177/1524839916687542
  • Young SE, Lukowski A, Tinkelman D, Morris CD. Tobacco Use Patterns and Quitline Utilization in American Indian and Alaskan Native Callers across 14 States. Oral presentation at the the 2016 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 4, 2016
  • Garver-Apgar, C, Young S, Howard B., Udochi B, Morris CD. Effects of a Statewide Tobacco Cessation Program among Individuals Involved with the Arkansas Department of Corrections. Poster presented at the 2016 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 4, 2016
  • Morris CW, Morris CD, Foderingham S, Jaco M. Tobacco Recovery and Wellness for the Behavioral Health Community. Poster at the Global Tobacco Dependence Treatment Summit, Rochester, Minnesota, May 23-24, 2016
  • Morris CD, Morris CW, Richey RM. A Tobacco Cessation Continuity-of-Care Model for the Reentry Population. Poster at the Global Tobacco Dependence Treatment Summit, Rochester, Minnesota, May 23-24, 2016
  • Foderingham S, Morris CD, Hankey R. Tobacco & Addictions: Building Partnerships to Reduce Tobacco Use Among People with Addictions. Oral presentation at Florida’s Premier Behavioral Health Annual Conference Presented by FCCMH and FADAA, Orlando, Florida, August 10, 2016
  • Morris CD, Richardson DL, Loewen JM, Vanheest LC, Brumley-Shelton A, Feo MT (2016). An Interdisciplinary Response to a Tobacco Cessation Case Vignette. Journal of Smoking Cessation, CJO 2016 doi:10.1017/jsc.2016.9
  • Lukowski AV, Young S, Morris CD, Tinkelman D (2016). Characteristics of American Indian/Alaskan Native Quitline Callers Across 14 States. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntw154
  • Lukowski AV, Morris CD, Young SE, Tinkelman D (2016). Characteristics of LGBT Quitline Callers Across 14 States. Journal of Smoking Cessation, available on CJO2016. doi:10.1017/jsc.2016.18.
  • Gordon L, Modayil MV, Pavlik J, Morris CD (2015). Collaboration with Behavioral Health Care Facilities to Implement System Wide Tobacco Control Policies — California, 2012. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12:E13. PMCID: PMC4318685
  • Lukowski AV, Morris CD, Young S, Tinkleman D (2015). Quitline Outcomes for Smokers in 6 States: Rates of Successful Quitting Vary by Mental Health Status. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 17(8): 924-930
  • Morris CW, Banning LB, Mumby SJ, Morris CD (2015). Peer Support Program Toolkit
  • Morris CW, Richey RM, Maki Gianani EJ, Mumby SJ, Kayser AM, Pfahl JE, Garver-Apgar CE, Morris CD (2015). Rocky Mountain Tobacco Treatment Specialist Certification (RMTTS-C) Training Curriculum, Version 1.0 (National Accreditation Received March 2015)
  • Morris CD (2015). A Patient-Centered Tobacco Cessation Workflow for Healthcare Clinics
  • Morris CW, Richey RM, Mumby SJ, Morris CD (2015). Youth Supplement (Ages 11-18)
  • Morris CW, Maki Gianani E, Mumby SJ, Morris CD (2015). Pregnant and Post-Partum
  • Morris CW, Pavlik JL, Mumby SJ, Morris CD (2015). Tobacco Free Policy Toolkit
  • Morris CW, Geller JA, Mumby SJ, Kayser AM, Morris CD (2015). Justice Involved Supplement
  • Conversations for Change
  • Geller JA, Pavlik J, Morris CD (2015). Supporting Clients to Make Better Choices for Sexual Health
  • Morris CD, Burns, EK, Waxmonsky JA, Levinson AH (2014). Smoking Cessation Behaviors among Persons with Psychiatric Diagnoses: Results from a Population-Level State Survey. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 136, 63–68.
  • Morris CW, Morris CD (2014). Chapter 10: Increasing Healthy Habits and Health Behavior Change in Corporate Wellness Programs (215-240). In R. J. Burke and A. M. Richardsen (Eds.) Corporate Wellness Programs: Linking Individual and Organizational Health. Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
  • Lukowski A, Tinkelman D, Morris CD, Young S. Six-State Quitline Outcomes for Smokers with Psychiatric Conditions and Limitations. Poster at the 2014 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, February 6, 2014
  • Pavlik, J, Young S, Richey R, Mumby S, Morris CD (2014). Increasing Low Income Callers’ Access to and Utilization of the Colorado QuitLine. Evaluation and Report for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
  • Anthenelli, Morris, Ramey, Dubrava, Tsilkos, Russ, Yunis. Varenicline increases smoking cessation in subjects with depression: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Poster submission for the 166th American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 18-22, 2013
  • Morris, Morris, Smith, Martin. Dimensions: Tobacco Free and Well Body Training Manuals
  • Anthenelli RM, Morris C, Ramey TS, Dubrava SJ, Tsilkos K, Russ C, Yunis C. Effects of varenicline on smoking cessation in adults with stably treated current or past major depression: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Sep 17;159(6):390-400. PubMed PMID: 24042367
  • Chad D. Morris, Ph.D., John Mahalik, Ph.D., M.P.A., Lee Anne Jones Merrifield, R.N., M.S.W., Cindy Wang, Psy.D.Qualitative Study of Weight Control Interventions for Patients with Mental Illnesses Obesity 2012, 30th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Antonio, Texas,Sept. 20–24
  • Morris, Lukowski, Saul. Can Quitlines Provide Effective Services to Individuals with Mental Illnesses and Addictions? North American Quitline Consortium. Conference 2012.Kansas City, KS, August 14, 2012
  • Peer to Peer Well Body Program (Weight Management and Nutrition)
  • Williams JM, Anthenelli, RM, Morris CD, Treadow J, Thompson JR, Yunis C, George TP (2012). A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Varenicline for Smoking Cessation in Patients with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 73(5), 654-660.
  • Morris, CD. Patterns of Smoking Cessation Attempts for Persons with Mood Disorders and other Mental Health Diagnoses: Data from the Colorado Tobacco Attitudes and Behaviors Survey. Oral presentation at the National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Kansas City, Missouri, August 2012 Morris, CD. The Growing Evidence Base for Peer-to-Peer Tobacco Dependence Recovery Services. Oral presentation at the National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Kansas City, Missouri, August 2012
  • Williams JM, Anthenelli, RM, Morris CD, Treadow J, Thompson JR, Yunis C, George TP (In Press). A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Varenicline for Smoking Cessation in Patients with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
  • Morris CD, Waxmonsky JA, May MG, Tinkleman DG, Dickinson M, Giese AA (2011). Smoking Reduction for Persons with Mental Illnesses: 6-Month Results from Community-Based Interventions. Community Mental Health Journal, 47(6), 694-702.
  • DeHay T, Morris CD, May MG, Devine K (2011) Tobacco Use in Youth with Mental Illnesses. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, online first April 8, 2011 DOI: 10.1007/s10865-011-9336-6
  • Morris CD, May MG, Devine K, Smith S, DeHay T, Mahalik J. (2011) Multiple Perspectives on Tobacco Use among Youth with Mental Health Disorders and Addictions. American Journal of Health Promotion; 25(5 supplement); S31-S37
  • Morris CD, Miller BF, Mahalik JL (2011). An Expanded Opportunity to Provide Tobacco Cessation Services in Primary Care. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 1, 31–34 doi: 10.1007/s13142-010-0010-2
  • Peer to Peer Tobacco Dependence Recovery Program
  • Richey R., Garver-Apgar C., Martin L., Morris C., Morris C. (in press). Tobacco-Free Policy Outcomes for an Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Center. Health Promotion Practice
  • Apgar-Garver C., Young S., Howard B., Udochi B., Morris C. (in press) Effects of a Statewide Tobacco Cessation Program Among Individuals Involved with Arkansas Community Correction. Journal of Correctional Health Care
  • Morris CD, Lukowski AV, Vargas-Belcher RA, Ylioja TE, Nash CM, Bailey LA (in press). Quitline programs tailored for mental health: initial outcomes and feasibility. American Journal of Preventive Medicine
  • Lacy, P, Puma J, Tubolino M, Larocca, D., Crane L., Miller L, Morris C.D., OLeary S, Leiferman J (In Press) Rural parents’ attitudes and beliefs on the COVID-19 pediatric vaccine: an explanatory study PONE-D-22-08681R2
  • Morris CD, Lukowski AV, Vargas-Belcher RA, Ylioja TE, Nash CM, Bailey LA. Cessation for Persons with Mental Health Conditions: Feasibility and Effectiveness of Tailored Quitline Services. American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Specialty Information

  • Psychology