Kennedy, S.M., Henderson-Davis, V., Henry, L. Hawks, J.L., K. Diaz, Crabbs T., Khindria, N., Moe-Hartman, J., Nook, President K., Stovall S, Anthony, L.G. (2024) Pilot Acceptability and Evaluation of a Transdiagnostic, Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Adapted for Acute Mental Health Settings Behavior Therapy. Behavior Therapy.
Kennedy, S.M., Henderson-Davis, V., Henry, L. Hawks, J.L., K. Diaz, Crabbs T., Khindria, N., Moe-Hartman, J., Nook, President K., Stovall S, Anthony, L.G. (2023) Pilot Acceptability and Evaluation of a Transdiagnostic, Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Adapted for Acute Mental Health Settings Behavior Therapy. Behavior Therapy.
Henry, L., Khindria, N., Bryant M.L. & Hall, C. (June 2023). Collaborating with Schools to Support Youth Mental Health. NewsNow! Monthly Updates for Our Community Partners. Retrieved from: Collaborating with Schools to Support Youth Mental Health | Children's Hospital Colorado (
Henry, L. (Dec 2023). How to Manage Bullying: A guide for parents and caregivers. Children’s Hospital Colorado, Pediatric Mental Health Institute.
Kennedy, S.M., Wilkie, D.P., Henry, L., Moe-Hartman, J., President, K., Townson, K., Anthony, L.G., Hawks, J.L. (2021) The Unified Protocols for Children and Adolescents in Partial Hospitalization: Using Implementation Science Frameworks to Guide Adaptation. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Henry, L. & Hawks, J. (2021). Psychiatric Acute Levels of Care. NewsNow! Monthly Updates for Our Community Partners. Retrieved from:
Cohen, D.R., Lewis, C., Eddy, C.L., Henry, L., Hodgson, C., Huang, F.R., Reinke, W. M., Herman, K.C., (2021) In-School and Out-of-School Suspension: Behavioral and Psychological Outcomes in a Predominately Black Sample of Middle School Students, School Psychology Review.
Cohen, D., Henry, L., DeMarchena, S., Coombs, N. (2020) Disproportionality in School Discipline: Does Reducing the Overall Use of Exclusionary Discipline Impact Racial Disparities? School Psychology Review
Henry, L., Reinke, W. M., Herman, K.C., Tanner-Jones, L.A., Thompson, A., (2020). Motivational Interviewing with At-Risk Students (MARS) Mentoring: Addressing the Unique Mental Health Needs of Students in Alternative School Placements. School Psychology Review.
Hennessy, M., Henry, L, Hawks, J., Torres, K. (November 2020). Examining the link between Interpersonal Relationships, Hostile Attribution Bias and Externalizing Concerns. Virtual poster presentation at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ACBT) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Torres, K., Henry, L, Hawks, J., Hennessy, M. (November 2020). The Impact of Parent Psychopathology on Parenting Practices and Self-Efficacy. Virtual poster presentation at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Thant, T., Henry, L. Hill, A., Bharucha, N. (September 2020). Practitioners Panel: How Telehealth Impacts Providers & Trainees. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
Casline, E., Henry, L., Reynolds, K., Diaz, K.I., Hawks, J., CHCO Partial Hospitalization Team, Anthony, L., Kennedy, S. (in press). Provider perception of the acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of a transdiagnostic intervention in a youth partial hospitalization setting: A mixed methods implementation process evaluation. Psychological Services.