Lauren Henry, PhD

Assistant Professor, Psychiatry-Child-CHC


  • Kennedy, S.M., Henderson-Davis, V., Henry, L. Hawks, J.L., K. Diaz, Crabbs T., Khindria, N., Moe-Hartman, J., Nook, President K., Stovall S, Anthony, L.G. (2024) Pilot Acceptability and Evaluation of a Transdiagnostic, Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Adapted for Acute Mental Health Settings Behavior Therapy. Behavior Therapy.
  • Kennedy, S.M., Henderson-Davis, V., Henry, L. Hawks, J.L., K. Diaz, Crabbs T., Khindria, N., Moe-Hartman, J., Nook, President K., Stovall S, Anthony, L.G. (2023) Pilot Acceptability and Evaluation of a Transdiagnostic, Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention Adapted for Acute Mental Health Settings Behavior Therapy. Behavior Therapy.
  • Henry, L., Khindria, N., Bryant M.L. & Hall, C. (June 2023). Collaborating with Schools to Support Youth Mental Health. NewsNow! Monthly Updates for Our Community Partners. Retrieved from: Collaborating with Schools to Support Youth Mental Health | Children's Hospital Colorado (
  • Henry, L. (Dec 2023). How to Manage Bullying: A guide for parents and caregivers. Children’s Hospital Colorado, Pediatric Mental Health Institute.
  • Kennedy, S.M., Wilkie, D.P., Henry, L., Moe-Hartman, J., President, K., Townson, K., Anthony, L.G., Hawks, J.L. (2021) The Unified Protocols for Children and Adolescents in Partial Hospitalization: Using Implementation Science Frameworks to Guide Adaptation. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
  • Henry, L. & Hawks, J. (2021). Psychiatric Acute Levels of Care. NewsNow! Monthly Updates for Our Community Partners. Retrieved from:
  • Cohen, D.R., Lewis, C., Eddy, C.L., Henry, L., Hodgson, C., Huang, F.R., Reinke, W. M., Herman, K.C., (2021) In-School and Out-of-School Suspension: Behavioral and Psychological Outcomes in a Predominately Black Sample of Middle School Students, School Psychology Review.
  • Cohen, D., Henry, L., DeMarchena, S., Coombs, N. (2020) Disproportionality in School Discipline: Does Reducing the Overall Use of Exclusionary Discipline Impact Racial Disparities? School Psychology Review
  • Henry, L., Reinke, W. M., Herman, K.C., Tanner-Jones, L.A., Thompson, A., (2020). Motivational Interviewing with At-Risk Students (MARS) Mentoring: Addressing the Unique Mental Health Needs of Students in Alternative School Placements. School Psychology Review.
  • Hennessy, M., Henry, L, Hawks, J., Torres, K. (November 2020). Examining the link between Interpersonal Relationships, Hostile Attribution Bias and Externalizing Concerns. Virtual poster presentation at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ACBT) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA
  • Torres, K., Henry, L, Hawks, J., Hennessy, M. (November 2020). The Impact of Parent Psychopathology on Parenting Practices and Self-Efficacy. Virtual poster presentation at the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA
  • Thant, T., Henry, L. Hill, A., Bharucha, N. (September 2020). Practitioners Panel: How Telehealth Impacts Providers & Trainees. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
  • Casline, E., Henry, L., Reynolds, K., Diaz, K.I., Hawks, J., CHCO Partial Hospitalization Team, Anthony, L., Kennedy, S. (in press). Provider perception of the acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of a transdiagnostic intervention in a youth partial hospitalization setting: A mixed methods implementation process evaluation. Psychological Services.

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Specialty Information

  • Psychology