Lina Patel, PsyD

Associate Professor, Psychiatry-Child-CHC

Graduate Schools
  • MA, University of Denver (2002)
  • PsyD, University of Denver (2006)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, University of Oklahoma (OK) (2000)
  • Boston University Medical Center Program (2006)
  • Stanford University Program, Psychology (2007)


  • Rachubinski AL, Wallace E, Gurnee E, Enriquez-Estrada BA, Worek KR, Smith KP, Araya P, Waugh KA, Granrath RE, Britton E, Lyford HR, Donovan MG, Eduthan NP, Hill AA, Martin B, Sullivan KD, Patel L, Fidler DJ, Galbraith MD, Dunnick CA, Norris DA, Espinosa JM. JAK inhibition decreases the autoimmune burden in Down syndrome. Elife. 2024 Dec 31;13. PubMed PMID: 39737640
  • Rachubinski AL, Patel LR, Sannar EM, Kammeyer RM, Sanders J, Enriquez-Estrada BA, Worek KR, Fidler DJ, Santoro JD, Espinosa JM. JAK inhibition in Down Syndrome Regression Disorder. J Neuroimmunol. 2024 Oct 15;395:578442. PubMed PMID: 39216159
  • Van Deusen K, Prince MA, Walsh MM, Esbensen AJ, Patel LR, Pinks ME, Thurman AJ, Abbeduto L, Daunhauer LA, Fidler DJ. Laboratory-based measures of executive function and daily living skills in young children with Down syndrome: informing future interventions. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2024 Nov;68(11):1301-1315. PubMed PMID: 39112097
  • Rachubinski AL, Wallace E, Gurnee E, Estrada BAE, Worek KR, Smith KP, Araya P, Waugh KA, Granrath RE, Britton E, Lyford HR, Donovan MG, Eduthan NP, Hill AA, Martin B, Sullivan KD, Patel L, Fidler DJ, Galbraith MD, Dunnick CA, Norris DA, Espinosa JM. JAK inhibition decreases the autoimmune burden in Down syndrome. medRxiv. 2024 Oct 16. PubMed PMID: 38946973
  • Santoro JD, Khoshnood MM, Jafarpour S, Nguyen L, Boyd NK, Vogel BN, Kammeyer R, Patel L, Manning MA, Rachubinski AL, Filipink RA, Baumer NT, Santoro SL, Franklin C, Tamrazi B, Yeom KW, Worley G, Espinosa JM, Rafii MS. Neuroimaging abnormalities associated with immunotherapy responsiveness in Down syndrome regression disorder. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2024 Apr;11(4):1034-1045. PubMed PMID: 38375538
  • Spinazzi NA, Velasco AB, Wodecki DJ, Patel L. Autism Spectrum Disorder in Down Syndrome: Experiences from Caregivers. J Autism Dev Disord. 2024 Mar;54(3):1171-1180. PubMed PMID: 36624226
  • Walsh MM, Van Deusen K, Prince MA, Esbensen AJ, Thurman AJ, Pinks ME, Patel LR, Feigles RT, Abbeduto L, Daunhauer LA, Fidler DJ. Preliminary psychometric properties of an inhibition task in young children with Down syndrome. J Intellect Disabil. 2023 Dec 8;:17446295231218776. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38066720
  • Fidler DJ, Van Deusen K, Prince MA, Schworer EK, Lee NR, Edgin JO, Patel LR, Daunhauer LA. Longitudinal Predictors of Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children with Down Syndrome. Dev Neuropsychol. 2023 Aug 18;48(6):280-298. PubMed PMID: 37555433
  • Pinks ME, Van Deusen K, Prince MA, Esbensen AJ, Thurman AJ, Patel LR, Abbeduto L, Walsh MM, Daunhauer LA, Feigles RT, Nguyen V, Fidler DJ. Psychometric evaluation of a working memory assessment measure in young children with Down syndrome. Res Dev Disabil. 2023 Aug;139:104564. PubMed PMID: 37451184
  • Van Deusen K, Prince MA, Thurman AJ, Esbensen AJ, Patel LR, Abbeduto L, Walsh MM, Daunhauer LA, Feigles RT, Fidler DJ. Evaluating an adapted reverse categorisation task to assess cognitive flexibility in young children with Down syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2023 Aug;67(8):734-745. PubMed PMID: 37221155
  • Santoro JD, Patel L, Kammeyer R, Filipink RA, Gombolay GY, Cardinale KM, Real de Asua D, Zaman S, Santoro SL, Marzouk SM, Khoshnood M, Vogel BN, Tanna R, Pagarkar D, Dhanani S, Ortega MDC, Partridge R, Stanley MA, Sanders JS, Christy A, Sannar EM, Brown R, McCormick AA, Van Mater H, Franklin C, Worley G, Quinn EA, Capone GT, Chicoine B, Skotko BG, Rafii MS. Assessment and Diagnosis of Down Syndrome Regression Disorder: International Expert Consensus. Front Neurol. 2022;13:940175. PubMed PMID: 35911905
  • Dreher T, Wolter-Warmerdam K, Holland S, Katz T, Patel L. Toilet Training in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2022 Aug 1;43(6):e381-e389. PubMed PMID: 35026787
  • Santoro JD, Partridge R, Tanna R, Pagarkar D, Khoshnood M, Rehmani M, Kammeyer RM, Gombolay GY, Fisher K, Conravey A, El-Dahr J, Christy AL, Patel L, Manning MA, Van Mater H, Rafii MS, Quinn EA. Evidence of neuroinflammation and immunotherapy responsiveness in individuals with down syndrome regression disorder. J Neurodev Disord. 2022 Jun 3;14(1):35. PubMed PMID: 35659536
  • Van Deusen, K.; Prince, M.A.; Esbensen, A.J.; Edgin, J.O.; Schworer, E.K.; Thurman, A.J.; Patel, L.R.; Daunhauer, L.A.; Fidler, D.J. (2022) Caregiver-Reported Executive Function Profiles in Children with Down Syndrome. Brain Sci. 2022, 12, x.
  • Van Deusen K, Prince MA, Esbensen AJ, Edgin JO, Schworer EK, Thurman AJ, Patel LR, Daunhauer LA, Fidler DJ. Profiles of Caregiver-Reported Executive Function in Children with Down Syndrome. Brain Sci. 2022 Oct 1;12(10). PubMed PMID: 36291267
  • Fidler DJ, Prince MA, Van Deusen K, Esbensen AJ, Thurman AJ, Abbeduto L, Patel L, Mervis C, Schworer EK, Lee NR, Edgin JO, Hepburn S, Davis S, Daunhauer LA. Latent profiles of autism symptoms in children and adolescents with Down syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2022 Mar;66(3):265-281. PubMed PMID: 34984734
  • Esbensen AJ, Hoffman EK, Shaffer RC, Patel LR, Jacola LM. Relationship Between Parent and Teacher Reported Executive Functioning and Maladaptive Behaviors in Children With Down Syndrome. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2021 Jul 1;126(4):307-323. PubMed PMID: 34161563
  • Fidler DJ, Schworer EK, Needham A, Prince MA, Patel L, Will EA, Daunhauer LA. Feasibility of a syndrome-informed micro-intervention for infants with Down syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2021 Apr;65(4):320-339. PubMed PMID: 33522061
  • Esbensen AJ, Hoffman EK, Shaffer RC, Patel LR, Jacola LM. Relationship Between Parent and Teacher Reported Executive Functioning and Maladaptive Behaviors in Children With Down Syndrome. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2021 Jul 1;126(4):307-323. PubMed PMID: 34161563
  • Fidler DJ, Schworer EK, Needham A, Prince MA, Patel L, Will EA, Daunhauer LA. Feasibility of a syndrome-informed micro-intervention for infants with Down syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2021 Apr;65(4):320-339. PubMed PMID: 33522061
  • Patel, L., Esbensen, A. J., Sannar, E. M. (2020). Defining behavioral challenges in Down syndrome utilizing a multidimensional dynamic approach: Implications for treatment intervention. In R.M. Hodapp & D.J. Fidler (Eds)., International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities.
  • Patel, L., Wolter-Warmerdam, K.W. & Hickey, F. (2020) Patterns of Behavior and Medical Comorbidities in down Syndrome, Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, DOI: 10.1080/19315864.2020.1790064
  • Potty Time for Kids with Down Syndrome:  Lose the Diapers, Not Your Patience
  • Fidler, D.J., Daunhauer, L., Will, E., Patel, L., & Schworer, E. (2020). Executive function in Down syndrome: Links to adaptation and treatment implications. In J. Burack & J. Edgin (Eds)., The Oxford Handbook of Down Syndrome and Development.
  • Esbensen, A. J., Hoffman, E., Shaffer, R., Chen, E., Patel, L., & Jacola, L. (2020). Parent- and teacher-reported executive functioning and behaviors in children with Down syndrome. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 124, 220-233.
  • Fidler, D., Schworer, E., Needham, A., Prince, M. & Daunhauer, L. (2020). Feasibility of a Syndrome-Informed Micro-Intervention for Infants with Down syndrome" for publication in the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
  • Esbensen AJ, Hoffman EK, Shaffer R, Chen E, Patel L, Jacola L. Reliability of Informant-Report Measures of Executive Functioning in Children With Down Syndrome. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2019 May;124(3):220-233. PubMed PMID: 31026204
  • Fidler, D. J., Schworer, E., Will, E. A., Patel, L., and Daunhauer, L. A. (2019) Correlates of early cognition in infants with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63: 205– 214.
  • Palat P, Hickey F, Patel L, Sannar E. Levodopa-Responsive Early-Onset Parkinsonism in Down Syndrome. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2018;2018:2314791. PubMed PMID: 29666730
  • Lina Patel, Kristine Wolter-Warmerdam, Noel Leifer & Francis Hickey (2018) Behavioral Characteristics of Individuals with Down Syndrome, Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 11:3, 221-246, DOI: 10.1080/19315864.2018.1481473
  • Esbensen, Hoffman, Shaffer, Chen, Patel, Jacola. Reliability of parent report measures of behaviour in children with Down syndrome in Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
  • Fidler, D. J., Schworer, E., Will, E. A., Patel, L., and Daunhauer, L. A. (2018) Correlates of early cognition in infants with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research,
  • Patel, L. & Sannar, EM. Regression, Depression, and Psychosis in a Young Adult Female with Down Syndrome: A Case Report. Colorado Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology. Vol. 2, 1.
  • Patel L, Wolter-Warmerdam K, Leifer N, Hickey F. Behavioral characteristics of individuals with Down syndrome. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities. in press.
  • Regression, Depression, and Psychosis in a Young Adult Female with Down Syndrome: A Case Report Lina Patel, PsyD; Elise M. Sannar, MD?
  • The Oxford Handbook of Down Syndrome and Development) Chapter on Executive Function with Deborah Fidler, Lisa Daunhauer, and Emily Schworer; Fidler, D.J., Daunhauer, L., Will, E., Patel, L., & Schworer, E. (in press). Executive function in Down syndrome: Links to adaptation and treatment implications. In J. Burack & J. Edgin (Eds)., The Oxford Handbook of Down Syndrome and Development.
  • Esbensen, A. J., Hoffman, E., Shaffer, R., Chen, E., Patel, L., & Jacola, L. (acceptance pending). Reliability of informant report measure of executive functioning in children with Down syndrome. AJIDD
  • Fidler, D. J. Prince., M.A., Esbensen, A., Thurman, A., Abbeduto, L. Mervis, C., Schworer, E., Patel, L., & Daunhauer L. Latent profiles of autism symptoms in children and adolescents with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.
  • Dreher, T., Wolter-Warmerdam, Holland, S., Katz, T., & Patel, L. Toilet training in children and adolescents with Down syndrome. The Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.

Professional Memberships

  • American Psychological Association, Member
  • Colorado Psychological Association's Society for the Advancement of Multiculturalism and Diversity, Member at Large

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Information

  • Psychology
  • Certified Clinical Psychologist, Certificate (0001)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Mental Health and Behavior
  • Child and Teen Health
Clinical Interests
My clinical interests are in multicultural issues, autism, mood dysregulation, and anxiety.

Care Philosophy
I believe that care should be provided using a multimodal, systemic approach involving all parties involved within a child's life.