9. O’Hea, E. L., Edwards-Hampton, S. A., Beall Brown, D. L., Sonneville, K .R., Ziedonis, D. M., & Gearhart, A. N. (2024). The food addition clinical treatment (FACT) manual: A harm reduction treatment approach. Behavioral Sciences, 14,557.
New, C. M., Phimphasone-Brady, P., Richey, R. M., Coons, H. L. Beall Brown, D. L. (2022, October). Women’s Integrated Services in Health (WISH): Utilization of integrated behavioral health services and recommendations for practice. Poster presented at Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Conference, Boise, ID.
Beall Brown, D. L., Hunter, W. M., Nagle-Yang, S. & Coons, H. L. (Spring, 2020). Wellness Strategies for Moms with New Babies during COVID-19. Department of Psychiatry, CUSOM.
Hunter, W. M., Beall Brown, D. L., Novick, A. M., Berkowitz, S. & Coons, H. L. (Spring, 2020). Tips to Improve Sleep for Health Care Providers During COVID-19. Department of Psychiatry, CUSOM.
Hunter, W. M., Beall Brown, D. L., Nagle-Yang, S. & Coons, H. L. (Spring, 2020) Wellness Strategies for Pregnant Women in the Context of COVID-19. Department of Psychiatry, CUSOM.
Beall Brown, D. L. (2020) Strategies for Building Therapeutic Relationships with Patients in Occupational Medicine [Conference session] American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine