Dane G. Prugh Award for Distinguished Teaching In Child Psychiatry, University of Colorado, Denver, School of Medicine
McClellan,B.,Tamkin,V., Ehmer, A., & Frankel,K.A. (2024). The Diversity-Informed Tenets for Work with Infants, Children and Families: Integrating Cultural Self-Awareness into Clinical Practice. Child Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chc.2024.07.015
Sward, A., King, J., Glaze, K., Klawetter, S., Frankel, K.A. (2022). Warm Connections: Addressing Mental Health Risk Factors for Postpartum Caregivers by Increasing Social Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10597-020-00744-y
19. Glaze, K., Sward, A. Lenne, E., Brown, S., Rogers, L., Frankel, K., & Klawetter, S. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on referral patterns and service delivery for an integrated behavioral health program. Families in Society.
Peak, A., Kronenberg, M., Morelen, D., Noroña, C. R., Frankel, K.A., & Webster, A. (2021) Being with…By Zoom?: Tennessee’s Story of Continuing IECMH Workforce Support and Development in the Time of COVID-19 Zero to Three, 41(4)
16. Klawetter, S., Glaze, K., Sward, A., & Frankel, K. (2020). Warm Connections: Integration of infant mental health services into WIC. Community Mental Health Journal. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10597-020-00744-y
17. Klawetter, S., McNitt, C., Hoffman, J. A., Glaze, K., Sward, A., & Frankel, K.A. (2020). Perinatal depression in low-income women: A literature review and innovative screening approach. Current Psychiatry Reports 22(1): 1-8 . doi: 10.1007/s11920-019-1126-9
Klawetter, S., McNitt, C., Hoffman, J. A., Glaze, K., Sward, A., & Frankel, K.A. (in press). Perinatal depression in low-income women: A literature review and innovative screening approach. Current Psychiatry Reports.
Tamkin, V., Dave, B., Northern, A., Frankel, K.A. (in press) Constructing a Joint Clinical Formulation and Treatment Plan with Families. In Frankel, K.A., Njoroge, W. & Harrison, J. (Eds.). A Clinical Guide to the Psychiatric Assessment of Infants and Young Children. Springer,
Frankel, K.A., Njoroge, W. & Harrison, J. (Eds.) (in press). A Clinical Guide to the Psychiatric Assessment of Infants and Young Children. Springer,
Klawetter, S. & Frankel, K.A. (2018). Infant Mental Health: A Lens for Maternal and Child Mental Health Disparities, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 28:5, 557-569.
Wolcott, C., Frankel, K.A., Goodwin, R.E., Harrison, J.N. (2018) Approaches to the Management of Young Children’s Externalizing Behavior Problems in the Primary Care Setting. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics
16. Bekman, S., St. John-Larkin, C., Paul, J., Millar, A. & Frankel, K.A. (2017). Update on Screening, Referring and Treating the Behavioral, Social, and Mental Health Problems of Very Young Children. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics, 3, (1), 15–31.
Frankel, K.A., Croy, C. D., Kubicek, L. F., Emde, R. N., Mitchell, C. M. & Spicer, P. (2013) Toddler Socioemotional Behavior in a Northern Plains Indian Tribe: Associations with Maternal Psychosocial Well-being, Infant Mental Health Journal, DOI, 1002/imhj
Willoughby, J. C., Murgolo, M. A., Carubia, B. A., Carter, D. R. & Frankel, K. A. (2013). Melding Infant Mental Health and Multisystemic Therapy Approaches to Community Based Treatment: Reflection and Action, Zero to Three, 33 (6), 11-16.
13. St John, M.S. Thomas, K., Noroña, C.R., Irving Harris Foundation Professional Development Tenet Work Group (2012). Infant Mental Health Professional Development : Together in the Struggle for Social Justice. Zero to Three Journal, November, 13-22.
Mitchell, C. M., Croy, C., Spicer P., Frankel, K.A., Emde, R. N. (2011) Trajectories of Cognitive Development among American Indian Young Children. Developmental Psychology, 47(4), 991–999.
10. Bromberg, S.R., Backman, T., Krow, J. & Frankel, K.A. (2010). The Haven Mother’s House Modified Therapeutic Community: Meeting the Gap in Infant Mental Health Services for Pregnant and Parenting Mothers with Drug Addiction. Infant Mental Health Journal, 31(3), 255-276.
Bekman, S., St. John-Larkin, C., Paul, J., Millar, A. & Frankel, K.A. (manuscript accepted for publication). Update on Screening, Referring and Treating the Behavioral, Social, and Mental Health Problems of Very Young Children. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics.
17. Wolcott, C., Frankel, K.A., Goodwin, R.E., Harrison, J.N. (in press) Approaches to the Management of Young Children’s Externalizing Behavior Problems in the Primary Care Setting. Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics
Clinical Interests
Behavior and emotional problems in children birth to 6 years old
Parental mood problems around pregnancy and birth
Parent-child relational problems