Wilma Walker Honor Award, Univeristy of Chicago School of Social Service Administration
for outstanding work in the first year and promise of future achievement in social work
Merkel-Holguin, L., Drury, I., Gibley-Reed, C., Lara, A., Jihad, M., Grint, K., & Marlowe, K. (2022). Structures of Oppression in the U.S. Child Welfare System: Reflections on Administrative Barriers to Equity. Societies, 12(1), 26. MDPI AG
"Radio Kempe" and "Continuing the Call to Action" podcast series available at www.kempe.org
"Righteous Rage" interactive presentation on issues of media and child welfare in fatality cases
"Using the Law to Help Kids and Their Families: the Colorado Child Welfare Casework Process" course for CASA volunteers and staff
CWTS course: Child, Family and Tribe: Bringing ICWA to Life
CWTS course on adolescence
CWTS course on: education
CWTS course on: family adjustment to fostering
CWTS course on: Family First Prevention Services Act
Child, Family & Tribe: Brining ICWA to Life (online curriculum available on CWTS website)
CWTS course on: worker safety
CWTS course on: Adoption Through the Years
CWTS course on: grief
CWTS course on: Caseworker/foster parent relationships
CWTS course on: Foster Parent Fundamentals
"Structures of Oppression" article, to appear in the journal Societies (currently in final editing stage)
Certificate in Child and Family Law, Loyola University Chicago Schoiol of Law, Certificate
Public Speaking Yes
extensive experience in public speaking and writing on child welfare, juvenile justice and public policy on vulnerable children, youth and families