MS, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions
DPT, University of Colorado Denver
Undergraduate School
BS, University of Pittsburgh (PA)
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation-Physical Therapy Program
Professional Titles
Associate Professor
Outstanding Physical Therapist for State of Colorado, 2009, Colorado Chapter, American Physical Therapy Association
Bob Doctor Service Award, Colorado Chapter, American Physical Therapy Association
Feitelberg Journal Founders' Award, Journal of Physical Therapy Education
J. Warren Perry Award, For the best reviewed article of the year published in the Journal of Allied Health
Sawyer EE, Eigsti H, Gorman I, Reinking M, Struessel T. A Financial Literacy Pilot Project: Are Matriculating DPT Students Prepared to Manage Their Debt?. J Allied Health. 2024 Fall;53(3):196-202. PubMed PMID: 39293006
Sawyer E, Reinking M, Gorman I, Eigsti H, Struessel T. Financial Literacy: Are Matriculating DPT Students Prepared to Manage Their Debt? Educational Leadership Conference. Combined Sections Meeting. Boston, MA. Feb. 2024
Reina L, Davia J, Struessel T. Coming Together to Make it Better: Engaging SPT/SPTA Connections Both Near and Far. APTA Educational Leadership Conference. Oakland, CA Oct 2024.
Struessel T. Ungrading: Do you Dare Disrupt your Assessment Practices? Physical Therapy Learning Institute Disruptive Innovation in Physical Therapist Education Virtual Summit, April 19-20, 2024.
Graber J, Churchill L, Struessel T, O’Malley S, Bade M, Stevens-Lapsley J. Developing usage guidelines for outpatient rehabilitation after total knee arthroplasty: A Delphi study. J Ortho Sports PT 2023: doi:
Hernandez M, Struessel T. (UN)grading: Rethinking Assessment Practices in PT Education to Create Master Adaptive Learners. APTA Educational Leadership Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Oct. 2023.
Gann EJ, Manago M, Struessel T. Upper-Extremity Blood-Flow Restriction Training during Lofstrand Walking in a Person with Diastematomyelia: A Case Report. Colorado Chapter APTA Annual Meeting. Golden, CO. Oct, 2023.
Hansen S, Mann S, Struessel T. Down Syndrome with Ligamentous Laxity: Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation in an 18-Year-Old Dancer. Combined Sections Meeting. San Diego, CA. Feb. 2023.
Struessel T, Richardson V, Hernandez M. The (Un)grading approach in a Capstone course: Is the Master Adaptive Learner in our sights? APTA Educational Leadership Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Oct. 2023.
Struessel TS, Sleddens NM, Jones KJ. Quality Improvement Content in Physical Therapist Education: A Scoping Review. Phys Ther. 2022 Jul 4;102(7). PubMed PMID: 35648123
Burns M. Struessel T. Language discordance and telephone interpretation complicates Pain Neuroscience Education in physical therapy management of a patient with acute low back pain. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. January 2022.
Hansen S, Mann S, Struessel T. Down Syndrome with Ligamentous Laxity: Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation in an 18-Year-Old Dancer. Colorado APTA Fall Conference, Breckenridge, CO. Sept 2022.
Sawyer E; Gorman I; Eigsti H; Struessel T. Financial Literacy: Are Matriculating DPT Students Prepared to Manage Their Debt? Educational Leadership Conference. Milwaukee, WI. Oct. 28-30, 2022.
Struessel, T (presenting author) Carmichael, Joel; Flynn, S; Bini, S; Bade, M; Stevens-Lapsley, J. App-based Home Exercise after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Pilot Study. Colorado APTA Fall Conference, Breckenridge, CO. Sept 2022.
Magnusson D, Smith A, Struessel T, Lorimer I, Moseley O, Dannemiller L. Addressing Social and Structural Determinants of Health through a Community of Learning Cases.” 10th Annual AME Education and Innovation Symposium. March 2, 2022
Carmichael, Joel; Flynn, S; Struessel, T; Bini, S; Bade, M; Stevens-Lapsley, J. App-based Home Exercise after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Pilot Study. APTA CSM Feb 2022. San Antonio, TX.
Carmichael, Joel; Flynn, S; Struessel, T; Bini, S; Bade, M; Stevens-Lapsley, J. App-based Home Exercise after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Pilot Study. APTA CSM Feb 2022. San Antonio, TX.
Sawyer E; Gorman I; Eigsti H; Struessel T. Financial Literacy: Are Matriculating DPT Students Prepared to Manage Their Debt? Colorado Chapter APTA Rocky Mountain Conference and PT Expo. September 2021
Struessel T, Sleddens N. Enhancing the Patient Experience through Innovative Quality Improvement Education. APTA Educational Leadership Conference. Atlanta, GA Fall 2021
Sawyer E; Gorman I; Eigsti H; Struessel T. Financial Literacy: Are Matriculating DPT Students Prepared to Manage Their Debt? Colorado Chapter APTA Rocky Mountain Conference and PT Expo. September 2021.
Adams RB, Dudley JT, Struessel TS. Physical therapy to address fall risk in an individual with neurofibromatosis. Physiother Theory Pract. 2021 Jan 26;:1-9. PubMed PMID: 33497265
Struessel TS, Van Zytveld CR, Forster JE, Gisbert R, Nordon-Craft A. Knowledge and Attitudes of Physical Therapy Students Across a Longitudinal Healthcare Systems-Focused Patient Safety Curriculum. J Allied Health. 2020 Summer;49(2):105-113. PubMed PMID: 32469370
Struessel T, Van Zytveld C. Forster J, Gisbert R, Nordon-Craft A. Knowledge and Attitudes of Physical Therapy Students across a Longitudinal Healthcare Systems-Focused Patient Safety Curriculum. Combined Sections Meeting. Feb.15, 2020
Struessel T, Forster J. VanZytveld C. Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Experiences During Clinical Education: Patient Safety, Error, and the System. Journal of Physical
Education. 2019:33(1),3-15.
Kohl K, Ferguson T, O'Malley S, Struessel TS. A Community-dwelling Older Adult with Concurrent Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Peripheral Neuropathy: A Case Report. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 2019:17(2), Article 14.
Better Together: Over 10 years of Student PT/PTA Collaborative Learning.
Struessel T; Reina L; Sage L; Nordon-Craft A.
Student experiences with error reporting during clinical education.
Struessel T, Van Zytveld C.
Cognitive, Neurologic, and Processing Challenges and Strategies after Hip Hemiarthoplasty of an Adult with Sturge-Weber Syndrome.
Burkhardt S, Van Zytveld C, Struessel T.
Mission Possible: Maximizing Student Engagement In Your Business Content.
Sawyer E, McDevitt A, Struessel T.
Characteristics of a young, low functioning phenotype in total knee arthroplasty rehabilitation.
Christensen J, Kittelson A, Loyd, B, Forster J, Struessel T, DelGiorno J, Thigpen C, Stevens-Lapsley J.
Struessel T, Rodriguez J, VanZytveld. Advocating for a Systems Approach to Enhance Patient Safety in Physical Therapy Practice. Health Policy Administration-Professionalism Administration Leadership. January 2017.
Struessel T, Nordon-Craft A. A Case Report Describing Multiple System Effects of Breast Cancer, Bilateral Mastectomy and Reconstruction: Implications for Physical Therapist Practice. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. Jan/Apr 2017.
Bade MJ, Struessel T, Dayton M, Foran J, Kim RH, Miner T, Wolfe P, Kohrt WM, Dennis D, Stevens-Lapsley JE. Early High-Intensity Versus Low-Intensity Rehabilitation After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2017 Sep;69(9):1360-1368. PubMed PMID: 27813347
Bade M, Struessel T, Dayton M, Foran J, Kim R, Miner T, Wolfe P, Kohrt W, Dennis D, Stevens-Lapsley J. Early High-Intensity Versus Low-Intensity Rehabilitation after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2016 Nov 3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27813347
Van Zytveld, Chelsea R., Jennifer W. Rodriguez, and Tamara S. Struessel. "Lessons Learned from a Major Near Miss: A Case Report Including Recommendations to Improve Future Patient Safety in Rehabilitation." Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice 14.3 (2016): 5.
Judd D, Struessel T, Eckhoff D; Dayton M; Stevens-Lapsley J. Strength and Functional Outcomes after THA and TKA: A performance based, longitudinal study. Combined Sections Meeting, APTA. San Diego, CA. January 21 – 24, 2013.
Student Perception of Applying Joint Manipulation Skills during Physical Therapist Clinical Education: Identification of Barriers. Journal of Physical Therapy Education
Student Perception of Applying Joint Manipulation Skills during Physical Therapist Clinical Education: Identification of Barriers. Journal of Physical Therapy Education
Does Delay in Total Knee Arthroplasty Impact Post-operative Performance?
A Case-based Illustration
Journal of Knee Surgery
Shenk J, Carlson B, Struessel T, Nordon-Craft A. The importance of medical monitoring and modification of exercise prescription in physical therapy for patients with anorexia nervosa: a case report. Combined Sections Meeting, APTA. Chicago, IL; February 2012
Elliott J, McDevitt A, Nordon-Craft A, Struessel T. Recognizing psychosocial, physical and systemic effects of breast cancer treatment on recovery from elective Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Case Report. Combined Sections Meeting, APTA. Chicago, IL; February 2012