Robert Freedman, MD

Visiting Clinical Professor, Psychiatry-Admin



  • Freedman R, Hunter SK, Law AJ, Clark AM, Roberts A, Hoffman MC. Choline, folic acid, Vitamin D, and fetal brain development in the psychosis spectrum. Schizophr Res. 2021 Apr 7;. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2021.03.008. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33838984; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8494861.
  • Hunter SK, Hoffman MC, D'Alessandro A, Noonan K, Wyrwa A, Freedman R, Law AJ. Male fetus susceptibility to maternal inflammation: C-reactive protein and brain development. Psychol Med. 2021 Feb;51(3):450-459. doi: 10.1017/S0033291719003313. Epub 2019 Dec 2. PubMed PMID: 31787129; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7263978.
  • Hoffman MC, Freedman R, Law AJ, Clark AM, Hunter SK. Maternal nutrients and effects of gestational COVID-19 infection on fetal brain development. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2021 Jun;43:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.04.019. Epub 2021 Apr 29. Review. PubMed PMID: 34024500; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8144544.
  • Genome-wide Association of Endophenotypes for Schizophrenia From the Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia (COGS) Study. Greenwood TA; Lazzeroni LC; Maihofer AX; Swerdlow NR; Calkins ME; Freedman R; Green MF; Light GA; Nievergelt CM; Nuechterlein KH; Radant AD; Siever LJ; Silverman JM; Stone WS; Sugar CA; Tsuang DW; Tsuang MT; Turetsky BI; Gur RC; Gur RE; Braff DL. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019 Oct 09.
  • Interaction of maternal choline levels and prenatal Marijuana's effects on the offspring. Hoffman MC; Hunter SK; D'Alessandro A; Noonan K; Wyrwa A; Freedman R. Psychological Medicine. 1-11, 2019 Jul 31.
  • Transcription of PIK3CD in human brain and schizophrenia: Regulation by pro inflammatory cytokines. Hood VL; Berger R; Freedman R; Law AJ. Human Molecular Genetics. 2019 Jun 18.
  • Higher Gestational Choline Levels in Maternal Infection Are Protective for Infant Brain Development. Freedman R; Hunter SK; Law AJ; Wagner BD; D'Alessandro A; Christians U; Noonan K; Wyrwa A; Hoffman MC. Journal of Pediatrics. 208:198-206.e2, 2019 May
  • A VNTR Regulates miR-137 Expression Through Novel Alternative Splicing and Contributes to Risk for Schizophrenia. Pacheco A; Berger R; Freedman R; Law AJ. Scientific Reports. 9(1):11793, 2019 Aug 13.
  • Gur RC, Braff DL; Calkins ME; Dobie DJ; Freedman R; Green MF; Greenwood TA; Lazzeroni LC; Light GA; Nuechterlein KH; Olincy A; Radant AD; Seidman LJ; Siever LJ; Silverman JM; Sprock J; Stone WS; Sugar CA; Swerdlow NR; Tsuang DW; Tsuang MT; Turetsky BI; Gur RE. Neurocognitive performance in family-based and case-control studies of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. 163(1-3):17-23, 2015.
  • Seidman LJ; Hellemann G; Nuechterlein KH; Greenwood TA; Braff DL; Cadenhead KS; Calkins ME; Freedman R; Gur RE; Gur RC; Lazzeroni LC; Light GA; Olincy A; Radant AD; Siever LJ; Silverman JM; Sprock J; Stone WS; Sugar C; Swerdlow NR; Tsuang DW; Tsuang MT; Turetsky BI; Green MF. Factor structure and heritability of endophenotypes in schizophrenia: findings from the Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia (COGS-1). Schizophrenia Research. 163(1-3):73-9, 2015.
  • Radant AD; Millard SP; Braff DL; Calkins ME; Dobie DJ; Freedman R; Green MF; Greenwood TA; Gur RE; Gur RC; Lazzeroni LC; Light GA; Meichle SP; Nuechterlein KH; Olincy A; Seidman LJ; Siever LJ; Silverman JM; Stone WS; Swerdlow NR; Sugar CA;Tsuang MT; Turetsky BI; Tsuang DW. Robust differences in antisaccade performance exist between COGS schizophrenia cases and controls regardless of recruitment strategies. Schizophrenia Research. 163(1-3):47-52, 2015.
  • Stone WS; Mesholam-Gately RI; Braff DL; Calkins ME; Freedman R; Green MF; Greenwood TA; Gur RE; Gur RC; Lazzeroni LC; Light GA; Nuechterlein KH; Olincy A; Radant AD; Siever LJ; Silverman JM; Sprock J; Sugar CA; Swerdlow NR; Tsuang DW; Tsuang MT; Turetsky BI; Seidman LJ. California Verbal Learning Test-II performance in schizophrenia as a function of ascertainment strategy: comparing the first and second phases of the Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia (COGS). Schizophrenia Research. 163(1-3):32-7, 2015.
  • Sinkus ML; Graw S; Freedman R; Ross RG; Lester HA; Leonard S. The human CHRNA7 and CHRFAM7A genes: A review of the genetics, regulation, and function. Neuropharmacology. 96(Pt B):274-88, 2015.
  • Ross RG; Freedman R. Endophenotypes in Schizophrenia for the Perinatal Period: Criteria for Validation. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 41(4):824-34, 2015.
  • Javitt DC; Freedman R. Sensory processing dysfunction in the personal experience and neuronal machinery of schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry. 172(1):17-31, 2015.
  • Freedman R; Ross RG. Prenatal choline and the development of schizophrenia. Shanghai Jingshen Yixue. 27(2):90-102, 2015.
  • Wu WL; Adams CE; Stevens KE; Chow KH; Freedman R; Patterson PH. The interaction between maternal immune activation and alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in regulating behaviors in the offspring. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity. 46:192-202, 2015.
  • Ross R, Hunter SK, Hoffman MC, McCarthy L, Chambers B, Law A, Leonard S, Zerbe G O, Freedman R. Perinatal phosphatidylcholine supplementation and early childhood behavior problems: Evidence for CHRNA7 moderation. American Journal of Psychiatry. In press.
  • Learning from people with schizophrenia. Marder SR. Freedman R. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 40(6):1185-6, 2014 Nov.
  • Comparison of the heritability of schizophrenia and endophenotypes in the COGS-1 family study. Light G. Greenwood TA. Swerdlow NR. Calkins ME. Freedman R. Green MF. Gur RE. Gur RC. Lazzeroni LC. Nuechterlein KH. Olincy A. Radant AD. Seidman LJ. Siever LJ. Silverman JM. Sprock J. Stone WS. Sugar CA. Tsuang DW. Tsuang MT. Turetsky BI. Braff DL. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 40(6):1404-11, 2014 Nov.
  • The duplicated alpha7 subunits assemble and form functional nicotinic receptors with the full-length alpha7. Wang Y. Xiao C. Indersmitten T. Freedman R. Leonard S. Lester HA. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 289(38):26451-63, 2014 Sep 19.
  • Alpha7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists for cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia. [Review] Freedman R. Annual Review of Medicine. 65:245-61, 2014.
  • Intrinsic hippocampal activity as a biomarker for cognition and symptoms in schizophrenia. Tregellas JR. Smucny J. Harris JG. Olincy A. Maharajh K. Kronberg E. Eichman LC. Lyons E. Freedman R. American Journal of Psychiatry. 171(5):549-56, 2014 May 1.
  • Computerization of the therapeutic task of working through. Freedman R. American Journal of Psychiatry. 171(4):388-90, 2014 Apr 1.
  • Freedman R. Alpha7-nicotinic receptor agonists for cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia. Annual Review of Medicine 65:245–61, 2014.
  • Greenwood TA. Swerdlow NR. Gur RE. Cadenhead KS. Calkins ME. Dobie DJ. Freedman R. Green MF. Gur RC. Lazzeroni LC. Nuechterlein KH. Olincy A. Radant AD. Ray A. Schork NJ. Seidman LJ. Siever LJ. Silverman JM. Stone WS. Sugar CA. Tsuang DW. Tsuang MT. Turetsky BI. Light GA. Braff DL. Genome-wide linkage analyses of 12 endophenotypes for schizophrenia from the consortium on the genetics of schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry. 170(5):521-32, 2013
  • Freedman R. Lewis DA. Michels R. Pine DS. Schultz SK. Tamminga CA. Gabbard GO. Gau SS. Javitt DC. Oquendo MA. Shrout PE. Vieta E. Yager J. The initial field trials of DSM-5: new blooms and old thorns. American Journal of Psychiatry. 170(1):1-5, 2013
  • Calkins ME. Ray A. Gur RC. Freedman R. Green MF. Greenwood TA. Light GA. Nuechterlein KH. Olincy A. Radant AD. Seidman LJ. Siever LJ. Silverman JM. Stone WS. Sugar C. Swerdlow NR. Tsuang DW. Tsuang MT. Turetsky BI. Braff DL. Lazzeroni LC. Gur RE. Sex differences in familiality effects on neurocognitive performance in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry 73(10):976-84, 2013
  • Sinkus ML. Adams CE. Logel J. Freedman R. Leonard S. Expression of immune genes on chromosome 6p21.3-22.1 in schizophrenia. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity. 32:51-62, 2013
  • Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium…Freedman R. Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs. Nature Genetics. 45(9):984-94, 2013 Sep.
  • Ross RG. Hunter SK. McCarthy L. Beuler J. Hutchison AK. Wagner BD. Leonard S. Stevens KE. Freedman R. Perinatal choline effects on neonatal pathophysiology related to later schizophrenia risk. American Journal of Psychiatry 170(3):290-8, 2013

Practice Locations

Department of Psychiatry - Faculty and Staff Mental Health
1890 N Revere Ct
Anschutz Health Sciences Bldg, Suite 5242
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Psychiatry, Board Certification