Castillo AY, Frost HM, Poole NM, Jenkins TC, Seibert AM, Stenehjem E. Implementing with intention: advantages, challenges, and tactics to optimally utilize the AXR metric. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2025;5(1):e42. PubMed PMID: 39949996
Rowley EA, Mitchell PK, Yang DH, Lewis N, Dixon BE, Vazquez-Benitez G, Fadel WF, Essien IJ, Naleway AL, Stenehjem E, Ong TC, Gaglani M, Natarajan K, Embi P, Wiegand RE, Link-Gelles R, Tenforde MW, Fireman B. Methods to Adjust for Confounding in Test-Negative Design COVID-19 Effectiveness Studies: Simulation Study. JMIR Form Res. 2025 Jan 27;9:e58981. PubMed PMID: 39869907
Thompson Iii GR, Chastain DB, Ferraz C, Alhayek S, Salinas JL, Sillau S, Stenehjem EA, Henao-Martínez AF. Mortality patterns in candidemia: Insights from a multispecies analysis using a global research network. Med Mycol. 2024 Dec 27;63(1). PubMed PMID: 39694690
Peltan ID, Bledsoe JR, Jacobs JR, Groat D, Klippel C, Adamson M, Hooper GA, Tinker NJ, Foster RA, Stenehjem EA, Moores Todd TD, Balls A, Avery J, Brunson G, Jones J, Bair J, Dorais A, Samore MH, Hough CL, Brown SM. Effectiveness and Safety of an Emergency Department Code Sepsis Protocol: A Pragmatic Clinical Trial. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2024 Nov;21(11):1560-1571. PubMed PMID: 38996086
Hersh AL, Stenehjem EA, Fino N, Spivak ES. Impact of COVID-19 on urgent care diagnoses and the new AXR metric. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2024;4(1):e49. PubMed PMID: 38655021
Levy ME, Yang DH, Dunne MM, Miley K, Irving SA, Grannis SJ, Weber ZA, Griggs EP, Spark TL, Bassett E, Embi PJ, Gaglani M, Natarajan K, Valvi NR, Ong TC, Naleway AL, Stenehjem E, Klein NP, Link-Gelles R, DeSilva MB, Kharbanda AB, Raiyani C, Beaton MA, Dixon BE, Rao S, Dascomb K, Patel P, Mamawala M, Han J, Fadel WF, Barron MA, Grisel N, Dickerson M, Liao IC, Arndorfer J, Najdowski M, Murthy K, Ray C, Tenforde MW, Ball SW. Risk of COVID-19 Hospitalization and Protection Associated With mRNA Vaccination Among US Adults With Psychiatric Disorders. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2024 Mar;18(3):e13269. PubMed PMID: 38494192
Hart JH, Sakata T, Eve JR, Butler AM, Wallin A, Carman C, Atwood B, Srivastava R, Jones BE, Stenehjem EA, Dean NC. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pneumonia in Urgent Care Clinics: Opportunities for Improving Care. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Mar;11(3):ofae096. PubMed PMID: 38456194
Seibert AM, Hersh AL, Patel PK, Hicks LA, Fino N, Stanfield V, Stenehjem EA. Impact of an antibiotic stewardship initiative on urgent-care respiratory prescribing across patient race, ethnicity, and language. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2024 Apr;45(4):530-533. PubMed PMID: 38073559
Rodzik RH, Buckel WR, Hersh AL, Hicks LA, Neuhauser MM, Stenehjem EA, Hyun DY, Zetts RM. Leveraging Health Systems to Expand and Enhance Antibiotic Stewardship in Outpatient Settings. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2024 Apr;50(4):289-295. PubMed PMID: 37968193
O'Toole R, Martinez KA, Rothberg MB, Diiorio G, Stenehjem EA, Ward KE, LaPlante KL. Antibiotics on Demand: Advances in Asynchronous Telemedicine Call for Increased Antibiotic Surveillance. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Feb 17;78(2):308-311. PubMed PMID: 37642218
Griggs EP, Mitchell PK, Lazariu V, Gaglani M, McEvoy C, Klein NP, Valvi NR, Irving SA, Kojima N, Stenehjem E, Crane B, Rao S, Grannis SJ, Embi PJ, Kharbanda AB, Ong TC, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Naleway AL, Bassett E, DeSilva MB, Dickerson M, Konatham D, Fireman B, Allen KS, Barron MA, Beaton M, Arndorfer J, Vazquez-Benitez G, Garg S, Murthy K, Goddard K, Dixon BE, Han J, Grisel N, Raiyani C, Lewis N, Fadel WF, Stockwell MS, Mamawala M, Hansen J, Zerbo O, Patel P, Link-Gelles R, Adams K, Tenforde MW. Clinical Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Critical Outcomes Among Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19-VISION Network, 10 States, June 2021-March 2023. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Feb 17;78(2):338-348. PubMed PMID: 37633258
Dalton AF, Weber ZA, Allen KS, Stenehjem E, Irving SA, Spark TL, Adams K, Zerbo O, Lazariu V, Dixon BE, Dascomb K, Hartmann E, Kharbanda AB, Ong TC, DeSilva MB, Beaton M, Gaglani M, Patel P, Naleway AL, Kish MNS, Grannis SJ, Grisel N, Sloan-Aagard C, Rao S, Raiyani C, Dickerson M, Bassett E, Fadel WF, Arndorfer J, Nanez J, Barron MA, Vazquez-Benitez G, Liao IC, Griggs EP, Reese SE, Valvi NR, Murthy K, Rowley EAK, Embi PJ, Ball S, Link-Gelles R, Tenforde MW. Relationships Between Social Vulnerability and Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Coverage and Vaccine Effectiveness. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 May 3;76(9):1615-1625. PubMed PMID: 36611252
Klein NP, Demarco M, Fleming-Dutra KE, Stockwell MS, Kharbanda AB, Gaglani M, Rao S, Lewis N, Irving SA, Hartmann E, Natarajan K, Dalton AF, Zerbo O, DeSilva MB, Konatham D, Stenehjem E, Rowley EAK, Ong TC, Grannis SJ, Sloan-Aagard C, Han J, Verani JR, Raiyani C, Dascomb K, Reese SE, Barron MA, Fadel WF, Naleway AL, Nanez J, Dickerson M, Goddard K, Murthy K, Grisel N, Weber ZA, Dixon BE, Patel P, Fireman B, Arndorfer J, Valvi NR, Griggs EP, Hallowell C, Embi PJ, Ball SW, Thompson MG, Tenforde MW, Link-Gelles R. Effectiveness of BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccination in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2023 May 1;151(5). PubMed PMID: 37026401
Hooper GA, Klippel CJ, McLean SR, Stenehjem EA, Webb BJ, Murnin ER, Hough CL, Bledsoe JR, Brown SM, Peltan ID. Concordance Between Initial Presumptive and Final Adjudicated Diagnoses of Infection Among Patients Meeting Sepsis-3 Criteria in the Emergency Department. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Jun 16;76(12):2047-2055. PubMed PMID: 36806551
Bozio CH, Butterfield KA, Briggs Hagen M, Grannis S, Drawz P, Hartmann E, Ong TC, Fireman B, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Gaglani M, DeSilva MB, Yang DH, Midgley CM, Dixon BE, Naleway AL, Grisel N, Liao IC, Reese SE, Fadel WF, Irving SA, Lewis N, Arndorfer J, Murthy K, Riddles J, Valvi NR, Mamawala M, Embi PJ, Thompson MG, Stenehjem E. Protection From COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination and Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Against COVID-19-Associated Encounters in Adults During Delta and Omicron Predominance. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jun 15;227(12):1348-1363. PubMed PMID: 36806690
Stenehjem EA, Braun BI, Chitavi SO, Hyun DY, Schmaltz SP, Fakih MG, Neuhauser MM, Davidson LE, Meyer MJ, Tamma PD, Dodds-Ashley ES, Baker DW. Use of leading practices in US hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2023 Jun;44(6):861-868. PubMed PMID: 36226839
Adams K, Riddles JJ, Rowley EAK, Grannis SJ, Gaglani M, Fireman B, Hartmann E, Naleway AL, Stenehjem E, Hughes A, Dalton AF, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Raiyani C, Irving SA, Sloan-Aagard C, Kharbanda AB, DeSilva MB, Dixon BE, Ong TC, Keller J, Dickerson M, Grisel N, Murthy K, Nanez J, Fadel WF, Ball SW, Patel P, Arndorfer J, Mamawala M, Valvi NR, Dunne MM, Griggs EP, Embi PJ, Thompson MG, Link-Gelles R, Tenforde MW. Number needed to vaccinate with a COVID-19 booster to prevent a COVID-19-associated hospitalization during SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 variant predominance, December 2021-February 2022, VISION Network: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2023 Jul;23:100530. PubMed PMID: 37333688
DeSilva MB, Mitchell PK, Klein NP, Dixon BE, Tenforde MW, Thompson MG, Naleway AL, Grannis SJ, Ong TC, Natarajan K, Reese SE, Zerbo O, Kharbanda AB, Patel P, Stenehjem E, Raiyani C, Irving SA, Fadel WF, Rao S, Han J, Reynolds S, Davis JM, Lewis N, McEvoy C, Dickerson M, Dascomb K, Valvi NR, Barron MA, Goddard K, Vazquez-Benitez G, Grisel N, Mamawala M, Embi PJ, Fireman B, Essien IJ, Griggs EP, Arndorfer J, Gaglani M. Protection of Two and Three mRNA Vaccine Doses Against Severe Outcomes Among Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19-VISION Network, August 2021 to March 2022. J Infect Dis. 2023 Apr 18;227(8):961-969. PubMed PMID: 36415904
Stenehjem E, Wallin A, Willis P, Kumar N, Seibert AM, Buckel WR, Stanfield V, Brunisholz KD, Fino N, Samore MH, Srivastava R, Hicks LA, Hersh AL. Implementation of an Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative in a Large Urgent Care Network. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 May 1;6(5):e2313011. PubMed PMID: 37166794
May SS, Veillette JJ, Webb BJ, Stenehjem EA, Throneberry SK, Gelman S, Pirozzi M, Stanfield V, Dustin Waters C, Grisel NA, Vento TJ. Effect of tele-COVID rounds and a tele-stewardship intervention on antibiotic use in COVID-19 patients admitted to 17 small community hospitals. J Hosp Med. 2023 May 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37127939
Rodzik RH, Buckel WR, Hersh AL, Hicks LA, Neuhauser MM, Stenehjem EA, Hyun DY, Zetts RM. Leveraging Health Systems to Expand and Enhance Antibiotic Stewardship in Outpatient Settings. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2023 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37968193
Patel P, Schrader KE, Rice CE, Rowley E, Cree RA, DeSilva MB, Embi PJ, Gaglani M, Grannis SJ, Ong TC, Stenehjem E, Naleway AL, Ball S, Natarajan K, Klein NP, Adams K, Kharbanda A, Ray C, Link-Gelles R, Tenforde MW. Effectiveness of the Original Monovalent Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccines in Preventing Emergency Department or Urgent Care Encounters and Hospitalizations Among Adults With Disabilities: VISION Network, June 2021-September 2022. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Nov;10(11):ofad474. PubMed PMID: 37965644
Seibert AM, Schenk C, Buckel WR, Patel PK, Fino N, Stanfield V, Hersh AL, Stenehjem E. Beyond antibiotic prescribing rates: first-line antibiotic selection, prescription duration, and associated factors for respiratory encounters in urgent care. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2023;3(1):e146. PubMed PMID: 37771738
O'Toole R, Martinez KA, Rothberg MB, Diiorio G, Stenehjem EA, Ward KE, LaPlante KL. Antibiotics on Demand: Advances in Asynchronous Telemedicine Call for Increased Antibiotic Surveillance. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37642218
Griggs EP, Mitchell PK, Lazariu V, Gaglani M, McEvoy C, Klein NP, Valvi NR, Irving SA, Kojima N, Stenehjem E, Crane B, Rao S, Grannis SJ, Embi PJ, Kharbanda AB, Ong TC, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Naleway AL, Bassett E, DeSilva MB, Dickerson M, Konatham D, Fireman B, Allen KS, Barron MA, Beaton M, Arndorfer J, Vazquez-Benitez G, Garg S, Murthy K, Goddard K, Dixon BE, Han J, Grisel N, Raiyani C, Lewis N, Fadel WF, Stockwell MS, Mamawala M, Hansen J, Zerbo O, Patel P, Link-Gelles R, Adams K, Tenforde MW. Clinical epidemiology and risk factors for critical outcomes among vaccinated and unvaccinated adults hospitalized with COVID-19-VISION Network, 10 States, June 2021-March 2023. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Aug 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37633258
Embi PJ, Levy ME, Patel P, DeSilva MB, Gaglani M, Dascomb K, Dunne MM, Klein NP, Ong TC, Grannis SJ, Natarajan K, Yang DH, Stenehjem E, Zerbo O, McEvoy C, Rao S, Thompson MG, Konatham D, Irving SA, Dixon BE, Han J, Schrader KE, Grisel N, Lewis N, Kharbanda AB, Barron MA, Reynolds S, Liao IC, Fadel WF, Rowley EA, Arndorfer J, Goddard K, Murthy K, Valvi NR, Weber ZA, Fireman B, Reese SE, Ball SW, Naleway AL. Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines at preventing emergency department or urgent care encounters and hospitalizations among immunocompromised adults: An observational study of real-world data across 10 US states from August-December 2021. Vaccine. 2023 Aug 23;41(37):5424-5434. PubMed PMID: 37479609
Adams K, Riddles JJ, Rowley EAK, Grannis SJ, Gaglani M, Fireman B, Hartmann E, Naleway AL, Stenehjem E, Hughes A, Dalton AF, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Raiyani C, Irving SA, Sloan-Aagard C, Kharbanda AB, DeSilva MB, Dixon BE, Ong TC, Keller J, Dickerson M, Grisel N, Murthy K, Nanez J, Fadel WF, Ball SW, Patel P, Arndorfer J, Mamawala M, Valvi NR, Dunne MM, Griggs EP, Embi PJ, Thompson MG, Link-Gelles R, Tenforde MW. Number needed to vaccinate with a COVID-19 booster to prevent a COVID-19-associated hospitalization during SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 variant predominance, December 2021-February 2022, VISION Network: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2023 Jul;23:100530. PubMed PMID: 37333688
Stenehjem E, Wallin A, Willis P, Kumar N, Seibert AM, Buckel WR, Stanfield V, Brunisholz KD, Fino N, Samore MH, Srivastava R, Hicks LA, Hersh AL. Implementation of an Antibiotic Stewardship Initiative in a Large Urgent Care Network. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 May 1;6(5):e2313011. PubMed PMID: 37166794
May SS, Veillette JJ, Webb BJ, Stenehjem EA, Throneberry SK, Gelman S, Pirozzi M, Stanfield V, Dustin Waters C, Grisel NA, Vento TJ. Effect of tele-COVID rounds and a tele-stewardship intervention on antibiotic use in COVID-19 patients admitted to 17 small community hospitals. J Hosp Med. 2023 Aug;18(8):719-723. PubMed PMID: 37127939
Hooper GA, Stenehjem EA, Bledsoe JR, Brown SM, Peltan ID. Reply to Adelman et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Jul 26;77(2):328-329. PubMed PMID: 37092703
Klein NP, Demarco M, Fleming-Dutra KE, Stockwell MS, Kharbanda AB, Gaglani M, Rao S, Lewis N, Irving SA, Hartmann E, Natarajan K, Dalton AF, Zerbo O, DeSilva MB, Konatham D, Stenehjem E, Rowley EAK, Ong TC, Grannis SJ, Sloan-Aagard C, Han J, Verani JR, Raiyani C, Dascomb K, Reese SE, Barron MA, Fadel WF, Naleway AL, Nanez J, Dickerson M, Goddard K, Murthy K, Grisel N, Weber ZA, Dixon BE, Patel P, Fireman B, Arndorfer J, Valvi NR, Griggs EP, Hallowell C, Embi PJ, Ball SW, Thompson MG, Tenforde MW, Link-Gelles R. Effectiveness of BNT162b2 COVID-19 Vaccination in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics. 2023 May 1;151(5). PubMed PMID: 37026401
Tjilos M, Drainoni ML, Burrowes SAB, Butler JM, Damschroder LJ, Bidwell Goetz M, Madaras-Kelly K, Reardon CM, Samore MH, Shen J, Stenehjem EA, Zhang Y, Barlam TF. A qualitative evaluation of frontline clinician perspectives toward antibiotic stewardship programs. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2023 Mar 29;:1-7. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36987859
Tenforde MW, Weber ZA, Natarajan K, Klein NP, Kharbanda AB, Stenehjem E, Embi PJ, Reese SE, Naleway AL, Grannis SJ, DeSilva MB, Ong TC, Gaglani M, Han J, Dickerson M, Fireman B, Dascomb K, Irving SA, Vazquez-Benitez G, Rao S, Konatham D, Patel P, Schrader KE, Lewis N, Grisel N, McEvoy C, Murthy K, Griggs EP, Rowley EAK, Zerbo O, Arndorfer J, Dunne MM, Goddard K, Ray C, Zhuang Y, Timbol J, Najdowski M, Yang DH, Hansen J, Ball SW, Link-Gelles R. Early Estimates of Bivalent mRNA Vaccine Effectiveness in Preventing COVID-19-Associated Emergency Department or Urgent Care Encounters and Hospitalizations Among Immunocompetent Adults - VISION Network, Nine States, September-November 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2023 Mar 17;71(53):1637-1646. PubMed PMID: 36921274
Link-Gelles R, Levy ME, Natarajan K, Reese SE, Naleway AL, Grannis SJ, Klein NP, DeSilva MB, Ong TC, Gaglani M, Hartmann E, Dickerson M, Stenehjem E, Kharbanda AB, Han J, Spark TL, Irving SA, Dixon BE, Zerbo O, McEvoy CE, Rao S, Raiyani C, Sloan-Aagard C, Patel P, Dascomb K, Uhlemann AC, Dunne MM, Fadel WF, Lewis N, Barron MA, Murthy K, Nanez J, Griggs EP, Grisel N, Annavajhala MK, Akinseye A, Valvi NR, Goddard K, Mamawala M, Arndorfer J, Yang DH, Embí PJ, Fireman B, Ball SW, Tenforde MW. Estimation of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Effectiveness and COVID-19 Illness and Severity by Vaccination Status During Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 Sublineage Periods. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Mar 1;6(3):e232598. PubMed PMID: 36920396
Bozio CH, Butterfield KA, Briggs Hagen M, Grannis S, Drawz P, Hartmann E, Ong TC, Fireman B, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Gaglani M, DeSilva MB, Yang DH, Midgley CM, Dixon BE, Naleway AL, Grisel N, Liao IC, Reese SE, Fadel WF, Irving SA, Lewis N, Arndorfer J, Murthy K, Riddles J, Valvi NR, Mamawala M, Embi PJ, Thompson MG, Stenehjem E. Protection From COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination and Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Against COVID-19-Associated Encounters in Adults During Delta and Omicron Predominance. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jun 15;227(12):1348-1363. PubMed PMID: 36806690
Hooper GA, Klippel CJ, McLean SR, Stenehjem EA, Webb BJ, Murnin ER, Hough CL, Bledsoe JR, Brown SM, Peltan ID. Concordance Between Initial Presumptive and Final Adjudicated Diagnoses of Infection Among Patients Meeting Sepsis-3 Criteria in the Emergency Department. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Jun 16;76(12):2047-2055. PubMed PMID: 36806551
Medvedeva N, Ong'uti S, Hersh AL, Chang A, Mui E, Stenehjem E, Ha D, Holubar M. Validity of Coronavirus Disease 2019 International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision in the Urgent Care Setting and Impact on Antibiotic Prescribing Rates. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Feb;10(2):ofad010. PubMed PMID: 36751646
Tenforde MW, Weber ZA, DeSilva MB, Stenehjem E, Yang DH, Fireman B, Gaglani M, Kojima N, Irving SA, Rao S, Grannis SJ, Naleway AL, Kirshner L, Kharbanda AB, Dascomb K, Lewis N, Dalton AF, Ball SW, Natarajan K, Ong TC, Hartmann E, Embi PJ, McEvoy CE, Grisel N, Zerbo O, Dunne MM, Arndorfer J, Goddard K, Dickerson M, Patel P, Timbol J, Griggs EP, Hansen J, Thompson MG, Flannery B, Klein NP. Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza-Associated Urgent Care, Emergency Department, and Hospital Encounters During the 2021-2022 Season, VISION Network. J Infect Dis. 2023 Jul 14;228(2):185-195. PubMed PMID: 36683410
Dalton AF, Weber ZA, Allen KS, Stenehjem E, Irving SA, Spark TL, Adams K, Zerbo O, Lazariu V, Dixon BE, Dascomb K, Hartmann E, Kharbanda AB, Ong TC, DeSilva MB, Beaton M, Gaglani M, Patel P, Naleway AL, Kish MNS, Grannis SJ, Grisel N, Sloan-Aagard C, Rao S, Raiyani C, Dickerson M, Bassett E, Fadel WF, Arndorfer J, Nanez J, Barron MA, Vazquez-Benitez G, Liao IC, Griggs EP, Reese SE, Valvi NR, Murthy K, Rowley EAK, Embi PJ, Ball S, Link-Gelles R, Tenforde MW. Relationships Between Social Vulnerability and Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Coverage and Vaccine Effectiveness. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 May 3;76(9):1615-1625. PubMed PMID: 36611252
DeSilva MB, Mitchell PK, Klein NP, Dixon BE, Tenforde MW, Thompson MG, Naleway AL, Grannis SJ, Ong TC, Natarajan K, Reese SE, Zerbo O, Kharbanda AB, Patel P, Stenehjem E, Raiyani C, Irving SA, Fadel WF, Rao S, Han J, Reynolds S, Davis JM, Lewis N, McEvoy C, Dickerson M, Dascomb K, Valvi NR, Barron MA, Goddard K, Vazquez-Benitez G, Grisel N, Mamawala M, Embi PJ, Fireman B, Essien IJ, Griggs EP, Arndorfer J, Gaglani M. Protection of Two and Three mRNA Vaccine Doses Against Severe Outcomes Among Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19-VISION Network, August 2021 to March 2022. J Infect Dis. 2023 Apr 18;227(8):961-969. PubMed PMID: 36415904
Stenehjem EA, Braun BI, Chitavi SO, Hyun DY, Schmaltz SP, Fakih MG, Neuhauser MM, Davidson LE, Meyer MJ, Tamma PD, Dodds-Ashley ES, Baker DW. Use of leading practices in US hospital antimicrobial stewardship programs. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2023 Jun;44(6):861-868. PubMed PMID: 36226839
Seibert AM, Hersh AL, Patel PK, Hicks LA, Fino N, Stanfield V, Stenehjem EA. Impact of an antibiotic stewardship initiative on urgent-care respiratory prescribing across patient race, ethnicity, and language. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2023 Dec 11;:1-4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38073559
Buckel WR, Stenehjem EA, Hersh AL, Hyun DY, Zetts RM. Harnessing the Power of Health Systems and Networks for Antimicrobial Stewardship. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Nov 30;75(11):2038-2044. PubMed PMID: 35758333
Embi PJ, Levy ME, Naleway AL, Patel P, Gaglani M, Natarajan K, Dascomb K, Ong TC, Klein NP, Liao IC, Grannis SJ, Han J, Stenehjem E, Dunne MM, Lewis N, Irving SA, Rao S, McEvoy C, Bozio CH, Murthy K, Dixon BE, Grisel N, Yang DH, Goddard K, Kharbanda AB, Reynolds S, Raiyani C, Fadel WF, Arndorfer J, Rowley EA, Fireman B, Ferdinands J, Valvi NR, Ball SW, Zerbo O, Griggs EP, Mitchell PK, Porter RM, Kiduko SA, Blanton L, Zhuang Y, Steffens A, Reese SE, Olson N, Williams J, Dickerson M, McMorrow M, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Fry AM, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Barron MA, Thompson MG, DeSilva MB. Effectiveness of two-dose vaccination with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against COVID-19-associated hospitalizations among immunocompromised adults-Nine States, January-September 2021. Am J Transplant. 2022 Jan;22(1):306-314. PubMed PMID: 34967121
Thompson MG, Stenehjem E, Grannis S, Ball SW, Naleway AL, Ong TC, DeSilva MB, Natarajan K, Bozio CH, Lewis N, Dascomb K, Dixon BE, Birch RJ, Irving SA, Rao S, Kharbanda E, Han J, Reynolds S, Goddard K, Grisel N, Fadel WF, Levy ME, Ferdinands J, Fireman B, Arndorfer J, Valvi NR, Rowley EA, Patel P, Zerbo O, Griggs EP, Porter RM, Demarco M, Blanton L, Steffens A, Zhuang Y, Olson N, Barron M, Shifflett P, Schrag SJ, Verani JR, Fry A, Gaglani M, Azziz-Baumgartner E, Klein NP. Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines in Ambulatory and Inpatient Care Settings. N Engl J Med. 2021 Oct 7;385(15):1355-1371. PubMed PMID: 34496194
Weber DJ, Talbot TR, Weinmann A, Mathew T, Heil E, Stenehjem E, Duncan R, Gross A, Stinchfield P, Baliga C, Wagner J, Schaffner W, Echevarria K, Drees M. Policy statement from the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA): Only medical contraindications should be accepted as a reason for not receiving all routine immunizations as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021 Jan;42(1):1-5. PubMed PMID: 32938509
Webb BJ, Subramanian A, Lopansri B, Goodman B, Jones PB, Ferraro J, Stenehjem E, Brown SM. Antibiotic Exposure and Risk for Hospital-Associated Clostridioides difficile Infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020 Mar 24;64(4). PubMed PMID: 31964789
Brunisholz KD, Knighton AJ, Webb B, Brown SM, Peltan ID, Stenehjem E, Knowlton K, Belnap TW, Quam J, Srivastava R. How Community-Based Health Systems Embrace Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Qual Manag Health Care. 2020 Jul Sep;29(3):173-175. PubMed PMID: 32590494
Brunisholz KD, Stenehjem E, Hersh AL, Wallin A, Carmichael H, Allen TL, Wolfe D, Knighton AJ, Belnap T, Srivastava R. Antibiotic Prescribing in Urgent Care: Implementing Evidence-Based Medicine in a Rapidly Emerging Health Care Delivery Setting. Qual Manag Health Care. 2020 Jan Mar;29(1):46-47. PubMed PMID: 31855936
Webb BJ, Peltan ID, Jensen P, Hoda D, Hunter B, Silver A, Starr N, Buckel W, Grisel N, Hummel E, Snow G, Morris D, Stenehjem E, Srivastava R, Brown SM. Clinical criteria for COVID-19-associated hyperinflammatory syndrome: a cohort study. Lancet Rheumatol. 2020 Dec;2(12):e754-e763. PubMed PMID: 33015645
Stenehjem E, Wallin A, Fleming-Dutra KE, Buckel WR, Stanfield V, Brunisholz KD, Sorensen J, Samore MH, Srivastava R, Hicks LA, Hersh AL. Antibiotic Prescribing Variability in a Large Urgent Care Network: A New Target for Outpatient Stewardship. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Apr 10;70(8):1781-1787. PubMed PMID: 31641768
Morris AM, Calderwood MS, Fridkin SK, Livorsi DJ, McGregor JC, Mody L, Moehring RW, Pakyz AL, Stenehjem E, Szymczak JE, Tamma PD. Research needs in antibiotic stewardship. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2019 Dec;40(12):1334-1343. PubMed PMID: 31662139
Hersh AL, Stenehjem E, Daines W. RE: Antibiotic Prescribing During Pediatric Direct-to-Consumer Telemedicine Visits. Pediatrics. 2019 Aug;144(2). PubMed PMID: 31366684
Buckel WR, Veillette JJ, Vento TJ, Stenehjem E. Antimicrobial Stewardship in Community Hospitals. Med Clin North Am. 2018 Sep;102(5):913-928. PubMed PMID: 30126580
Webb BJ, Stenehjem E, Dascomb K, Metersky M, Vikram HR, Dean NC. Reply to Babbel et al., "Application of the DRIP Score at a Veterans Affairs Hospital". Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2018 Mar;62(3). PubMed PMID: 29475893
Stenehjem E, Hersh AL, Buckel WR, Jones P, Sheng X, Evans RS, Burke JP, Lopansri BK, Srivastava R, Greene T, Pavia AT. Impact of Implementing Antibiotic Stewardship Programs in 15 Small Hospitals: A Cluster-Randomized Intervention. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Aug 1;67(4):525-532. PubMed PMID: 29790913
Buckel WR, Stenehjem E, Sorensen J, Dean N, Webb B. Broad- versus Narrow-Spectrum Oral Antibiotic Transition and Outcomes in Health Care-associated Pneumonia. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017 Feb;14(2):200-205. PubMed PMID: 27690519
Stenehjem E, Hyun DY, Septimus E, Yu KC, Meyer M, Raj D, Srinivasan A. Antibiotic Stewardship in Small Hospitals: Barriers and Potential Solutions. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Aug 15;65(4):691-696. PubMed PMID: 28472291
Stenehjem E, Hersh AL, Pavia AT. Reply to Buetti et al. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Apr 1;64(7):985-986. PubMed PMID: 28362941
Stenehjem E, Hersh AL, Sheng X, Jones P, Buckel WR, Lloyd JF, Howe S, Evans RS, Greene T, Pavia AT. Antibiotic Use in Small Community Hospitals. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Nov 15;63(10):1273-1280. PubMed PMID: 27694483
Webb BJ, Dascomb K, Stenehjem E, Vikram HR, Agrwal N, Sakata K, Williams K, Bockorny B, Bagavathy K, Mirza S, Metersky M, Dean NC. Derivation and Multicenter Validation of the Drug Resistance in Pneumonia Clinical Prediction Score. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016 May;60(5):2652-63. PubMed PMID: 26856838
Stenehjem E, Crispell EK, Rimland D, Farley MM, Satola SW. Longitudinal evaluation of clinical and colonization methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates among veterans. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2015 May;36(5):587-9. PubMed PMID: 25652133
Webb BJ, Dascomb K, Stenehjem E, Dean N. Predicting risk of drug-resistant organisms in pneumonia: moving beyond the HCAP model. Respir Med. 2015 Jan;109(1):1-10. PubMed PMID: 25468412
Thomason J, Rentsch C, Stenehjem EA, Hidron AI, Rimland D. Association between vitamin D deficiency and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection. Infection. 2015 Dec;43(6):715-22. PubMed PMID: 26141819
Zaeh S, Kempker R, Stenehjem E, Blumberg HM, Temesgen O, Ofotokun I, Tenna A. Improving tuberculosis screening and isoniazid preventive therapy in an HIV clinic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2013 Nov;17(11):1396-401. PubMed PMID: 24125440
Stenehjem E, Rimland D. MRSA nasal colonization burden and risk of MRSA infection. Am J Infect Control. 2013 May;41(5):405-10. PubMed PMID: 23261345
Stenehjem E, Stafford C, Rimland D. Reduction of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection among veterans in Atlanta. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013 Jan;34(1):62-8. PubMed PMID: 23221194
Tenna A, Stenehjem EA, Margoles L, Kacha E, Blumberg HM, Kempker RR. Infection control knowledge, attitudes, and practices among healthcare workers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013 Dec;34(12):1289-96. PubMed PMID: 24225614
Stenehjem E, Armstrong WS. Central nervous system device infections. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2012 Mar;26(1):89-110. PubMed PMID: 22284378
Stenehjem E, Rimland D, Crispell EK, Stafford C, Gaynes R, Satola SW. Cepheid Xpert MRSA cycle threshold in discordant colonization results and as a quantitative measure of nasal colonization burden. J Clin Microbiol. 2012 Jun;50(6):2079-81. PubMed PMID: 22442322
Livorsi DJ, Stenehjem E, Stephens DS. Virulence factors of gram-negative bacteria in sepsis with a focus on Neisseria meningitidis. Contrib Microbiol. 2011;17:31-47. PubMed PMID: 21659746
Stenehjem E, Shlay JC. Sex-specific differences in treatment outcomes for patients with HIV and AIDS. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 2008 Feb;8(1):51-63. PubMed PMID: 20528356