Lindsey Lane, MD

Professor Emerita, Pediatrics-General Pediatrics

Medical School
  • MD, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (1978)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Cambridge College (MA) (1975)
  • University of Pennsylvania Program (1979)
  • University of Pennsylvania Program, Pediatrics (1980)
  • Thomas Jefferson University Program, Pediatrics (1982)
Pediatrics-General Pediatrics


  • Zastoupil L, McIntosh A, Sopfe J, Burrows J, Kraynik J, Lane L, Hanson J, Seltz LB. Positive Impact of Transition From Noon Conference to Academic Half Day in a Pediatric Residency Program. Acad Pediatr. 2017 May - Jun;17(4):436-442. PubMed PMID: 28130128
  • Chandran L, Gusic ME, Lane JL, Baldwin CD. Designing a National Longitudinal Faculty Development Curriculum Focused on Educational Scholarship: Process, Outcomes, and Lessons Learned. Teach Learn Med. 2017 Jul-Sep;29(3):337-350. PubMed PMID: 28632010
  • Nicklas D, Lane JL, Hanson J, Owens J, Treitz M. Using Digital Stories to Reflect on the Culture of Overuse, Misuse, and Underuse in Medicine and Enhance the Patient-Provider Relationship. Acad Pediatr. 2017 Aug;17(6):694-696. PubMed PMID: 28189693
  • Lane JL, Soep JA, Hanson JL Narrative derived from medical student 'reflection-in-action': Lessons learned and implications for assessment. ACADEMICPEDS-D-16-00066R3
  • Whelan A, McOwen K, Lomis K, Chen C, Lane L. Early findings from the AAMC's competency based medical education initiative: Re-envisioning models and methods. AMEE meeting, Helsinki, Finland September, 2017
  • Nicklas D, Lane L, Hanson J. Can we do it? Finding a practical approach to curriculum evaluation in a large residency program. AMEE meeting, Helsinki, Finland September 2017
  • Randall V, Hanson J, Lane L. Applying threshold concepts to medical education. AMEE meeting, Helsinki, Finland September 2017
  • Lane L, Hanson J. Creating a consistent framework for assessment and documentation of performance across the continuum of pediatric medical education. AMEE meeting, Helsinki, Finland September 2017
  • Lane L, Guiton G, Tewkesbury L, Hanson J. The science of learning: Implications for medical education. PAS meeting, San Francisco, May 2017
  • Muradian S, Widge A, Boogaard C, Ottolini M, Agrawal D, Hanson J, Lane L, Hamburger E. Implementing and assessing a pediatric curriculum on the referral and consultation process. PAS meeting, San Francisco, May 2017
  • Nicklas D, Lane L, Hanson J. Can we do it? Finding a practical approach to curriculum evaluation in a large residency program .PAS meeting, San Francisco, May 2017
  • Seltz LB, Preloger E, Hanson JL, Lane L. Ward Rounds With or Without an Attending Physician: How Interns Learn Most Successfully. Acad Pediatr. 2016 Sep-Oct;16(7):638-44. PubMed PMID: 27283038
  • Piloting a pediatric curriculum on the referral and consultation process Alicia Widge, MD, Sarah Muradian, MD, Claire Boogaard, MD, Mary Ottolini, MD, MPH, Dewesh Agrawal, MD, Janice L Hanson, PhD, Lindsey Lane, BM, BCH, Ellen K Hamburger, MD Pediatric Academic Societies
  • Zastoupil L, Burrows J, Kraynick J, Lane L, Hanson J, Seltz B. Impact of Transitioning from Noon Conference to Academic Half Day on Resident Attendance, Interruptions, and Protected Educational Time. APPD Meeting
  • McIntosh A, Sopfe J, Lane L, Hanson J, Seltz B. Transition from Noon Conference to Academic Half Day in a Pediatric Residency Program. APPD Meeting
  • Nicklas, D., Lane, L. Owens, J., Hanson, J. (2016) Using reflection & digital stories to counteract the culture of overuse in medicine and enhance the patient/provider relationship. AMEE and Lown Conferences
  • Context Matters for Supervision Decisions about Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). Hanson JL, Lane JL, Soep J, Kaul P,& Jones D AMEE Meeting
  • How Do Clinical Competency Committees Make Entrustment Decisions Regarding Core EPAs? Janice Hanson, Emily Borman-Shoap, Michele Long, Meghan O’Connor, Lindsey Lane AAMC Meeting
  • Learning Management Systems: Do we have what we need for residency education? J. Lindsey Lane, BM BCh, Jason L. Owens, MPA, Patricia A. Schmitter, MEd, Peg Christon MD, MSCIS AAMC Meeting
  • Hamburger EK, Lane JL, Agrawal D, Boogaard C, Hanson JL, Weisz J, Ottolini M. The referral and consultation entrustable professional activity: defining the components in order to develop a curriculum for pediatric residents. Acad Pediatr. 2015 Jan-Feb;15(1):5-8. PubMed PMID: 25528123
  • Lockspeiser TM, Hanson JL, Schmitter PA, Jimenez S, Urban K, Rosenberg AA, Anderson, M Lane JL. Colliding Cultures: residnets perceptions of a novel, individualized, career-focused educational experience. Acad Pediatr.2015;15;4 e4-e5
  • Piloting a Pediatric Curriculum on the Referral and Consultation Process. Claire Boogaard, MD, Julie Krueger, MD, Jessica Weisz, MD, J. Lindsey Lane, BM.BCH, Janice L Hanson, PhD, Mary Ottolini, MD, Dewesh Agrawal, MD, Ellen K Hamburger, MD
  • Preloger E, Seltz B, Lane L, Hanson J. Ward rounds with and without an attending physician: what are interns learning?
  • Learner reflections can contribute to decisions about progression and entrustment J. Lindsey Lane BMBCh, Jennifer Soep MD, Carol Okada MD, Janice L. Hanson PhD
  • Using narrative for decisions about competence and progress in medical education Janice L Hanson PhD, Patricia Schmitter MEd, Jason Owens MPA, Adam Rosenberg MD, J Lindsey Lane BMBCh
  • Piloting a pediatric curriculum on the referral and consultation process.Claire Boogaard, MD, Julie Kruger, MD, Jessica Weisz, MD, J. Lindsey Lane, BM BCh, Janice L. Hanson, PhD, Mary C. Ottolini, MD, MPH, Dewesh Agrawal, MD, Ellen K. Hamburger, MD
  • Context Matters for Supervision Decisions about Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) Janice L. Hanson, PhD; J. Lindsey Lane, BM BCh; Jason Owens, MA; Jennifer Soep, MD; M. Douglas Jones, MD;
  • Learner reflections can contribute to performance assessments. J. Lindsey Lane BMBCh, Carol Okada MD, Jennifer Soep MD, Janice L Hanson PhD,
  • Hamburger EK, Lane JL, Agrawal D, Boogaard C, Hanson JL, Weisz J, Ottolini M. The referral and consultation entrustable professional activity: defining the components in order to develop a curriculum for pediatric residents. Acad Pediatr. 2015 Jan-Feb;15(1):5-8. PubMed PMID: 25528123
  • Seltz LB, Montgomery A, Lane JL, Soep J, Hanson JL. Medical students' experiences working with frequently rotating pediatric inpatient attending physicians. Hosp Pediatr. 2014 Jul;4(4):239-46. PubMed PMID: 24986994
  • Rosenberg AA, Lockspeiser T, Lane JL, Nomura Y, Schmitter P, Urban K, Jimenez S, Hanson J. A longitudinal career-focused block for third-year pediatrics residents. J Grad Med Educ. 2013 Dec;5(4):639-45. PubMed PMID: 24455015
  • Hanson JL, Rosenberg AA, Lane JL. Narrative descriptions should replace grades and numerical ratings for clinical performance in medical education in the United States. Front Psychol. 2013;4:668. PubMed PMID: 24348433
  • Lockspeiser TM, Schmitter PA, Lane JL, Hanson JL, Rosenberg AA, Park YS. Assessing residents' written learning goals and goal writing skill: validity evidence for the learning goal scoring rubric. Acad Med. 2013 Oct;88(10):1558-63. PubMed PMID: 23969364
  • Seltz LB, Montgomery A, Lane JL, Soep J & Hanson JL (2013) Medical Students’ Experiences with Frequently Rotating Pediatric Hospitalists. Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC, May 4-7, 2013. (also presented at University of Colorado Academy of Medical Educators Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, Nov. 2012 and Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics/Association of Pediatric Program Directors, Nashville, TN, Apr. 10-13, 2013.) (poster)
  • Lockspeiser TM, Schmitter PA, Lane JL, Rosenberg AA, Hanson JL, Park YS. Validity evidence for a learning goal scoring rubric. UIC MHPE Annual Sumer Conference, Chicago, IL, July 2013. (Platform)
  • Hanson JL, Hamburger EK, Lane JL, Boogaard C, Weisz J & Ottolini M (2013) A Qualitative Research Foundation for Residency Curriculum on the Referral/Consultation Process. Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC, May 4-7, 2013. (also presented at Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics/Association of Pediatric Program Directors, Nashville, TN, Apr. 10-13, 2013. (poster)
  • Treitz M, Lane JL & Hanson JL (2013) Taking the Classroom into the Community—A Pilot Study of iPads in an Advocacy Rotation. Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC, May 4-7, 2013. (poster)
  • Treitz M, Lane JL, Hanson JL (2013) Individualization: Value Added within a Core Advocacy Curriculum. Advocacy SIG, Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC, May 4-7, 2013. (poster)
  • Lockspeiser TM, Schmitter PA, Lane JL, Rosenberg AA & Hanson JL (2013) Does the Quality of Written Learning Goals Correlate with Self-Reported Success at Learning? Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC, May 4-7, 2013. (poster)
  • Lane JL, Rosenberg A & Hanson JL (2013) Using narrative descriptions as data to document learners’ progress on milestones: A practical response to the Next Accreditation System, Association of Medical Educators in Europe, Prague, The Czech Republic, Aug. 25-28, 2013. (oral)
  • Hanson JL, Lane JL & Rosenberg AA (2013) Descriptive Comments for Faculty Evaluation of Residents’ Clinical Performance, MedEdPortal poster session, Association of American Medical Colleges, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 3, 2013. (poster)
  • Treitz M, Hyman D, Hanson J, Lane JL. Evaluation of a Pediatric Resident Quality Improvement Curriculum that uses Sequential Cycles of Participation. Poster Symposium at University of Colorado Academy of Medical Educators Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium. November 2012.
  • Treitz M, Hyman D, Hanson J, Lane JL. Evaluation of a Pediatric Resident Quality Improvement Curriculum that uses Sequential Cycles of Participation. Poster Presentation at University of Colorado Department of Medicine Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) Symposium. November 2012.
  • Seltz LB, Montgomery A, Lane JL, Soep J & Hanson JL (2012) Medical Students’ Experiences with Frequently Rotating Pediatric Hospitalists. University of Colorado Academy of Medical Educators Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, November 2012. (poster)
  • Wang KE, Fitzpatrick C, George D, Lane L. Attitudes of affiliate faculty members toward medical student summative evaluation for clinical clerkships: a qualitative analysis. Teach Learn Med. 2012;24(1):8-17. PubMed PMID: 22250930
  • Lockspeiser, Tai M., Schmitter, Patricia A., Morten, Kathy, Redmond, Sheilah, Lane, J. Lindsey, Jones, M. Douglas, Rosenberg, Adam A., Lessons Learned from Implementation of a Career Focused Longitudinal Block for Third Year Residents, Poster, APPD Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2012.
  • Lockspeiser, Tai M., Rosenberg, Adam A., Schmitter, Patricia, Lane, J. Lindsey, Creation of a Learning Goal Scoring Rubric, Poster, APPD Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2012.
  • Chung, Esther K., Yuen, Elaine J., Plumb, James D., Altshuler, Marc J., Kottenhahn, Renee K., Daley, Lauren M., Lane, J. Lindsey, Incorporating Advocacy Teaching into an Existing Outpatient Rotation: Impact on Medical Students and Residents, Poster, PAS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2012.
  • Lockspeiser, Tai M., Lane J. Lindsey, Bucking the Norms: Resident Perceptions of a Longitudinal Block Experience, Poster, PAS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2012.
  • Lockspeiser, Tai M., Rosenberg, Adam A., Schmitter, Patricia, Lane, J. Lindsey, Creation of a Learning Goal Scoring Rubric, PAS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 2012.
  • Lane, J. Lindsey, Black, Benjamin T., Jerpbak, Christine M., Medical student change: A new perspective. Poster, AMEE Annual Conference, Lyon, France, 2012
  • Lockspeiser, Tai, Hanson, Janice, Lane, J. Lindsey, Factors Leading to Successful Use of Learning Goals in a Pediatric Residency, Poster, AMEE Annual Conference, Lyon, France, 2012
  • Zenni, Elisa A., Lane, Lindsey, Baldwin, Constance D., Educational Principles and Scholarship. Workshop at PAS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • Forgie, Sarah E., Agrawal, Dewesh, Greenberg, Larrie, Lane, J., Lindsey, Ottolini, Mary C. Activating Learners: Innovative Methods to Increase the Depth and Breadth of Learning in Many Venues. PAS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
  • Forgie, Sarah E., Greenberg, Larrie, Lane, J. Lindsey, Ottolini, Mary C., From Vygotsky to Videos, from Piaget to Puppets - Integrating the Art, Philosophy and Science of Teaching and Learning to Activate Learners and Promote Meaningful Learning in Many Contexts, AAMC Meeting, San Francisco. 2012
  • Treitz M, Hyman D, Hanson J, Lane J. Evaluation of a Pediatric Resident Quality Improvement Curriculum that uses Sequential Cycles of Participation. Poster Symposium at University of Colorado Academy of Medical Educators Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium. November 2012.
  • Treitz M, Hyman D, Hanson J, Lane J. Evaluation of a Pediatric Resident Quality Improvement Curriculum that uses Sequential Cycles of Participation. Poster Presentation at University of Colorado Department of Medicine Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) Symposium. November 2012.
  • Poster toolbox: Ginny Niebuhr and Lindsey Lane March, 2014\poster.htm
  • AAMC Clinical Care Innovation Challenge Pilot Project proposal for an innovative project in GME to pilot a Referral and Consultation Curriculum Abstract published in a special collection of the iCollaborative, a web service provided by AAMC’s MedEdPortal that is dedicated to advancing the sharing of new and innovative resources, approaches, and strategies spanning health care delivery, education and research. The iCollaborative is a key resource for sharing members’ strategies around building capacity for clinical transformation. March, 2014
  • Chapters: Lane JL, Soep J, Jones MD Jr. Assessment of paediatric residents based on ACGME Competencies in Harden RM. Why outcome-based education (OBE) is an important development in medical education in The International Handbook of Medical Education. .
  • Medical Education Featured in the CHCO annual report:
  • Weisz J, Boogaard C, Lane JL, Hanson J, Ottolini M, Agrawal D, Hamburger EK (2014) Developing a pediatric curriculum on the referral and consultation process APPD Meeting 2014
  • Treitz M, Forte A, Lane JL, Hanson J (2014) A partially individualized advocacy rotation for pediatric residents: A mixed methods curricular study. Pediatric Academic Societies meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 3-6, 2014. (poster)
  • Weisz J, Boogaard C, Lane JL, Hanson J, Ottolini M, Agrawal D, Hamburger EK (2014) Developing a pediatric curriculum on the referral and consultation process. Pediatric Academic Societies meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 3-6, 2014. (poster)
  • Using Descriptive Comments for Meaningful Assessment of Learner Performance. J. Lindsey Lane, BM BCh, Patricia A. Schmitter, MEd, Jason L. Owens, MPA, Adam A. Rosenberg, MD, Janice L. Hanson, PhD. AAMC Medical Education Meeting, Chicago, Illinois November 6-7, 2014 (poster)
  • Treitz M, Forte A, Lane JL, Hanson J. A Partially Individualized Advocacy Rotation for Pediatric Residents: A Mixed Methods Curricular Study. Poster Symposium at University of Colorado Academy of Medical Educators Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, Aurora. February 2014.
  • Treitz M, Lane JL, Hanson J. Structuring Reflective Practices for Pediatric Residents. Poster Symposium at University of Colorado Academy of Medical Educators Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium, Aurora. February 2014.
  • Hanson J, Lane L, Jirasevijinda TJ, Hemmer P & Govaerts M (2014) Narrative description as evaluation data in health professional education. Ottawa conference/Canadian Conference on Medical Education, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Apr 25-29, 2014. (symposium)
  • Lane L, Lockspeiser TM, Parker TA, Hanson JL. (2014) Educating physicians for the future. Pediatric Academic Societies meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 3-6, 2014. (PAS topic symposium)
  • Hanson JL, Tewksbury L, Balmer D, Colson E, Lockspeiser TM, VonKohorn I, Lane JL, Jirasejivinda TJ, LI ST (2014) Delving deeper into qualitative research methods: Philosophical frameworks and qualitative analysis. Pediatric Academic Societies meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 3-6, 2014. (workshop
  • Teaching in the Clinical Setting: Workshop for Department of Psychiatry UCSOM Retreat, April 2014

Professional Memberships

  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Member
  • Ambulatory Pediatric Association, Member

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Children's Colorado Health Pavilion
860 N Potomac Cir
Aurora, CO 80111

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Specialty Information

  • Pediatrics, Board Certification (1985)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Primary Care