Sumeet Garg, MD

Professor, Orthopedics

Medical School
  • MD, Harvard Medical School (2004)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Harvard University (MA) (1999)
  • Washington University/Barnes-Jewish Hospital/St. Louis Children's Hospital (2005)
  • Washington University/Barnes-Jewish Hospital/St. Louis Children's Hospital, Orthopedics (2009)
  • Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Pediatric Orthopedics (2010)
  • Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Orthopedic Surgery of the Spine (2010)

Research Interests

My research interests focus on the improvement of spine care for infants, toddlers, and adolescents. These include research focusing on reducing infection, improving surgical results and safety, and improvement of quality of life for our patients.


  • Larson AN, Marks MC, Gonzalez Sepulveda JM, Newton PO, Devlin VJ, Peat R, Tarver ME, Babalola O, Chen AL, Gebben D, Cahill P, Shah S, Samdani A, Bachmann K, Lonner B. Non-Fusion Versus Fusion Surgery in Pediatric Idiopathic Scoliosis: What Trade-Offs in Outcomes Are Acceptable for the Patient and Family?. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2024 Jan 3;106(1):2-9. PubMed PMID: 37943944
  • Larson AN, Polly DW, Sponseller PD, Kelly MP, Richards BS, Garg S, Parent S, Shah SA, Weinstein SL, Crawford CH 3rd, Sanders JO, Blakemore LC, Oetgen ME, Fletcher ND, Kremers WK, Marks MC, Brearley AM, Aubin CE, Sucato DJ, Labelle H, Erickson MA. The Effect of Implant Density on Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Fusion: Results of the Minimize Implants Maximize Outcomes Randomized Clinical Trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2024 Feb 7;106(3):180-189. PubMed PMID: 37973031
  • Hoernschemeyer DG, Elliott P, Lonner BS, Eaker L, Boeyer ME. Bilateral vertebral body tethering: identifying key factors associated with successful outcomes. Eur Spine J. 2024 Feb;33(2):723-731. PubMed PMID: 38180517
  • LaValva SM, Swarup I, Garg S, Yaszay B, Gupta MC, Sucato DJ, Kelly MP, Samdani A, Lenke L, Boachie O, Cahill PJ. Who gets staged surgery in severe pediatric and adolescent spine deformity?. Spine Deform. 2024 Mar;12(2):383-390. PubMed PMID: 38091233
  • Catanzano A, Upasani VV, Bryan TP, Yaszay B, Newton PO. Breaking the Rules in Three Dimensions: What to Expect After a Thoracic-only Fusion With Structural Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Curves. J Pediatr Orthop. 2024 Mar 1;44(3):e242-e248. PubMed PMID: 38062890
  • Ramirez N, Deliz-Jimenez D, Torres-Lugo N, Olivella G, Cahill P, Gupta P, Garg S, Pahys J, Mac-Thiong JM. Clinical Relevance of Painful Congenital Early-onset Scoliosis: A Magnetic Resonance Image-based Study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2024 Apr 1;44(4):232-235. PubMed PMID: 38269603
  • CreveCoeur TS, Iyer RR, Goldstein HE, Delgardo MW, Hankinson TC, Erickson MA, Garg S, Skaggs DL, Andras L, Kennedy BC, Cahill PJ, Lenke LG, Angevine PD, Roye BD, Vitale MG, Mendiratta A, Anderson RCE. Timing of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM) recovery and clinical recovery after termination of pediatric spinal deformity surgery due to loss of IONM signals. Spine J. 2024 Sep;24(9):1740-1749. PubMed PMID: 38614157
  • Lau D, Samdani AF, Pahys JM, Miyanji F, Shah SA, Lonner BS, Sponseller PD, Yaszay B, Hwang SW. Surgical Outcomes of Cerebral Palsy Patients With Scoliosis and Lumbar Hyperlordosis: A Comparative Analysis With 2-year Minimum Follow-up. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Nov 15;48(22):E374-E381. PubMed PMID: 37000681
  • Roye BD, Fano AN, Quan T, Matsumoto H, Garg S, Heffernan MJ, Poon SC, Glotzbecker MP, Fletcher ND, Sturm PF, Ramirez N, Vitale MG, Anari JB. Modified Clavien-Dindo-Sink system is reliable for classifying complications following surgical treatment of early-onset scoliosis. Spine Deform. 2023 Jan;11(1):205-212. PubMed PMID: 36053431
  • Garg S, Darland H, Kim E, Sanchez B, Carry P. 7.7% Prevalence of neural axis abnormalities on routine magnetic resonance imaging in patients with presumed adolescent idiopathic scoliosis scheduled for spine surgery: a consecutive single surgeon retrospective cohort of 182 patients. Spine Deform. 2023 Jan;11(1):95-104. PubMed PMID: 36040639
  • Parker E, Al Anazi M, Hurry JK, El-Hawary R. Low radius of curvature growth-friendly rib-based implants increase the risk of developing clinically significant proximal junctional kyphosis. Spine Deform. 2023 May;11(3):733-738. PubMed PMID: 36689054
  • Boeyer ME, Groneck A, Alanay A, Neal KM, Larson AN, Parent S, Newton P, Miyanji F, Haber L, Hoernschemeyer DG. Operative differences for posterior spinal fusion after vertebral body tethering: Are we fusing more levels in the end?. Eur Spine J. 2023 Feb;32(2):625-633. PubMed PMID: 36542164
  • Haber L, Starring H, Newcomb N, Larson AN, Desai B, Roybal J, Fant W, Milbrandt T, Boeyer M, Marks M, Newton P, Samdani A, Miyanji F, Hoernschemeyer D. Drain options after vertebral body tethering. Spine Deform. 2023 Mar;11(2):367-372. PubMed PMID: 36219390
  • Tetreault T, Darland H, Vu A, Carry P, Garg S. Adolescent athletes return to sports rapidly after posterior spine fusion for idiopathic scoliosis: a prospective cohort study. Spine Deform. 2023 Mar;11(2):383-390. PubMed PMID: 36197603
  • O'Neill NP, Mo AZ, Miller PE, Glotzbecker MP, Li Y, Fletcher ND, Upasani VV, Riccio AI, Spence D, Garg S, Krengel W, Birch C, Hedequist DJ. The Reliability of the AO Spine Upper Cervical Classification System in Children: Results of a Multi-Center Study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Apr 1;43(4):273-277. PubMed PMID: 36706430
  • Tetreault TA, Garg S. Return to play following spine surgery. Front Pediatr. 2023;11:1176563. PubMed PMID: 37138567
  • Li Y, Yang D, Bergman R, Jha S, Casden M, Smith JT, Vitale M, Heffernan M. Preoperative left shoulder elevation?>?1 cm is predictive of severe postoperative shoulder imbalance in early onset idiopathic scoliosis patients treated with growth-friendly instrumentation. Spine Deform. 2023 Sep;11(5):1157-1167. PubMed PMID: 37155134
  • Stone LE, Upasani VV, Pahys JM, Fletcher ND, George SG, Shah SA, Bastrom TP, Bartley CE, Lenke LG, Newton PO, Kelly MP. SRS-22r Self-Image After Surgery for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis at 10-year Follow-up. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 May 15;48(10):683-687. PubMed PMID: 36917707
  • Parker E, Al Anazi M, Hurry JK, El-Hawary R. Low radius of curvature growth-friendly rib-based implants increase the risk of developing clinically significant proximal junctional kyphosis. Spine Deform. 2023 May;11(3):733-738. PubMed PMID: 36689054
  • Gupta A, Oh IY, Kim S, Marks MC, Payne PRO, Ames CP, Pellise F, Pahys JM, Fletcher ND, Newton PO, Kelly MP. Machine Learning for Benchmarking Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Surgery Outcomes. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Aug 15;48(16):1138-1147. PubMed PMID: 37249385
  • Cerpa M, Zuckerman SL, Lenke LG, Kelly MP, Yaszay B, Newton P, Sponseller P, Erickson M, Garg S, Pahys J, Samdani A, Cahill P, McCarthy R, Bumpass D, Sucato D, Boachie-Adjei O, Shah S, Gupta M. Myelopathic Patients Undergoing Severe Pediatric Spinal Deformity Surgery Can Improve Neurologic Function to That of Non-Myelopathic Patients by 1-Year Postoperative. Global Spine J. 2023 Jun;13(5):1384-1393. PubMed PMID: 34409864
  • Yankey KP, Owusu DN, Sackeyfio A, Wulff I, Duah HO, Gross LF, Lenke LG, Sponseller P, Shah S, Erickson MA, Sides B, Newton P, Bumpass D, Gupta M, Ravinsky R, Boachie-Adjei O. Medical complications and health-related quality of life in complex pediatric spine deformities exceeding 100 degrees or treated by 3CO. Spine Deform. 2023 Jul;11(4):833-840. PubMed PMID: 36826693
  • Zhou Y, Guglielmi G, Garg S, Hankinson TC. Delayed Diagnosis of Cervical Epidural Hematoma in a 3-Year-Old Boy: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connect. 2023 Jul 1;13(3). PubMed PMID: 37651573
  • Landrum M, Nocka HR, Ashebo L, Hilmara D, MacAlpine E, Flynn JM, Ho M, Newton PO, Sponseller PD, Lonner BS, Cahill PJ. Pregnancy and Childbirth After Spinal Fusion for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Nov-Dec 01;43(10):620-625. PubMed PMID: 37705419
  • Gupta MC, Lenke LG, Gupta S, Farooqi AS, Asghar JK, Boachie-Adjei O, Cahill PJ, Erickson MA, Garg S, Newton PO, Samdani AF, Shah SA, Shufflebarger HL, Sponseller PD, Sucato DJ, Bumpass DB, McCarthy RE, Yaszay B, Pahys JM, Ye J, Kelly MP. Perioperative Complications and Health-related Quality of Life Outcomes in Severe Pediatric Spinal Deformity. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Nov 1;48(21):1492-1499. PubMed PMID: 37134134
  • Lau D, Samdani AF, Pahys JM, Miyanji F, Shah SA, Lonner BS, Sponseller PD, Yaszay B, Hwang SW. Surgical Outcomes of Cerebral Palsy Patients With Scoliosis and Lumbar Hyperlordosis: A Comparative Analysis With 2-year Minimum Follow-up. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2023 Nov 15;48(22):E374-E381. PubMed PMID: 37000681
  • Landrum M, Nocka HR, Ashebo L, Hilmara D, MacAlpine E, Flynn JM, Ho M, Newton PO, Sponseller PD, Lonner BS, Cahill PJ. Pregnancy and Childbirth After Spinal Fusion for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop. 2023 Nov-Dec 01;43(10):620-625. PubMed PMID: 37705419
  • LaValva, S. M., J. M. Pahys, S. Garg, D. B. Bumpass, D. J. Sucato, M. P. Kelly, L. G. Lenke, M. C. Gupta, P. D. Sponseller, O. Boachie-Adjei, S. A. Shah, B. Yaszay, the Fox PSDS, and P. J. Cahill. “Preoperative Halo-Gravity Traction for Severe Pediatric Spinal Deformity: Can It Replace a Vertebral Column Resection? Original Research”. Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, vol. 5, no. 1, Feb. 2023, doi:10.55275/JPOSNA-2023-496
  • Heffernan MJ, Younis M, Glotzbecker MP, Garg S, Leonardi C, Poon SC, Brooks JT, Sturm PF, Sponseller PD, Vitale MG, Emans JB, Roye BD. The Effect of Surgeon Experience on Outcomes Following Growth Friendly Instrumentation for Early Onset Scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop. 2022 Feb 1;42(2):e132-e137. PubMed PMID: 34759190
  • Guzek RH, Murphy R, Hardesty CK, Emans JB, Garg S, Smith JT, Roye BD, Glotzbecker MP, Sturm PF, Snyder BD, Poon SC, Poe-Kochert C, Anari JB. Mortality in Early-Onset Scoliosis During the Growth-friendly Surgery Era. J Pediatr Orthop. 2022 Mar 1;42(3):131-137. PubMed PMID: 35138296
  • Swany L, Larson AN, Garg S, Hedequist D, Newton P, Sponseller P. 0.4% incidence of return to OR due to screw malposition in a large prospective adolescent idiopathic scoliosis database. Spine Deform. 2022 Mar;10(2):361-367. PubMed PMID: 34746979
  • Segal DN, Ball J, Fletcher ND, Yoon E, Bastrom T, Vitale MG. Risk factors for the development of DJK in AIS patients undergoing posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion. Spine Deform. 2022 Mar;10(2):377-385. PubMed PMID: 34529249
  • Matsumoto H, Fano AN, Ball J, Roye BD, George A, Garg S, Erickson M, Samdani A, Skaggs D, Roye DP, Vitale MG. Uncorrected Pelvic Obliquity Is Associated With Worse Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in Children and Their Caregivers at the End of Surgical Treatment for Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS). J Pediatr Orthop. 2022 Apr 1;42(4):e390-e396. PubMed PMID: 35142714
  • Garg S, Kim E, Gupta P. Optimizing Expansion Clinic for Patients With Magnetic Controlled Growth Rods. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2022 May 15;30(10):437-442. PubMed PMID: 35255489
  • Boachie-Adjei O, Duah HO, Sackeyfio A, Yankey KP, Lenke LG, Sponseller PD, Samdani AF, Sucato DJ, Sides BA, Newton PO, Shah SA, Akoto H, Gupta MC. Surgical outcomes of severe spinal deformities exceeding 100° or treated by vertebral column resection (VCR). Does implant density matter?: an observational study of deformity groupings. Spine Deform. 2022 May;10(3):595-606. PubMed PMID: 35305251
  • Mishreky A, Parent S, Miyanji F, Smit K, Murphy J, Bowker R, Al Khatib N, El-Hawary R. Body mass index affects outcomes after vertebral body tethering surgery. Spine Deform. 2022 May;10(3):563-571. PubMed PMID: 35013996
  • Shaw KA, Welborn MC, Matsumoto H, Parent S, Sachwani N, El-Hawary R, Skaggs D, Newton PO, Blakemore L, Vitale M, Samdani A, Murphy JS. To tether or fuse? Significant equipoise remains in treatment recommendations for idiopathic scoliosis. Spine Deform. 2022 Jul;10(4):763-773. PubMed PMID: 35316524
  • Nossov SB, Quinonez A, SanJuan J, Gaughan JP, Pahys J, Samdani A, Flynn J, Mayer OH, Garg S, Glotzbecker M, Smith J, Cahill PJ. Does ventilator use status correlate with quality of life in patients with early-onset scoliosis treated with rib-based growing system implantation?. Spine Deform. 2022 Jul;10(4):943-950. PubMed PMID: 35038135
  • Gomez JA, Ge DH, Boden E, Hanstein R, Alvandi LM, Lo Y, Hwang S, Samdani AF, Sponseller PD, Garg S, Skaggs DL, Vitale MG, Emans J. Posterior-only Resection of Single Hemivertebrae With 2-Level Versus >2-Level Fusion: Can We Improve Outcomes?. J Pediatr Orthop. 2022 Aug 1;42(7):354-360. PubMed PMID: 35499167
  • Hariharan AR, Shah SA, Petfield J, Baldwin M, Yaszay B, Newton PO, Lenke LG, Lonner BS, Miyanji F, Sponseller PD, Samdani AF. Complications following surgical treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a 10-year prospective follow-up study. Spine Deform. 2022 Sep;10(5):1097-1105. PubMed PMID: 35488969
  • Lindgren AM, Bastrom TP, Bartley CE, Samdani AF, Shah SA, Miyanji F, Cahill PJ, Upasani VV, Newton PO, Yaszay B. Preoperative factors associated with optimal outcomes of selective thoracic fusion at 5 years. Spine Deform. 2022 Sep;10(5):1117-1122. PubMed PMID: 35380352
  • Howard R, Sponseller PD, Shah SA, Miyanji F, Samdani AF, Newton PO, Yaszay B. Definitive fusion for scoliosis in late juvenile cerebral palsy patients is durable at 5 years postoperatively. Spine Deform. 2022 Nov;10(6):1423-1428. PubMed PMID: 35713874
  • Matsumoto H, Sinha R, Roye BD, Ball JR, Skaggs KF, Brooks JT, Welborn MC, Emans JB, Anari JB, Johnston CE, Akbarnia BA, Vitale MG, Murphy RF. Contraindications to magnetically controlled growing rods: consensus among experts in treating early onset scoliosis. Spine Deform. 2022 Nov;10(6):1289-1297. PubMed PMID: 35780448
  • Shaw KA, Orland K, Bastrom TP, Newton PO, Fletcher ND. 1- vs. 2-year follow-up after posterior spinal fusion for AIS: what additional information is gained?. Spine Deform. 2022 Nov;10(6):1359-1366. PubMed PMID: 35869332
  • Kunes J, Quan T, Iyer R, Fano AN, Matsumoto H, Erickson M, McCarthy R, Brockmeyer D, Anderson RCE, Vitale MG. Reduced complication rate with simultaneous detethering and spinal deformity correction surgery compared to staged surgeries in patients with early onset scoliosis. Spine Deform. 2022 Nov;10(6):1473-1480. PubMed PMID: 35821353
  • Kunes, J. A., D. Raman, H. Matsumoto, A. Boby, S. Garg, J. Pahys, B. Roye, M. G. Vitale, and P. S. Study Group. “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health-Related Quality of Life in Children With Early Onset Scoliosis: Original Research”. Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, vol. 4, no. 4, Nov. 2022
  • Douleh, D. G., G. Albert, and S. Garg. “Surgical Techniques for Adolescent Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: Master’s Surgical Technique”. Journal of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, vol. 4, no. 4, Nov. 2022
  • Matsumoto H, Marciano G, Redding G, Ha J, Luhmann S, Garg S, Roye D, White K. Association between health-related quality of life outcomes and pulmonary function testing. Spine Deform. 2021 Jan;9(1):99-104. PubMed PMID: 32851599
  • Zuckerman SL, Lenke LG, Cerpa M, Kelly MP, Yaszay B, Sponseller P, Erickson M, Garg S, Pahys J, Cahill P, Sides B, Gupta M. Interobserver and intraobserver reliability of determining the deformity angular ratio in severe pediatric deformity curves. Spine Deform. 2021 Mar;9(2):435-440. PubMed PMID: 33201497
  • Li Y, Swallow J, Gagnier J, Cahill PJ, Sponseller PD, Garg S, Thompson GH, Ramo BA. Growth-friendly surgery results in more growth but a higher complication rate and unplanned returns to the operating room compared to single fusion in neuromuscular early-onset scoliosis: a multicenter retrospective cohort study. Spine Deform. 2021 May;9(3):851-858. PubMed PMID: 33555599
  • Garg S, Thomas J, Darland H, Kim E, Kittelson J, Erickson M, Carry P. Ultrasonic Bone Scalpel (USBS) Does Not Reduce Blood Loss During Posterior Spinal Fusion (PSF) in Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS): Randomized Clinical Trial. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2021 Jul 1;46(13):845-851. PubMed PMID: 34100838
  • Douleh DG, Greig D, Thompson R, Garg S. When Should Instrumentation to the Pelvis be Considered in Minimally Ambulatory Adolescents With Neuromuscular Scoliosis?. J Pediatr Orthop. 2021 Jul 1;41(Suppl 1):S53-S58. PubMed PMID: 34096538
  • Skaggs DL, Compton E, Vitale MG, Garg S, Stone J, Fletcher ND, Illingworth KD, Kim HJ, Ball J, Kim EB, Keil L, Harris H, Shah SP, Andras LM. Power versus manual pedicle tract preparation: a multi-center study of early adopters. Spine Deform. 2021 Sep;9(5):1395-1402. PubMed PMID: 33891296
  • Varley ES, Pawelek JB, Mundis GM Jr, Oetgen ME, Sturm PF, Akbarnia BA, Yaszay B. The role of traditional growing rods in the era of magnetically controlled growing rods for the treatment of early-onset scoliosis. Spine Deform. 2021 Sep;9(5):1465-1472. PubMed PMID: 33871833
  • Garg S, Khechoyan D, Kim EB, French B. Multilayered and Flap Closure Technique for Pediatric Spinal Deformity Surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2020 Feb 1;28(3):e92-e99. PubMed PMID: 31977607
  • Anari JB, Flynn JM, Cahill PJ, Vitale MG, Smith JT, Gomez JA, Garg S, Baldwin KD. Unplanned return to OR (UPROR) for children with early onset scoliosis (EOS): a comprehensive evaluation of all diagnoses and instrumentation strategies. Spine Deform. 2020 Apr;8(2):295-302. PubMed PMID: 32030640
  • Murphy RF, Barfield WR, St Hilaire T, Smith JT, Emans JB, Samdani A, Garg S, Sawyer JR, Pahys JM. Prospectively collected surgeon indications for discontinuation of a lengthening program for early-onset scoliosis. Spine Deform. 2020 Feb;8(1):129-133. PubMed PMID: 31981149
  • Mo AZ, Miller PE, Glotzbecker MP, Li Y, Fletcher ND, Upasani VV, Riccio AI, Hresko MT, Krengel WF, Spence D, Garg S, Hedequist DJ. The Reliability of the AOSpine Thoracolumbar Classification System in Children: Results of a Multicenter Study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2020 May Jun;40(5):e352-e356. PubMed PMID: 32032218
  • Brooks Peterson M, Cohen MN, O'Neill BR, Garg S, Child J, Henthorn TK, Galinkin JG. Preoperative Vancomycin Administration for Surgical Site Prophylaxis: Plasma and Soft-Tissue Concentrations in Pediatric Neurosurgical and Orthopedic Patients. Anesth Analg. 2020 May;130(5):1435-1444. PubMed PMID: 31397701
  • LaValva S, Adams A, MacAlpine E, Gupta P, Hammerberg K, Thompson GH, Sturm P, Garg S, Anari J, Sponseller P, Flynn J, Cahill PJ. Serial Casting in Neuromuscular and Syndromic Early-onset Scoliosis (EOS) Can Delay Surgery Over 2 Years. J Pediatr Orthop. 2020 Sep;40(8):e772-e779. PubMed PMID: 32301848
  • Roye BD, Simhon ME, Matsumoto H, Garg S, Redding G, Samdani A, Smith JT, Sponseller P, Vitale MG. Bigger is better: larger thoracic height is associated with increased health related quality of life at skeletal maturity. Spine Deform. 2020 Aug;8(4):771-779. PubMed PMID: 32162196
  • Yu H, Kim E, Garg S. Development of a spring-based weight system for halo gravity traction for complex pediatric spinal deformity. Spine Deform. 2020 Oct;8(5):879-884. PubMed PMID: 32303999
  • Nielsen E, Andras LM, Siddiqui AA, Michael N, Garg S, Paloski M, Brighton BK, Ferrero E, Mazda K, Ilharreborde B, Skaggs DL. 40% reoperation rate in adolescents with spondylolisthesis. Spine Deform. 2020 Oct;8(5):1059-1067. PubMed PMID: 32378040
  • Larson AN, Floccari LV, Garg S, Erickson MA, Sponseller PD, Brito JP, Aubin CE, Polly DW Jr. Willingness to enroll in a surgical randomized controlled trial: patient and parent preferences regarding implant density for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis fusion. Spine Deform. 2020 Oct;8(5):957-963. PubMed PMID: 32495208
  • LaValva SM, MacAlpine EM, Kawakami N, Gandhi JS, Morishita K, Sturm PF, Garg S, Glotzbecker MP, Anari JB, Flynn JM, Cahill PJ. Awake serial body casting for the management of infantile idiopathic scoliosis: is general anesthesia necessary?. Spine Deform. 2020 Oct;8(5):1109-1115. PubMed PMID: 32383143
  • Matsumoto H, Auran E, Fields MW, Hung CW, Hilaire TS, Roye B, Sturm P, Garg S, Sanders J, Oetgen M, Levine S, Roye D, Vitale M. Serial casting for early onset scoliosis and its effects on health-related quality of life during and after discontinuation of treatment. Spine Deform. 2020 Dec;8(6):1361-1367. PubMed PMID: 32757176
  • Gibly RF, Garg S, Mehlman CT. The Community Orthopaedic Surgeon Taking Trauma Call: Radial Neck Fracture Pearls and Pitfalls. J Orthop Trauma. 2019 Aug;33 Suppl 8:S17-S21. PubMed PMID: 31290841
  • Nossov SB, Curatolo E, Campbell RM, Mayer OH, Garg S, Cahill APJ. VEPTR: Are We Reducing Respiratory Assistance Requirements?. J Pediatr Orthop. 2019 Jan;39(1):28-32. PubMed PMID: 28399050
  • Garg S, Quick HD, Kim EB, Erickson MA. Use of Activity Trackers in Orthopaedics. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2019 Oct 1;27(19):e859-e866. PubMed PMID: 30829985
  • Ramo B, Tran DP, Reddy A, Brown K, Niswander C, Erickson M, Garg S. Delay to Surgery Greater Than 6 Months Leads to Substantial Deformity Progression and Increased Intervention in Immature Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Spine Deform. 2019 May;7(3):428-435. PubMed PMID: 31053313
  • Peterson MB, Cohen MN, O'Neill BR, Garg S, Child J, Henthorn TK, Galinkin JG. Preoperative Vancomycin Administration for Surgical Site Prophylaxis: Plasma and Soft-Tissue Concentrations in Pediatric Neurosurgical and Orthopedic Patients. Anesth Analg. 2019 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31397701
  • Garg S, Palmer C, Whitmore W, Cyr M, Michael N, Kim E, Boucharel W. Triggered EMG (T-EMG) Values of Pedicle Screws with a Powered Screwdriver vs A Standard Probe in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Do Not Agree: A Prospective Validation Study. Neurodiagn J. 2019;59(3):152-162. PubMed PMID: 31251123
  • Garg S, Khechoyan D, Kim EB, French B. Multilayered and Flap Closure Technique for Pediatric Spinal Deformity Surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2019 Jul 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31335453
  • Helenius IJ, Saarinen AJ, White KK, McClung A, Yazici M, Garg S, Thompson GH, Johnston CE, Pahys JM, Vitale MG, Akbarnia BA, Sponseller PD. Results of growth-friendly management of early-onset scoliosis in children with and without skeletal dysplasias: a matched comparison. Bone Joint J. 2019 Dec;101-B(12):1563-1569. PubMed PMID: 31787003
  • Woon RP, Skaggs DL, Sanders J, Garg S, Sawyer JR, Fletcher N, Andras LM. How Precise are Clinical Height Measurements in Scoliosis Patients? Current Orthopaedic Practice, 2018:29(3):223-225.
  • Michael N, Palmer C, Smith JT, Pan Z, St Hilaire T, Morgan J, Heagy V, Garg S. Complication Severity Score for Growth-friendly Surgery Has Strong Interrater and Intrarater Agreement. J Pediatr Orthop. 2018 Apr;38(4):e190-e193. PubMed PMID: 29389720
  • Vandenberg C, Niswander C, Carry P, Bloch N, Pan Z, Erickson M, Garg S. Compliance With a Comprehensive Antibiotic Protocol Improves Infection Incidence in Pediatric Spine Surgery. J Pediatr Orthop. 2018 May Jun;38(5):287-292. PubMed PMID: 27280896
  • O'Donnell C, Michael N, Pan X, Emans J, Garg S, Erickson M. Anterior Spinal Fusion and Posterior Spinal Fusion Both Effectively Treat Lenke Type 5 Curves in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A Multicenter Study. Spine Deform. 2018 May - Jun;6(3):231-240. PubMed PMID: 29735131
  • Thomas JJ, Levek C, Quick HD, Brinton JT, Garg S, Cohen MN. Utility of gabapentin in meeting physical therapy goals following posterior spinal fusion in adolescent patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Paediatr Anaesth. 2018 Jun;28(6):558-563. PubMed PMID: 29878543
  • Garg S, Bloch N, Potter M, Quick H, Palmer C, Michael N, O'Donnell C, Erickson M. Topical Vancomycin in Pediatric Spine Surgery Does Not Reduce Surgical Site Infection: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Spine Deform. 2018 Sep - Oct;6(5):523-528. PubMed PMID: 30122387
  • Gandhi JS, Shea KG, Sponseller PD, Brighton BK, Ganley TJ. Evidence-based Medicine in Pediatric Orthopaedics: Evidence-based Practice Committee Summary of Levels of Evidence, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Appropriate Use Criteria, and Best Practice Guidelines. J Pediatr Orthop. 2018 Jul;38(6):e349-e353. PubMed PMID: 29727412
  • Striano BM, Refakis C, Garg S, El-Hawary R, Pahys JM, Vitale M, Campbell RM, Flynn JM, Cahill PJ. How Often Do You Lengthen? A Physician Survey on Lengthening Practice for Prosthetic Rib Devices. Spine Deform. 2018 Jul - Aug;6(4):473-477. PubMed PMID: 29886922
  • Roaten JD, Kelly DM, Yellin JL, Flynn JM, Cyr M, Garg S, Broom A, Andras LM, Sawyer JR. Pediatric Femoral Shaft Fractures: A Multicenter Review of the AAOS Clinical Practice Guidelines Before and After 2009. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Apr 10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28399048
  • Nossov SB, Curatolo E, Campbell RM, Mayer OH, Garg S, Cahill PJ. VEPTR: Are We Reducing Respiratory Assistance Requirements?. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Apr 10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28399050
  • Cyr M, Hilaire TS, Pan Z, Thompson GH, Vitale MG, Garg S. Classification of Early Onset Scoliosis has Excellent Interobserver and Intraobserver Reliability. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Jan;37(1):e1-e3. PubMed PMID: 26600295
  • O'Donnell C, Michael N, Bloch N, Erickson M, Garg S. Strategies to Minimize Blood Loss and Transfusion in Pediatric Spine Surgery. JBJS Rev. 2017 May;5(5):e1. PubMed PMID: 28471775
  • O'Donnell C, Bloch N, Michael N, Erickson M, Garg S. Management of Scoliosis in Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. JBJS Rev. 2017 Jul;5(7):e8. PubMed PMID: 28742716
  • Garg S, McCarthy JJ, Goodwin R, Kolmodin J, Sankar WN, Franklin C, Armstrong D, Fryzel D, Hassenbein S, Meder C. Complication Rates After Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) Use in Orthopaedic Surgery in Children: A Concise Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Sep;37(6):e375-e378. PubMed PMID: 27603194
  • Park HY, Matsumoto H, Feinberg N, Roye DP, Kanj WW, Betz RR, Cahill PJ, Glotzbecker MP, Luhmann SJ, Garg S, Sawyer JR, Smith JT, Flynn JM, Vitale MG. The Classification for Early-onset Scoliosis (C-EOS) Correlates With the Speed of Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib (VEPTR) Proximal Anchor Failure. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Sep;37(6):381-386. PubMed PMID: 26566066
  • LaGreca J, Flynn T, Cahill PJ, Samdani A, Vitale MG, El-Hawary R, Smith JT, Phillips JH, Flynn JM, Glotzbecker M, Garg S. Patients Without Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM) Alerts During VEPTR Implantation Did Not Sustain Neurological Injury During Subsequent Routine Expansions: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Dec;37(8):e619-e624. PubMed PMID: 28328563
  • Gomez JA, Grzywna A, Miller PE, Karlin LI, Garg S, Sanders JO, Sturm PF, Sponseller PD, D'Astous JL, Glotzbecker MP. Initial Cast Correction as a Predictor of Treatment Outcome Success for Infantile Idiopathic Scoliosis. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Dec;37(8):e625-e630. PubMed PMID: 28834850
  • Roaten JD, Kelly DM, Yellin JL, Flynn JM, Cyr M, Garg S, Broom A, Andras LM, Sawyer JR. Pediatric Femoral Shaft Fractures: A Multicenter Review of the AAOS Clinical Practice Guidelines Before and After 2009. J Pediatr Orthop. 2017 Apr 10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28399048
  • Garg S. Management of scoliosis in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy: A literature review. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2016;9(1):23-9. PubMed PMID: 26966797
  • Garg S, Bloch N, Cyr M, Carry P. Routine radiographs at time of pin removal after closed reduction and percutaneous pinning for type 2 supracondylar humerus fractures do not change management: a retrospective cohort study. J Child Orthop. 2016 Aug;10(4):329-33. PubMed PMID: 27270906
  • Park HY, Matsumoto H, Feinberg N, Roye DP, Kanj WW, Betz RR, Cahill PJ, Glotzbecker MP, Luhmann SJ, Garg S, Sawyer JR, Smith JT, Flynn JM, Vitale MG. The Classification for Early-onset Scoliosis (C-EOS) Correlates With the Speed of Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib (VEPTR) Proximal Anchor Failure. J Pediatr Orthop. 2015 Nov 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26566066
  • Garg S, LaGreca J, Hotchkiss M, Erickson M. Management of late (>1 y) deep infection after spinal fusion: a retrospective cohort study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2015 Apr-May;35(3):266-70. PubMed PMID: 25025743
  • Garg S, Kipper E, LaGreca J, Carry P, Erickson M. Are routine postoperative radiographs necessary during the first year after posterior spinal fusion for idiopathic scoliosis? A retrospective cohort analysis of implant failure and surgery revision rates. J Pediatr Orthop. 2015 Jan;35(1):33-8. PubMed PMID: 24840654
  • Barsi J, Caprio B, Garg S, Baulesh D, Erickson M. Do Intraoperative LIV-Tilt and Disk Angle Remain Stable at 2-year Follow-up Compared With Upright Radiographs in Patients With Idiopathic Scoliosis?: A Retrospective Cohort Study. J Spinal Disord Tech. 2015 Aug;28(7):264-9. PubMed PMID: 24662284
  • Muchow RD, Riccio AI, Garg S, Ho CA, Wimberly RL. Neurological and vascular injury associated with supracondylar humerus fractures and ipsilateral forearm fractures in children. J Pediatr Orthop. 2015 Mar;35(2):121-5. PubMed PMID: 24919135
  • Davern MS, Garg S, Hankinson TC. Operative management of traumatic cervical spine distraction and complete cord transection in a 3-year-old patient. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2015 Feb;15(2):214-9. PubMed PMID: 25415253
  • Garg S, Niswander CR, Pan Z, Erickson MA. Crosslinks do not improve clinical or radiographic outcomes of posterior spinal fusion in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Spine Deformity. 2015;3(4):338-344
  • Erickson MA, Garg S. Fractures of the proximal radius and ulna. In : Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children, 8th Edition. Flynn JM, Skaggs DL, Waters PM Eds. Philadephia: Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015
  • Larson AN, Garg S, Weller A, Fletcher ND, Schiller JR, Kwon M, Browne R, Copley LA, Ho CA. Operative treatment of type II supracondylar humerus fractures: does time to surgery affect complications?. J Pediatr Orthop. 2014 Jun;34(4):382-7. PubMed PMID: 24248589
  • Garg S, LaGreca J, Hotchkiss M, Erickson M. Management of Late (>1 y) Deep Infection After Spinal Fusion: A Retrospective Cohort Study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2014 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25025743
  • Garg S, LaGreca J, St Hilaire T, Gao D, Glotzbecker M, Li Y, Smith JT, Flynn J. Wound complications of vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib incisions. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2014 Jun 1;39(13):E777-81. PubMed PMID: 24732832
  • Glotzbecker M, Johnston C, Miller P, Smith J, Perez-Grueso FS, Woon R, Flynn J, Gold M, Garg S, Redding G, Cahill P, Emans J. Is there a relationship between thoracic dimensions and pulmonary function in early-onset scoliosis?. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2014 Sep 1;39(19):1590-5. PubMed PMID: 24875963
  • Glotzbecker MP, Garg S, Akbarnia BA, Vitale M, Hillaire TS, Joshi A. Surgeon practices regarding infection prevention for growth friendly spinal procedures. J Child Orthop. 2014 May;8(3):245-50. PubMed PMID: 24744235
  • LaGreca J, Hotchkiss M, Carry P, Messacar K, Nyquist AC, Erickson M, Garg S. Bacteriology and risk factors for development of late (greater than one year) deep infection following spinal fusion with instrumentation. Spine Deformity, 2014;2(3):186-190.
  • Garg S, Holland C, LaGreca J, McNair B, Erickson M. Predicting failure of iliac fixation in neuromuscular spine deformity. Spine Deformity, 2014;2(3):214-218.
  • The Relationship of GMFCS Level and Hip Dysplasia on the Pattern and Progression of Scoliosis in Children with Cerebral Palsy Sumeet Garg, MD*; Glenn Engelman, BA* ; Hiroyuki Yoshihara, MD, PhD*; Bryan McNair, MS‡; Frank Chang, MD* ACCEPTED: Spine Deformity
  • Clinical characteristics of severe supracondylar humerus fractures in children. Garg S, Weller A, Larson AN, Fletcher ND, Schiller JS, Kwon M, Browne RH, Copley L, Ho C Accepted JPO
  • Garg S, Erickson MA. Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis. In: Spine Surgery Basics. Patel A, Patel V, Harrop J, Burger E, Eds. Publication anticipated 2013
  • Erickson MA, Garg S. Fractures of the Proximal Radius and Ulna. In: Fractures in Children. Publication Pending.
  • Mansour A, Ballard R, Garg S, Baulesh D, Erickson M. The use of barbed sutures during scoliosis fusion wound closure: a quality improvement analysis. J Pediatr Orthop. 2013 Dec;33(8):786-90. PubMed PMID: 24213622
  • Weller A, Garg S, Larson AN, Fletcher ND, Schiller JR, Kwon M, Copley LA, Browne R, Ho CA. Management of the pediatric pulseless supracondylar humeral fracture: is vascular exploration necessary?. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Nov 6;95(21):1906-12. PubMed PMID: 24196459
  • Garg S, Engelman G, Yoshihara H, McNair B, Chang F. The Relationship of GMFCS level and hip dysplasia on the pattern and progression of scoliosis in children with cerebral palsy. Spine Deformity, 2013:1:266-271.
  • Rabenhorst B, Garg S, Herring JA. Posterior spinal fusion in patients with Ehlers Danlos syndrome - A report of six cases. Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics, 2012; accepted.
  • Garg S, Erickson MA. Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis. In: Spine Surgery Basics. Patel A, Patel V, Harrop J, Burger E, Eds. Publication anticipated 2012
  • Baulesh DM, Huh J, Judkins T, Garg S, Miller NH, Erickson MA. The role of serial casting in early onset scoliosis. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 2012;32(7):658-663.
  • Fletcher ND, Schiller JR, Garg S, Weller A, Larson AN, Kwon M, Browne R, Copley L, Ho C. Increased severity of type III supracondylar humerus fratures in the preteen population. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 2012;32(6):567-572.
  • Garg S, Erickson MA. Evaluation and management of back pain in adolescents. CAFP News. 2012; Winter Issue 22-26.
  • Garg S. Developmental dysplasia of the hip. In: Clinical Decision Support: Pediatrics.
  • Garg S, Johnston CE. Early onset scoliosis. In: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Pediatrics 4. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2011.
  • Garg S, Buchowski J. Ch 151. Post-operative early and late wound/implant infections. In: The Textbook of Spinal Surgery. 3rd edition. Bridwell KH, DeWald RL Eds. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011
  • Garg S, Dormans JP. Ch 138 Benign tumors of the spine. In: The Textbook of Spinal Surgery. 3rd edition. Bridwell KH, DeWald RL Eds. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011
  • Garg S. Scoliosis treatment depends on age of child, severity of condition. CAFP News. 2011; Winter Issue: 19-21.
  • Garg S, Johnston CE. Early onset scoliosis. In: Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: Pediatrics 4.
  • Garg SB, Oetgen M, Richards BS, Rathjen KE. Kyphectomy improves sitting and skin problems in patients with myelomeningocele. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, published ahead of print, 2011.
  • Anakwenze OA, Auerbach JD, Buck DW, Garg S, Simon SL, Sutton LN, Sponseller PD, Dormans JP. The role of concurrent fusion to prevent spinal deformity after intramedullary spinal cord tumor excision in children. Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics, 2011;31:475-479.
  • Zenz W, Muntean W. [You make the diagnosis. Heterozygote factor V deficiency. Venous ectasias in the area of the Kiesselbach locus]. Padiatr Padol. 1988;23(3):253-5. PubMed PMID: 3186270
  • Rabenhorst B, Garg S, Herring JA. Posterior spinal fusion in patients with Ehlers Danlos syndrome: A report of six cases. Journal of Children’s Orthopaedics, 2012;6(2):131-136.

Professional Memberships

  • American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery (AAOS), Member
  • Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA), Member
  • Pediatric Spine Study Group, Member
  • Scoliosis Research Society (SRS), Member
  • Colorado Orthopaedic Society (COS), Member
  • US News and World Report, Best Children's Hospitals Pediatric Orthopedics Commitee, Member
  • Harms Study Group, Member
  • Fox Severe Pediatric Spine Study Group, Member

Practice Locations

Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
13123 East 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Children's Hospital Colorado South Campus - Highlands Ranch
1811 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Orthopedics, Board Certification (2012)
  • Pediatric Orthopedics
Conditions & Treatments
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Spine Injuries
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Scoliosis
  • Surgery
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles - Fractures
  • Bones, Joints and Muscles
Clinical Interests
I am interested in pediatric orthopedics and pediatric spine conditions including scoliosis, spine fractures and injuries, musculoskeletal infection, and fracture care. I look forward to meeting with you and your children. My goal is to treat them with the same care and kindness I would expect for my family.

Care Philosophy
I strive to inform my patients on all the various treatment options available to them. I present information regarding these options such that families can make informed decisions for their children. I always put the best interests of my patients and their families as my first priority.

Personal Interests
I enjoy running, both recreationally and road races. My wife and I enjoy watching television and movies together. Most of my free time is spent playing with my children at home and outdoors.

Volunteer Activities
Quality improvement for Children's Hospital Colorado