. Hendrick RE, Helvie MA. Mammography screening: a new estimate of number needed to screen to prevent one breast cancer death. Am. J. Roentgenology 2012; 198: 723-728.
Sechopolous I, Hendrick RE. Mammography and the risk of thyroid cancer. Am. J. Roentgenology 2012; 198: 705-707.
Hendrick RE, Dodd GD, Fullerton GD, Hendee WR, Borgstede JP, Larke F. The University of Colorado radiology adult dose-risk Smartcard. JACR, April 2012; 9: 290-292.
Cole EB, Zhang Z, Marques HS, Padungchaichote W, Kuzmiak C, Chayakulkheeree J, Yaffe MJ, Hendrick RE, Nishikawa R, Pisano ED. Assessing the Standalone Sensitivity of Computer-aided Detection (CADe) with Cancer Cases from the Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial (DMIST). Am. J. Roentgenology 2012, accepted for publication.
Javitt MC, Hendrick RE, Keen J, Jorgensen KJ. Point/Counterpoint: Recent data show that mammographic screening of asymptomatic women is effective and essential. Medical Physics, to be published July 2012.
Hendrick RE, Helvie MA. USPSTF Guidelines on Screening Mammography Recommendations: Science Ignored. Am. J. Roentgenology 2011; 196: W112 - W116
Hendrick RE, Ikeda D. . Mammogram acquisition: screen-film and digital mammography, computer-aided detection, and the Mammography Quality Standards Act. In Breast Imaging: the Requisites, 2nd Edition, D. Ikeda, ed. Elsevier Mosby Publishing Co., 2011, p. 1-30.
Hendrick RE, Helvie MA. Reply to 3 Letters on United States Preventive Services Task Force screening mammography recommendations: science ignored. Am. J. Roentgenology October 2011; 197: W794.
Hendrick RE, Ikeda D. Mammography acquisition: screen-film and digital mammography, the Mammography Quality Standards Act, , and computer-aided detection. In Breast Imaging: the Requisites, 2nd Edition, D. Ikeda, ed. Elsevier Mosby Publishing Co., 2011, p. 1-23.
Helvie MA, Hendrick RE. Mammography screening: a new estimate of number needed to screen to prevent one breast cancer death. SST01-02. Scientific talk presented at RSNA, Dec 2, 2011.
Gennaro G, Toladano A, Hendrick RE, Paquelet JR, Bezzon E, DiMaggio C, et. al. Lesion detection and characterization with digital breast tomosynthesis vs. digital mammography. Scientific session LL-BR5-MO7B. RSNA November 27, 2011.
Lee CH, Dershaw DD, Kopans D, Evans P, Monsees B, Monticciolo B, Brenner RJ, Bassett L, Berg W, Feig S, Hendrick E, Mendelson E, D’Orsi C, Sickles E, Warren-Burhenne L. Breast cancer screening with imaging: recommendations from the society of breast imaging and the ACR on the use of mammography, breast MRI, breast ultrasound, and other technologies for the detection of clinically occult breast cancer. Journal of the American College of Radiology 2010; 7: 18-27.
Hendrick RE, Pisano ED, Averbukh A, et.al. Comparison of acquisition parameters and breast dose in digital mammography and screen-film mammography in the American College of Radiology Imaging Network Digital Mammographic Screening Trial. Am. J. Roentgenology 2010; 194: 362-369.
Hendrick RE. Radiation doses and cancer risks from breast imaging studies. Radiology 2010; 257: 246-253.