Larry Green, MD

Distinguished Professor, Family Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, Baylor College of Medicine (1973)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, University of Oklahoma (OK) (1969)
  • University of Rochester/Highland Hospital of Rochester Program, Family Medicine (1976)
Family Medicine

Professional Titles

  • Professor and Epperson Zorn Chair for Innovation in Family Medicine and Primary Care


  • Etz RS, Solid CA, Gonzalez MM, Reves SR, Britton E, Green LA, Bechtel C, Bitton A, Stange KC. Is Primary Care Ready for the New Public Health Emergency Instigated by the COVID-19 Pandemic? Family Practice 2024;41:732-739.
  • Ventres WB, Stone LA, Rowland KT, Streiffer RH, Macechko MD, Roulier JA, Borkan , J, Green LA. Storylines of family medicine I—framing family medicine: history, values, and perspectives. Fam Med Community Health 2024; 12:e002789. doi:10.1136/fmch-2024-002789 1
  • Green LA. e-letter Data transformed into stories that matter. April 1, 2024.
  • Ferenchick EK, Randenikumara, Dowrick C, Lionis C, Lam CLK, Green LA. Bold action and collaboration for health for all. The Lancet, April 13, 2024.
  • Jabbarpour Y, Huffstetler A, Westfall JM, Bazemore A, Phillips RL, and Green LA. Celebrating 25 years of high-quality family medicine and primary care policy research. Am Fam Physician 2024;110:22-23.
  • Ericson A, Bonuck K, Green LA, Conry C, Martin JC, Carney PA. Optimizing Survey Response Rates in Graduate Medical Education Research Studies. Fam Med 2023;55:304-310.
  • Sullivan EE, Etz RS, Gonzalez MM, Reves SR, Deubel J, Stange KC, Green LA, Bitton A, Griffiths EP, Sinsky CA, Linzer M. Primary Care in Peril: How Clinicians View the Problems and Solutions. NEJM Catalyst May 17,2023;4(6). DOI:10.1056/CAT.23.0029.
  • Phillips WR, Gebauer S, Kueper JK, Martinez-Guijosa, A, Felzien M, olde Hartman TC, Westfall JM, DeVoe JE, Stewart M, Herbert CP, Green LA, Brown JB. Primary care research: looking back and moving forward with reflections on NAPCRG's first 50 years. Annals of Family Medicine. 2023:21(5)456-462. DOI:
  • Green LA. e-letter Counterculture Professionalism!! March 28, 2023.
  • Green LA. e-letter Payment Reform and New Family Medicine Residencies. May 30, 2023.
  • Green LA, Miller WL, Frey JJ, Jason H, Westberg J, Cohen DJ, Gotler RS, deGruy FV. The time is now: a plan to redesign family medicine residency education. Fam Med 2022;54:7-15.
  • Amor SH, Daniels-Williamson T, Fraser-Barclay K, Dowrick C, Gilchrist EC, Gold S, Green LA, Hemeida S, Howe A, Jortberg B, Lam C, Owuar H, Pge H, Randenikumara. Advocacy training for young family doctors in primary mental health care: a report and global call to action. BJGP 2022; doi: 10.3399/BJGP.2021.0163.
  • Brown JB, Westfall J, Harper D, Green LA. From NAPCRG: Napcrg 50th anniversary—a year long celebration. Ann Fam Med 2022;20:191-2.
  • Gold SB, Gilchrist E, Kirchner RD, Razeen B, Green LA, Dickinson WP. The building blocks of behavioral health integration. The Eugene S. Farley, Jr Health Policy Center and the Practice Innovation Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, June 9, 2022.
  • Green LA, Bartlett G. The North American Primary Care Research Group strong at 50 years: the past, present, and future of primary are research. Family Practice 2022;38:980-1.
  • Green LA. ABMS Conference 2022 Informs and Challenges. ABMS Communique, Winter 2022.
  • Green LA. Commentary on Confronting Racism in Pediatric Care. Health Affairs. Nov 13, 2022.
  • Green LA. e-letter. Re: What is my value as a doctor? Ann Fam Med Jan 5, 2021.
  • Hughes LS, Mathieu S, Green LA. Colorado’s primary practices are fragile and at risk of collapse. Farley Center Health Policy Brief #16, January 15, 2021.
  • Green LA. e-letter. Re: Cherry blossoms will come again. Ann Fam Med Jan 19, 2021.
  • Westfall, JM, Liaw, W, Griswold K, Stange K, Green LA, Phillips RL, Bazemore AB, Jaen CR, Hughes LS, DeVoe J, Gullett, H, Puffer JC, and Gotler RS.Uniting Public Health and Primary Care for Healthy Communities in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond. J Am Board Fam Med 2021; 34:S203-S209.
  • Gold SB, Green LA, Westfall JM. Heeding the call for urgent primary care payment reform: what do we know about how to get started. J Am Board of Fam Med 2021;34:424-429.
  • Green LA,Puffer JC. Retrieving family medicines lost literature: the journal of family practice 1974-1999 archive. J Am Board of Fam Med 2021; 34:477-480. DOI:
  • Peek CJ, Westfall JM, Liaw W, Ewigman B, DeVoe, JE, Green LA, Polverento ME, Bora N, deGruy FV, Harper PG, and Baker NJ. Shared language for shared work in population health. Ann Fam Med 2021;19:450-456.
  • Fernald DH, Zittleman L, Gilchrist EC, Brou LI, Niebauer L, LedonneC, Sutter C, Felzien M, Westfall JM, Green LA. UPSTREAM! Together Evaluation Results from Community Efforts to Prevent Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Health Problems. Evaluation and Program Planning(2021), doi:
  • Carney PA, Thayer EK, Green LA, Warm EJ, Homboe ES, Carraccio C, Eiff MP. Conditions influencing collaboration among the primary care disciplines as they prepare the future primary care physician workforce. Family Medicine 2020;52:398-407.
  • Eiff PM, Fuqua-Miller M, Valenzuela S, Saseen JJ, Zierler B, Carraccio C, McDonald FS, Green LA, Careney PA. A model for accelerating educational and clinical transformation in primary care by building interprofessional faculty teams: findings from PACER. J of Interprofessional Education and Practice 2020.
  • Gold SB, Green LA. Colorado’s Continuing Journey to Integrated Care: Progress! Family Systems and Health. 2020;38:323-326.
  • Gold SB, Green LA, Westfall JM. How Payment Reform Could Enable Primary Care to Respond to COVID-19. The Milbank Memorial Fund. April 2020. Available at:
  • Gotler RS, Green LA, Etz RS. What 1966 Can Teach Us About the Future of Primary Care: The Case for Commuities of Solution. Milbank Quarterly Opinion. June 10, 2020.
  • Gold SB, Dickinson P, Green LA. Behavioral Health Policy Brief. (prepared for Bipartisan Policy Center). April 9, 2020.
  • Carney PA, Thayer EK, Green LA, Warm EJ, Homboe ES, Carraccio C, Eiff MP. Conditions influencing collaboration among the primary care disciplines as they prepare the future primary care physician workforce. Fam Med. 2020.
  • Rashid MA, Green LA. The next generation of connectivity in family medicine research. Ann Fam Med 2019;17:291-2.
  • Green LA. Humans and healthcare. (response to Johansen and Richardson ecology of medical care before and after the affordable care act, Ann Fam Med 17:526-537). Ann Fam Med, published Dec 6, 2019.
  • The Robert Graham Center (Bazemore A, Wilkinson E, Petterson S, Green LA) Proportional erosion of the primary care physician workforce has continued since 2010. Am Fam Physician 2019;100:211-212.
  • Liaw W, Fetty A, Petterson S, Bazemore A, Green L. Trends in the types of usual sources of care: a shift from people to places or nothing at all. HSR Health Services Research (first published 31 August 2017). DOI:10.111/1475-6773.12753. Print: HSR:Health Services Research 2018;53:2346-2367.
  • Ono S, Hernier J, Edwards ST, Green LA, Kaufman A, Solberg L, Crabtree BF, Miller WL, Woodson TT, Sweeney S, Balasubramanian, Cohen D. Taking innovation to scale in primary care practices: the function of healthcare extension. Health Affairs 2018;37:222-230.
  • Davis MM, Gunn R, Gowen LK, Miller BF, Green LA, Cohen DJ. A qualitative study of patient experience of integrated behavioral health and primary care settings: more similar than different. Translational Behavioral Medicine 2018;XX:XX-XX. doi:10.1093/tbm/ibx001.
  • Siegel L, Wetmore S, Green LA. The future role of the personal physician in Canada. Opinions of family medicine residents, faculty members, and community family physicians. Canadian Family Physician (in press accepted Jan8, 2018).
  • Carney PA, Eiff MP, Waller E, Jones SM, Green LA. Redesigning residency training: summary findings from the preparing the personal physician for practice (P4) Project. Family Medicine 2018;50:503-517.
  • Gold SB, Green LA, Editors. Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care: Your patients are waiting. 2018. Authors, Chapters 1 and 8.
  • Farley Health Policy Center. Miller BF, Gilchrist EC, Ross KM, Wong L, Green LA. Creating a culture of whole health. Recommendations for integrating behavioral health and primary care. February 2018.
  • Reeve J, Beaulieu MD, Freeman T, Green LA, Lucassen P, et al. Revitalizing generalist practice: the Montreal statement. Ann Fam Med 2018;16:371-373.
  • III Summit Policy Briefs: Writing Team (Etz, Ganiats, Green, Miller, Peek, Reves, Stange) 1. What Matters in Primary Care 2. Competing Discourses and Paralysis 3. Historical Context for PC Measures Work 4. Guidance for Developing PC Measures 5. Framework of PC Measures Starfield, Domains, and Key Elements
  • Gold SB, Green LA, Peek CJ. From our practices to yours: key messages for the journey to integrated behavioral health. JABFM Jan 2017;30:25-34.
  • Eiff MP, Green LA, Jones G, Devlaeminck AV, Waller E, Dexter E, Marino M, and Carney PA. Varied rates of implementation of patient centered medical home features and residents’ perceptions of their importance based on practice experience. Family Medicine 2017;49:183-192.
  • Carney PA, Waller E, Dexter E, Marino M, Morton K, Green L, Fogarty CT, Jones S, Eiff MP. Team training in family medicine residency programs and its impact on team-based practice post graduation. Family Medicine 2017;49:346-352.
  • Clark KD, Miller BF, Green LA, deGruy FV, Davis M, Cohen DJ. Implementation of behavioral health interventions in real world scenarios: managing complex change. Family Systems and Health 2017;35:36-45.
  • Eiff MP, Hollander-Rodriguez J, Skariah J, Young R, Waller BA, Dexter E, O”Neill TR, Peabody MR, Green LA, Carney PA. Scope of practice among recent family medicine residency graduates. Family Medicine 2017;49:607-18.
  • Waller E, Eiff MP, Dexter E, Rinaldo JCB, Marino M, Garvin R, Douglass AB, Phillips RL, Green LA, Carney LA. Impact of residency training redesign on residents’ clinical knowledge. Family Medicine 2017;49:693-698.
  • Balasubramanian BA, Cohen DJ, Jetelina KK, Dickinson LM, Davis MM, Gunn R, Gowen K, deGruy FV, Miller BF, Green LA. Outcomes of integrated behavioral health with primary care. JABFM 2017;30:130-139.
  • Green LA. Perspectives of an early adopter of family medicine as a discipline and a cause. Fam Med 2017;49:261-4.
  • Green LA. Will people have personal physicians anymore? Can Fam Physician 2017;63:909-912.
  • Green LA. Primary care research in the USA. In Goodyear-Smith and Mash B, editors. International Perspectives in Primary Care Research, on behalf of the World Organization of Family Doctors. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. Boca Raton, Fl. April 2016.
  • Green LA, Puffer JC. Guest Editors. Reimagining the Personal Physician: Perspectives from the Keystone IV Conference. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2016;29 Supplement 1:S1-S71.
  • Green LA. Maurice Wood: an appreciation. Br J of Gen Pract 2016;66:262.
  • deGruy FV, Green LA. Return—for good this time—to practicing in the context of families and communities. AnnFamMed 2016;14:402-3.
  • Green LW, Green LA, Portnoy B, Fisher B=RS, Ashbury FD. Donald Iverson, PhD DSc(Hon) (1946-2016). Support Care Cancer 2016;24:3679-3680.
  • Wong SL, Green LA, Bazemore AW, Miller BF. How to write a health policy brief. Family Systems and Health. Online first. December 2, 2016. Doi:10.1037/fsh0000238.
  • Eiff MP, Green LA, Homboe E, McDonald FS, Klink K, Smith DG, Carraccio C, Harding R, Dexter E, Marino M, Jones S, Caverzagie K, Mustapha M, and Carney PA. A model for catalyzing educational and clinical transformation in primary care: outcomes from a partnership among family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Acad Med 2016;91:1293-1304
  • Green LA, Puffer JC. Reimagining our relationships with patients: a perspective from the Keystone IV Conference. JABFM 2016; 29:S1-S11.
  • Carney PA, Waller E, Dexter E, Marino M, Green LA, Jones G, Keister DM, Dostal J, Jones SM, and Eiff PM. Association between patient centered medical home features and satisfaction with family medicine residency training in the US. Family Medicine 2016;48:784-94.
  • Carney PA, Jacob-Files E, Rosenkranz SJ, Cohen DJ, Green L, Jones S, Fogarty CT, Waller E, Eiff MP. Perceptions of becoming personal physicians within a patient-centered medical home. J Health Edu Res and Dev 2016;4:179 DOI:10.4172/2380-5439.1000179.
  • Kozakowski SM, Eiff MP, Green LA, Pugno PA, Waller E, Jones SM, Fetter G Jr, Carney PA. Five key leadership actions needed to redesign family medicine residencies. J of Grad Med Education 2015;7:187-191.
  • Reynolds, PP, Klink K, Gilman S, Green LA, Phillips RS, Shipman S, Keahey D, Rugen K, Davis M. The patient-centered medical home: preparation of the workforce, more questions than answers. JGIM 2015;30:1013-7.
  • Green LA, Klinkman M. Perspectives in primary care: the foundational and urgent importance of a shared primary care data model. AnnFamMed 2015;13:303-311.
  • David SP, Johnson SG, Berger AG, Feero WG, Burke W, Terry SF, Green LA, Phillips R, Ginsburg GS. Making personalized healthcare even more personalized. AnnFamMed 2015;13:373-380.
  • Puffer JC, Borkan J, DeVoe JE, Davis A, Phillips RL, Green LA, Saultz JW. Envisioning a new health care system for America. Fam Med 2015:47:598-603.
  • Saultz JW, Jones SM, McDaniel SH, Bagley B, McCormally T, Marker JE, Weida JA, Green LA. A new foundation for the delivery and financing of American health care. Fam Med 2015;47:612-9.
  • Carney PA, Eiff MP, Green LA, Carraccio C, Smith DG, Pugno PA, Iobst W, McGuinness G, Klink K, Jones SM, Tucker L, Holmboe E. A primary care transformation collaborative among family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatric residencies. Acad Med 2015;90:1054-1060.
  • Green LA, Cifuentes M. Advancing care together by integrating primary care and behavioral health. JABFM 2015;28:S1-S6.
  • Cohen DJ, Balasubramanian BA, Davis M, Hall J, Gunn R, Stange KC, Green LA, Miller WL, Crabtree BF, England JM, Clark K, Miller BF. Understanding care integration from the ground up: five organizing constructs that shape integrated practices. JABFM 2015;28:S7-S20.
  • Cohen DJ, Davis M, Balasubramanian BA, Gunn R, Hall J, deGruy FV, Peek CJ, Green LA, Stange KC, Pallares C, Levey S, Pollack D, Miller BF. Integrating behavioral health and primary care: consulting, coordinating, and collaborating among professionals. JABFM 2015;28:S21-S31.
  • Wallace NT, Cohen DJ, Gunn R, Beck A, Belek S, Bechtold D, Green LA. Start-up and ongoing practice expenses of behavioral health and primary care integration interventions in the ACT program. JABFM 2015;28:S86-S97.
  • Green LA, Puffer JC. The American Board of Family Medicine Foundation inaugurates the G. Gayle Stephens Keystone Conference Series. JABFM 2015;28:538-9.
  • Hickner J, Green LA. Practice based research networks: growing and still going after all these years. JABFM 2015;28:541-545.
  • North American Primary Care Research Group. Workshop. Larry Green with Bijal Balasubramanian, Maribel Cifuentes, Deborah Cohen, Melinda Davis, Frank deGruy, Perry Dickinson, Douglas Fernald, Larry Green, and Stephanie Kirchner. Coping with the Evaluation Challenges of Practices Integrating Primary Care and Behavioral Health. Cancun, Mexico. October 2015.
  • North American Primary Care Research Group Presentation with Deborah Cohen. Start-up and ongoing practice expenses of behavioral health and primary care integration interventions in the ACT program. Cancun, Mexico. October 2015.
  • Carney PA, Waller E, Green LA, Crane S, Garvin RD, Pugno PA, Kozakowski SM, Douglas AB, Jones S, Eiff MP. Financing residency training redesign. J Grad Med Ed 2014;12:56-42/
  • Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Dickinson M, Coombs L, Deaner N, O’Neill C, deGruy F, Green LA. Curriculum redesign for teaching the PCMH in Colorado family medicine residency programs. Fam Med 2014;46:11-18.
  • The Working Party on Integrated Behavioral Healthcare. Baird M, Blount A, Brungardt S, Dickinson P, Dietrich A, Epperly T, Green L, Henley D, Kessler R, Korsen N, McDaniel S, Miller B, Pugno P, Roberts R, Schirmer UJ, Seymour D, deGruy F. Joint principles: integrating behavioral health into the patient-centered medical home. AnnFamMed 2014;183-185.
  • Eiff MP, Garvin R, Green LA, Pugno PA, Kozakowski S, Dostal J, Waller E, Carney PA. Innovating within the ACGME regulatory environment is not an oxymoron. Fam Med 2014;282-7.
  • Miller BF, Petterson S, Burke BT, Phillips Jr RL, Green LA. Proximity of providers. Colocating behavioral health and primary care and the prospects for an integrated workforce. American Psychologist 2014;69:443-51.
  • Carney PA, Waller E, Green LA, Crane S, Garvin RD, Pugno PA, Kozakowski SM, Douglass AB, Jones S, Eiff MP. Financing residency training redesign. J Grad Med Ed 2014;12:56-42
  • Davis M, Balasubramanian BA, Waller E, Miller BF, Green LA, Cohen DJ. Re: integrating behavioral and physical health care in the real world: early lessons from Advancing Care Together. JABFM 2014;27:161.
  • Green LA, Farley T. In celebration of Gene Farley: a founder of family medicine and champion of justice. Fam Med 2014;46:137-8
  • The Working Party on Integrated Behavioral Healthcare. Baird M, Blount A, Brungardt S, Dickinson P, Dietrich A, Epperly T, Green L, Henley D, Kessler R, Korsen N, McDaniel S, Miller B, Pugno P, Roberts R, Schirmer UJ, Seymour D, deGruy F. The development of joint principles: integrating behavioral health care into the patient-centered medical home. AnnFamMed 2014;183.
  • Green LA. Who will establish a proper data model for family medicine and primary care? JABFM 2014’27:736-7
  • Xierali IM, Hsiao C-J, Puffer JC, Green LA, Rinaldo JC, Bazemore AW, Burke MT, Phillips RL. Rise of Electronic Health Record Adoption Among Family Physcians. (JABFM In press)
  • Makaroff LA, Green LA, Bazemore AW, Petterson S. Putting ?shortage? in context: Historical trends in physician supply and population growth. (JABFM in press)
  • Makaroff LA, Green LA, Bazemore, AW, Puffer JC, Phillips RL. Historic growth rates vary widely across the primary care physician disciplines. (JABFM in press)
  • Eiff MP, Waller E, Dostal J, Douglas AB, Fogarty CT, Krasovich S, Lindbloom E, Webb A, Pugno P, Green LA, Carney PA. Faculty development needs in residency re-design: a report from the preparing the personal physician for practice (P4). Family Medicine.
  • Eiff MP, Waller E, Dostal J, Douglas AB, Fogarty CT, Krasovich S, Lindbloom E, Webb A, Pugno P, Green LA, Carney PA. Faculty development needs in residency re-design: a report from the preparing the personal physician for practice (P4). Family Medicine.
  • Carney PA, Eiff MP, Saultz JW, Lindbloom E, Waller E, Jones S, Osborn J, Green LA Assessing the impact of innovative training of family physicians for the patient-centered medical home. J Grad Med Educ 2012;4:16-22.
  • Carney PA, Eiff MP, Saultz JW, Lindbloom E, Waller E, Jones S, Osborn J, Green LA Assessing the impact of innovative training of family physicians for the patient-centered medical home. J Grad Med Educ 2012;4:16-22.
  • Folsom Group. Lesko S, Griswold KS, David SP, Bazemore AW, Duane M, Morgan T, Westfall JM, Koop CE, Garrett B, Puffer JC, Green LA. Communities of Solution: The Folsom Report Revisited. Ann Fam Med 2012;10:250-260.
  • Eiff MP, Waller E, Fogarty CT, Krasovich S, Lindbloom E, Douglass AB, Pugno P, Green LA, Carney PA. Faculty development needs in residency redesign for practice in patient centered medical homes: a P4report. Fam Med 2012;44:387-95.
  • Xierali, IM, Puffer JC, Tong STC, Bazemore AW, Green LA. The percentage of famly physicians attending to women’s gender-specific health needs is declining. JABFM 2012;25:406-7.
  • Carney PA, Eiff MP, Saultz JW, Lindbloom E, Waller E, Jones S, Osborn J, Green LA. Assessing the impact of innovative training of family physicians for the patient centered medical home. J of Grad Med Educ 2012; March:16-22.
  • Eiff MP, Waller E, Fogarty CT, Krasovich S, Lindbloom E, Dounglass AB, Pugno P, Green LA, Careney PA. Faculty development needs in residency redesign for practice in patient centered medical homes: a P4 report. Family Medicine
  • American Board of Family Medicine Young Leaders Advisory Group. Communities of Solution: the Folsom report revisited. Ann Fam Med
  • Carney PA, Green LA. An emergin epidemic of innovation in family medicine residencies. Fam Med 2011;24:130-131
  • Green LA, Miller BF. General practice: struggling to deliver. Brit J Gen Pract 2011;61:708-709
  • Sloane PD, Slatt, Ebell, Smith, Power, and Viera. Health Care Reform and Primary Care. Chapter 1 in Essentials of Family Medicine. Sixth Edition. Lippincott Wiloiams and Wilkins, 2011
  • Sloan PD, Green LA, Newton WP, Stange K. Chapter 1. In Sloan PD, Slatt LM, Ebell MH, Smith MA, Power D,abd Viera AJ. Essential of FM, Sixth Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2011;3-11.
  • Puffer JC, Bazemore, AW, Newton WP, Makaroff L, Xierali IM, Green LA. Engagement of family physicians seven years into maintenance of certification. JABFM 2011;24:483-484.
  • Bazemore AW, Petterson S, Johnson N, Xierali IM, Philips RL, Rinaldo J, Puffer JC, Green LA. What services do family physicians provide in a time of primary care transition? JABFM 2011;24:635-636.
  • Petterson S, Bazemore AW, Phillps RL, Xierali IM, Finaldo J, Green LA, Puffer JC. Rewarding family medicine while penalizing comprehensiveness? Primary care payment incentives and health reform: the patient protection and affodable care act (PPAVA). JABFM 2011;24:637-638.
  • Carney PA, Eiff MP, Green LA, Lindbloome E, Jones S, Osborn J, Saultz JW. Preparing the personal physician for practice (P4): site-specific innovations, hypotheses, and measures at baseliine. Fam Med 2011;43:464-71.
  • Green LA. Commentary on. Series: The research agenda for general practice/family medicine adn primary health care in Europe. part 2. Results: primary care management and community orientation. European Journal of General Practice. 2010;16:4-5/
  • Green LA. Well done: what's next. 10Apri2010
  • Green LA. Healthcare reform in the UK and the US: what lies beneath? Brit J of Gen Pract 2010;574:315-16.
  • Green LA. Raising roses in the desert, with a cup of water. 2July2010
  • Green LA. Commentary on: Series. The Research Agenda for General Practice/Family Medicine and Primary Health Care in Europe. Part 2. Results: Primary Care Management and Community Orientation. European Journal of General Practice. 2010;16:4-5.
  • Green LA, Puffer JC. Family Medicine at 40 Years of Age: The Journey to Transformation Continues. JABFM 2010;23(suppl):S1-S4.
  • Wu N, Bliss G, Bliss E, Green LA. Decoupling Primary Care from Insurance: Qliance Experience. Health Affairs (in press)
  • Wu WN, Bliss G. Gliss EB, Green LA. A Direct Primary Care Medical Home: The Qliance Experience. Health Affairs 2010;29:959-962.
  • Krist AH, Cifuentes M, Dodoo MS, Green LA. Measusring Primary cAre Expenses. JABFM 2010;23:376-383.
  • Phillips WR, Green LA. A public celebration of a personal doctor. AnnFamMed 2010;8:362-365.
  • Green L. Health care needs personal doctors: a US perspective with British roots. London J of Primary Care 2010;3:112-4.
  • Phillips RL Jr., Dodoo MS, Green LA, Fryer GE, Bazemore AW, McCoy K, Petterson SM. Usual source of care: an important source of variation in healthcare expenditures. Health Affairs (in press).
  • Robert Graham Center. Petterson SM, Phiullips RL, Jr, Bazemore AW, Dodoo MS, Zhang X, Green LA. Why there must be room for mental health in the medical home. Am Fam Physician 2008;77:757.
  • The Robert Graham Center (Petterson SM, Phillips RL, Jr, Bazemore AW, Dodoo MS, Zhang X and Green LA). Why there must be room for mental health in the medical Home. Am Fam Physician 2008; 77:757. The Robert Graham Center (Zhang X, Phillips RL, Bazemore AW, Dodoo MS, Petterson SM, Xierall I, and Green LA). Physician distribution and access: workforce priorities. Am Fam Physician 2008; 77:1378.
  • Green LA, Glasgow RE, Thompson RS. Guest Editors. Prescription for Health: Reshaping Practice to Support Health Behavior Change in Primary Care. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 35, Supplement (November, 2008).
  • Green LA, Cifuentes M, Glasgow RE, Stange KC. Redesigning primary care practice to incorporate health behavior change: Prescription for health round-2 results. Amer J Prev Med 2008;35(suppl): S347-S349
  • Hung DY, Glasgow RE, Dickinson LM, Froshaug DB, Fernald DH, Balasubramanian, Green LA. The chronic care model and relationships to patient health status and health-related quality of life. Amer J Prev Med 2008;35(suppl): S398-S406.
  • Balasubramanian BA, Cohen DJ, Clark EC, Isaacson NF, Hung DY, Dickinson LM, Fernald DH, Green LA, Crabtree BF. Practice-level approaches for behavioral counseling and patient health behaviors. Amer J Prev Med 2008;35(suppl): S407-S413.
  • Fernald DH, Froshaug DB, Dickinson LM, Balasubramanian BA, Dodoo MS, Holtrop JS, Hung DY, Glasgow RE, Niebauer LJ, Green LA. Common measures, better outcomes (COMBO). A field test of brief health behavior measures in primary care. Amer J Prev Med 2008;35(suppl): S414-S422.
  • Dodoo MS, Krist AH, Cifuentes M, Green LA. Start-up and incremental practice expenses for behavior change interventions in primary care. Am J Prev Med 2008;35(suppl):S423-S430.
  • Green LA, Pugno P, Fetter G, Jones SM. Preparing the personal physician for practice (P4): a national program testing innovations in famiily medicine residencies. JABFM 2007;20:329-331.
  • Green LA, Jones SM, Fetter G, Jr, and Pugno P. Preparing the personal physician for practice: changing family medicine residency training to enable new model practice. Acad Med 2007;82:1220-1227.
  • Dodoo MS, Phillips RL, Green LA. Seeking a replacement for the Medicare physician services payment mehtod. Business Economics July 2007:41-51.
  • Phillips RL Jr, Kiinkman M, Green LA. Conference Report: Harmonizing Primary Care Clinical Classification and Data Standards. October 10th and 11th, 2007. Washington, D.C.
  • Green LA. A brief editorial on the state of family medicine in thge US. New Zealand Family Physician. 2007;34:242-243.
  • Johnson MS,, Davis A, and the CTSA Strike Force. Academic Family Medicine's Response to CTSA. Annals of Fam Med 2007;5:275-7.
  • Green LA, Pugno P, Fetter G, Jr, Jones SM. We agree! JABFM 2007;20:612.
  • The Robert Graham Center. Balasubramian BA, Cohen DJ, Dodoo M, Bazemore AW, Green LA. Behavioral change counseling in the medical home. Am Fam Physician 2007;76:1472.
  • Xierali IM, Phillips RL, Green LA, Bazemore AW, Puffer JC. Factors influencing family physician adoption of Electronic Health Records. JABFM 2013;26:388-393.
  • Davis M, Balasubramanian BA, Waller E, Miller BF, Green LA, Cohen DJ. Integrating beharioal and physical health care in the real world: early lessons from Advancing Care Together. JABFM 2013;26:588-602.
  • Westfall, JM, Nearing K, Felzien, Green LA, Calonge N, Pineda-Reyes F, Jones G, Tamez M, Miller S, Kramer A. Researching together: a CTSA partnership of academicians and communities for translation. Clinicaland Translational Science 2013;6:356-362.. Doi/10.1111/cts,12063/pdf.
  • Reeve J, Blakeman T, Freeman GK, Green LA, James PA, Lucassen P, Martin CM, Sturmberg JP, vanWeel C. Generalist solutions to complex problems: generating practice-based evidence-the example of managing multi-morbidity. BMC Family Practice 2013;14:112.
  • Carney PA, Waller E, Eiff MP, Saultz JW, Jones S, Fogarty CT, Corboy JE, Green LA. Measuring family physician identity: the development of a new instrument. Fam Med 2013;45:708-18.
  • AHRQ PCMH Conference Report. Reynolds P, Green LA, Klink K, Keahey D, Philllips R, Schectman G, Shipmann S, Ruge K, Davis M. Patient-centered medical home workforce summary. 2013.
  • The Robert Graham Center (Makaroff LA, Green LA, Petterson SM, Bazemore AW. Trends in physician supply and population growth. Am Fam Physician 13;Apr1;87(7):online.
  • The Robert Graham Center (Makaroff LA, Green LA, Bazemore, AW, Puffer JC, Phillips RL. Historic growth rates vary widely across the primary care physician disciplines. Am Fam Physician 2013;Oct1:88(7):online.
  • Davis MM, Gunn R, Gowen K, Miller B, Green L, Cohen D. A qualitative study of patient experience of integrated care in behavioral health and primary care settings: more similar than different. TBM Translational Behavioral Medicine. (In press)
  • Liaw W, Fetty A, Petterson S, Basemore A, Green L. Trends in the types of usual sources of care: a shift from people to places or nothing at all. HSR Health Services Research (in press)
  • Ono S, Hernier J, Edwards ST, Green LA, Kaufman A, Solberg L, Crabtree BF, Miller WL, Woodson TT, Sweeney S, Balasubramanian, Cohen D. Taking innovation to scale in primary care practices: the function of healthcare extension. Health Affairs 2018(in press)
  • Gold SB, Green LA, Peek CJ. From our practices to yours: key messages for the journey to integrated behavioral health. JABFM Jan 2017, in press.
  • Eiff MP, Green LA, Jones G, Devlaeminck AV, Waller E, Dexter E, Marino M, and Carney PA. Varied rates of implementation of patient centered medical home features and residents’ perceptions of their importance based on practice experience. Family Medicine, in press.
  • Carney PA, Waller E, Dexter E, Marino M, Morton K, Green L, Fogarty CT, Jones S, Eiff MP. Team training in family medicine residency programs and its impact on team-based practice post graduation. Family Medicine, in press.
  • Clark KD, Miller BF, Green LA, deGruy FV, Davis M, Cohen DJ. Implementation of behavioral health interventions in real world scenarios: managing complex change. Family Systems and Health, in press.
  • Waller E, Eiff MP, Dexter E, Rinaldo JCB, Marino M, Garvin R, Douglass AB, Phillips RL, Green LA, Carney LA. Impact of residency training redesign on residents’ clinical knowledge. Family Medicine, in press.

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  • Family Medicine, Board Certification (1976, 2024)