Barry Martin, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Practice, Medicine-Internal Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport (1984)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, Louisiana State University (LA) (1982)
  • Medical University of South Carolina Program (1987)
  • Medical University of South Carolina Program, Family Medicine (1989)
Medicine-Internal Medicine

Professional Titles

  • Associate Clinical Professor


  • Tsou AY, Bulova P, Capone G, Chicoine B, Gelaro B, Harville TO, Martin BA, McGuire DE, McKelvey KD, Peterson M, Tyler C, Wells M, Whitten MS. Medical Care of Adults With Down Syndrome: A Clinical Guideline. JAMA. 2020 Oct 20;324(15):1543-1556. PubMed PMID: 33079159
  • Benefits and Harms of Mammography Screening for Women With Down Syndrome: a Collaborative Modeling Study. Oguzhan Alagoz, PhD, Ali Hajjar, MS , Sarocha Chootipongchaivat, MS, Nicolien T. van Ravesteyn, PhD, Jennifer M. Yeh, PhD, Mehmet Ali Ergun, PhD, Harry J. de Koning, MD, PhD, Brian Chicoine, MD, and Barry Martin, MD. Journal of General Internal Medicine. August 2019
  • Capone GT, Chicoine B, Bulova P, Stephens M, Hart S, Crissman B, Videlefsky A, Myers K, Roizen N, Esbensen A, Peterson M, Santoro S, Woodward J, Martin B, Smith D. Co-occurring medical conditions in adults with Down syndrome: A systematic review toward the development of health care guidelines. Am J Med Genet A. 2018 Jan;176(1):116-133. PubMed PMID: 29130597

Practice Locations

UCHealth Internal Medicine - Anschutz Medical Campus
1635 Aurora Ct
5th Floor
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Center Affiliations

Specialty Information

  • Family Medicine, Board Certification (1989, 2018)
Clinical Interests
I provide primary care and consultations for adults with a special interest in those with Down syndrome, other congenital or acquired disabilities or with complex medical conditions

Care Philosophy
I work with patients to help them achieve the health they need in order to live the life they want to live.

Personal Interests
I enjoy the Colorado outdoors with my wife and children

Volunteer Activities
I serve on the Medical Services Board which reviews rules proposed by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing

Public Speaking
Healthcare of adults with Down syndrome and adults with other congenital or acquired disabilities