Eiff MP, Ericson A, Dinh DH, Valenzuela SH, Conry CM, Douglass AB, Dickinson WP, Rosener SE, Carney PA. Practice setting and clinical care features post residency according to 3 versus 4 years of training in family medicine: a Length of Training Pilot Study. Family Medicine. 2024;5695):302-307. DOI: 10.22454/FamMed.2024.699625
Zittleman L, Westfall JM, Callen D, Herrick AM, Nkouaga C, Simpson M, Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Kaufman A, English A, Dickinson WP, Nease D. Does Engagement Matter? The Impact of Patient and Community Engagement on Implementation of Cardiovascular Health Materials in Primary Care Settings. BMC Primary Care. (2024) 25:135
Carroll JK, Fernald DH, Hall TL, Groves HM, Grant G, Sherrill A, Crispe K, Brown A, Lampe S, Dickinson WP. A unique model and workforce to address health-related social needs and health equity: Regional Health Connectors in Colorado. Health Promotion Practice. 2024;25(5):885-894. doi:10.1177/15248399231173703.
Dickinson WP. Maurice Wood Award Presentation. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Quebec City, Quebec (2024).
Hall T, Carroll J, Wiggins K, Grant G, Dickinson WP. Impacts of Colorado’s Regional Health Connector Workforce on Health-related Social Needs and Health Equity. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference. Quebec City, Canada (2024).
Wiggins K, Dickinson WP, Buss D, Hall T, Oser T, Crispe K. CGM in Primary Care: Characteristics and Choice of CGM Implementation Strategy in PREPARE 4 CGM. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference. Quebec City, Canada (2024).
Hall T, Parascando J, Dickinson WP, Wearner R, Oser S, Oser T, Halfacre J, Crispe K, Kirchner S, Wiggins K, Sobczak C. Primary Care Education and Practice Adoption Resource Evaluation for Continuous Glucose Monitoring. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement. Denver, CO (2024).
Hall T, Grant G, Wiggins K, Fernald D, Carroll J, Dickinson WP. Impacts of Colorado’s Regional Health Connector Workforce on Health-related Social Needs and Health Equity. Public Health of the Rockies. Keystone, CO (2024).
Hall T, Crispe K, Buss D, Fernald D, Jortberg B, Oser T, Dickinson WP, Oser S, Sobczak C, Dickinson LM, Kirchner S. Implementation Strategies for Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Primary Care: PREPARE 4 CGM Study Lessons Learned. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference. Quebec City, Canada (2024).
Carroll JK, Fernald DH, Hall TL, Groves HM, Grant G, Sherrill A, Crispe K, Brown A, Lampe S, Dickinson WP. A unique model and workforce to address health-related social needs and health equity: Regional Health Connectors in Colorado. Health Promotion Practice. 2023, online first: https://doi.org/10.1177/15248399231173703.
Ivey LC, Gilchrist EC, Dickinson WP. Behavioral Health Integration and Specialty Medical Care: Opportunities for Applying Knowledge from Primary Care Integration. Families, Systems, and Health. 2023;41:278-281. https://doi.org/10.1037/fsh0000812
Nederveld A, Wiggins K, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Tolle LW, Holtrop JS. Integrated primary care and health behavior support: a survey of behavioral health providers. International Journal of Behavioral Health. 2023; 10.1177/2150131923117203
Eiff MP, Ericson A, Dinh DH, Valenzuela SH, Nadeau MT, Dickinson WP, Conry CM, Martin JC, Carney PA. Resident Visit Productivity and Attitudes About Continuity According to 3 Versus 4 Years of Training in Family Medicine: A Length of Training Study. [published online ahead of print, February 13, 2023]. Fam Med. https://doi.org/10.22454/FamMed.2023.486345.
Jortberg B, Halfacre J, Swenson C, Dickinson WP, Fernald D, de la Cerda D, Dickinson LM. Improving Care for Unhealthy Alcohol Use: Results from the Facilitating Alcohol Screening and Treatment (FAST) Colorado Study. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA (2023).
Fernald D, Jortberg B, Halfacre J, Kirchner S, Dickinson WP. Is Virtual Practice Facilitation Good Enough: Facilitator and Practice Perspectives from the FAST Unhealthy Alcohol Use Trial. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA (2023).
Dickinson WP, Kirchner S. A Framework for Behavioral Health Integration in Primary Care Practices. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement. Savannah, GA (2022).
Gold S, Green L, Dickinson WP, Kirchner S, Gilchrist E, Rakeen B. A Behavioral Health Integration Framework for Alternative Payment Models. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ (2022).
Dickinson LM, Hessler Jones D, Potter M, Dickinson WP, Parra J, Fisher L. Improvements in Social, Behavioral, Psychological, and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Report from the EE-CTH Project. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ (2022).
Hessler Jones D, Fisher L, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Enhancing Self-management Support for Diabetes in Community Health Centers through Patient Engagement and Relationship Building. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ (2022).
Hall T, Wearner R, Kirchner S, Halfacre J, Dickinson WP, Oser S, Oser T. Support for Implementing Continuous Glucose Monitors for Adults Living with Type 1 or 2 Diabetes in Primary Care. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ (2022).
Crispe K, de la Cerda D, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Fernald D, Gritz M, Hall T, Jortberg B, Kirchner S, Oser S, Oser T. The Primary Care Education and Practice Adoption Resource Evaluation for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (PREPARE 4 CGM) Study. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ (2022).
Fernald D, Hall T, Dickinson WP. Scaling Up Field Notes for Research: What We Learned About Using Field Notes in Multiple Practice-Based Interventions. North American Primary Care Research Group Practice-Based Research Network Conference. Washington, DC (2022).
Oser SM, Dickinson WP, Dickinson L, Gritz R, Jortberg B, Hall T, Fernald D, Fisher L, Hessler-Jones D, Crispe K, Oser TK. Implementing CGM in Primary Care Practices via The American Academy of Family Physicians TIPS CGM Module with and without Practice Facilitation: A Randomized Trial. 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD). Barcelona, Spain, (2022).
Hessler D, Fisher L, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Parra J, Potter MB. The Impact of Enhancing Self-management Support for Diabetes in Community Health Centers through Patient Engagement and Relationship Building: A Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Trial. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2022;12:909-918.
Carney PA, Dickinson P, Warm EJ, Fetter J, Zierler B, Crane SD, Shrader S, Patton J, Kirschner G, Eiff, MP. An Exploratory Mixed Methods Study of Experiences of Interprofessional Teams Who Received Coaching to Simultaneously Redesign Primary Care Education and Clinical Practice. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. 2021;12:21501327211023716. doi:10.1177/21501327211023716
Dickinson WP. Practice Transformation Support to Implement New Evidence-based Interventions and Advanced Primary Care Models. Invited presentation to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Virtual meeting (2021).
Dickinson WP. Practice Engagement in the Age of COVID-19. Invited presentation to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Virtual meeting (2021).
Dickinson WP. Lessons from Primary Care Practice Transformation in Colorado. Invited presentation to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Virtual meeting (2021).
Tong S, Davis M, Dickinson WP. Primary Care Research During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from AHRQ’s EvidenceNOW Unhealthy Alcohol Use Grantees. Workshop presentation at North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Virtual meeting (2021).
Gold SB, Gilchrist E, Kirchner S, Rakeen B, Muther J, Green L, Dickinson WP. A Behavioral Health Integration Framework for Alternative Payment Models. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Virtual meeting (2021).
Dickinson WP, Kirchner S. Use of the Bodenheimer Building Blocks of High Performing Primary Care as a Framework for Practice Transformation. Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement. Virtual meeting (2021).
Dickinson, WP. Behavioral Health Integration in Primary Care Practices: Results from the Colorado State Innovation Model Initiative. Population Mental Health State of Science Annual Conference. Denver, CO (2020).
Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Dickinson WP. Mediators of improvement in clinical quality measures: A report from EvidenceNOW Southwest. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Online meeting (2020).
Dickinson WP, Fernald D, Knierim KE, Dickinson LM. Practice implementation of behavioral integration and advanced primary care in the Colorado State Innovation Model initiative. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Online meeting (2020).
Dickinson, WP, Keller D, Sterling S, Murray LK. Implementation of Essential Components of Care in Primary Care Settings. Plenary session for the Caring for People with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care Settings Workshop of the Forum on Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders. Virtual meeting (July, 2020).
Dickinson WP, Hinman M, Humphreys S, Knaus G, Madrid G, Smith P. Practice Challenges in a COVID World. Panel discussion at the Colorado Multi-Stakeholder Symposium. Virtual meeting (2020).
Dickinson WP, Nease DE, Rhyne RL, Knierim KE, Fernald DH, de la Cerda DR, Dickinson LM. Impact of Practice Transformation Support and Patient Engagement on Practice Efforts to Improve Cardiovascular Care: A Report from EvidenceNOW Southwest. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2020;33:675-686; https://doi.org/10.3122/jabfm.2020.05.190395.
Fernald D, Mullen R, Hall T, Bienstock A, Kirchner S, Knierim K, de la Cerda D, Callan D, Rhyne RL, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Exemplary Practices in Cardiovascular Care: Results on Clinical Quality Measures from the EvidenceNOW Southwest Cooperative. Journal of General Internal Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-020-06094-5 (2020).
Hester CM, Jiang V, Bartlett-Esquilant G, Bazemore A, Carroll JK, DeVoe JE, Dickinson WP, Krist AH, Liaw W, New RD, Vansaghi T. Supporting Family Medicine Research Capacity: The Critical Role and Current Contributions of US Family Medicine Organizations. Family Medicine. 51(2):120-128 (2019).
Bodenheimer T, Dickinson P, Kong M. Quality improvement models in residency programs. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 11(1):15-17 (2019).
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Hessler DM, Dickinson LM, Wearner R, Connelly L, Holtrop JS, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Baseline Characteristics for Connection to Health: A Cluster-randomized Trial Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 32:329-340 (2019).
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Fisher L. Connection to Health: A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Strategies for Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 32:341-352 (2019).
Fernald D, Hall T, Montgomery L, Hartman C, Jortberg B, Buscaj E, King J, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Colorado Residency PCMH Project: Results from a 6-Year Transformation Effort. Family Medicine. 51:578-586 (2019).
Hall TL, Knierim K, Nease DE, Staton EW, Nkouaga C, Dickinson LM, Rhyme RL, Dickinson WP. Primary Care Practices' Implementation of Patient-Team Partnership: Findings from EvidenceNOW Southwest. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 2019;32:490 –504.
Knierim KE, Hall TL, Dickinson LM, Nease DE, de la Cerda DR, Fernald D, Bleecker MJ, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. Primary care Practices’ Ability to Report Electronic Clinical Quality Measures in the EvidenceNOW Southwest Initiative to Improve Heart Health. JAMA Network Open. 2019;2(8):e198569. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.8569.
Kaufman A, Dickinson WP, Fagnan LJ, Duffy FD, Parchman M, Rhyne RL. The Role of Health Extension in Practice Transformation and Community Health Improvement: Lessons from Five Case Studies. Annals of Family Medicine. 2019;17:S67-S72. https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.2409.
Phillips RL, Cohen DJ, Kaufman A, Dickinson WP, Cykert S. Facilitating Practice Transformation in Frontline Health Care. Annals of Family Medicine. 2019;17:S2-S5. https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.2439.
Hessler D, Fisher L, Bowyer V, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Kwan B, Fernald DH, Simpson M, Dickinson WP. Self-Management Support for Chronic Disease in Primary Care: Frequency of Patient Self-Management Problems and Patient Reported Priorities, and Alignment with Ultimate Behavior Goal Selection. BMC Family Practice. 2019;20:120. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-019-1012-x.
Dickinson WP, Nease DE, Rhyne RL, Knierim KE, Fernald DH, de la Cerda DR, Dickinson LM. Practice Transformation Support and Patient Engagement to Improve Cardiovascular Care: A Report from EvidenceNOW Southwest. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In press.
Fernald D, Mullen R, Hall T, Bienstock A, Kirchner S, Knierim K, de la Cerda D, Callan D, Rhyne RL, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Exemplary Practices in Cardiovascular Care: Results on Clinical Quality Measures from the EvidenceNOW Southwest Cooperative. Journal of General Internal Medicine. In press.
Hall T, Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Kirchner S, Dickinson WP. Dose & Implementation of Facilitation for Primary Care Practice Improvement: Findings from EvidenceNOW Southwest. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Toronto, ON (2019).
Hall T, Anastasoff J, Crispe K, Dickinson WP, Simpson M, Backlund-Jarquin P. Experience of Primary Care Practices’ Work with Health Extension Agents in EvidenceNOW Southwest. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Toronto, ON (2019).
Crispe K, Dickinson WP, Anderson E, Gonzales E, Dickinson LM, Knierim K, Reims K. Specialty Variance in Milestone Achievement in Colorado’s TCPi Practice Transformation Experience. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Toronto, ON (2019).
Hester CM, Jiang V, Bartlett-Esquilant G, Bazemore A, Carroll JK, DeVoe JE, Dickinson WP, Krist AH, Liaw W, New RD, Vansaghi T. Supporting Family Medicine Research Capacity: The Critical Role and Current Contributions of US Family Medicine Organizations. Family Medicine. 51(2):120-128 (2019).
English AF, Dickinson LM, Zittleman L, Nease DE, Herrick A, Westfall JM, Simpson MJ, Fernald DH, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. A Community Engagement Method to Design Patient Engagement Materials for Cardiovascular Health. Annals of Family Medicine. 16(Suppl 1):S58-S64 (2018).
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Fisher L. A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Strategies for Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. BMC Family Practice.19:126 (2018).
Fernald DH, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Wearner R, Dickinson LM, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Recruiting Primary Care Practices for Research: Reflections and Reminders. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 31:947-951 (2018).
Dickinson WP, Green L, Gold S. Setting a Vision for Strengthening the Role of Primary Care and Family Medicine in the Health Care System. Invited pre-conference workshop for the 22nd WONCA World Conference of Family Doctors. Seoul, South Korea (2018).
Dickinson WP. Practice Transformation to Implement Advanced Primary Care and Alternative Payment Models: What Have We Learned and Where Are We Heading? Hames Award presentation at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. Washington, DC (2018).
Dickinson LM, Fernald DM, Dickinson WP. Improving Cardiovascular Care: A Report from the EvidenceNOW Southwest Randomized Trial. 22nd WONCA World Conference of Family Doctors. Seoul, South Korea (2018).
Dickinson WP, Cho B, Green L, Kim Y, Hemeida S, Dickinson M. Supporting Practices in Implementing New Models of Advanced Primary Care. Workshop at 22nd WONCA World Conference of Family Doctors. Seoul, South Korea (2018).
Green L, Gold S, Dickinson WP, Hemeida S. Closing the Gap Between What We Know
And What We Do: Integrated Care! Workshop at 22nd WONCA World Conference of Family Doctors. Seoul, South Korea (2018).
Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Fernald D, Wearner R, Jortberg B, Hessler D, Fisher L. Improving Self-Management Support for Patients with Diabetes: a Report from the Connection to Health Cluster Randomized Trial. 22nd WONCA World Conference of Family Doctors. Seoul, South Korea (2018).
Crispe K, Dickinson LM, Reims K, Knierim K, Anderson E, Gonzales E, Dickinson WP. Practice Transformation across Specialties: Lessons Learned from the Colorado TCPi Experience. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg B, Hessler D, Fisher L, Fernald D. Improving Self-Management Support for Patients With Diabetes: A Report From the Connection to Health Cluster Randomized Trial. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Dickinson WP, Fernald D, Dickinson LM, Kirchner S, Knierim K, Nease D, Rhyne R. Improving Cardiovascular Care: A Report From the EvidenceNow Southwest Randomized Trial. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Fernald D, Mullen R, Bienstock A, Kirchner S, Knierim K, Staton E, Callan D, de la Cerda D, Rhyne R, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Exemplary Practices in Cardiovascular Care: Lessons from the EvidenceNOW Southwest Collaborative. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Mullen R, Ruland S, Shviraga L, Fernald D, Knierim K, Dickinson WP. Exemplary Behavioral Health Integration: Characteristics of SIM Practices. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Hester C, Bartlett G, Jiang V, Bazemore A, Carroll J, DeVoe J, Liaw W, Krist A, New R, Dickinson WP. Vansaghi T. Mapping Research Capacity: What Your Family Medicine Organizations Are Doing for You. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Kirchner S, Fernald D, Hall T, Dickinson LM, Knierim K, Rhyne R, Bienstock A, Sussman R, Sutter C, Kaufman A, Dickinson WP. Key Activities of Practice Facilitators and Clinical Health Information Technology Advisors: Findings from EvidenceNOW Southwest. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Knierim K, Ruland S, Fernald D, Kirchner S, Mullen R, Shviraga L, Dickinson WP. Comparing Rural and Urban Practice Performance in a Behavioral Health Integration Initiative. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Jortberg B, Bowyer V, Fernald D, Hessler D, Wearner R, Dickinson WP. Comparison of Baseline and 18-Month Practice Characteristics for Connection to Health: A Cluster-Randomized Trial Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Knierim K, Nease D, de la Cerda D, Dickinson LM, Bleecker M, Fernald D, Hall T, Bienstock A, Rhyne R, Dickinson WP. Not As Easy As Flipping A Switch: Ability of Primary Care Practices to Report Clinical Quality Measures in the EvidenceNOW Southwest Project. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Zittleman L, Westfall J, Callan D, Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Herrick A, Simpson M, Nkouaga C, Dickinson WP, Kaufman A, Nease D. Practice Preferences for Regional Boot Camp Translation Produced Materials: Results From Four Boot Camp Translations for EvidenceNOW Southwest. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting. Chicago, IL (2018).
Knierim K, Hall T, Fernald D, Staff TJ, Buscaj E, Allen J, Onysko M, Dickinson WP. Effects of Hospital Systems on Medical Home Transformation in Primary Care Residency Training Practices. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. 40:220-227 (2017).
English AF, Dickinson LM, Zittleman L, Nease DE, Herrick A, Westfall JM, Simpson MJ, Fernald DH, Rhyne RL, Dickinson WP. A Community Engagement Method to Design Patient Engagement Materials for Cardiovascular Health. Annals of Family Medicine. In press.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Fisher L. A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Strategies for Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. BMC Family Practice. In press.
Dickinson WP, Miller B, Barton A. Behavioral Health Integration in Primary Care. Regional Conference on the Role of the RN in Primary Care. Aurora, CO (2017).
Jortberg B, Dickinson WP, Fernald D, Hessler D, Wearner R. Baseline Practice Characteristics for Connection to Health: A Cluster Randomized Trial Translating Self Management Support into Primary Care Practice. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2017).
Zittleman L, Westfall J, English A, Buscaj E, Sutter C, Simpson M, Nkouaga C, Dickinson WP, Kaufman A, Nease D. Uptake and Implementation of Patient Engagement Activities in Primary Care with Practice Facilitation: Initial Lessons Learned from EvidenceNOW Southwest. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2017).
Fernald D, Jortberg B, Wearner R, Hessler D, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Stepping through the Opened Door: A Report on Practice Recruitment from the Connection to Health Self-Management Support Trial. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2017).
Piggott C, Knierim K, Walsh A, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. Effects of Medical Home Implementation and Behavioral Health Integration on Clinician and Staff Experience and Burnout. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2017).
Hall T, Fernald D, Kirchner S, Rhyne R, Dickinson WP. The Role of Practice Facilitators and Clinical Health Information Technology Advisors in a Primary Care Initiative to Improve Cardiovascular Health. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2017).
Hessler D, Bowyer V, Jortberg B, Kwan B, Simpson M, Dickinson LM, Wearner R, Fernald D, Dickinson WP. Self Management Support for Chronic Disease in Primary Care: What Areas Have the Greatest Need and What Do Patients Prioritize? North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2017).
Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Kaufman A, Knierim K, Nease D, Rhyne R, Ruland S, Westfall J, Zittleman L, Dickinson WP. Practice Characteristics Associated with Greater Capacity to Improve Care: A Report from the EvidenceNOW Southwest Trial to Improve Cardiovascular Health. North American Primary Care Research Group National Meeting, Montreal, Canada (2017).
Knierim K, Piggott C, Walsh A, Dickinson WP. Better Understanding Burnout and Experiences in the Primary Care Team. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice Improvement. Louisville, KY (2017).
Knierim K, Jortberg B, Gottsman A, Wearner R, Fernald D, Dickinson WP. Alphabet Soup of Practice Transformation Programs: Tools to Help Practices Make Sense of their Choices. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice Improvement. Louisville, KY (2017).
Wearner R, Jortberg B, Fernald D, Knierim K, Dickinson WP. Practice Teams Learning Together: A Method for Clinician and Non-Clinician Staff to Engage in Practice Transformation. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice Improvement. Louisville, KY (2017).
Bodenheim T, Kong M, Dickinson WP, Warner W. Transforming Teaching Clinics: Lessons from High Performers. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. San Diego, CA (2017).
Dickinson, WP. Changes in Practice, Payment, and Training: What is Coming and How to Survive It? James Jones Lecture, East Carolina University. Greenville, NC (2017).
Dickinson, WP. Changes in Practice, Payment, and Training: What is Coming and How to Survive It? James Jones Lecture, East Carolina University. Greenville, NC (2017).
Buscaj E, Hall T, Montgomery L, Montgomery L, Fernald DH, King J, Deaner N, Dickinson WP. Practice Facilitation for PCMH Implementation in Residency Practices. Family Medicine. 48:795-800 (2016)
Jortberg BT, Rosen R, Roth S, Casias L, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. The Fit Family Challenge: A Primary Care Childhood Obesity Pilot Intervention. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 29:4 (2016).
Carney PA, Conry CM, Mitchell KB, Ericson A, Dickinson WP, Martin JC, Carek PJ, Douglass AB, Eiff MP. The Importance of and the Complexities Associated with Measuring Continuity of Care During Resident Training: Possible Solution Do Exist. Family Medicine. 48:286-93 (2016).
Dickinson, WP, Bazemore A. The FMAHealth Research Core Team: Report from the Starfield Summit. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Practice Improvement. Newport Beach, CA (2016).
Jortberg BG, Fernald DH, Wearner R, Hessler D, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. What It Takes to Implement Patient Self-Management Support: A Report from the Connection to Health Project. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO (2016).
Fernald DH, Hall TL, Kirchner S, Rhyne R, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. RE-AIM Meets Real World: Assessing Practice Context, Adoption, and Implementation Across 260 Practices and 225,000 Square Miles. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO (2016).
Hall TL, Fernald DH, Knierim K, Rhyne R, Dickinson WP. Influences of the Electronic Health Record System on Practice Improvement in a Primary Care Initiative to Improve Cardiovascular Health. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO (2016).
Kwan BM, Jortberg BT, Wearner R, Hessler D, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Addressing Depression and Disease Distress among Primary Care Patients Receiving Self-Management Support. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO (2016)
Dickinson LM, Callan D, Dickinson WP, Fernald DH, Kaufman A, Knierim K, Nease D, Rhyne R, Ruland SL, Westfall JM, Zittleman L. Study Design Challenges and Solutions for Implementing the EvidenceNOW Southwest Trial to Improve Cardiovascular Health. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO (2016).
Zittleman L, Westfall JM, Herrick A, Callan D, Simpson MJ, Nkouaga C, Dickinson WP, Kaufman A, Nease D. Patient-Practice-Public Health Partnerships for Primary Care Practice Improvement in Cardiovascular Health: Results from Four Boot Camp Translations for EvidenceNOW Southwest. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO (2016).
Jortberg BT, Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM. How Does Food Insecurity Affect Childhood Obesity: Results from the Fit Family Challenge Project. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP, Eiff P, Yang S. Advanced Primary Care: Getting There with Integrated Team Care and Inter-professional Training. University of California San Francisco, Fresno Campus – Primary Care Ground Rounds. Fresno, CA (2016).
Dickinson WP. Payment Reform: Why It Matters to All of Us. Colorado Residency PCMH Collaborative Learning Session. Denver, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP. Changes in Practice, Changes in Payment: What is Coming and How Can My Practice Survive It? Family Medicine Review. Denver, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP. Changes in Practice, Changes in Payment: What is Coming and How Can My Practice Survive It? Rose Hospital Family Medicine Residency Conference. Denver, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP, Wamboldt FS. Putting Health Back into Health Care: Family Systems Lessons Learned in the Trenches. American Family Therapy Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP. EvidenceNOW Southwest: Improving Cardiovascular Health across Colorado and New Mexico. EvidenceNOW Collaborative Learning Session. Albuquerque, NM (2016).
Dickinson WP. Changes in Practice, Changes in Payment: What is Coming and How Can My Practice Survive It? Colorado Health Foundation. Denver, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP. Froude C, Enns D. Caring for Patients with Somatization. Integrated Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative. Grand Junction, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP, Cook T. Mood Disorders. Integrated Behavioral Health Learning Collaborative. Grand Junction, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP. Changes in Practice, Changes in Payment: What is Coming and How Can My Practice Survive It? 63rd Family Medicine Review. Estes Park, CO (2016).
Khan A, Leroy L, Dickinson P. Innovations in Primary Care Teams. Starfield Summit: Advancing Primary Care Research, Policy, and Patient Care. Washington, DC (2016).
Dickinson WP. Teamwork – A Crucial Element of Advanced Primary Care. Professionals Accelerating Clinical and Educational Redesign (PACER). Denver, CO (2016).
Dickinson, WP. Practice Transformation in Colorado. Colorado Medical Society. Denver, CO (2016).
Dickinson WP. Collaboration across Primary Care in the New Care Environment. Primary Care Grand Rounds. Mobile, AL (2016).
Dickinson WP. Developing the Skills for the Future. University of South Alabama Family Medicine Residency Conference. Mobile, AL (2016).
Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Nutting PA, Fisher L, Harbrecht M, Crabtree BF, Glasgow RE, West DR. Practice Context Affects Efforts to Improve Diabetes Care for Primary Care Patients: A Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 30:476-482 (2015).
Dickinson WP. Strategies to Support the Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care: What Have We Learned Thus Far? Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 28:S102-S106 (2015).
Cifuentes M, Davis M, Fernald D, Dunn R, Dickinson WP, Cohen DJ. Electronic Health Record Challenges, Workarounds, and Solutions Observed in Practices Integrating Behavioral Health and Primary Care. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 28:S63-S72 (2015).
Dickinson LM, Beaty B, Fox C, Pace W, Dickinson WP, Emsermann C, Kempe A. Achieving Balanced Study Arms in Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Trials Using Covariate Constrained Randomization. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine.28:663-672 (2015).
Candib LM, Dickinson WP, McMahon P. Health Consequences of Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Abuse. World Book of Family Medicine – European Edition. WONCA Europe, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2015.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Nutting PA, Emsermann C, Tutt B, Crabtree BF, Fisher L, Harbrecht M, Gottsman A, West DR. Practice facilitation to improve diabetes care in primary care: a report from the EPIC randomized clinical trial. Annals of Family Medicine. 12:8-16 (2014).
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Dickinson LM, Coombs L, Deaner N, O’Neill C, deGruy F, Green L, Dickinson WP. Curriculum redesign for teaching the PCMH in Colorado family medicine residency programs. Family Medicine. 46:11-18 (2014).
Fisher LF, Dickinson WP. Psychology and primary care: new collaborations for providing effective care for adults with chronic health conditions. American Psychologist. 69:355-363 (2014).
Fernald DH, Dickinson WP, Wearner R. Supporting Primary Care Practices in Building
Capacity to Use Health Information Data. eGEMS (Generating Evidence and Methods to Improve Patient Outcomes. 2;3:1-7 (2014).
Working Party Group on Integrated Behavioral Healthcare, Baird M, Blount A, Brungardt S, Dickinson P, Dietrich A, Epperly T, Green L, Henley D, Kessler R, Korsen N, McDaniel S, Miller B, Pugno P, Roberts R, Schirmer J, Seymour D, deGruy F. The development of joint principles integrating behavioral health care into the patient-centered medical home. Annals of Family Medicine. 12:183-185 (2014).
Westfall JM, Zittleman L, Ringel M, Sutter C, McCaffrey K, Gale S, Gerk T, Sanchez S, LeBlanc W, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP. How do rural patients benefit from the patient-centered medical home? A card study in the High Plains Research Network. London Journal of Primary Care. 6:136-48 (2014).
Dickinson WP, Jensen A, Miller W. Change Management. Primary Care Faculty Development Initiative. Chicago, IL (2013).
Jensen A, Dickinson WP, Miller W. Leadership for Change. Primary Care Faculty Development Initiative. Chicago, IL (2013).
Dickinson WP. Engaging Practices and Supporting Transformation. National Academy of State Health Plans Multi-Payer Medical Home Learning Collaborative: Building Primary Care Infrastructure through Public-Private Medical Home Pilots. Denver, CO (2013).
Jortberg B, Fernald D, Buscaj E, Dickinson WP. Curriculum Redesign for Teaching the PCMH in Colorado Family Medicine Residency Programs. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. Baltimore, MD (2013).
Dickinson WP. Family Medicine Transformation: PCMH and Beyond. University of Virginia Department of Family Medicine Departmental Retreat. Charlottesville, VA (2013
Dickinson WP. Dealing with Resistance in Practice Redesign Efforts. Webinar for Wellpoint PCMH Practice Facilitators (2013).
Dickinson WP. PCMH & Primary Care Practice Transformation – Where Are We & Where Are We Going? Advocate Children’s Hospital Pediatric Residency Program Grand Rounds. Chicago, IL (2013).
Dickinson WP. Family Medicine Residency Practice and Curriculum Transformation: PCMH and Beyond. Arkansas AHEC Program Statewide Grand Rounds. Little Rock, AR (2013).
Dickinson WP, Glasgow RE, Fisher L, Dickinson LM, Christensen SM, Estabrooks PA, Miller BF. Use of a website to accomplish health behavior change in primary care patients: if you build it, will they come? And will it work if they do? Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 26:168-176 (2013).
Dickinson WP. Building highly functional interprofessional teams in our practices. Fam Med. 2013 Nov-Dec;45(10):689-90. PubMed PMID: 24347185
Fernald DH, Wearner R, Dickinson WP. The journey of primary care practices to meaningful use: a Colorado Beacon Consortium study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 Sep-Oct;26(5):603-11. PubMed PMID: 24004712
Dickinson WP, Glasgow RE, Fisher L, Dickinson LM, Christensen SM, Estabrooks PA, Miller BF. Use of a website to accomplish health behavior change: if you build it, will they come? And will it work if they do?. J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 Mar-Apr;26(2):168-76. PubMed PMID: 23471930
Keahey D, Dickinson P, Hills K, Kaprielian V, Lohenry K, Marion G, Statler M, Nolte T, Walsh A. Educating primary care teams for the future: family medicine and physician assistant interprofessional education. Journal of Physician Assistant Education. 23:33-41 (2012).
Jortberg BT, Miller BF, Gabbay RA, Sparling K, Dickinson WP. Patient-centered medical home: how it affects psychosocial outcomes for diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum. 2012; 10.1007/s11892-012-0316-1.
West DR, Radcliff TA, Brown T, Cote MJ, Smith PC, Dickinson WP. Costs associated with data collection and reporting for diabetes quality improvement in primary care practices: a report from SNOCAP-USA. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 25:275-282 (2012).
Herbert C, Culpepper L, Phillips W, Green L, Stange K, Dickinson WP. NAPCRG 40th Anniversary. Plenary, NAPCRG Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Faculty Development for PCMH: New Tricks for Old Dogs. Webinar for Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors (2012).
Knox L, Robinson J, McMillen M, Dickinson WP, Dewalt DA. Designing (and Improving) Your Practice Facilitation Intervention. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Webinar on Practice Facilitation (2012).
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Nutting P, Fisher L, Emsermann C, Tutt B, West D. Moderating Effects of Practice Characteristics on Improvement in Diabetes Outcomes. North American Primary Care Research Group. New Orleans, LA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Secrets of my research success. North American Primary Care Research Group. New Orleans, LA (2012).
Fernald D, Deaner N, Jortberg B, Dickinson WP. Essential Ingredients for Patient-centered Medical Home Practice Changes in Family Medicine Residency Programs. North American Primary Care Research Group. New Orleans, LA (2012).
Radosh L, Dickinson WP, Baxley L, Warning W. Leading the Way: Experiences from the Three Largest Family Medicine Residency Collaboratives. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 45th Annual Spring Conference. Seattle, WA (2012).
Jortberg B, O’Neill C, Dickinson WP. The PCMH Monitor: An Effective Tool to Assess PCMH Progress in Family Medicine Residencies. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine 45th Annual Spring Conference. Seattle, WA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Leadership for Practice Transformation. Colorado Beacon Consortium Collaborative Learning Session. Grand Junction, CO (2012).
Dickinson WP. Primary Care Practice Transformation: Where Are We and Where Are We Going? I3 Collaborative (North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia residency programs). Concord, NC (2012).
Dickinson WP. Implementing Practice Behavior Change and Implementing Behavior Change in Practices. Colorado Behavioral Theory Consortium. Denver, CO (2012).
Dickinson WP. Comparing Models for Assisting Practices in Improving Diabetes Care. Engaging Communities in Education and Research. Vail, CO (2012).
Dickinson WP. Resistance in Quality Improvement Teams. Workshop for Physician Health Partners Quality Improvement Coaches. Denver, CO (2012).
Dickinson WP. Key Principles of Practice Coaching. Workshop for Physician Health Partners Quality Improvement Coaches. Denver, CO (2012).
Dickinson WP. Creating Effective Quality Improvement Teams. Workshop for Physician Health Partners Quality Improvement Coaches. Denver, CO (2012).
Dickinson WP. Leadership for Practice Transformation. Webinar for Colorado Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative (2012).
Dickinson WP. Leadership for Practice Transformation. Harbor UCLA Fellowship Program Lecture. Harbor City, CA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Teaming Up with the Community to Improve Health. Harbor UCLA Fellowship Program Lecture. Harbor City, CA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Leadership for Practice Transformation. Plenary for Colorado Beacon Consortium Collaborative (2012).
Dickinson WP. Interactive Session on PCMH. Harbor UCLA Residency Program Conference. Harbor City, CA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Patient Centered Medical Home: What Is It and How Do We Get There? Presbyterian St. Luke’s Hospital Internal Medicine Residency Program. Denver, CO (2012).
Dickinson WP. Recipes for Success: What are the Ingredients for Primary Care Practice Transformation? Pennsylvania Patient Centered Medical Home Collaborative. Scranton, PA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Training Clinicians for 21st Century Primary Care. Pennsylvania Residency Patient Centered Medical Home Collaborative. Scranton, PA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Interactive Discussion of Patient Centered Medical Home. Wright Center Internal Medicine Residency Conference. Scranton, PA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Recipes for Success: What are the Ingredients for Primary Care Practice Transformation? Mayo Clinic Family Medicine Grand Rounds. Rochester, MN (2012).
Borkan J, Jones C, Eby D, Grundy P, Miller W, Crabtree B, Dickinson WP. Think Tank: Growing Patient Centered Medical Homes. Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Providence, RI (2012).
Dickinson WP. Behavioral Health and the Patient Centered Medical Home. University of South Alabama, Family Medicine Grand Rounds. Mobile AL (2012).
Dickinson WP. Resistance in Quality Improvement Teams. Health TeamWorks Quality Improvement Coach Training Session. Lakewood, CO (2012).
Dickinson WP. Recipes for Success: What are the Ingredients for Primary Care Practice Transformation? Practice Transformation Workshop. Salt Lake City, UT (2012).
Dickinson WP. Patient Centered Medical Home Leadership. Harbor UCLA Fellowship Program Lecture. Harbor City, CA (2012).
Dickinson WP. Patient Centered Medical Home: Reports from the Front Lines in Practice Transformation. Harbor UCLA Family Medicine Department Lecture. Harbor City, CA (2012).
Jortberg B, Deaner N, Dickinson WP. Building PCMH Sustainability Through Training Internal Quality Improvement Leaders. Institute for Healthcare Improvement Summit on Improving Patient Care in the Office Practice. Washington, DC (2012).
Radosh L, Dickinson WP, Lefebvre A, Weir S, Warning W. The Largest Primary Care Residency Collaboratives. Institute for Healthcare Improvement Summit on Improving Patient Care in the Office Practice. Washington, DC (2012).
Dickinson WP. Invited Discussant for “Leading Edge: PAEA/AAPA Workforce Task Force Recommendations”. Physician Assistant Education Association Annual Education Forum. New Orleans, LA (2011).
Dickinson WP. Training Physicians for 21st Century Primary Care. The Colorado Health Foundation. Denver, CO (2011).
Dickinson WP. Team-based Care. Invited presentation at "Models of Primary Care Innovation: Implications for Clinical Training" meeting. Denver, CO (2011).
Bender BG, Dickinson WP, Rankin A, Wamboldt FS, Zittleman L, Westfall JM. The Colorado Asthma Toolkit Program: A practice coaching intervention from the High Plains Research Network. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 24:240-248 (2011).
Fisher L, Dickinson WP. New technologies to advance self-management support in diabetes: Not just a bunch of cool apps. Diabetes Care. 34:240-243 (2011).
Fernald DH, Deaner N, O’Neill C, Jortberg BT, deGruy FV, Dickinson WP. Overcoming early barriers to PCMH practice improvement in family medicine residencies. Family Medicine.
43(7):503-9 (2011).
Glasgow RE, Dickinson WP, Fisher L, Christiansen S, Toobert DJ, Bender BG, Dickinson LM, Jortberg B, Estabrooks PA. Use of RE-AIM to develop a multi-media facilitation tool for the patient-centered medical home. Implementation Science. 6:118 (2011).
Fisher L, Dickinson WP. New technologies to advance self-management support in diabetes: Not just a bunch of cool apps. Diabetes Care. 34:240-243 (2011).
Dickinson WP, Miller B. Comprehensiveness and continuity of care and the inseparability of mental and behavioral health from the Patient-Centered Medical Home. Families, Systems, and Health. 28:348-355 (2011).
Dickinson WP. How should STFM respond to political and societal issues? Family Medicine. 43:54-55 (2011).
Dickinson WP. Sharing experiences and practical learning in practice transformation. Family Medicine. 43:54-55 (2011).
Dickinson WP. Is there room for the family in our medical home? Family Medicine. 43:181-183 (2011).
Dickinson, WP. The Imperative for Residency Innovation. Family Medicine. 43:268-270 (2011).
Dickinson WP. Interprofessionalism: Training Physicians for 21st Century Primary Care. Medical Home Summit. Philadelphia, PN (2011).
Dickinson WP. How should STFM respond to political and societal issues? Family Medicine. 43:54-55 (2011).
Dickinson WP. Sharing experiences and practical learning in practice transformation. Family Medicine. 43:54-55 (2011).
Dickinson WP. Is there room for the family in our medical home? Family Medicine. 43:181-183 (2011).
Dickinson, WP. The Imperative for Residency Innovation. Family Medicine. 43:268-270 (2011).
Dickinson WP. Connection to Health Self Management Support System. Identifying Core Behavioral and Psychosocial Data Elements for the Electronic Health Record. Invited plenary. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD (2011).
Dickinson WP. Innovation and Improvisation in Family Medicine Programs and Practices. President’s Address, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. New Orleans, LA (2011).
Dickinson WP. Interprofessionalism: Training Physicians for 21st Century Primary Care. Medical Home Summit. Philadelphia, PN (2011).
Deaner N, O’Neill C, Jortberg B, Dickinson WP. Building PCMH sustainability through training internal quality improvement leaders. AAFP/STFM Practice Improvement Conference. (Invited seminar based on evaluations from presentation at this conference in 2010). Newport Beach, CA (2011).
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Emsermann C, West D, Tutt B, LeBlanc W, Nutting P.
Effects of the IPIP Practice Facilitation Intervention on Diabetes Outcomes. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Banff, Alberta (2011).
Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Emsermann C, West D, Tutt B, LeBlanc W, Nutting P.
A Report from the EPIC study: Effects of a RAP based Practice Coaching Intervention on Diabetes Outcomes. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Banff, Alberta (2011).
Coombs L, Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Fernald D, Harbrecht M, Gottsman A, Skoch E, Barnett D. The Effect of Processes of Care on Diabetes Patient Outcomes at the Practice Level. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Banff, Alberta (2011).
Fernald D, Deaner N, O’Neill C, Jortberg B, deGruy F, Dickinson P. The Rise, Fall, & Persistence of Barriers to Medical Home Transformative Change. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Banff, Alberta (2011).
Deaner N, O’Neill C, Jortberg B, Dickinson WP. Building Your PCMH: Project Management and Foundational Requirements 101. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. New Orleans, LA (2011).
Fernald D, Deaner N, O’Neill C, Jortberg B, Dickinson WP. The Starting Gate: Early Barriers to Patient Centered Medical Home Transformation in Family Medicine Residencies. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. New Orleans, LA (2011).
Jortberg B, Fernald D, Dickinson P, Deaner N, O’Neill C. Baseline Assessment of PCMH-ness in Colorado Family Medicine Residency Programs. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. New Orleans, LA (2011).
Dickinson WP. Team-based Care. Invited presentation at “Models of Primary Care Innovation: Implications for Clinical Training” meeting. Denver, CO (2011).
Dickinson WP. Training Physicians for 21st Century Primary Care. The Colorado Health Foundation. Denver, CO (2011).
Jortberg B, O’Neill C, Dickinson WP. Health Coaching: Providing Patient Self-Management Support. Advocate Lutheran Family Medicine Residency. Chicago, IL (2011).
Dickinson, WP, Jortberg B, O’Neill C. Team-based Care. Advocate Lutheran Family Medicine Residency. Chicago, IL (2011).
Dickinson, WP. Patient Centered Medical Home: What Does It Mean & Why Should We Go There? Advocate Lutheran Family Medicine Residency. Chicago, IL (2011).
Dickinson, WP. Training Physicians for 21st Century Primary Care. Advocate Lutheran Family Medicine Residency. Chicago, IL (2011).
Dickinson WP. Practice PCMH Transformation. NYC-RNG Practice Based Research Network Annual Convocation. New York, NY (2011).
Dickinson WP. Behavioral Health and the Patient Centered Medical Home. Einstein School of Medicine, Montefiore Family Medicine Residency. New York, NY (2011).
Dickinson WP. What the Heck is a Patient Centered Medical Home? What Does It Have to Do with Us? Einstein School of Medicine, Montefiore Family Medicine Residency. New York, NY (2011).
Dickinson WP. Patient Centered Medical Home: Reports from the Front Lines in Practice Transformation. University of Pittsburg Medical Center, Family Medicine Grand Rounds. Pittsburg, PN (2011).
Dickinson WP. Patient Centered Medical Home: Reports From the Front Lines in Practice Transformation. 47th Annual Internal Medicine Conference. Estes Park, CO (2011).
Dickinson WP. Patient Centered Medical Home: Reports from the Front Lines in Practice Transformation. St. Mary’s Hospital Family Medicine Residency Grand Rounds. Grand Junction, CO (2011).
Dickinson WP. Integrating Mental Health with Primary Care: The Challenges and Rewards. San Joaquin County Health Services PCMH Collaborative. French Camp, CA (2011).
Wamboldt F, Bender B, Dickinson WP, Rankin A, Sutter C, Gale S, Westfall J. Working With Practices to Improve Patient-focused Environmental Tobacco Smoke Reduction Strategies. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA (2010).
Emsermann, C, Tutt B, LeBlanc W, Nutting P, Dickinson M, Dickinson WP, West D. Relationships Between Patient-reported Diabetes Process of Care, Use of The Chronic Care Model, And Key Components of Primary Care. North American Primary Care Research Group Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA (2010).
Deaner N, O’Neill C, Jortberg B, Dickinson WP. Building PCMH sustainability through training internal quality improvement leaders. AAFP/STFM Practice Improvement Conference. San Antonio, TX (2010).
Dickinson WP, McCartney K, Garcia S. Team Based Care in Hospital and Office Practice. 57th Summer Family Medicine Review. Estes Park, CO (2010).
Dickinson WP. The Role of PBRNs in Practice Improvement and Transformation. Invited plenary at Wisconsin Research and Education Network Convocation. Madison, WI (2010).
Dickinson WP. Teaming Up with Patients, Families, and the Community to Improve Health Care. Eugene and Linda Farley Lecture. Madison, WI (2010).
Dickinson WP. Transforming Residency Practices into Medical Homes. Wisconsin Statewide Grand Rounds. Madison, WI (2010).
Dickinson WP. The Patient Centered Medical Home: Opportunities for Primary Care Physicians, Specialists, and Hospitals. Rose Hospital Grand Rounds. Denver, CO (2010).
Dickinson WP, McCartney K, Garcia S. Team Based Care in Hospital and Office Practice. 57th Fall Family Medicine Review. Denver, CO (2010).
Dickinson WP. What the heck is a PCMH and why should we be interested in it? All day training session for High Plains Research Network’s Community Advisory Council. Yuma, CO (2010).
Dickinson WP. The Patient Centered Medical Home: How Do We Get There? Morris Goldberg Annual Family Medicine Symposium. Chicago, IL (2010).
Dickinson WP. The Patient Centered Medical Home: What Does It Mean and Why Should We Go There? Morris Goldberg Annual Family Medicine Symposium. Chicago, IL (2010).
Dickinson WP. Heading Home: The Patient Centered Medical Home as a Team Endeavor. Incoming President’s Address. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. Vancouver, BC (2010).
Dickinson WP. Teaming Up with Patients, Families, and the Community to Improve Health Care. Eugene and Linda Farley Lecture. Madison, WI (2010).
Dickinson WP. Practice transformation and the Patient Centered Medical Home as team sports. Family Medicine. 42:391-392 (2010).
Dickinson WP. Residents as change agents in the transformation of primary care practices. Family Medicine. 42:469-470 (2010).
Dickinson WP. How to build a medical home in your residency program. Family Medicine. 584-586 (2010).
Dickinson WP. Leadership for change: a vital area for faculty development, continuing education, and resident education. Family Medicine. 42:659-660 (2010).
Dickinson WP, Hepworth J, Steyer T, Streiffer R, Taylor D, Brungardt S. Response to “Let’s break down the barriers”. Family Medicine 42:743 (2010).
Bender BG, Apter A, Bogen B, Dickinson WP, Fisher L, Wamboldt F, Westfall J. A theory-based interactive voice recognition intervention to improve adherence to controller medications in adults with asthma. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 23:159-165 (2010).
Gallagher K, Nutting, PA, Nease DE, Graham DG, Bonham AJ, Dickinson WP, Main DS. It takes two: using co-leaders to champion improvements in small primary care practices. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 23:632– 639 (2010).
Nease DE, Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Graham DG, Gallagher KM. Long-term sustainability of depression care improvements following an improvement collaborative emphasizing practice change. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 23:598–605 (2010).
Bender BG, Apter A, Bogen B, Dickinson WP, Fisher L, Wamboldt F, Westfall J. A theory-based interactive voice recognition intervention to improve adherence to controller medications in adults with asthma. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 23:159-165 (2010).
Dickinson WP, Jortberg B. Training Physicians for 21st Century Primary Care (Plenary Presentation). Medical Home Summit. Philadelphia, PN (2010).
Dickinson WP, Jortberg B. Training Physicians for 21st Century Primary Care (Plenary Presentation). Medical Home Summit. Philadelphia, PN (2010).
Dickinson WP, Jortberg B, Deaner N. Assessment of the Patient Centered Medical Homeness in Residency Practices and Curricula: Are We Homes Yet? AAFP/STFM Practice Improvement Conference. Kansas City, MO (2009).
Dickinson WP, West D, Brown T, Radcliff T, Cote M, Smith P. Cost and other issues for primary care practices involved in quality improvement efforts. Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research Practice Based Research Network Conference. Bethesda, MD (2009).
West D, Dickinson WP, Radcliff T. Cost and Other Issues for Primary Care Practices Involved in Quality Improvement Efforts. Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research Annual Conference. Bethesda, MD (2009).
Dickinson WP, West D, Radcliff T, Cote M, Brown T. Cost of quality measurement data collection, reporting, and use in primary care practices. Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Annual Spring Conference. Denver, CO (2009).
Dickinson WP. The Patient Centered Medical Home. Faculty development conference, Southern Colorado Family Medicine Residency Program, Pueblo, CO (2009).
Dickinson WP. The Patient Centered Medical Home. Faculty and resident conference, St. Joseph Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program, Denver, CO (2009).
Dickinson WP. The Patient Centered Medical Home. Faculty and resident conference, Grand Junction Family Medicine Residency Program, Grand Junction, CO (2009).
Dickinson WP. The Patient Centered Medical Home. Faculty and resident conference, Northern Colorado Family Medicine Residency Program, Greeley, CO (2009).
Dickinson WP. Colorado Clinical Guidelines Collaborative Guideline for Alcohol and Substance Use Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment. Grand Junction Family Medicine Residency Program Grand Rounds, Grand Junction, CO (2009).
Dickinson WP. Colorado Clinical Guidelines Collaborative Guideline for Alcohol and Substance Use Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment. Fort Collins Family Medicine Residency Program Residents Conference, Fort Collins, CO (2009).
Dickinson WP. The Patient Centered Medical Home. Faculty and resident conference, St. Anthony Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program, Denver, CO (2009).
Dickinson WP, Saultz J, Starfield B, Eidus R, et al. Recommendations for Continuity and Comprehensiveness Standards for NCQA PPC-PCMH Standards. Report of AAFP Expert Panel for Recommendations for Revision of NCQA PPC-PCMH Standards. American Academy of Family Physicians, Kansas City, MO (2009).
Green LA, Dickinson WP, Nease DE, Schellhase KG, Campos-Outcalt D, Schoof BK, Jeffcott-Pera M. American Academy of Family Physicians Detection and Management of Post Myocardial Infarction Depression Guideline. Annals of Family Medicine. 7:71-79 (2009).
Main DS, Graham D, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Dickinson WP, Gallagher K. Integrating practice change processes into a quality improvement of depression care - moving beyond the “bait and switch:” A report from the National Depression Management Leadership Initiative’s Improving Depression Care Project. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 35(7):351-357 (2009).
Denberg TD, Myers BA, Eckel RH, McDermott MT, Dickinson WP, Lin CT. A patient outreach program between visits improves diabetes care: A pilot study. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 21:130-136 (2009).
Green LA, Dickinson WP, Nease DE, Schellhase KG, Campos-Outcalt D, Schoof BK, Jeffcott-Pera M. American Academy of Family Physicians Detection and Management of Post Myocardial Infarction Depression Guideline. Annals of Family Medicine. 7:71-79 (2009).
Main DS, Graham D, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Dickinson WP, Gallagher K. Integrating practice change processes into a quality improvement of depression care - moving beyond the “bait and switch:” A report from the National Depression Management Leadership Initiative’s Improving Depression Care Project. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. In press.
Denberg TD, Myers BA, Eckel RH, McDermott MT, Dickinson WP, Lin CT. A patient outreach program between visits improves diabetes care: A pilot study. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. In press.
Gallagher K, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Graham DG, Bonham AJ, Dickinson WP, Main DS. It takes two: Using diverse team leaders to champion improvements in primary care practice settings. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. In review.
Green LA, Dickinson WP, Nease DE, Schellhase KG, Campos-Outcalt D, Schoof BK, Jeffcott-Pera M. American Academy of Family Physicians Detection and Management of Post Myocardial Infarction Depression Guideline. Annals of Family Medicine. In press.
Nutting PA, Gallagher KM, Riley K, White S, Dietrich AJ, Dickinson WP. Implementing a depression intervention in five health care organizations: Experience from the RESPECT-Depression Trial. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. In press.
Nease DE, Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Bonham AJ, Graham DG, Gallagher KM, Main DS. Inducing sustainable improvement in depression care in primary care practices: A report from the National Depression Management Leadership Initiative's Improving Depression Care Project. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. In press.
Nutting PA, Gallagher KM, Riley K, White S, Dickinson WP, Korsen N, Dietrich A. Care management for depression in primary care practice: findings from the RESPECT-D Depression Trial. Annals of Family Medicine. 6(1): 30-37 (2008).
Wamboldt FS, Balkissoon RC, Rankin AE, Szefler SJ, Hammond SK, Glasgow RE, Dickinson WP. Correlates of household smoking bans in low income families of children with and without asthma. Family Process. 47:81–94 (2008).
Cain JJ, Dickinson WP, Fernald D, Emsermann C, Dickinson LM, West D. Tar Wars program remains unique and effective. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 21:81 (2008).
Newton W, Dickinson P, Dietrich A, Magill M, Robinson M, Rogers J. Organizing Our Academic Organizations for the Future of Family Medicine: Introducing the Council of Academic Family Medicine (CAFM). Annals of Family Medicine. In press.
Main DS, Graham D, Nutting PA, Nease DE, Dickinson WP, Gallagher K. Integrating practice change processes into a quality improvement of depression care - moving beyond the “bait and switch:” A report from the National Depression Management Leadership Initiative’s Improving Depression Care Project. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. In Review.
Wamboldt FS, Balkissoon RC, Rankin AE, Szefler SJ, Hammond SK, Glasgow RE, Dickinson WP. Correlates of household smoking bans in low income families of children with and without asthma. Family Process. 47:81–94 (2008).
Nutting PA, Gallagher KM, Riley K, White S, Dickinson WP, Korsen N, Dietrich A. Care management for depression in primary care practice: findings from the RESPECT-D Depression Trial. Annals of Family Medicine. 6(1): 30-37 (2008).
Nease DE, Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Bonham AJ, Graham DG, Gallagher KM, Main DS. Inducing sustainable improvement in depression care in primary care practices: A report from the National Depression Management Leadership Initiative's Improving Depression Care Project. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. 34(5):247-255 (2008).
Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Rost K, deGruy F, Emsermann C, Froshaug D, Nutting PA, Meredith L. Clinician burden and intensity of depression treatment: Using multilevel modeling to disentangle patient and clinician level effects of medical comorbidity. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 23:1763–69 (2008).
Ohman-Strickland P, Orzano AJ, Nutting PA, Dickinson WP, Scott-Cawiezell J, Hahn K, Gibel M, Crabtree BF. Measuring organizational performance attributes of primary care practices: development of a new instrument. Health Services Research. 42(3):1257-1273 (2007).
Nease DE, Nutting PA, Graham DG, Dickinson WP, Gallagher KM, Jeffcot-Pera M. Long-term sustainability of depression care improvements following an improvement collaborative emphasizing practice change. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. In review.
Bender BG, Dickinson WP, Rankin A, Wamboldt FS, Zittleman L, Westfall JM. The Colorado Asthma Toolkit Program: Evaluation of a practice coaching intervention to improve asthma care in rural primary care practices. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In press.
Fernald DH, Deaner N, O’Neill C, Jortberg BT, deGruy FV, Dickinson WP. Overcoming early barriers to PCMH practice improvement in family medicine residencies. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In Press.
West DR, Radcliff TA, Brown T, Cote MJ, Smith PC, Dickinson WP. Costs Associated with Data Collection and Reporting for Diabetes Quality Improvement in Primary Care Practices: A Report from SNOCAP-USA. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In press.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Nutting PA, Emsermann C, Tutt B, Crabtree BF, Fisher L, Harbrecht M, Gottsman A, West DR. Practice facilitation to improve diabetes care in primary care: a report from the EPIC randomized clinical trial. Annals of Family Medicine. In press.
Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Nutting PA, Fisher L, Harbrecht M, Crabtree BF, Glasgow RE, West DR. Practice Context Affects Efforts to Improve Diabetes Care for Primary Care Patients: A Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine. In press.
Candib LM, Dickinson WP, McMahon P. Health Consequences of Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Abuse. World Book of Family Medicine – European Edition. WONCA Europe, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2015.
Carney PA, Conry CM, Mitchell KB, Ericson A, Dickinson WP, Martin JC, Carek PJ, Douglass AB, Eiff MP. The Importance of and the Complexities Associated with Measuring Continuity of Care During Resident Training: Possible Solution Do Exist. Family Medicine. (In press).
Solberg LI, Kuzel A, Parchman ML, Shelley DR, Dickinson WP, Walunas TL, Nguyen AM, Fagnan LJ, Cykert S, Balasubramanaian BA, Fernald D, Gordon L, Kho A, Krist A, Miller W, Berry C, Duffy D, Nagykaldi Z, Cohen DJ. External Support for Practice Transformation: A Practical Taxonomy. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In press.
Knierim K, Hall T, Fernald D, Staff TJ, Buscaj E, Allen J, Onysko M, Dickinson WP. Effects of Hospital Systems on Medical Home Transformation in Primary Care Residency Training Practices. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. In press.
Dickinson WP, Gritz M, Knierim KE, Kirchner S, Fernald DH, Gottsman A, Wiggins K, Dickinson LM. Impact of Transformation Support on Practice Implementation of Behavioral Health Integration. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In press.
Jortberg BT, Dickinson LM, Fernald DH, Bienstock A, de la Cerda D, Wiggins K, Swenson C, Halfacre J, Kirchner S, Dickinson WP. Improving care for unhealthy alcohol use: Results from the Facilitating Alcohol Screening and Treatment (FAST) Colorado Study. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In Press.
Eiff MP, Ericson A, Dinh DH, Valenzuela SH, Nadeau MT, Dickinson WP, Conry CM, Martin JC, Carney PA. Resident visit productivity and attitudes about continuity according to 3 versus 4 years of training in family medicine: A Length of Training Study. Family Medicine. In press.
Nederveld A, Wiggins K, Dickinson LM, Dickinson WP, Tolle LW, Holtrop JS. Integrated primary care and health behavior support: a survey of behavioral health providers. International Journal of Behavioral Health. Submitted 12-22.
Carroll JK, Fernald DH, Hall TL, Groves HM, Grant G, Sherrill A, Crispe K, Brown A, Lampe S, Dickinson WP. A unique model and workforce to address health-related social needs and health equity: Regional Health Connectors in Colorado. Health Promotion Practice. Submitted and in review, 11-22.
Jortberg BT, Fernald DH, Hessler DM, Dickinson LM, Wearner R, Connelly L, Holtrop JS, Fisher L, Dickinson WP. Baseline Characteristics for Connection to Health: A Cluster-randomized Trial Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In press.
Bodenheimer T, Dickinson P, Kong M. Quality improvement models in residency programs. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. In press.
Dickinson WP, Dickinson LM, Jortberg BT, Hessler DM, Fernald DH, Fisher L. Connection to Health: A Cluster Randomized Trial Comparing Strategies for Translating Self-Management Support into Primary Care Practices. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. In press.
Kaufman A, Dickinson WP, Fagnan LJ, Duffy FD, Parchman M, Rhyne RL. The Role of Health Extension in Practice Transformation and Community Health Improvement: Lessons from Five Case Studies. Annals of Family Medicine. In press.
Eiff MP, Ericson A, Dinh DH, Valenzuela SH, Conry CM, Douglass AB, Dickinson WP, Rosener SE, Carney PA. Practice setting and clinical care features post residency according to 3 versus 4 years of training in family medicine: a Length of Training Pilot Study. Family Medicine. (In press).