Hendee, W.R., Launders, J., Is medical radiation safe? Can it be Safer?, Focus on Patient Safety, 14: 5-6, 2011.
Hendee, W.R., Web-based modules for the physics education of radiology residents, J Am Coll Radiol, 7:306-308, 2010.
Wolbarst, A.B., Wiley, A.L, Nemhauser, J.B., Christensen, D.M., Hendee, W.R., Medical response to a major radiological emergency: A primer for medical and public health practitioners, Radiology, 254; 660-677, 2010.
Hendee, W.R., Becker, G.J., Borgstede, J., Bosma, J., Casarella, W., Erickson, B., Maynard, C.D., Thrall, J., Wallner, P., Addressing overutilization in medical imaging, Radiology, 257:240-245, 2010.
Hendee, W.R., Herman, M.G., Medical Physics Letter: Improving patient safety in radiation oncology, Medical Physics, 38: 78-82, 2010.
Hendee, W.R., Ethics in the Radiology Department. In G. Kagadis and S. Langer, (eds.). Informatics in Medical Imaging, Taylor and Francis Group (in press).
Hendee, W.R., Past, present and future of quality in radiotherapy physics. In T. Pawlicki, et al (eds.). Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy, 2010, New York, NY, Taylor and Francis Group.
Wolbarst, A.B., Karellas, A., Krupinski, E.A., Hendee, W.R. (eds.), Advances in Medical Physics: 2010, Madison, WI, Medical Physics Publishing.
Several published (scientific articles, editorials, Medical Physics letters, etc - in Medical Physics, Radiology, other journals