Frank deGruy, MD, MS

Distinguished Professor, Family Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, University of South Alabama College of Medicine (1977)
Family Medicine

Professional Titles

  • Woodward Chisholm Chair

Research Interests

I am interested in mental disorders in the primary care setting. PCMH transformations. Unexplained physical symptoms and multilevel, multimodal evaluation of practice change interventions.


  • McDaniel, deGruy, Peek, DeCaparole. Happy Doctors, Healthy Patients: An Institution's Coaching Program for Physicians. In preparation for Academic Medicine.
  • 71. Littenberg, B., Clifton, J., Crocker, A.M., Baldwin, L., Bonnell, L.N., Breshears, R.E., Callas P., Chakravarti, P., Clark/Keefe K., Cohen, D.J., deGruy, F., Eidt-Pearson, L., Elder W., Fox, C., Frisbie, S., Hekman, K., Hitt J., Jewiss, J., Kaelber, D.C., Kelley, K.S., Kessler, R., O’Rourke-Lavoie, J.B., Leibowitz, G.S., Macchi, C.R., Martin, M.P., McGovern, M., Mollis, B., Mullin, D., Nagykaldi, Z., Natkin, L.W., Pace, W., Pinckney, R.G., Pomeroy, D., Reynolds, P., Rose, G.L., Scholle, S.H., Sieber, W.J., Soucie J., Stancin, T., Stange, K.C., Stephens, K.A., Teng, K., Waddell, E.N., van Eeghen, C. A cluster randomized trial of primary care practice redesign to integrate behavioral health for those who need it most: patients with multiple chronic conditions. Annals of Family Medicine. 2023 Nov/Dec, 21 (6).

Professional Memberships

  • American Academy of Family Physicians, Member
  • Colorado Academy of Family Physicians, Member
  • Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, Member
  • Association of Departments of Family Medicine, Member
  • North American Primary Care Research Group, President-Elect
  • Family Physicians Inquiries Network, Chair of Board
  • Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, President

Specialty Information

  • Family Medicine, Board Certification (1999)
Care Philosophy
I became a Family Physician because I’m an unapologetic generalist. Our health is affected by an astounding breadth of factors, and effective healthcare takes the range of these factors into account. That is interesting and rewarding. From 1980 through 1982 I was a research fellow in Family Medicine, and for two decades thereafter I was a mental health services researcher, studying how mental disorders and unexplained physical symptoms presented and were managed in primary care. Even after becoming a chair in 1996 I remained interested in the incorporation of mental healthcare into the primary care setting, and with the resurgence of interest in transforming primary care into the Patient-Centered Medical Home, I have retained my conviction that good primary care always includes mental and behavioral factors, and requires health behavior change. So I am especially interested in making sure that the PCMH really is for the whole person—mind, behavior, family, as well as body.