Medical Director Acute Care for the Elderly Service and 12W unit
President of the Medical Staff University of Colorado Hospital
Institute for Healthcare Quality Safety and Efficiency Faculty
Associate Chief of Hospital Medicine for Faculty Advancement
Peak Performer Award- Colorado Top Inpatient Physician, Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium
Excellence in Education Award, UCDenver General Internal Medicine
Performance Improvement and Patient Safety Award, University of Colorado Hospital Medical Staff Awards
Peak Performer Award- Colorado Top Inpatient Physician, Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium
Excellence in Education Award, Hospitalist Training Track
Leadership and Management in Geriatrics Scholarship, Reynolds Foundation
Humanitarian Award, University of Colorado Hospitalist Training Program
Excellence in Education Award, University of Colorado Division of General Internal Medicine
National Excellence in Quality Improvement Award, Society of Hospital Medicine
First Place Innovation in Hospital Medicine, National Award from Society of Hospital Medicine
Faculty Award for Excellence in General Internal Medicine Education-Elaine Cleary Award, Division of General Internal Medicine- University of Colorado School of Medicine
President’s Excellence in Teaching Award from School of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine
O'Brien E, Vemuru S, Leonard L, Himelhoch B, Adams M, Taft N, Jaiswal K, Sams S, Cumbler E, Wolverton D, Ahrendt G, Yi J, Lin CT, Miles R, Hampanda K, Tevis S. Information transparency with immediate release: Oncology clinician and patient perceptions. Am J Surg. 2024 Jan;227:165-174. PubMed PMID: 37863801
Mott NM, Huynh V, Vemuru S, Parris HJ, Colborn K, Ahrendt G, Christian N, Kim S, Matlock DD, Cumbler E, Tevis SEA. Barriers and facilitators to measuring patient reported outcomes in an academic breast cancer clinic: An application of the RE-AIM framework. Am J Surg. 2023 Sep 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37741803
Murthy VK, Boscardin C, Cumbler E, Irobunda C, McQuillan MA, Phillips LG, Suneja M, Wright SM, Dhaliwal G. Learning from the early careers of master clinicians. J Eval Clin Pract. 2023 Aug 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37555473
Iguidbashian J, Lun Z, Bata K, King RW, Gunn-Sandell L, Crosby D, Stoebner K, Tharp D, Lin CT, Cumbler E, Wiler J, Yi J. Novel Electronic Health Records-Based Consultation Workflow Improves Time to Operating Room for Vascular Surgery Patients in an Acute Setting. Ann Vasc Surg. 2023 Nov;97:139-146. PubMed PMID: 37495093
Billings JD, Huynh V, Leonard LD, Kovar A, Jones TS, Cumbler E, Christian N, Rojas KE, Meacham R, Tevis SE. Addressing an epidemic: Improving guideline-concordant opioid prescribing in surgical patients. Surgery. 2022 Nov;172(5):1407-1414. PubMed PMID: 36088172
Dyas AR, Kelleher AD, Erickson CJ, Voss JA, Cumbler EU, Lambert-Kerzner A, Vizena AS, Robinson-Chavez C, Kee BL, Barker AR, Fuller MS, Miller SA, McCabe KO, Cook KM, Randhawa SK, Mitchell JD, Meguid RA. Development of a universal thoracic enhanced recover after surgery protocol for implementation across a diverse multi-hospital health system. J Thorac Dis. 2022 Aug;14(8):2855-2863. PubMed PMID: 36071784
Driscoll B, Leonard LD, Kovar A, Billings J, Tevis SE, Kim SP, Cumbler E. Surgeon Perceptions of the Integration of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures into Clinical Practice. J Surg Res. 2022 Dec;280:486-494. PubMed PMID: 36067535
Verosky A, Leonard LD, Quinn C, Vemuru S, Warncke E, Himelhoch B, Huynh V, Wolverton D, Jaiswal K, Ahrendt G, Sams S, Lin CT, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis SE. Patient comprehension of breast pathology report terminology: The need for patient-centered resources. Surgery. 2022 Sep;172(3):831-837. PubMed PMID: 35715235
Kovar A, Joiner K, Leonard LD, Cumbler E, Tevis S. Variability in Surgical Site Preparation Technique: An Opportunity for Improvement. AORN J. 2022 Apr;115(4):341-345. PubMed PMID: 35333395
Nouh A, Amin-Hanjani S, Furie KL, Kernan WN, Olson DM, Testai FD, Alberts MJ, Hussain MA, Cumbler EU. Identifying Best Practices to Improve Evaluation and Management of In-Hospital Stroke: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Stroke. 2022 Apr;53(4):e165-e175. PubMed PMID: 35137601
Leonard LD, Himelhoch B, Huynh V, Wolverton D, Jaiswal K, Ahrendt G, Sams S, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis SE. Patient and clinician perceptions of the immediate release of electronic health information. Am J Surg. 2022 Jul;224(1 Pt A):27-34. PubMed PMID: 34903369
Gupta R, Tat Q, O'Brien J, Shaw M, Cumbler E, McPherson R, de la Cruz D, Dua A, Yi JA. Utilization of lean project management principles and health informatics to reduce operating room delays in a vascular surgery practice. Am J Surg. 2022 Jan;223(1):176-181. PubMed PMID: 34465448
Leonard LD, Shaw M, Moyer A, Tevis S, Schulick R, McIntyre R Jr, Ballou M, Reiter K, Lace C, Weitzel N, Wiler J, Meacham R, Cumbler E, Steward L. The surgical debrief: Just another checklist or an instrument to drive cultural change?. Am J Surg. 2022 Jan;223(1):120-125. PubMed PMID: 34407917
Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E, Hyman D, Kneeland P, Armstrong G, Caffrey S, Wiler J, Fuhlbrigge A, Jones D, Pierce RG. The Institute for Health care Quality, Safety, and Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach to Improving Organization-Level Quality Performance. Am J Med Qual. 2022 Mar-Apr 01;37(2):111-117. PubMed PMID: 34225273
Davis C, Faruki A, Breyer D, Cumbler E, Fisher B, Hassell A, Hess S, Pierce R, Wiler J, Zane R. The Case for Virtual Sepsis Surveillance and Intervention. Telemed J E Health. 2022 Jan;28(1):102-106. PubMed PMID: 33826409
Gupta R, Tat Q, O'Brien J, Shaw M, Cumbler E, McPherson R, de la Cruz D, Dua A, Yi JA. Utilization of lean project management principles and health informatics to reduce operating room delays in a vascular surgery practice. Am J Surg. 2022 Jan;223(1):176-181. PubMed PMID: 34465448
Leonard LD, Shaw M, Moyer A, Tevis S, Schulick R, McIntyre R Jr, Ballou M, Reiter K, Lace C, Weitzel N, Wiler J, Meacham R, Cumbler E, Steward L. The surgical debrief: Just another checklist or an instrument to drive cultural change?. Am J Surg. 2022 Jan;223(1):120-125. PubMed PMID: 34407917
Davis C, Faruki A, Breyer D, Cumbler E, Fisher B, Hassell A, Hess S, Pierce R, Wiler J, Zane R. The Case for Virtual Sepsis Surveillance and Intervention. Telemed J E Health. 2022 Jan;28(1):102-106. PubMed PMID: 33826409
Valverde PA, Ayele R, Leonard C, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Burke RE. Gaps in Hospital and Skilled Nursing Facility Responsibilities During Transitions of Care: a Comparison of Hospital and SNF Clinicians' Perspectives. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Aug;36(8):2251-2258. PubMed PMID: 33532965
Lessing JN, Yazdani Farsad Y, Cumbler E. Letter to the Editor: Eradicating Jargon-Oblivion-A Proposed Classification System of Medical Jargon. J Gen Intern Med. 2021 Apr;36(4):1111. PubMed PMID: 33506389
Huynh V, Colborn K, Christian N, Rojas K, Nehler M, Bronsert M, Cumbler E, Ahrendt G, Tevis S. Resident Opioid Prescribing Habits Do Not Reflect Best Practices in Post-Operative Pain Management: An Assessment of the Knowledge and Education Gap. J Surg Educ. 2021 Jul-Aug;78(4):1286-1294. PubMed PMID: 33386285
Bruny J, Inge T, Rannie M, Acker S, Levitt G, Cumbler E, Brumbaugh D. Transforming surgical morbidity and mortality into a systematic case review. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Jan;56(1):80-84. PubMed PMID: 33139023
Cumbler E, Wittig M, Jacobson N, McClain H, Treat A, Radin J, Stowell S, Harry E. Contingency planning for health care worker masks in case of medical supply chain failure: Lessons learned in novel mask manufacturing from COVID-19 pandemic. Am J Infect Control. 2021 Oct;49(10):1215-1220. PubMed PMID: 34363872
Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E, Hyman D, Kneeland P, Armstrong G, Caffrey S, Wiler J, Fuhlbrigge A, Jones D, Pierce RG. The Institute for Health care Quality, Safety, and Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach to Improving Organization-Level Quality Performance. Am J Med Qual. 2021 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34225273
Naderi R, Oberndorfer TA, Jordan SR, Dollar B, Cumbler EU, Jones CD. Resident perspectives on the value of interdisciplinary conference calls for geriatric patients. BMC Med Educ. 2021 Jun 3;21(1):314. PubMed PMID: 34082723
Leonard LD, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis SE. From paternalistic to patient-centered: Strategies to support patients with the immediate release of medical records. Am J Surg. 2021 Nov;222(5):909-910. PubMed PMID: 33933209
Huynh V, Colborn K, Rojas KE, Christian N, Ahrendt G, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis S. Evaluation of opioid prescribing preferences among surgical residents and faculty. Surgery. 2021 Oct;170(4):1066-1073. PubMed PMID: 33858683
Leonard LD, Himelhoch B, Huynh V, Wolverton D, Jaiswal K, Ahrendt G, Sams S, Cumbler E, Schulick R, Tevis SE. Patient and clinician perceptions of the immediate release of electronic health information. Am J Surg. 2021 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34903369
51. Cumbler E, Rosenthal L. Evaluation of Peripheral Edema. BMJ Point-of-Care. Epocrates Online [database on the Internet}. San Mateo (CA): Epocrates, Inc c2006 [continuously updated; cited 2008 ]. Available from: First edition published July 15 2008. Updated November 2009, May 2011,October 2014, October 2016, October 2017, October 2018, and October 2020.
Wallace MA, Hammes A, Rothman MS, Trizno AA, Jones CD, Cumbler E, McDevitt K, Carlson NE, Stoneback JW. Fixing a Fragmented System: Impact of a Comprehensive Geriatric Hip Fracture Program on Long-Term Mortality. Perm J. 2019;23. PubMed PMID: 31702983
Burke RE, Leonard C, Lee M, Ayele R, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Greysen SR. Cognitive Biases Influence Decision-Making Regarding Postacute Care in a Skilled Nursing Facility. J Hosp Med. 2019 Aug 16;14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31433771
Wilson J, Maloney K, Bookman K, Stoneback JW, Browne VA, Ginde A, Wallace M, Jacknin G, Cumbler E, Lewiss RE. Training Emergency Physicians in Ultrasound-guided Fascia Iliaca Compartment Blocks: Lessons in Change Management. Cureus. 2019 May 28;11(5):e4773. PubMed PMID: 31363454
Falvey JR, Mangione KK, Nordon-Craft A, Cumbler E, Burrows KL, Forster JE, Stevens-Lapsley JE. Progressive Multicomponent Intervention for Older Adults in Home Health Settings Following Acute Hospitalization: Randomized Clinical Trial Protocol. Phys Ther. 2019 Sep 1;99(9):1141-1149. PubMed PMID: 31004493
Pahwa AK, Qureshi I, Cumbler E. Things We Do For No Reason: Use of Antipsychotic Medications in Patients with Delirium. J Hosp Med. 2019 Mar 20;14:E1-E3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30897059
Ayele R, Jones J, Ladebue A, Lawrence E, Valverde P, Leonard C, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Burke RE. Perceived Costs of Care Influence Post-Acute Care Choices by Clinicians, Patients, and Caregivers. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 Apr;67(4):703-710. PubMed PMID: 30707766
Cumbler E, Kutner JS. Random Drug Testing of Physicians: A Complex Issue Framed in 7 Questions. J Hosp Med. 2019 Jan 8;14(1):56-57. PubMed PMID: 30379142
Lessing J, Mark N, Wynia M, Cumbler E. Clinical Image Consent Requirements: Variability Among Top Ten Medical Journals. Journal of Academic Ethics. 2019. 17(4), 423-427
del Pino-Jones A, Wolfe B, Wimmer K, Bowden K, Rosenthal L, Nogar C, Furfar K, Cumbler E. Physician Perceptions of Advanced Practice Providers on Hospitalist Teams. Journal for Nursing Practice. 2019; 15(2): e37-e40
Kovar A, Sinclair N, Cumbler E, Tevis S. Revamping a Breast Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Clinic to Provide a “White Glove Experience” for Every Patient. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care. December 8–11, 2019. Orlando, FL
Kovar A, Joiner K, Pender C, Iorio ML, Cumbler E, Tevis S. Variability in Surgical Site Prep Technique and Adherence to Technical Guidelines. American College of Surgery Quality and Safety Conference. July 19-22 2019. Washington DC
Kovar A, Tad-y D, Meacham R, Cumbler E. Financial Incentives for Trainees to Decrease Surgical Site Infections. American College of Surgery Quality and Safety Conference. July 21st 2019. Washington DC
Kovar A, Tevis S, Tad-y D, Meacham R, Cumbler E. Financial Incentives for Surgical Residents and the Impact on Surgical Site Infections. UCH Quality and Safety Symposium on March 13th 2019
Kovar A, Joiner K, Pender C, Iorio ML, Cumbler E, Tevis S. Variability in Surgical Site Prep Technique and Adherence to Technical Guidelines. UCH Quality and Safety Symposium on March 13th 2019
Yazdani Y, Enayat M, Barksdale S, Kneeland P, del Pino-Jones A, Singh S, Cumbler E. Letters to Patients: Provider and Patient Perspectives. UCH Quality and Safety Symposium on March 13th 2019
Cumbler E, Simpson J, Lessing J, Anstett T. “I Think I Have Been Poisoned”: Distinguishing KGB Assassination from Shoshin BeriBeri. National Society for Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 26th 2019
Singh S, Yazdani Y, Enayat M, Barksdale S, del Pino-Jones A, Campbell S, Kneeland P, Cumbler E. Innovation in Communication: Writing Notes To Paients- Not About Them. National Society for Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 25th 2019
Jones C, Singh S, Hagman J, Parnes B, Marcus A, Hartley K, Pearson S, Linnebur S, Dollar B, Cumbler E. Improving the Catch: Innovative Video Conferences to Enhance Transitional Care Communication and Resident Education. National Society for Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 25th 2019
Cheung D, Cumbler E, Hale G, Pell J. Reining in the QTc: reducing the risk of Torsades de Pointes across a major health system. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 Sep 1;25(9):1202-1205. PubMed PMID: 29961858
Burke RE, Jones J, Lawrence E, Ladebue A, Ayele R, Leonard C, Lippmann B, Matlock DD, Allyn R, Cumbler E. Evaluating the Quality of Patient Decision-Making Regarding Post-Acute Care. J Gen Intern Med. 2018 May;33(5):678-684. PubMed PMID: 29427179
Cumbler E, Rendón P, Yirdaw E, Kneeland P, Pierce R, Jones CD, Herzke C. Keys to career success: resources and barriers identified by early career academic hospitalists. J Gen Intern Med. 2018 May;33(5):588-589. PubMed PMID: 29423628
Cumbler E, Yirdaw E, Kneeland P, Pierce R, Rendon P, Herzke C, Jones CD. What Is Career Success for Academic Hospitalists? A Qualitative Analysis of Early-Career Faculty Perspectives. J Hosp Med. 2018 Jun 1;13(6):372-377. PubMed PMID: 29350223
Lawrence E, Casler JJ, Jones J, Leonard C, Ladebue A, Ayele R, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Burke RE. Variability in skilled nursing facility screening and admission processes: Implications for value-based purchasing. Health Care Manage Rev. 2018 Nov 8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30418292
Cumbler E, Rosenthal L. Evaluation of Peripheral Edema. BMJ Point-of-Care. Epocrates Online [database on the Internet}. San Mateo (CA): Epocrates, Inc c2006 [continuously updated; cited 2008 ]. Available from: First edition published July 15 2008. Updated November 2009, May 2011,October 2014, October 2016, October 2017, and October 2018
Cumbler E, Singh S. Writing Notes to Patients… Not About Them. The Hospital Leader. Society of Hospital Medicine Blog. Available at
Burke R. Cumbler E. Generalists as Innovators: Lessons from Industry. SGIM Forum. 2018; 41(2) Available at:
Cumbler E, Simpson J, Lessing J, Anstett T. “I Think I Have Been Poisoned”: Distinguishing KGB Assassination from Shoshin BeriBeri. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver, CO. October 27th 2018.
Yazdani Y, Enayat M, Barksdale S, Kneeland P, del Pino-Jones A, Singh S, Cumbler E. Letters to Patients: Provider and Patient Perspectives. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver, CO. October 27th 2018.
Singh S, Campbell S, Kneeland P, Cumbler E. Innovation on ACE: Writing Notes TO Patients- Not About Them. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver, CO. October 27th 2018.
Stoneback JW, Rothman MS, Trizno AA, Jones CD, Cumbler E, McDevitt K, Wallace MA. Fewer Fatal Fractures: Impact Of Comprehensive Geriatric Hip Fracture Program On 1-Year Mortality. Western Orthopaedic Association 82nd Annual Meeting. Snowmass, CO. August 1-4, 2018
Melton M, Cumbler E. Using a Positive Deviance Framework to Inform Provider-Family Communication on Geriatric Inpatient Units. National SHM Conference. Orlando, FL. April 8-10th 2018
Cumbler E, Otmane A, Syed A, Wald H, del Pino-Jones A. Expectation for physician communication with family/caregivers about geriatric patients’ care during hospitalization. National SHM Conference. Orlando, FL. April 8-10th 2018
Law S, Diaz M, Pierce R, Cumbler E, Kneeland P. Something Awesome: Elevating Stories of Awe among Colleagues in the Everyday Work of Academic Hospital Medicine. 2018 DOM Quality Symposium April 18th 2018. Also National SHM Conference. Orlando, FL. April 8-10th 2018
Del Pino-Jones A, Nogar C, Furfari K, Bowden K, Wolfe, B, Rosenthal L, Wimmer K, Cumbler E. Physician Perceptions of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants on Hospitalist Teams. National SHM Conference. Orlando, FL. April 8-10th 2018
Wallace MA, Rothman MS, Trizno AA, Jones CD, Cumbler E, McDevitt K, Stoneback JW. Fewer Fatal Fractures: Impact of Comprehensive Geriatric Hip Fracture Program on 1-Year Mortality. National ACP Conference. New Orleans. April 19-21 2018
Jones CD, Kneeland PP, Yirdaw E, Guerrasio J, Pierce R, Burden M, Cumbler E. The Hospitalist Faculty Scholars Program: “Topsoil” to nurture hospitalist scholarship and career development. National SHM Conference. Orlando, FL. April 8-10th 2018
Wilson J, Ginde A, Cumbler E, Anderson M, Browne V, Jacknin G, Bookman K, Stoneback J, Lewiss RE. Implementation of an Ultrasound-guided Fascia Iliaca Block for Emergency Medicine Physicians: Lessons in Change Management. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. New York, NY. March 24-28th 2018.
Extended Academic Observership Policy for Univerisity of Colorado Hospital
Burke RE, Lawrence E, Ladebue A, Ayele R, Lippmann B, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Jones J. How Hospital Clinicians Select Patients for Skilled Nursing Facilities. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017 Nov;65(11):2466-2472. PubMed PMID: 28682456
Cumbler E, Pierce R. The Search for Perpetual Motion: Fatigue, Friction, and Drag in Quality Improvement. Qual Manag Health Care. 2017 Jul Sep;26(3):129-130. PubMed PMID: 28665902
Moutsoglou DM, Merritt F, Cumbler E. Disseminated Mycobacterium chimaera Presenting as Vertebral Osteomyelitis. Case Rep Infect Dis. 2017;2017:9893743. PubMed PMID: 28523197
Anderson ME, Mcdevitt K, Cumbler E, Bennett H, Robison Z, Gomez B, Stoneback JW. Geriatric Hip Fracture Care: Fixing a Fragmented System. Perm J. 2017;21. PubMed PMID: 28488991
Burke RE, Cumbler E, Coleman EA, Levy C. Post-acute care reform: Implications and opportunities for hospitalists. J Hosp Med. 2017 Jan;12(1):46-51. PubMed PMID: 28125831
Jones CD, Cumbler E, Honigman B, Burke RE, Boxer RS, Levy C, Coleman EA, Wald HL. Hospital to Post-Acute Care Facility Transfers: Identifying Targets for Information Exchange Quality Improvement. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2017 Jan;18(1):70-73. PubMed PMID: 27815110
Cumbler E, Rosenthal L. Evaluation of Peripheral Edema. BMJ Point-of-Care. Epocrates Online [database on the Internet}. San Mateo (CA): Epocrates, Inc c2006 [continuously updated; cited 2008 ]. Available from: First edition published July 15 2008. Updated November 2009, May 2011,October 2014, October 2016, and October 2017
Tad-y D. Cumbler E. Teaching and Feedback. Hospital Medicine: Perspectives, Practices and Professional Development. Springer International Publishing 2017: 191-201
Cumbler E, Patil, T, Orjuela K, Dietsche C, Ecker D, Anstett T. In the Literature: Physician Reviews of Hospital Medicine-Centric Research. The Hospitalist. 2017; Vol 21 (4): 17-19
Cumbler E, Rendon P, Yirdaw E, Kneeland P, Pierce R, Jones C. Herzke C, Keys to Success:Resources and Barriers Identified by Academic Hospitalists. Society of Hospital Medicine National Conference. May 2nd 2017.
Cumbler E, Moutsoglou D, Merritt F. Head of a lion, head of a goat, tail of a snake: A newly described etiology for spinal discitis/osteomyelitis. Society of Hospital Medicine National Conference. May 3rd 2017.
Lessing J. Mark N, Cumbler E. Consistently Inconsistent: Variability in consent requirements among internal medicine journals that publish clinical images. Society of Hospital Medicine National Conference. May 2nd 2017.
Cumbler E,Yirdaw E, Kneeland P, Pierce R, Rendon P, Herzke C, Jones C. Academic Hospitalist Perspectives on Career Success. Society of Hospital Medicine National Conference. May 2nd 2017.
Lawrence E, Jones J, Ladebue A, Ayele R, Elmore B, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Burke R. “Its hard to do the right thing”: How hospital-based clinicians select patients for care in a skilled nursing facility. The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine Annual Conference. Phoenix Arizona. March 16th-19th 2017
Burke B, Lawrence E, Lippman B, Ayele R, Ladebue A, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Jones J. It’s hard to do the right thing”: how hospital-based clinicians select patients for post-acute care in a skilled nursing. American Geriatrics Society National Meeting. San Antonio Texas. May 18th 2017.
Pearce, R, Anoff D, Cumbler E, Fordyce H, Glasheen J, Kneeland P, Tad-y D, Wolfe B. A team-based and organizational framework for fostering resilience and wellbeing in academic hospital medicine. American Conference on Physician Health 2017. San Francisco CA. September 28th 2017
Wilson J, Ginde A, Cumbler E, Anderson M, Browne V, Jacknin G, Bookman K,Stoneback J, Lewiss RE. Implementation of an Ultrasound-guided Fascia Iliaca Block for Emergency Medicine Physicians: Lessons in Change Management. World Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education. Montreal, CA. Oct 12-15 2017
Lessing J. Mark N, Cumbler E. Consistently Inconsistent: Variability in Consent Requirements among Internal Medicine Journals that Publish Clinical Images. Society of General Internal Medicine Mountain West Regional Meeting, Aurora, CO, October 13, 2017.
Ayele R, Jones J, Lawrence E, Ladebue A, Lippmann B, Leonard C, Cumbler E, Allyn R, Burke R. “Insurance is by far the most limiting component”: How cost influences post-acute care choices. American Public Health Association 2017 Annual Meeting. November 4th-8th
Varella D. Armenia E, Cumbler E, Lessing J. Diagnostic Momentum Resulting in Delayed Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolism. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver. November 6th 2017
Del Pino-Jones A, Adnan S, Otmane A, Cumbler E. Geriatric Patient and Family Caregiver Expectations for Physician Communication During Hospitalization. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium- Denver. November 6th 2017.
Del Pino-Jones A, Nogar C, Furfari K, Bowden K, Wolfe, B, Rosenthal L, Wimmer K, Cumbler E. Physician Perceptions of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants on Hospitalist Teams. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium- Denver. November 6th 2017
Melton M, Cumbler E. Using a Positive Deviance Framework to Inform Provider-Family Communication on Geriatric Inpatient Units. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver. November 6th 2017.
How to pick a journal for your manuscript
How to respond to reviewer comments on your manuscript
MedScholar Hacks You Tube Channel- Online platform for University of Colorado Division of Hospital Medicine faculty to post brief tutorials on how to find success at activities necessary for academic hospitalists.
Outpatient Service Orders from Non-Privileged Practitioners- University of Colorado Hospital Policy
Cumbler E, Kneeland P, Hagman J. Motivation of Participants in an Interprofessional Quality Improvement Leadership Team. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. 2016;3:5-7
Cumbler E, Herzke C, Smalligan R, Glasheen JJ, O'Malley C, Pierce JR Jr. Visiting professorship in hospital medicine: An innovative twist for a growing specialty. J Hosp Med. 2016 Oct;11(10):714-718. PubMed PMID: 27334568
Rigual D, Rove M, Robison Z, Nordenholz K, Cumbler E, Dodd G, Borgstede J. Emergency Department CT Expediency: A Time Reduction by Redesign. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Feb;13(2):178-81. PubMed PMID: 26507822
Stevens-Lapsley JE, Loyd BJ, Falvey JR, Figiel GJ, Kittelson AJ, Cumbler EU, Mangione KK. Progressive multi-component home-based physical therapy for deconditioned older adults following acute hospitalization: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2016 Aug;30(8):776-85. PubMed PMID: 26337626
Hudak ML,Lowenstein SR, Cumbler E. Imprinting Interprofessional Empathy through Preclinical Quality Improvement. American Medical Student Research Journal. 2016; 3(1).DOI: 10.15422/amsrj.2016.05.007
Cumbler E, Ayres E, Nogar C, Wray K, Clemons J. In the Literature: Physician Reviews of Hospital Medicine-Related Research. The Hospitalist. 2016. Vol 20 (2):12-14
Moutsoglou D, Merritt F, Cumbler E. Head of a lion, head of a goat, tail of a snake: A newly described etiology for spinal discitis/osteomyelitis. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver, CO. October 17th 2016
Guyer K, Cumbler E, Persoff J. The $35,000 History. Medication Reconciliation is Everything in the Elderly. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver, CO. October 17th 2016.
Czernik Z, Cheung D, Cumbler E. Accelerating the Pace of Change: Standardizing Anticoagulation Practice for the Elderly in the Era of Direct Oral Anticoagulants. National Society of General Internal Medicine Conference. Hollywood Florida. May 11th-14th 2016
Ballou M, Sortman S, Dietrich C, Sutton S, Maroni P, Scott B, Cumbler E, Zach Robison, Rove M. Presented at Association of perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN) National Conference. Anaheim, CA. April 2-6th 2016. Also presented at the Rocky Mountain Evidence-based Practice Conference 4/15/2016
Anderson M, Bennett HJ, Cumbler E, McDevitt K, Robison Z, Stoneback J. Geriatric Hip Fracture Care: Fixing a Fragmented System. Presented as invited podium presentation at the 28th Annual Rocky Mountain Interprofessional Research & Evidence-Based Practice Symposium. Denver Colorado April 14th-15th 2016
Cumbler E, Simpson J. Transient Ischemic Attack. BMJ Point-of-Care. Epocrates Online [database on the Internet]. San Mateo (CA): Epocrates, Inc. c2006 [continuously updated; cited 2008 July 15]. Available from: and First edition published July 15 2008. Updated May 2011, October 2014, and October 2016
28. Cumbler E, Rosenthal L. Evaluation of Peripheral Edema. BMJ Point-of-Care. Epocrates Online [database on the Internet}. San Mateo (CA): Epocrates, Inc c2006 [continuously updated; cited 2008 ]. Available from: First edition published July 15 2008. Updated November 2009, May 2011,October 2014, and October 2016
Rigual D, Rove M, Robison Z, Nordenholz K, Cumbler E, Dodd G, Borgstede J. Emergency Department CT Expediency: A Time Reduction by Redesign. J Am Coll Radiol. 2015 Oct 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26507822
Stevens-Lapsley JE, Loyd BJ, Falvey JR, Figiel GJ, Kittelson AJ, Cumbler EU, Mangione KK. Progressive multi-component home-based physical therapy for deconditioned older adults following acute hospitalization: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil. 2015 Sep 3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26337626
Cumbler E, Simpson J. Code stroke: multicenter experience with in-hospital stroke alerts. J Hosp Med. 2015 Mar;10(3):179-83. PubMed PMID: 25537887
Mramor B, Hagman J, Ford D, Oman KS, Cumbler E. Purposeful visits for hospitalized older adult patients. J Gerontol Nurs. 2015 Mar;41(3):42-8. PubMed PMID: 25486113
Merrit F, Cumbler E. Multicomponent Assessment, Treatment, And Prevention Of Delirium In Hospitalized Patients. Hospital Medicine Practice. March 2015; 3 (3): 1-22
Inman R, Bridenstine M, Cumbler E. When Should Hypopituitarism Be Suspected. Key Clinical Question. The Hospitalist. 2015; 19;5: Available at:
Cumbler E, Bowden K, Scott S, Vestal R, Hary E, Ngov L, Patel H. In the Literature: Physician Reviews of Hospital Medicine-Related Literature. The Hospitalist 2015;19:9-11
Rigual D, Robison Z, Rove M, Koenig S, Porzondek J, Snuttjer D, Nordenholz K, Cumbler E, Dodd G, Borgstede J. Reduction in Length of Stay for Emergency Department Patients Undergoing CT Scans by Redesigning Technician Assistant and Transporter Workflow. American College of Radiology National Meeting. Washington DC. May 17th-21st 2015.
Anderson M, Bennett HJ, Cumbler E, McDevitt K, Robison Z, Stoneback J. Geriatric Hip Fracture Care: Fixing a Fragmented System. Institute for Healthcare Improvement 27th Annual National Forum, Received The Permanente Journal Service Quality Award Orlando, Florida. December 6-9, 2015.
Cumbler E, Herzke C, Smalligan R, Glasheen J, Pierce J. The Visiting Professorship in Hospital Medicine: A new twist for a young specialty. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 30th 2015. Innovations Finalist RIV competition.
Glasheen JJ, Jones D, Kneeland PP, Cumbler E, Wiler JL, Armstrong G, Caffrey SJ, Hyman D, Pierce RG. The Institute for Healthcare Quality, Safety, and Efficiency: Organizational Transformation in an Academic Medical Center. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 30th 2015
Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E, Kneeland PP, Wiler JL, Hyman D, Armstrong G, Caffrey SJ, Robison Z, Gomez B, Lane M, Rove, M, Bennett H, Pierce RG Developing Frontline Teams to Drive Health System Transformation. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 30th 2015. Awarded Top Innovations Poster/Abstract National RIV competition
Tad-y D, Cumbler E, Kneeland P, Pierce R, Anoff D, and Glasheen JJ The LaunchPad: A Professional Development Program for Academic Hospitalist Faculty. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 30th 2015
76. Tad-y D, Cumbler E, Kneeland P, Pierce R, Anoff D, and Glasheen JJ The LaunchPad: A Professional Development Program for Academic Hospitalist Faculty. 3rd Annual Educational Scholarship and Innovation Symposium. February 2015. Aurora, CO.
Czernik Z, Hagman J, Sameulson L, Cheung D, Cumbler E. Standardizing the Discharge to Skilled Nursing Facility Process on an Elder Care Inpatient Unit in a Tertiary Care Academic Medical Center. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 30th 2015.
Czernik Z, Hagman J, Sameulson L, Cheung D, Cumbler E. Standardizing the Discharge to Skilled Nursing Facility Process on an Elder Care Inpatient Unit in a Tertiary Care Academic Medical Center. Rocky Mountain Research Symposium. Denver, CO. April 10th 2015.
77. Czernik Z, Hagman J, Sameulson L, Cheung D, Cumbler E. Standardizing the Discharge to Skilled Nursing Facility Process on an Elder Care Inpatient Unit in a Tertiary Care Academic Medical Center. University of Colorado Department of Medicine Quality and Safety Symposium. Aurora Co. November 18th 2015.
Anderson M, Stonebeck J, Mcdevitt K, Cumbler E. How to Transform Geriatric Hip Fracture Care: Application of Change Management and Human-Factors Engineering Principles. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. March 2015
Hudak M, Graves A, Reichelt K, Sweigart J, Harry E, Glasheen J, Jones W, Cumbler E. Positive Deviance in Acute Ischemic Stroke Care: Qualitative Methodology to Identify Themes Promoting Rapid Treatment in Best Practice Hospitals. Mentored Medical Student Scholarly Activity Capstone Presentation. March 3rd 2015. Top voted poster in theme of public health and epidemiology.
Wannamaker E, Bowden B, Cumbler E, Price L, Tad-y D. Improving Transitions of Care Through Follow-Up Phone Calls for Hospitalized, Elderly Patients. Mentored Medical Student Scholarly Activity Capstone Presentation. March 3rd 2015. Adler Mentored Scholarly Activity Scholarship Finalist.
Mramor B, Hagman J, Ford D, Oman KS, Cumbler E. Purposeful visits for hospitalized older adult patients. J Gerontol Nurs. 2015 Mar;41(3):42-8. PubMed PMID: 25486113
Pell JM, Cheung D, Jones MA, Cumbler E. Don't fuel the fire: decreasing intravenous haloperidol use in high risk patients via a customized electronic alert. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2014 Nov-Dec;21(6):1109-12. PubMed PMID: 24928174
Hudak ML, Graves A, Reichelt KA, Sweigart J, Harry E, Glasheen J, Jones W, Cumbler E. What makes a positive deviant: utilizing common themes in best practice stroke hospitals to influence institutional quality improvement. Am J Med Qual. 2014 Mar-Apr;29(2):170. PubMed PMID: 24381146
Wald H, Cumbler E. Regarding the acute care of the elderly model. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Oct;174(10):1709. PubMed PMID: 25285744
Tad-y D, Price L, Cumbler E, Levin D, Wald H, Glasheen J. An Experiential Quality Improvement Curriculum for the Inpatient Setting – Part 1: Design Phase of a QI Project. MedEdPORTAL; 2014. Available
Czernick Z, Wolfe B, Cumbler E. Should Patients with an Unprovoked VTE Be Screened for Malignancy or a Hypercoagulable State? The Hospitalist 2014; Dec 2nd
Cumbler E, Ford D, Sameulson L, Hagman J. “From the Bedside to the Boardroom: Development of an Interprofessional Leadership Team. Society of Hospital Medicine National Conference. March 25th 2014. Also presented at NICHE Annual Meeting. San Diego CA, April 6th 2014. Also presented at Rocky Mountain Interprofessional Research and Evidence-based Practice Symposium. Denver CO. March 6th 2014
Christine D. Jones, Julia Clemons, Ethan Cumbler, Ben Honigman, Darren A. DeWalt, Eric A. Coleman, Robert Burke, Heidi Wald. Hospital to home health care transition: a gap analysis of targets for quality improvement. National Society of General Internal Medicine Conference. San Diego, CA. April 23rd 2014. Oral presentation.
Hagman J, Sameulson L, Cheung D, Czernick Z, Cumbler E. Standardizing the Discharge to Skilled Nursing Facility Process on an Elder Care Inpatient Unit in an Academic Medical Center. 27th Annual Rocky Mountain Interprofessional Research & Evidence-Based Practice Symposium. Denver CO. April 10th 2014
Chinn K, Hedlin M, Szalanski A, Tanabe K, Kneeland P, Cumbler E, Tad-y D, Pierce R. The Art and Science of Whiteboard Utilization. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO, Oct 10th 2014
Roles L, Cumbler E. Communication cards: A novel quality improvement intervention to better elder patient provider communication on the University of Colorado hospital Acute Care for the Elderly unit. Medical Student Mentored Scholarly Activity Capstone. Aurora, CO. March 6th 2014.
Clemons J, Hansen M, Mann A, Cheung D, Perica K, Cumbler E, Virapongse A. The “PAS”, Present, and Future of Admission Medication Reconciliation. American College of Physicians Colorado Chapter Meeting. January 31st 2014. Also presented at the American College of Physicians Associates Meeting. Denver Colorado May 13th, 2014.
Pierce JR Jr, Smalligan RD, Cumbler E. U. Junior faculty exchange program assists mid-career clinician-educators increase scholarly activity and meet promotion requirements. Association of American Medical Colleges Group on Faculty Affairs, Boston, MA. July 18th 2014
Cumbler E, Wald H, Bhatt DL, Cox M, Xian Y, Reeves M, Smith EE, Schwamm L, Fonarow GC. Quality of care and outcomes for in-hospital ischemic stroke: findings from the National Get With The Guidelines-Stroke. Stroke. 2014 Jan;45(1):231-8. PubMed PMID: 24253540
Hudak ML, Graves A, Reichelt KA, Sweigart J, Harry E, Glasheen J, Jones W, Cumbler E. What makes a positive deviant: utilizing common themes in best practice stroke hospitals to influence institutional quality improvement. Am J Med Qual. 2014 Mar-Apr;29(2):170. PubMed PMID: 24381146
Cumbler E, Wald H, Bhatt DL, Cox M, Xian Y, Reeves M, Smith EE, Schwamm L, Fonarow GC. Quality of care and outcomes for in-hospital ischemic stroke: findings from the National Get With The Guidelines-Stroke. Stroke. 2014 Jan;45(1):231-8. PubMed PMID: 24253540
Cumbler E, Castillo L, Satorie L, Ford D, Hagman J, Hodge T, Price L, Wald H. Culture change in infection control: applying psychological principles to improve hand hygiene. J Nurs Care Qual. 2013 Oct-Dec;28(4):304-11. PubMed PMID: 23669615
Cumbler EU, Simpson JR, Rosenthal LD, Likosky DJ. Inpatient Falls: Defining the Problem and Identifying Possible Solutions. Part II: Application of Quality Improvement Principles to Hospital Falls. Neurohospitalist. 2013 Oct;3(4):203-208. PubMed PMID: 24198902
Cumbler EU, Simpson JR, Rosenthal LD, Likosky DJ. Inpatient falls: defining the problem and identifying possible solutions. Part I: an evidence-based review. Neurohospitalist. 2013 Jul;3(3):135-43. PubMed PMID: 24167647
Cheung D, Wolfe B, Wald H, Cumbler E. Unsafe use of intravenous haloperidol: evaluation of recommendation-concordant care in hospitalized elderly adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2013 Jan;61(1):160-1. PubMed PMID: 23311558
Cumbler E. Ischemic Stroke in Clinical Decision Support: Hospital Medicine, edited by Wiese J, Auerbach A, Glasheen J, Li J. 2013. Decision Support in Medicine, LLC. Wilmington, DE.
Cumbler E. Management of Hypertension after Ischemic Stroke in Clinical Decision Support: Hospital Medicine, edited by Wiese J, Auerbach A, Glasheen J, Li J. 2013. Decision Support in Medicine, LLC. Wilmington, DE.
Cumbler E, Simpson J, Virapongse A, Antar A, Czernik Z, Nogar C, King C, Jones C. In the Literature: Physician Reviews of Hospital Medicine-Related Literature. The Hospitalist 2013;17:13-19
Clemons J, Hansen M, Mann A, Cheung D, Perica K, Cumbler E, Virapongse A. The “PAS”, Present, and Future of Admission Medication Reconciliation. Presented at Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO, August 15th 2013
Kurche JS, Peters L, Renteria S, Tad-y D, Cumbler E. A pox in the house: Varicella zoster virus encephalitis masquerading as acute delirium. Mountain West Society of General Internal Medicine Meeting. Denver CO, October 25th 2013
Jain S, Stichmann J, Boyer P, Cumbler E. In Search of Giants: Disease Confluence, Tangents, and Distractions in Temporal Arteritis. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO, August 15th 2013
Cumbler E, Wald H, Bhatt DL, Cox M, Xian Y, Reeves M, Smith EE, Schwamm L, Fonarow GC. National Quality of Care and Outcomes for In-hospital Ischemic Stroke. Oral Research Presentation. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. May 18 2013.
Society of Hospital Medicine: 2013 RIV Abstract Issue, Volume 8, May 2013 Abstract Supplement
Cumbler E, Castillo L, Satorie L, Ford D, Hagman J, Hodge T, Wald H, Price L. Culture Change in Infection Control: Application of Psychological Principles to Hand Hygiene. Oral Innovations Presentation. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Washington DC. May 18 2013.
Society of Hospital Medicine: 2013 RIV Abstract Issue, Volume 8, May 2013 Abstract Supplement
Graves A, Casper C, Hudack M, Cumbler E. Target Stroke: Saving Millions of Neurons by the Minute. International Stroke Conference 2013. Honolulu HI. February 5th 2013. Audio recording and slides available through the American Heart Association at:
Cumbler E, Simpson J, Rosenthal L, Likowski D. Inpatient Falls – Defining the Problem and Identifying Possible Solutions. Part II: Application of Quality Improvement Principles to Hospital Falls. Neurohospitalist 2013: 10.1177/1941874412470666
2. Simpson J, Rosenthal L, Likowski D, Cumbler E. Inpatient Falls: Defining the Problem and Identifying Possible Solutions. Part I: An Evidence-Based Review. Neurohospitalist 2013; 10.1177/1941874412470665
3. Cheung D, Wolfe B, Wald H, Cumbler E. Unsafe Use of Intravenous Haloperidol: Evaluation of Recommendation-Concordant Care among Hospitalized Elderly. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2013;61:160-161
Cumbler E, Herman C, Pierce JR Jr. The Electronic Health Record and Improving Quality for Hospitalized Elderly. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2012; 60:2177-2178
Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Zerzan J, Rosen S, Brandenburg S, Aagaard E, Wald H. Competency-Based Test of Inpatient Geriatric Management for Residents and Medical Students. MedEdPORTAL; 2012. Available from:
Murphy P, Smith D, Vislosky M, Tripputi M, Cumbler E, Blakie J, Wilde M, Jones W, Zachrich C, Elser P, Leonard K. The Impact of a Statewide Stroke Quality Improvement Program: Colorado Stroke Alliance and Colorado Stroke Registry. J Neurosci Nurs. 2011 Oct;43(5):246-52.
West M, Cumbler E. Acute Ischemic Stroke. Hospital Medicine Clinics. 2012; 1:e223-e237
1. Guerrasio J, Cumbler E, Trosterman A, Wald H, Brandenburg S, Aagaard E. Determining Need for Remediation Through Postrotation Evaluations. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2012;4:47-51
Cumbler E, Sweigart JR, Furfari K, Thurman L, del Pino-Jones AK, Simpson J, West M, Zehnder N. In the Literature: Physician Reviews of Hospital Medicine-Related Literature. 2012;16:12-17
Harry E, Sweigart J, Reichelt K, Hudak M, Glasheen J, Price L, Tad-Y D, Levin D, Graves A, Cumbler E. Striving to Save 21 Million Neurons Through Quality Improvement. Society of Hospital Medicine Online Shared Database of Quality Improvement Initiatives. Feb 2012. Available at:
Hudak M, Graves A, Reichelt K, Sweigart J, Harry E, Glasheen J, Jones W, Cumbler E. Positive Deviance in Acute Ischemic Stroke Care: Qualitative Methodology to Identify Themes Promoting Rapid Treatment in Best Practice Hospitals. International Stroke Conference. New Orleans LO. Feb 1-4
Cumbler E, Castillo L, Satorie L, Ford D, Hagman J, Hodge T, Wald H, Price L. Culture Change in Infection Control: Application of Psychological Principles to Hand Hygiene. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. September 27 2012
Received First Place Award for Research/Innovation Overall
Cumbler E, Bretz MN, Jensen A. In-Hospital Stroke Response: A Multi-State Team-Based Quality Improvement Program. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. September 27 2012.
Received Third Place Award for Research/Innovation Overall
Wannamaker E, Bowden K, Cumbler E, Price L, Tad-y D. Improving Transitions of Care Through Follow-Up Phone Calls for Hospitalized, Elderly Patients. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. September 27 2012. Received Second Place Award for Research/Innovation for Housestaff
Guerrasio J, Cumbler E, Turcotte R, Anderson M, Aagaard E. Virtual Failure: Diagnostic Reasoning Analysis of Computer Case Simulation does NOT Correlate with Academic Performance in Medical Students. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. September 27 2012
Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Zerzan J, Rosen S, Brandenburg S, Aagaard E, Wald H. Competency Based Test of Inpatient Geriatric Management Skills. Society of General Internal Medicine National Conference. Orlando Fl. May 11th 2012 2012
Cheung D, Wolfe B, Wald H, Cumbler E. Unsafe Use of Intravenous Haloperidol Pervasive in Hospitalized Elderly. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. San Diego CA. April 1-4 2012
Tad-y D, Price L, Levin D, Cumbler E, Guthrie M, Wald H, Glasheen J. An Experiential, Longitudinal Interprofessional QI Curriculum for Hospitalist Residents. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. San Diego CA. April 1-4 2012
Sweigart J, Reichelt K, Harry E, Hudak M, Glasheen J, Price L, Tad-Y D, Levin D, Graves A, Cumbler E. Striving to Save 21 Million Neurons Through Quality Improvement. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. San Diego CA. April 1-4 2012
Jennings K, Cumbler E. Signs of Catastrophe: Characterizing Acute In-hospital Strokes. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. San Diego CA. April 1-4 2012
Cumbler E, Zaemisch R, Graves A, Brega K, Jones W. Improving Response Time for In-Hospital Stroke Alerts: Applying Quality Improvement Methodology to the Inpatient Neurologic Emergency. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2012;7:137-141
Cumbler E, Likosky D. In-Hospital falls: evaluation and response. Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2011;17(6)
Murphy P, Smith D, Vislosky M, Tripputi M, Cumbler E, Blakie J, Wilde M, Jones W, Zachrich C, Elser P, Leonard K. The impact of a statewide stroke quality improvement program: Colorado Stroke Alliance and Colorado Stroke Registry. J Neurosci Nurs. 2011 Oct;43(5):246-52.
Cumbler E. Transient Ischemic Attack. BMJ Point-of-Care Peer Reviewed Online Monograph. First edition published July 15 2008. Updated May 2011
Rosenthal L, Cumbler E. Evaluation of Peripheral Edema. BMJ Point-of-Care Peer Reviewed Online Monograph. First edition published July 15 2008. Updated May 2011
Pierce JR Jr, Kearney D, Cumbler E. Using a Checklist to Evaluate Hospitalized Patients Who Suffer a Fall. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 4/15/2011 Available at: under product ID #20749
Hazards of Hospitalization in the Elderly. Presentation at American College of Physicians National Meeting. Recording available through the ACP at:
University of Colorado Acute Care for the Elderly Curriculum. Available online as of 2011 for University of Colorado Housestaff and Faculty via Blackboard.
Wald H, Glasheen JJ, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Cumbler E. Evaluation of A Hospitalist-run Acute Care for the Elderly Service. Journal of Hospital Medicine-in press
Johnston,SC, Albers GW, Gorelick PB, Cumbler E, Klingman J, Ross MA, Briggs M, Carlton J, Vaince U. National Stroke Association Recommendations for Systems of Care for TIA. Annals of Neurology- in press
Cumbler E, Wald H, Kutner J, Jones W, Smith D. Quality of Care for In-hospital Stroke: Analysis of a Statewide Registry. Stroke 2011;42:207-210
Borne R, Cumbler E, Glasheen J. Systematic Approach for Discontinuation of Multiple Medications in Older Adults- Hospital Application. Arch Intern Med- in press
Levin D, Cumbler E, Carter J, Glasheen J, Jones W, Smith D. Warfarin Therapy with INR < 1.7 Not Associated with Increased Risk of Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage after Intravenous Thrombolysis. Archives of Neurology 2011;68:135
Mramor W, Hagman J, Ford D, Cumbler E. Purposeful Visits For Hospitalized Elderly Patients: Program Impact on Orientation, Agitation, and Mood. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Dallas Texas. May 10-13 2011.
Graves A, Cumbler E, Zaemish R, Jones W, Brega K. University of Colorado Hospital In-Hospital Stroke Alert Improvement Project. Podium Presentation. Rocky Mountain Regional Multidisciplinary Research & Evidence-Based Practice Symposium: Partnering to Improve Patient Outcomes Through Research & Evidence-Based Practice. Denver Colorado. March 18th 2011
Mramor W, Hagman J, Ford D, Cumbler E. Purposeful Visits For Hospitalized Elderly Patients: Program Impact on Orientation, Agitation, and Mood. Podium Presentation. Rocky Mountain Regional Multidisciplinary Research & Evidence-Based Practice Symposium: Partnering to Improve Patient Outcomes Through Research & Evidence-Based Practice. Denver Colorado. March 18th 2011
Graves A, Cumbler E, Zaemish R, Jones W, Brega K. University of Colorado Hospital In-Hospital Stroke Alert Improvement Project Accepted International Stroke Conference 2011. Los Angeles California. February 9-10th 2011
Levin D, Smith DB, Cumbler E, Jones W. Antiplatelet and anticoagulation therapy at the time of acute ischemic stroke neither precludes nor complicates intravenous thrombolysis. Accepted International Stroke Conference 2011. Los Angeles California. February 9-10th 2011
Smith D, Murphy P, Jones W, Cumbler E. Return Home: A Practical Measure of IV-tPA Efficacy. Accepted International Stroke Conference 2011. Los Angeles California. February 9-10th 2011
Graves A, Cumbler E, Zaemish R, Jones W, Brega K. University of Colorado Hospital In-Hospital Stroke Alert Improvement Project Accepted State of the Art Nursing Symposium Conference 2011. Los Angeles California. February 9-10th 2011
Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Zerzan J, Rosen S, Brandenburg S, Aagaard E, Wald H. Competency Based Test of Inpatient Geriatric Management Skills. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. Oct 4-6 2011. Award for Innovation-3rd place.
Cheung D, Wolfe B, Wald H, Cumbler E. Unsafe Use of Intravenous Haloperidol Pervasive in Hospitalized Elderly. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. Oct 4-6 2011
Hudak M, Graves A, Reichelt K, Sweigart J, Harry E, Glasheen J, Jones W, Cumbler E. Positive Deviance in Acute Ischemic Stroke Care: Qualitative Methodology to Identify Themes Promoting Rapid Treatment in Best Practice Hospitals. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. Oct 4-6 2011
Sweigart J, Reichelt K, Harry E, Hudak M, Glasheen J, Price L, Tad-Y D, Levin D, Graves A, Cumbler E. Striving to Save 21 Million Neurons Through Quality Improvement. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. Oct 4-6 2011
Harry E, Cumbler E, Dwinnell B, Tad-y D, Price L, Glasheen J, Mayer D, Trosterman A. Patient Safety Organizations: A Mechanism to Protect and Enhance Education around Quality Improvement. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium. Denver CO. Oct 4-6 2011
Pierce JR, Kearney D, Cumbler E. Development of a Post-Fall Multidisciplinary Checklist to Evaluate the In-Patient Fall. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference Dallas Texas. May 10-13 2011
Jennings K, Cumbler E. Signs of Catastrophe: Characterizing Acute In-hospital Strokes. Rocky Mountain Hospitalist Symposium Denver Colorado. Oct 4-5th 2010
Hodges S, Lavelle J, Cumbler E. Not Your Mothers Gallstones. Recurrent Cholangitis Associated with Bilirubin Stones. Rocky Mountain Hospitalist Symposium. Denver Colorado. Oct 4-5th 2010
Guerrasio J, Cumbler E. Anderson M, Guiton G, Hodgson C, Aagaard E. A Computerized Patient Case Simulator: A Window Into How We Think. Rocky Mountain Hospitalist Symposium. Denver Colorado. Oct 4-5th 2010
Dalton K, Tad-y D, Cumbler E. A Penetrating Etiology of Chest Pain. Rocky Mountain Hospitalist Symposium. Denver Colorado. Oct 4-5th 2010
Mramor W, Hagman J, Ford D, Cumbler E. Purposeful Visits For Hospitalized Elderly Patients: Program Impact on Orientation, Agitation, and Mood. Rocky Mountain Hospitalist Symposium Oct 4-5th 2010
Cumbler E, Smith D, Murphy P, Jones W, Wald H, Kutner J. Quality of Care for In-hospital Stroke: Analysis of a Statewide Registry. J Hosp Med. 2010;5(3)(suppl 2):S23.
Cumbler E, Egan E, Rossi C, Aaguard E. Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance. Online Educational Module for Internal Medicine Residents. Feb 2010. Available at:
Ethan Cumbler M.D., Don Smith M.D., Paul Murphy, William Jones MD, Heidi Wald M.D., Jean Kutner M.D Quality of Care for In-hospital Stroke: Analysis of a State-Wide Registry. Poster Abstract. Society of Hospital Medicine National Meeting. Washington DC. April 8-9, 2010
Cumbler E, Anderson T, Neumann R, Jones W, Brega K. Stroke Alert Program Improves Recognition and Evaluation Time of In-Hospital Ischemic Stroke. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease. 2009- in press
Cumbler E, Wald H, Kutner J. Patients Lack Knowledge of Their Hospital Medicines. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2009; 5:83-86
Cumbler E. CHAMP Curriculum: A Review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2009;57:1915-1916
Cumbler E, Lyle HL, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Wald H. Vulnerability Assessment on Hospital Admission Predicts Need for Placement upon Discharge for Elderly Patients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2009; 57:944-946
Cumbler E, Furfari K, Guerrasio J. Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Presenting as Severe Depression: A case report. Cases Journal 2009;2:122
Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Transient Ischemic Attack- Risk Stratification Tools: Which Patients Require Hospital Admission: Journal of Hospital Medicine 2009;4:247-51
Egan, EA, Cumbler E, Grout J, Guerrasio J, Zehnder N, Zerzan J. In the Literature: The Latest Research You Need to Know. The Hospitalist 2009;13 (8):9-10
Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E. A Clarion Call: Hospitalists and Stroke. The Hospitalist 2009;13(6)
Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Zerzan J, Rosen S, Wald H. Competency-Based Test of Inpatient Geriatric Management Skills for Residents and Medical Students. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 12/09/2009. Available at: under product ID #20596
Stickrath, C. Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Improving Stroke Outcomes through Collaboration and Hospitalist-focused Training. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2009;4:327
Cumbler E. Statin Use in the Acute Setting. ACP Hospitalist January 2009
Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E. Tailoring Internal Medicine Residency Training to Improve Hospitalist Outcomes. Innovations in Education. Archives of Internal Medicine 2009;169:204-205
Evan Green MS4, Chad Stickrath MD, Anwar Dudekula MD, Aran Nichol MD, Gregory Misky MD, Ethan Cumbler MD. Improving Communication between Inpatient Medicine Teams and Outside Primary Care Physicians. Poster Abstract. Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium. Denver CO. October 5, 2009
Ethan Cumbler M.D., Don Smith M.D., Paul Murphy, William Jones MD, Heidi Wald M.D., Jean Kutner M.D Quality of Care for In-hospital Stroke: Analysis of a State-Wide Registry. Poster Abstract. Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium. Denver CO. October 5, 2009
Wald HL, Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Glasheen JJ. Evaluation of an Acute Care for the Elderly Hospital Medicine Service. Poster Abstract. Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium. Denver CO October 5, 2009
Rebekah Zaemisch MD, Alexandra Graves NP, William Jones MD, Ethan Cumbler MD. Improving the Quality and Timing of Inpatient Stroke Alerts. Poster Abstract. Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium October 5, 2009
Cumbler E, Wald HL, Kutner J. Patient Ability and Desire to Participate in Hospital Medication Safety. Poster Abstract. Rocky Mountain Hospitalist Symposium, Denver Colorado. October 5, 2009
Wald HL, Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Glasheen JJ. Evaluation of an Acute Care for the Elderly Hospital Medicine Service. Poster Abstract and Presentation, National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference. Chicago Il. May 16th 2009
Cumbler E, Lyle C, Guerrasio J, Younwerth J, Wald H. Geriatric Vulnerability Assessment On Hospital Admission Predicts Need For Placement After Discharge. Poster Abstract. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference, Chicago Il. May 16th 2009
Cumbler E, Wald HL, Kutner J. Patient Ability and Desire to Participate in Hospital Medication Safety. Poster Abstract. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference, Chicago Il. May 16th 2009
Cumbler E, Anderson T, Neumann R, Jones W, Brega K. In-hospital Stroke Alert Program to Improve Process Quality for Cerebrovascular Accidents Occurring During Hospitalization. Poster Abstract. National Society of Hospital Medicine Conference, Chicago Il. May 16th 2009
Cumbler E, Lyle C, Guerrasio J, Younwerth J, Wald H. Geriatric Vulnerability Assessment On Hospital Admission Predicts Need For Placement After Discharge. Poster Abstract, Hartford/Jahnigen Center of Excellence in Geriatrics 2009 Symposium. February 12 2009
Wald HL, Cumbler E, Guerassio J, Youngwerth J, Glasheen JJ. Evaluation of an Acute Care for the Elderly Hospital Medicine Service. Poster Abstract and Presentation, Hartford/Jahnigen Center of Excellence in Geriatrics 2009 Symposium. February 12 2009
Cumbler, E. Transient ischemic attack. BMJ Point-of-Care 2009; First edition published July 15 2008. Updated Nov 2009
Cumbler E, Lyle C, Guerrasio J, Younwerth J, Wald H. Geriatric Vulnerability Assessment On Hospital Admission Predicts Need For Placement After Discharge. Poster Abstract, University of Colorado Department of Medicine Sixth Annual Research Day. November 1st 2008
Guerrasio J, Cumbler E, Trosterman A, Brandenburg S, Aagaard E. Post Rotation Evaluation Characteristics And Their Ability To Identify Residents In Need Of Remediation. University of Colorado Department of Medicine Sixth Annual Research Day. November 1st 2008.
Cumbler E, Lyle C, Guerrasio J, Younwerth J, Wald H. Geriatric Vulnerability Assessment On Hospital Admission Predicts Need For Placement After Discharge. Poster Abstract, Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium. September 19, 2008
Guerrasio J, Cumbler E, Trosterman A, Brandenberg S, Aaguaard E. A Case Control Comparison Of Evaluations And Their Ability to Detect Residents In Need Of Remediation. Poster Abstract, Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium. Sept 19, 2008
Guerrasio J, Cumbler E, Trosterman A, Brandenberg S, Aaguaard E. A Case Control Comparison Of Evaluations And Their Ability to Detect Residents In Need Of Remediation. Poster Abstract, Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium. Sept 19, 2008
Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ, Wald H. Alternative Solutions to the Geriatric Workforce Deficit. American Journal of Medicine 2008;121:
Cumbler E, Egan E. Feedback Failures: Just as a World War II Naval Disaster Stranded its Victims, Weaknesses in the Discharge Process can Leave Patients Unaccounted for at Follow-up. The Hospitalist 2008; 12(4):45-46
Guerrasio J, Cumbler E, Youngwerth J, Wald H. Incontinence and Urinary Catheters for the Inpatient Physician. The Portal of Geriatric Online Education (POGOe); 11/27/2008. Available at: under product ID #20296.
Cumbler E. Falls for the Inpatient Physician.Translating Knowledge Into Action. The Portal of Online Geriatric Education (POGOe); 6/19/08. Available at: under product ID# 20212.
Egan, EA, Cumbler E, Glasheen J. How Do You Start A Residents’ Quality Improvement Program. SGIM Forum 2008;31:8-11
Stickrath, C. Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Improving Stroke Outcomes through Collaboration and Hospitalist-focused Training. Journal of Hospital Medicine-In Press
Cumbler E. Evaluation of Peripheral Edema. Epocrates Online [database on the Internet}. San Mateo (CA): Epocrates, Inc c2006 [continuously updated; cited 2008 ]. Available from:
Cumbler E. Transient Ischemic Attack. Epocrates Online [database on the Internet]. San Mateo (CA): Epocrates, Inc. c2006 [continuously updated; cited 2008 July 15]. Available from:
Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Kim J, Glasheen J. Use of Medications for Insomnia in the Hospitalized Geriatric Population. JAGS 2008; 56:579-581
Cumbler E, Carter J, Kutner J. Failure at the Transition of Care: Challenges in the Discharge of the Vulnerable Elderly Patient. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2008;349-352
Cumbler E, Glasheen J, Teaching Patient Safety via a Structured Review of Medical Errors: A Novel Approach to Educating Residents about Medical Error, Disclosure, and Malpractice. MedEdPORTAL; 2007. Available from:
Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Management of Blood Pressure after Acute Ischemic Stroke: An Evidence-Based Guide for the Hospitalist. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2007;2:261-267
Chen CS, Cumbler EU, Triebling AT. Coagulopathy due to Celiac Disease Presenting as Intramuscular Hemorrhage. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2007. 22(11):1608-1612
Cumbler E. What is the Best Medical Therapy for the Secondary Prevention of Stroke? The Hospitalist 2007 11(10):34-35
Cumbler E, Egan E, Guerrasio J. In the Literature : the latest research you need to know. The Hospitalist 2007; 11(11): 9-12
Cumbler E, Trosterman A. The Psychology of Error. The Hospitalist 2007; 11(11): 34-35
Cumbler EC, Glasheen JJ. A Fresh Look at How to Teach Patient Safety: Utilizing Structured Review of Medical Errors. Poster Abstract, Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium September 20, 2007
Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Carter JE, Cumbler E, Chu E, Reid M. A Novel Internal Medicine Hospitalist Training Program. Poster Abstract. Association of Program Directors Meeting, San Diego, California, April 17, 2007
Moulds K, Cumbler E. The Transition Period… A Dangerous Time for the Elderly Population and Medication Errors. Poster Abstract, Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium September 20, 2007
Santillano DR, Cumber E. Monitoring Quality of Care and Performance with a Database Management Strategy. Poster Abstract, Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium September 20, 2007
Horn C, Cumbler E Pulmonary Edema in a 15 year old Basketball Player, Poster Abstract, Society of Hospital Medicine Rocky Mountain Symposium. Sept 20, 2007
Managment of Blood Pressure after Acute Ischemic Stroke: an evidence based guide for the hospitalist
"In the Lit" review of article on stroke following MI for The Hospitalist
Cumbler E, Egan E. Feedback Loops, Failure to Rescue, and the USS Indianapolis- Accepted for Publication Hospitalist
Cumbler E, Lyle HL, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Wald H. Vulnerability Assessment on Hospital Admission Predicts Need for Placement upon Discharge for Elderly Patients. Accepted JAGS- in press.
Cumbler E, Furfari K, Guerrasio J. Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Presenting as Severe Depression: A case report. Accepted Cases Journal- In press.
Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Transient Ischemic Attack- Risk Stratification Tools: Which Patients Require Hospital Admission: Accepted Journal of Hospital Medicine- In Press
Cumbler E, Carter J, Kutner J. Failure at the Transition of Care. Accepted for Publication JHM
Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Kim J, Glasheen J. Use of Medications for Insomnia in the Hospitalized Geriatric Population Accepted by Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Cumbler E. Transient Ischemic Attack. Peer Reviewed BMJ In Practice Web site forthcoming 2008-Accepted for Publication
Leonard L, Joiner K, Kovar A, Cumbler E, Tevas S. Variability in Site Preparation Technique: An Opportunity for Improvement. AORN Journal.