Peter Chase, MD

Professor Emeritus, Pediatrics

Medical School
  • MD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (1961)
Undergraduate School
  • BS, University of Wisconsin System (WI) (1958)
  • Stanford University Program, Pediatrics (1964)
  • Stanford University Program, Pediatrics (1965)
  • National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Program, Pediatrics (1967)


  • Outstanding Physician Clinician in Diabetes, American Diabetes Association (2001)
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (2003)

Research Interests

Clinical trials of agents for the prevention of type I diabetes, including cyclosporine, nicotinamide, BCG and the subcutaneous and intravenous administration of insulin. He is currently one of nine center directors for the Diabetes Prevention Trial (DPT-1). Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in children has been a recent area of emphasis. The use of CGM to prevent severe hypoglycemia and to improve HbA1c levels is currently being studied


  • Wilson D, Calhoun, P, Chase, HP, et al. Factors associated with nocturnal hypoglycemia in at risk adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, (Vol. 17), 385-391, 2015.
  • Chase HP; Boulware D, Rodriguez H, Donaldson D, Chritton, S; Rafkin-Mervis L, Krischer J, Skyler, Clare-Salzler, M and the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Nutritional Intervention to Prevent (NIP) Type 1 Diabetes Study Group. Effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation on inflammatory cytokine levels in infants at high genetic risk for type 1 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes, 16: 271-279, 2015.
  • Buckingham B, Raghinaru D, Cameron F, Bequette W, Chase HP, et al. Predictive low-glucose insulin suspension reduces duration of nocturnal hypoglycemia in children without increasing ketosis. Diabetes Care, 38, 1197-1204, 2015.
  • Chase HP, Owen S, Slover R [Invited Editorial]. Downloading diabetes device information. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, (Vol 17), 534-535, 2015.
  • Buckingham, B, Cheng, P, Beck, RW, et al. and the Research in Children Network (DirecNet) and Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Groups [Chase, HP – Research Group Member]. CGM-measured glucose values have a strong correlation with C-peptide, HbA1c and IDAAC, but do poorly in predicting C-peptide levels in the two years following onset of diabetes. Diabetologia 58:1167-1174,2015.
  • Laffel, L, et al. and the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes [Chase, HP, Study PI]. Improved accuracy of continuous glucose monitoring systems in pediatric patients with diabetes mellitus: results from two studies. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, (Vol. 18), S2:23-S2:33, 2015.
  • Triolo, T, Chase HP, Maahs, D, Pyle, L, Slover, R, Buckingham, B, Cheng, P, DiMeglio, L, Bremer, A, Weinzimer, S, and the Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) and Type 1 Diabetes TrilaNet Study Groups. The effects of frequency of sensor augmented pump use on HbA1c and c-peptide levels in the first year of type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care, accepted for publication, 2016.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D. A First Book for Understanding Diabetes, 13th Edition, Chinese. Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2015.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D. Understanding Diabetes, 13th Edition. Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2015.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D, Gerard-Gonzalez A. Un Primer Libro Para Entender La Diabetes, 12th Edition. Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2015.
  • Shalitin S and Chase HP. Diabetes Technology and Therapy in the Pediatric Age Group. Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes. 2015 Yearbook.
  • Children’s Diabetes Foundation, NewsNotes, Q&A from 1979 to present.
  • Causes, Risk Factors and Prevention: What Causes Type 1 Diabetes? ., Health and Fitness Newsletter, 2015.
  • Complications and Prognosis: Possible Complications of Diabetes., Health and Fitness Newsletter, 2015.
  • Drugs: Insulins Used to Treat Type 1 Diabetes. ., Health and Fitness Newsletter, 2015.
  • Nutrition, Fitness and Lifestyle: Lifestyle Choices and Diabetes. ., Health and Fitness Newsletter, 2015.
  • Diabetes Signs and Symptoms. ., Health and Fitness Newsletter, 2015.
  • Type 1 Diabetes: Tests and Diagnosis. ., Health and Fitness Newsletter, 2015.
  • Type 1 Diabetes: Treatment and Management. ., Health and Fitness Newsletter, 2015.
  • Overview: What is Diabetes? ., Health and Fitness Newsletter, 2015.
  • Chase HP, Doyle F, Zisser H, Zisser H, Renard E, Nimri R, Cobelli C, Buckingham B, Maahs D, Anderson S, Magni L, Lum J, Calhoun P, Kollman C, Beck R. Multicenter closed-loop/hybrid meal bolus insulin delivery with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, (Vol. 16), 10:623-632, 2014.
  • Maahs D, Chase HP, Westfall E, Slover R, Huang S, Shin J, Kaufman F, Pyle L, Snell-Bergeon J. The effects of lowering nighttime and breakfast glucose levels with sensor-augmented pump therapy on hemoglobin A1c levels in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, (Vol. 16), 5:284-291, 2014.
  • Blackman S, Raghinaru D, Adi S, Simmons J, Ebner-Lyon L, Chase HP, Tamborlane W, Schatz D, Block J, Litton J Roman V, Foster N, Kollman C, DuBose S, Miller K, Beck R, DiMeglio L. Insulin pump use in young children in the T1D exchange clinic registry is associated with lower hemoglobin A1c levels than injection therapy. Pediatric Diabetes, 15:564-572,2014.
  • Wong J, Foster N, Maahs D, Raghinaru D, Bergenstal R, Ahmann A, Peters A, Bode B, Grazia A, Hirsch I, Kleis L, Chase HP, DuBose S, Miller K, Beck R, Adi S. Real-time continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) among participants in the T1D exchange clinic registry. Diabetes Care, 37, 2702-2709, 2014.
  • Ullrich, R, Chase, HP. Changing the hemoglobin A1c goals for children with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, (Vol. 16), 10:611-612, 2014.
  • Zisser H, Renard E, Kovatchev B, Cobelli C, Avogaro A, Nimri R, Magni L, Buckingham B, Chase HP, Doyle F, Lum J, Calhoun P, Kollman C, Dassau E, Farret A, Place J, Breton M, Anderson S, Dalla Man C, Del Favero S, Bruttomesso D, Filippi A, Scotton R, Phillip M, Atlas E, Muller I, Miller, S Toffanin C, Martino Raimondo D, De Nicolao G, Beck R. Multicenter closed-loop insulin delvery study points to challenges for keeping blood glucose in a safe range by a control algorithm in adults and adolescents with type 1 diabetes from various sites. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, (Vol. 16), 10:613-622, 2014.
  • Baysal N, Cameron F, Buckingham B, Wilson D, Chase HP, Maahs, D, Bequette WB. A novel method to detect pressure-induced sensor attenuations (PISA) in an artificial pancreas. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Vol. 8 No6, 1091-1096, 2014.
  • Maahs D, Calhoun P, Buckingham B, Chase HP, Hramiak I, Lum J, Cameron F, Bequette W, Aye T, Paul T, Slover R, Wadwa P, Wilson D, Kollman C, Beck R. A randomized trial of a home system to reduce nocturnal hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 37, 1885-1891, 2014.
  • Beck R, Raghinaru D, Wadwa P, Chase HP, Maahs D, Buckingham B. Frequency of morning ketosis after overnight insulin suspension using an automated nocturnal predictive low glucose suspend system. Diabetes Care, 37, 1224-1229, 2014.
  • Wilson D, Calhoun, P Chase, HP, et al. Factors associated with nocturnal hypoglycemia in at risk adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, in press 2014.
  • Chase HP; Boulware D, Rodriguez H, Donaldson D, Chritton, S; Rafkin-Mervis L, Krischer J, Skyler, Clare-Salzler, M and the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Nutritional Intervention to Prevent (NIP) Type 1 Diabetes Study Group. Effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation on inflammatory cytokine levels in infants at high genetic risk for type 1 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes, in press 2014.
  • Chase HP, Price D, Balo A. Determining real time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) performance: the importance of the calibration and venous “arterialization.” J of Diabetes Science and Technology, in press 2014.
  • Garg, SK, Chase, HP, Lin, J, et al. Real-world glycemic control in subjects with type 1 diabetes in the United States. Submitted for publication 2014.
  • Cameron, F, Wilson, D, Buckingham, B, et al. Simulated addition of hyperglycemia mitigation to predictive low glucose suspend. Submitted for publication 2014.
  • Rewers, R., Chase, H.P., Diabetes Mellitus. Current Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatrics. 2014, Chapter 35, 1097-1105.
  • Shalitin S, Chase HP. Diabetes Technology and Therapy in the Pediatric Age Group. Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes. West Sussex, UK, Wiley-Blackwell, pp2015-2036, 2014.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D. A First Book for Understanding Diabetes, 13th Edition, English. Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2014.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D. A First Book for Understanding Diabetes, 13th Edition, Chinese. Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2014.
  • Garg S, Chase HP, Lin J, Cali A. A1c and hypoglycemia in T1D. Endocrine Practice, in press.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D. A First Book for Understanding Diabetes, Chinese, 12th Edition. In-press, Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2013.
  • Chase HP, Garg, S. Type 2 Adult Diabetes Book, 1st edition. Pre-press, Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2013.
  • Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) and Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Groups [Chase, HP – Study Group Member]. The effects of inpatient hybrid closed-loop therapy initiated within 1 week of type 1 diabetes diagnosis. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics (Vol. 15), 5:401-408, 2013.
  • Buckingham, B, Cameron F, Calhoun P, Maahs D, Wilson D, Chase HP, Bequette W, Lum J, Sibayan J, Beck R, Kollman C. Outpatient safety assessment of an in-home predictive low-glucose suspend system with type 1 diabetes subjects at elevated risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics (Vol. 15), 8:622-627. 2013.
  • Krapek K, Chase HP. Diabetes Education for Adults with Diabetes. Infusystems USA Vol 10 No3, 25-29, 2013.
  • Krapek K, Chase HP. Diabetes Education for Adults with Diabetes (Part 2). Infusystems USA Vol 10 No4, 37-42, 2013.
  • Buckingham B, Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) and Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Groups [Chase, HP – Research Group Member]. Effectiveness of early intensive therapy on ß-Cell Preservation in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 36, 4030-4035, 2013.
  • Chase HP and Shalitin S. Diabetes Technology and Treatment in the Pediatric Age Group. Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes. 2013 Yearbook. West Sussex, UK, Wiley-Blackwell, pp231-254,2013.
  • Chase HP, Garg, S. Type 2 Diabetes Book, 1st edition. Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2013.
  • Maahs D, Chase HP. Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII). ADA/JDRF Sourcebook for Type 1 Diabetes. 2013, Chapter 12, Part II, 305-307.
  • Chase HP, Wenhui W, Lin J, Cali A, Dailey G. Impact of basal insulin switch on glycemic control and hypoglycemia among patients with type 1 diabetes. ADA 2013 Abstract.
  • Cameron F, Buckingham B, Wilson D, Chase HP, Bequette W. Adding hyperglycemia mitigation to predictive low glucose suspension. ADA 2013 Abstract.
  • Doyle F, Chase HP, Cobelli C, Kovatchev B, Dassau E, Buckingham B, Phillip M, Magni L, Beck, R, Lum J, Calhoun P, Kollman C, Njeru N. Inpatient evaluation of an automated closed-loop control-to-range system. ADA 2013 Abstract.
  • Hummel K, McFann K, Realsen J, Messer L, Klingensmith G, Chase HP. The increasing onset of type 1 diabetes in children. The Journal of Pediatrics, Vol 161 No4, 652-657.e1, 2012.
  • Cameron F, Wilson D, Buckingham B, Arzumanya H, Clinton P, Chase HP, et al. Inpatient studies of a kalman-filter-based predictive pump shutoff algorithm. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Vol. 6 No5, 1142-1147, 2012.
  • Cornish A, Chase HP. Navigating airport security with an insulin pump and/or sensor. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics (Vol. 161), 4:652-653, 2012.
  • Phillip Moshe, Consensus Forum Participants (Chase, HP – Participant in the consensus forum). Use of continuous glucose monitoring in children and adolescents. Pediatric Diabetes, 1-14, 2012.
  • Ruedy, K, et al. JDRF CGM Study Group [Chase, HP – Study Group Member]. The landmark JDRF continuous glucose monitoring randomized trials: a look at the accumulated evidence. J. of Cardiovasc. Trans. Res., published online, 2012.
  • Greenbaum C,Type 1 Diabetes (TrialNet) Study Group [Chase, HP – Research Group Member]. Fall in C-peptide during first 2 years from diagnosis: evidence of at least two distinct phases from composite trialnet data. Diabetes, 61, 2066-2073, 2012.
  • Xu P, The Type 1 Diabetes (TrialNet) Study Group [Chase, HP – Study Group Member]. Prognostic accuracy of immunologic and metabolic markers for type 1 diabetes in a high-risk population. Diabetes Care, 35, 1975-1980, 2012.
  • Vehik K, The Type 1 Diabetes (TrialNet) Study Group [Chase, HP – Research Group Member]. Performance of HbA1c as an early diagnostic indicator of type 1 diabetes in children and youth. Diabetes Care, 35, 1821-1825, 2012.
  • J Realsen, H Goettle, Chase HP. Morbidity and mortality of diabetic ketoacidosis with and without insulin pump care. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics (Vol. 14), 12:1149-1154, 2012.
  • Peters A, Laffel L., Chase HP, et al. Use of insulin: part B: insulin pump use in pediatrics. ADA/JDRF Sourcebook for Type 1 Diabetes. In press, 2012, Chapter 12b.
  • Chase HP and Shalitin S. Diabetes Technology and Treatment in the Pediatric Age Group. Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes. 2012 Yearbook. West Sussex, UK, Wiley-Blackwell, pp203-224,2012.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D. Understanding Diabetes, 13th Edition. Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; Pre-press 2015.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D, Gerard-Gonzalez A. Un Primer Libro Para Entender La Diabetes, 12th Edition. Pre-press 2015.
  • Shalitin S and Chase HP. Diabetes Technology and Therapy in the Pediatric Age Group. Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes. Pre-press 2015 Yearbook.
  • Chase HP, Price D, Balo A. Determining real time continuous glucose monitoring (RT-CGM) performance: the importance of the calibration and venous “arterialization.” In pres. Pediatric Diabetes, 2013.
  • Chase, H.P., Rewers, R. Diabetes Mellitus. Current Diagnosis & Treatment Pediatrics. In press; 2013.
  • Chase HP, Maahs D. A First Book for Understanding Diabetes, Chinese, 12th Edition. Pre-press, Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver, Denver, Colorado; 2013.
  • Maahs D, Chase, HP, Westfall E, Slover R, Huang S, Shin J, Kaufman F, Pyle L, Snell-Bergeon J. The effects of lowering nighttime and breakfast glucose levels with sensor-augmented pump therapy on hemoglobin A1c levels in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, (Vol. 16), 5:1-11. In press.
  • Blackman S, Raghinaru D, Adi S, Simmons J, Ebner-Lyon L, Chase HP, Tamborlane W, Schatz D, Block J, Litton J, Raman V, Foster N, Kollman C, DuBose S, Miller K, Beck R. Insulin pump use in young children in the T1D exchange clinic registry is associated with lower hemoglobin A1c levels than injection therapy. In press. Pediatric Diabetes, 2013.
  • Ismail HM, White KS, Krischer JP, Chase HP, Cuthbertson D, Palmer JP, Study Group DPT-1. First test effect in intravenous glucose tolerance testing. Pediatric Diabetes, Epub, 1-9, 2013.
  • Garg S, Chase HP, Lin J, Cali A. A1c and hypoglycemia in T1D. Endocrine Practice, in press 2013.
  • Diabetes Research in Children Network (DirecNet) and Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Groups. The effects of intensive therapy initiated within 1 week of type 1 diabetes diagnosis on beta cell preservation at 1year. Diabetes Care, 2013. In press.

Professional Memberships

  • American Diabetes Association, Member
  • American Pediatric Society (APS), Member
  • Society For Pediatric Research (SPR), Member
  • Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Member
  • The American Society for Clinical Nutrition, Member
  • Western Society for Pediatric Research (WSPR), Member

Practice Locations

Hospital Affiliation
  • Children's Hospital Colorado

Center Affiliations

Specialty Information

  • Pediatric Endocrinology, Board Certification
Conditions & Treatments
  • Child and Teen Health - Juvenile Diabetes
  • Child and Teen Health