Lisa Forman, MD

Professor, Medicine-Gastroenterology

Medical School
  • MD, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (1995)
Graduate School
  • MSCE, University of Pennsylvania (2001)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Tufts University (MA) (1991)
  • University of Pennsylvania Program
  • University of Pennsylvania Program, Internal Medicine (1998)
  • University of Pennsylvania Program, Gastroenterology (2001)

Research Interests

My research interests include the treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Primary Biliary Cholangitis


  • Wilkey BJ, HAnosn R, Reece TB, Forman L et al. "Transfemoral Transcatheter Aortic valve Repalcement for Mixed Aortic Valve Disease in Childs Class C Liver Disease prior to Orthotopic Liver Transplantation" Seminars Cardiothoracic VAscualr Anesthesisa 2015. Nov 29 (epub)
  • Kowdley KV, Bowlus CL, Levy C, Akarca US, Alvares-da-Silva MR, Andreone P, Arrese M, Corpechot C, Francque SM, Heneghan MA, Invernizzi P, Jones D, Kruger FC, Lawitz E, Mayo MJ, Shiffman ML, Swain MG, Valera JM, Vargas V, Vierling JM, Villamil A, Addy C, Dietrich J, Germain JM, Mazain S, Rafailovic D, Taddé B, Miller B, Shu J, Zein CO, Schattenberg JM. Efficacy and Safety of Elafibranor in Primary Biliary Cholangitis. N Engl J Med. 2024 Feb 29;390(9):795-805. PubMed PMID: 37962077
  • Liu Y, Bainbridge J, Sillau S, Rajkovic S, Adkins M, Domen CH, Thompson JA, Seawalt T, Klawitter J, Sempio C, Chin G, Forman L, Fullard M, Hawkins T, Seeberger L, Newman H, Vu D, Leehey MA. Short-Term Cannabidiol with ?-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Parkinson's Disease: A Randomized Trial. Mov Disord. 2024 May;39(5):863-875. PubMed PMID: 38487964
  • Yazdanfar M, Zepeda J, Dean R, Wu J, Levy C, Goldberg D, Lammert C, Prenner S, Reddy KR, Pratt D, Forman L, Assis DN, Lytvyak E, Montano-Loza AJ, Gordon SC, Carey EJ, Ahn J, Schlansky B, Korzenik J, Karagozian R, Hameed B, Chandna S, Yu L, Bowlus CL. African American race does not confer an increased risk of clinical events in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis. Hepatol Commun. 2024 Feb 1;8(2). PubMed PMID: 38285883
  • Forman LM, Jackson WE, Arrigain S, Lopez R, Schold JD. Socioeconomic deprivation is associated with worse patient and graft survival following adult liver transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2024 May 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38767448
  • Hirschfield GM, Shiffman ML, Gulamhusein A, Kowdley KV, Vierling JM, Levy C, Kremer AE, Zigmond E, Andreone P, Gordon SC, Bowlus CL, Lawitz EJ, Aspinall RJ, Pratt DS, Raikhelson K, Gonzalez-Huezo MS, Heneghan MA, Jeong SH, Ladrón de Guevara AL, Mayo MJ, Dalekos GN, Drenth JPH, Janczewska E, Leggett BA, Nevens F, Vargas V, Zuckerman E, Corpechot C, Fassio E, Hinrichsen H, Invernizzi P, Trivedi PJ, Forman L, Jones DEJ, Ryder SD, Swain MG, Steinberg A, Boudes PF, Choi YJ, McWherter CA. Seladelpar efficacy and safety at 3 months in patients with primary biliary cholangitis: ENHANCE, a phase 3, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Hepatology. 2023 Aug 1;78(2):397-415. PubMed PMID: 37386786
  • Bowlus CL, Eksteen B, Cheung AC, Thorburn D, Moylan CA, Pockros PJ, Forman LM, Dorenbaum A, Hirschfield GM, Kennedy C, Jaecklin T, McKibben A, Chien E, Baek M, Vig P, Levy C. Safety, tolerability, and efficacy of maralixibat in adults with primary sclerosing cholangitis: Open-label pilot study. Hepatol Commun. 2023 Jun 1;7(6). PubMed PMID: 37184523
  • Forman LM, Sapisochin G, Assis DN, Arrivé L, Bergquist A, Bowlus CL, Deneau M, Ilyas SI, Lunsford KE, Martinez M, Shroff R, Tabibian JH. Reply: Living donor liver transplantation for people with PSC. Hepatology. 2023 May 1;77(5):E97-E98. PubMed PMID: 36732294
  • Bowlus CL, Arrivé L, Bergquist A, Deneau M, Forman L, Ilyas SI, Lunsford KE, Martinez M, Sapisochin G, Shroff R, Tabibian JH, Assis DN. Reply: Insurance should cover vancomycin for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Hepatology. 2023 Jun 1;77(6):E176-E177. PubMed PMID: 36695291
  • Kowdley KV, Forman L, Eksteen B, Gunn N, Sundaram V, Landis C, Harrison SA, Levy C, Liberman A, Di Bisceglie AM, Hirschfield GM. A Randomized, Dose-Finding, Proof-of-Concept Study of Berberine Ursodeoxycholate in Patients With Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2022 Nov 1;117(11):1805-1815. PubMed PMID: 36327436
  • Martinez-CAmacho A< Fortune BE, Forman L. Hepatic Encephalopathy. In Vincent LJ, Moore F, Belloma R, MAriniJ (eds): Textbook of Critical Care, Elssevier Press 2022
  • Bowlus CL, Arrive L, Bergquits A, Deneau M, Forman L, et al. AASLD Practice Guidance on PSCA and CCA. Hepatology2022 Sep 9. Doi: 10.1002/hep.32771
  • Swei EC, Bar AK, Rice JD, Doe CF, Forman LM, Statin-induced rhabdomyolysis associated with TIPS. ACG Case Rep J 2022:9:e00774
  • Mayo MJ, Carey E. et al. Impact of Pruritus on QOL and Current Treatment Patterns in Patients with PBC.Dig Dis Sc 2022;
  • Krowdley KV, Forman LM, Eksteen B et al. A randomized, dose finding, proof of concept Study of Berberine Ursodeoxycholate in PAtients with PSC. AM J GAstro;2022:17:1805015
  • Yan K, Forman L. Cannabinoid Use Among Liver Transplant Recipients. Liver Transpl. 2021 Nov;27(11):1623-1632. PubMed PMID: 34018308
  • Francis P, Forman L. HATs Off to Clot Blockers: A Potential New Role for Statins After Transplantation. Liver Transpl. 2021 Oct;27(10):1375-1377. PubMed PMID: 34118130
  • Cristin DJ, Forman LM, Jackson WE.Beyond survival: Targeting health-related quality of life outcomes after liver transplant. Clin Liver Dis 2021;17:359-64.
  • Francis P, Forman L. Statins show promise against progression of liver disease. Liver Transpl 2021;18:280-7
  • Francis P, Forman L. Use of Statins in Patients With and Without Liver Disease. Clin Liver Dis (Hoboken). 2020 Jan;15(1):40-45. PubMed PMID: 32104577
  • Leehey MA, Liu Y, Hart F, Epstein C, Cook M, Sillau S, Klawitter J, Newman H, Sempio C, Forman L, Seeberger L, Klepitskaya O, Baud Z, Bainbridge J. Safety and Tolerability of Cannabidiol in Parkinson Disease: An Open Label, Dose-Escalation Study. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2020;5(4):326-336. PubMed PMID: 33381646
  • Bowlus CL, Pockros PJ, Kremer AE, Parés A, Forman LM, Drenth JPH, Ryder SD, Terracciano L, Jin Y, Liberman A, Pencek R, Iloeje U, MacConell L, Bedossa P. Long-Term Obeticholic Acid Therapy Improves Histological Endpoints in Patients With Primary Biliary Cholangitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020 May;18(5):1170-1178.e6. PubMed PMID: 31606455
  • Frances P, Forman L. Use of statins in patients with and without liver disease. Clin Liv Dis 2020;15(1):40-45
  • Bowlus CL, Pockros PJ et al. Long term obeticholic acid therapy improves histology in patients with primary biliary cholangitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2020;28(5):1170-1178
  • PUBMED 316-6455
  • Kohli R, Fenton HH, Forman L. Unusual case of elevated liver enzymes in a female patient> Gastroenterology 2018;154:1588-89
  • Goldberg, DS, Levy C, Kiman K, Hordon SC, Forman L, et al. Primary sclerosing Cholangitis is not rare among blacks in a multicenter north American consortium. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2017 16(4):591-3
  • Kalra A, Burton JB, Forman LM. Pro: Weaning corticosteroids after Liver Transplantation for Autoimmune Hepatitis. Liver Transpl 2018 24(8) 1109-1112
  • Bowlus, CL, Pockros PJ, Kremer AE, Pares a, Forman L, et al. Longterm obeticholic acid treatment associated with reversal or stabilization of fibrosis/cirrhosis in patients with PNX J Hepatology 2018;68:s111-112
  • "Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis", Current Understanding, Management, and Future Developments", Springer 2017 Lisa Forman, Editor
  • Campos-Varela I, Lai JC, Verna E, O'Leary JG, STravitz TR, Forman LM, "Hepatitis C genotype influences post-transplant outcomes" Transplanattion 2015 99*4) 835-40
  • Maturo A, Forman L, Falko J. Type 3 Hyperlipidemia Unmasked by Bilary Cirrhosis SWLA LipidSpin
  • Risk of waitlist mortlaity in pateints with PSC and bacterial cholangitis; Liver Transplan 2013 19(3)250-8
  • Lai JC, O'Leary JG, Trotter JF, Verna EC, Brown RS, Jr., Stravitz RT, et al. Risk of advanced fibrosis with grafts from hepatitis C antibody-positive donors: A multicenter cohort study. Liver transplantation 2012;18(5):532-8
  • Risk of advanced fibrosis with grafts from hepatitis c antibody positive donors: A multicenter cohort study (CRUSH-C).Liver Transpl. 2012 Jan 23. doi: 10.1002/lt.23396. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Hepatitis C infected women have a higher risk of advanced fibrosis and graft loss after liver transplantattion then men. Hepatology. 2011 Aug;54(2):418-24
  • Lai JC, Verna EC, Brown RS, Jr., O'Leary JG, Trotter JF, Forman LM, et al. Hepatitis C virus-infected women have a higher risk of advanced fibrosis and graft loss after liver transplantation than men. Hepatology 2011;54(2):418-24.
  • Fortune B, Forman LM. HCV in the liver transplant recipient: how do you approach them? In Foster G, Reddy KR (eds):Clinical Dilemmas in Liver Disease (in press)
  • Kraus H, Forman LM. Liver retransplantation for recurrent HCV. In Mukherjee S (ed): Hepatitis C and Liver Transplantation, Nova Science Publishers (in press)
  • ) Weber N, Forman LM, Trotter JF. HBIG discontinuation with maintenance oral anti-viral therapy and HBV vaccination in liver transplant recipients. Dig Dis Sc 2010;55:505-9.
  • Fortune B, Francis S, Forman LM. HCV virus therapy-related skin manifestations. Gastro & Hep 2010;6:326-8.
  • Weber N, Forman LM, Trotter JF. HBIG discontinuation with maintenance oral anti-viral therapy and HBV vaccination in liver transplant recipients. Dig Dis Sc 2010;55:505-9.
  • Kraus H, Forman LM. Liver retransplantation for recurrent HCV. In Mukherjee S (ed): Hepatitis C and Liver Transplantation, Nova Science Publishers
  • Fortune B, Forman LM. HCV in the liver transplant recipient: how do you approach them? In Foster G, Reddy KR (eds):Clinical Dilemmas in Liver Disease
  • Ray CE Jr, Manifold S, Jain R, Vu C, Albanese G, Cui H, Forman L. From confusion to clarity :evaluating abnormal liver function tests. A systematic approach. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe, Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2009
  • Heller JC, Prochazka AV, Forman LM. Long-term management after liver transplantation. Liver Transp 2009 (in press)
  • Forman LM. Long-term metabolic complications posttransplantation. in Everson GT, Trotter JF, eds. Liver Transplantation: Challenging controversies and topics. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2009:135-144.
  • Heller JC, Prochazka AV, Everson GT, Forman LM. Metabolic complications after liver transplantation: Primary care physician versus hepatologists. Liver Transpl 2009; 15:1330-1335
  • Forman LM. Metabolic syndrome in liver transplantation: the elephant in the room. Liver Transpl 2008;14:1245-8.
  • Forman, LM. Long-term outcomes post-transplantation. in Everson, GT, Trotter JF (eds): Liver Transplantation: Challenging Controversies and Topics, Humana Press
  • Everson GT, Trotter J, Forman L, Kugelmas M, Halprin A, Fey B, Ray C.Treatment of HCV with LADR; Hepatology 2005;42:255-262
  • Forman L, Everson G. NASH hospitalizations in the US; Heptology 2005;42:1083A
  • Campsen J, Wachs M, Bak T, Kam I, Forman L, Everson G, Trotter J. Outcomes of donor candidiates for adult-to-adult LDLT; Hepatology 2005;42:644A
  • Campsen J, Wachs M, Bak T, Forman L, Everson G, Kam I, Trotter JF. Is liver biopsy mandatory for all donors? Heptology 2005; 42:653A

Professional Memberships

  • American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), Member
  • American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), Member
  • American Medical Association (AMA), Member
  • American Society for Transplantation, Member
  • American College of Physicians (ACP), Member

Practice Locations

UCHealth Hepatology Clinic - Anschutz Medical Campus
1635 Aurora Ct
7th Floor
Aurora, CO 80045

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Transplant Hepatology, Board Certification
  • Gastroenterology
Conditions & Treatments
  • Digestive System - Hepatology (Liver Disorders)
  • Digestive System
  • Surgery - Liver Transplant Surgery
  • Surgery
Clinical Interests
Autoimmune Liver Disease, PSC, PBC Hepatology Liver Transplantation Hepatic Encephalopathy

Care Philosophy
I believe in providing the best care possible to all of my patients, educating and empowering them.

Personal Interests
In my free time I like to spend time with my family, read, hike, ski, and travel.

Public Speaking