Jeffrey Glasheen, MD

Professor, Medicine-Hospital Medicine

Medical School
  • MD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (1996)
  • University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program, Chief Resident, Internal Medicine (2000)
Medicine-Hospital Medicine

Professional Titles

  • Chief Quality Officer, University of Colorado Hospital
  • Assoc. Dean for Clinical Affairs - Quality and Safety Education
  • Hospitalist


  • 7th Annual Elaine Cleary Faculty Award, Division of Internal Medicine (2003)
    Excellence in Education
  • Award for Excellence in Teaching , Society of Hospital Medicine (2007)
  • Anschutz Inpatient Pavilion, Pioneer Award , University of Colorado Hospital (2006)
  • President’s Award: Rock Solid Economics, University of Colorado Hospital (2008)
  • Patriot Alumni Award , Appleton High School East (2008)
    Annual award to an outstanding alumnus
  • Gold Medal Winner: Regular Column: Staff-Written , American Society of Healthcare Publication Editors (2008)
    From the Editor’s Desk Column, The Hospitalist Annual ASHPE awards recognize outstanding editorial excellence and achievement in healthcare publications. The annual competition provides a chance for editors to measure their work against the best the healthcare publications


  • Higgins M, Tevis S, Glasheen JJ. First, Do No Harm. Second, Measure It. Am J Med. 2024 Sep;137(9):799-800. PubMed PMID: 38735355
  • Schnipper JL, Raffel KE, Keniston A, Burden M, Glasheen J, Ranji S, Hubbard C, Barish P, Kantor M, Adler-Milstein J, John Boscardin W, Harrison JD, Dalal AK, Lee T, Auerbach A. Achieving diagnostic excellence through prevention and teamwork (ADEPT) study protocol: A multicenter, prospective quality and safety program to improve diagnostic processes in medical inpatients. J Hosp Med. 2023 Dec;18(12):1072-1081. PubMed PMID: 37888951
  • Schnipper JL, Raffel KE, Keniston A, Burden M, Glasheen J, Ranji S, Hubbard C, Barish P, Kantor M, Adler-Milstein J, John Boscardin W, Harrison JD, Dalal AK, Lee T, Auerbach A. Achieving diagnostic excellence through prevention and teamwork (ADEPT) study protocol: A multicenter, prospective quality and safety program to improve diagnostic processes in medical inpatients. J Hosp Med. 2023 Dec;18(12):1072-1081. PubMed PMID: 37888951
  • Limes J, Gottenborg E, Anstett T, Brandenburg S, Diaz MJ, Glasheen JJ. A Novel Hospital Medicine Training Track for Internal Medicine Residents: Description and Program Evaluation of the First 15 Years. J Grad Med Educ. 2022 Jun;14(3):318-325. PubMed PMID: 35754625
  • Kulkarni SA, Fang MC, Glasheen JJ, Parekh V, Sharpe BA. Characteristics, satisfiers, development needs, and barriers to success for early-career academic hospitalists. BMC Med Educ. 2022 Apr 13;22(1):278. PubMed PMID: 35418211
  • Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E, Hyman D, Kneeland P, Armstrong G, Caffrey S, Wiler J, Fuhlbrigge A, Jones D, Pierce RG. The Institute for Health care Quality, Safety, and Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach to Improving Organization-Level Quality Performance. Am J Med Qual. 2022 Mar-Apr 01;37(2):111-117. PubMed PMID: 34225273
  • Sottile PD, Albers D, DeWitt PE, Russell S, Stroh JN, Kao DP, Adrian B, Levine ME, Mooney R, Larchick L, Kutner JS, Wynia MK, Glasheen JJ, Bennett TD. Real-Time Electronic Health Record Mortality Prediction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Cohort Study. medRxiv. 2021 Jan 15. PubMed PMID: 33469601
  • Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E, Hyman D, Kneeland P, Armstrong G, Caffrey S, Wiler J, Fuhlbrigge A, Jones D, Pierce RG. The Institute for Health care Quality, Safety, and Efficiency: A Comprehensive Approach to Improving Organization-Level Quality Performance. Am J Med Qual. 2021 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34225273
  • Sottile PD, Albers D, DeWitt PE, Russell S, Stroh JN, Kao DP, Adrian B, Levine ME, Mooney R, Larchick L, Kutner JS, Wynia MK, Glasheen JJ, Bennett TD. Real-time electronic health record mortality prediction during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2021 Oct 12;28(11):2354-2365. PubMed PMID: 33973011
  • Sottile PD, Albers D, DeWitt PE, Russell S, Stroh JN, Kao DP, Adrian B, Levine ME, Mooney R, Larchick L, Kutner JS, Wynia MK, Glasheen JJ, Bennett TD. Real-Time Electronic Health Record Mortality Prediction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Cohort Study. medRxiv. 2021 Jan 15. PubMed PMID: 33469601
  • Gottenborg E, Anstett T, Diaz M, Pierce R, Sweigart J, Glasheen JJ. Teaching Students to Transform: The Health Innovations Scholars Program 6 Years Later. Am J Med Qual. 2021 Jul-Aug 01;36(4):277-280. PubMed PMID: 33030033
  • Gottenborg E, Anstett T, Diaz M, Pierce R, Sweigart J, Glasheen JJ. Teaching Students to Transform: The Health Innovations Scholars Program 6 Years Later. Am J Med Qual. 2020 Oct 8;:1062860620961168. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33030033
  • Anderson ME, Glasheen JJ, Anoff D, Pierce R, Lane M, Jones CD. Impact of state medicaid expansion status on length of stay and in-hospital mortality for general medicine patients at US academic medical centers. J Hosp Med. 2016 Dec;11(12):847-852. PubMed PMID: 27535323
  • Cumbler E, Herzke C, Smalligan R, Glasheen JJ, O'Malley C, Pierce JR Jr. Visiting professorship in hospital medicine: An innovative twist for a growing specialty. J Hosp Med. 2016 Oct;11(10):714-718. PubMed PMID: 27334568
  • Sweigart JR, Tad-Y D, Pierce R, Wagner E, Glasheen JJ. The Health Innovations Scholars Program: A Model for Accelerating Preclinical Medical Students' Mastery of Skills for Leading Improvement of Clinical Systems. Am J Med Qual. 2016 Jul;31(4):293-300. PubMed PMID: 25855673
  • Jones CD, Scott SJ, Anoff DL, Pierce RG, Glasheen JJ. Changes in Payer Mix and Physician Reimbursement After the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion. Inquiry. 2015;52. PubMed PMID: 26310500
  • Anderson ME, Glasheen JJ, Anoff D, Pierce R, Capp R, Jones CD. Understanding predictors of prolonged hospitalizations among general medicine patients: A guide and preliminary analysis. J Hosp Med. 2015 Sep;10(9):623-6. PubMed PMID: 26126812
  • Sweigart JR, Tad-Y D, Pierce R, Wagner E, Glasheen JJ. The Health Innovations Scholars Program: A Model for Accelerating Preclinical Medical Students' Mastery of Skills for Leading Improvement of Clinical Systems. Am J Med Qual. 2015 Apr 8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25855673
  • Jones CD, Glasheen JJ. Handoffs: a story in evolution. J Hosp Med. 2015 Mar;10(3):202-3. PubMed PMID: 25736615
  • Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E, Kneeland PP, Wiler JL, Hyman D, Armstrong G, Caffrey SJ, Robison Z, Gomez B, Lane M, Rove M, Bennett HJ, Pierce RG. “Developing Frontline Teams To Drive Health System Transformation.” 18th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, March 30, 2015.
  • Glasheen JJ, Jones MD, Kneeland PP, Cubmler E, Wiler JL, Armstrong G, Caffrey SJ, Hyman D, Pierce RG. “The Institute for Healthcare Quality, Safety and Efficiency: Organizational Transformation in an Academic Medical Center.” 18th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, March 30, 2015.
  • Yirdaw E, Tung G, Glasheen JJ, Fordyce H, Jones CD. “July Effect: Are Patients Discharged in July from an Academic Medical Center More Likely to be Readmitted?” 18th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, March 30, 2015.
  • Kneeland PP, Robison Z, Lane M, Gomez B, Pierce RG, Armstrong G, Glasheen JJ. “A Streamlined Strategy for Incorporating Patient Experience Data into Quality Improvement Efforts.” 18th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, March 30, 2015.
  • Cumbler E, Herzke C, Smalligan R, Glasheen J, Pierce J. “The Visiting Professorship in Hospital Medicine A new twist for a young specialty.” 18th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, March 30, 2015.
  • Anderson ME, Glasheen JJ, Godleski M, Simpson JR, and Tad-y D. “Stroke Systems of Care Curriculum for Hospitalist Residents.” 18th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, March 30, 2015.
  • Anderson ME, Fiegel M, Glasheen JJ, Lev G, McDevitt K, and Tad-y D. “Perioperative Systems of Care Curriculum for Hospitalist Residents.” 18th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, March 30, 2015.
  • Anderson ME, Glasheen JJ, Anoff D, Pierce R, Capp R, Jones CD. “Impact of Prolonged Hospitalizations on Overall Length of Stay for General Medicine Patients.” 18th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine Annual Meeting, National Harbor, MD, March 30, 2015.
  • Hudak ML, Graves A, Reichelt KA, Sweigart J, Harry E, Glasheen J, Jones W, Cumbler E. What makes a positive deviant: utilizing common themes in best practice stroke hospitals to influence institutional quality improvement. Am J Med Qual. 2014 Mar-Apr;29(2):170. PubMed PMID: 24381146
  • Myers JS, Tess A, Glasheen JJ, O'Malley C, Baum KD, Fisher ES, O'Leary KJ, Spencer A, Warm E, Wiese J. The Quality and Safety Educators Academy: fulfilling an unmet need for faculty development. Am J Med Qual. 2014 Jan-Feb;29(1):5-12. PubMed PMID: 23585553
  • Furfari K, Rosenthal L, Tad-y D, Wolfe B, Glasheen J. Nurse Practioners as inpatient providers: A hospital medicine fellowship program. J Nurse Pract. 2014;10(6):425-429.
  • Tad-y D, Price L, Cumbler E, Levin D, Wald H, Glasheen J. An Experiential Quality Improvement Curriculum for the Inpatient Setting—Part 1: Design Phase of a QI Project. MedEdPORTAL; 2014. Available from:
  • Coleman EA, Chugh A, Williams MV, Grigsby J, Glasheen JJ, McKenzie M, Min SJ. Understanding and Execution of Discharge Instructions. American Journal of Medical Quality
  • Auerbach A, Fang M, Glasheen J, Brotman D, O'Leary KJ, Horwitz LI. BOOST: evidence needing a lift. J Hosp Med. 2013 Aug;8(8):468-9. PubMed PMID: 23873749
  • Coleman EA, Chugh A, Williams MV, Grigsby J, Glasheen JJ, McKenzie M, Min SJ. Understanding and execution of discharge instructions. Am J Med Qual. 2013 Sep-Oct;28(5):383-91. PubMed PMID: 23354870
  • 20. Reid MB, Misky GJ, Harrison RA, Sharpe B, Auerbach A, Glasheen JJ. Mentorship, productivity, and promotion among academic hospitalists. J Gen Intern Med 2012;27(1):23-27.
  • Glasheen JJ. The End: What’s been; What’s Next; How’s Hogan? The Hospitalist 2012:16(4):52.
  • 71. Glasheen JJ. C. Diff, the ACA, and Jerry Maguire: How to get the most of the HM12 “toolkit.” The Hospitalist 2012:16(3):52.
  • Glasheen JJ. Words Apart: The difference between should and must. The Hospitalist 2012:16(2):48.
  • Glasheen JJ. I Resolve…to embrace children’s books, Twitter, and Kim Kardashian. The Hospitalist 2012:16(1):37.
  • Carter J, Glasheen JJ. Cardiac complications after non-cardiac surgery. In McKean S. Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine. China: McGraw Hill, 2012 pages 344-349.
  • Seymann G, Brotman D, Lee B, Jaffer A, Amin A, Glasheen J. The Structure of Hospital Medicine Programs at Academic Medical Centers. J Hosp Med. 2012; 7(S2): s92.
  • Levin D and Glasheen JJ. Neurologic complications of electrolytes. In Jospheson SA, Freeman WD, Likosky DJ. Neurohospitalist Medicine. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011 pages 85-96.
  • Glasheen JJ, Misky GJ, Reid MB, Harrison RA, Sharpe B, Auerbach A. Career Satisfaction and Burnout in Academic Hospital Medicine. Accepted to Arch Intern Med.
  • Wald H, Cumbler E, Youngwerth J, Guerrasio J, Glasheen JJ. Effects of a hospitalist-run ACE service. Accepted to J Hosp Med.
  • Glasheen JJ. Quality, Defined: What hospitalists can learn from Potter Stewart. The Hospitalist 2011:15(12):59.
  • Glasheen JJ. Academic Rehab: A seven-step program to address the issues plaguing teaching hospitalists. The Hospitalist 2011:15(11):60.
  • Glasheen JJ. A Run for Safety: How many more have to die because of medical errors? The Hospitalist 2011:15(10):60.
  • Glasheen JJ. Fiddling while HM Burns: It’s time hospitalists start turning words into deeds. The Hospitalist 2011:15(9):60.
  • Glasheen JJ. Happy Birthday, HM: Hospitalists’ meteoric rise to relevancy is buoyed by a t0-be-determined legacy. The Hospitalist 2011:15(8):57.
  • Glasheen JJ. Subsidy to Payment?: The story of hospitalist funding in six questions. The Hospitalist 2011:15(7):57.
  • Glasheen JJ. Words Forever Lost: the hidden lesson of room 118. The Hospitalist 2011:15(1):42.
  • Glasheen JJ. Surgery’s Waterboys: Exposing the comanagement MacGuffin. The Hospitalist 2011:15(2):44.
  • Glasheen JJ. Minvin, Major Lessons: HM needs systems engineers. The Hospitalist 2011:15(3):44.
  • Glasheen JJ, Misky GJ, Reid MB, Harrison RA, Sharpe B, Auerbach A. Career Satisfaction and Burnout in Academic Hospital Medicine. Arch Intern Med 2011;171:782-784.
  • Wald H, Glasheen, JJ, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Cumbler EU. Evaluation of a hospitalist-run Acute Care for the Elderly Service. J Hosp Med. 2011;6:313-321.
  • Reid MB, Misky GJ, Harrison RA, Sharpe B, Auerbach A, Glasheen JJ. Mentorship, productivity and promotion among academic hospitalists. Epub JGIM 28 September 2011.
  • Levin D, Smith DB, Cumbler E, Carter J, Glasheen JJ, Jones W. Warfarin therapy does not increase risk of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage in eligible patients after intravenous thrombolysis. Arch Neuro 2011;68:135.
  • Levin D, Glasheen JJ. Achieving comanagement’s potential requires system redesign and hospitalist-focused training. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171:1299.
  • Borne R, Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Reducing polypharmacy: Is hospitalization the right time? Arch Intern Med 2011;171:869.
  • Glasheen JJ. Words Forever Lost: the hidden lesson of room 118. The Hospitalist 2011:15(1):37.
  • Glasheen JJ. Surgery’s Waterboys: Exposing the comanagement MacGuffin. The Hospitalist 2011:15(2):44.
  • Glasheen JJ. Minvin, Major Lessons: HM needs systems engineers. The Hospitalist 2011:15(3):44.
  • Glasheen JJ. The Annual Meeting Mariner: A view through Maslow’s eyes. The Hospitalist 2011:15(4):44.
  • Glasheen JJ. Payment for Being Special: The next phase of hospital medicine. The Hospitalist 2011:15(5):44.
  • Glasheen JJ. That’s What They Said: Reflections from the HM11 podium. The Hospitalist 2011:15(6):44.
  • Glasheen JJ. Subsidy to Payment?: The story of hospitalist funding in six questions. The Hospitalist 2011:15(7):44.
  • 64. Glasheen JJ. Happy Birthday, HM: Hospitalists’ meteoric rise to relevancy is buoyed by a t0-be-determined legacy. The Hospitalist 2011:15(8):44.
  • Glasheen JJ. Fiddling while HM Burns: The Hospitalist 2011:15(9):44.
  • Levin D, Smith DB, Cumbler E, Carter J, Glasheen JJ, Jones W. Warfarin therapy does not increase risk of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage in eligible patients after intravenous thrombolysis. Arch Neuro 2011;68:135.
  • Levin D, Glasheen JJ. Achieving comanagement’s potential requires system redesign, hospitalist-focused training. Accepted Arch Intern Med.
  • Levin D, Glasheen JJ. Achieving comanagement’s potential requires system redesign, hospitalist-focused training. Accepted Arch Intern Med.
  • Borne R, Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Improving medication reconciliation for the elderly. Accepted Arch Intern Med.
  • Glasheen JJ. Urban Legends: Dispelling the myths of the Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine. The Hospitalist 2010:14(7):37.
  • Glasheen JJ. Rise of the napturnist: ACGME proposes more supervision, shorter shifts, strategic napping. The Hospitalist 2010:14(8):36.
  • Glasheen JJ. The devil and the details: Lessons from the new compensation and productivity data, in four acts. The Hospitalist 2010:14(9):36.
  • Glasheen JJ. 28,999 and me: The names behind the number. The Hospitalist 2010:14(10):43.
  • Glasheen JJ. Underwater breathing: Summit tackles challenges while charting the course for academic HM. The Hospitalist 2010:14(11):37.
  • Glasheen JJ. Designed to harm: The building blocks of an inequitable healthcare system. The Hospitalist 2010:14(12):44.
  • Guerrasio J, Glasheen JJ. Learner evaluation and remediation. ACP teaching series
  • Carter J, Glasheen JJ. Perioperative managment of cardiac complications. McGraw Hill Hospital Medicine Textbook
  • Levin D, Glasheen JJ. Perioperative Delerium. Textbook of Perioperative Management.
  • Glasheen JJ, Guerrasio J, Wiese J. Feedback, evaluation and remediation on the inpatient service. In Wiese J. Teaching in the Hospital. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians, 2010 pages 145-161.
  • Glasheen JJ. Standing Ovation: Career development academy shines light on fundamental HM need. The Hospitalist 2010;14(1):45.
  • Glasheen JJ. Get Well Now: A child’s simple admonition sums up the need for healthcare reform. The Hospitalist 2010;14(2):41.
  • Glasheen J, Misky G, Reid M, Harrison R, Sharpe B, Auerbach A. Rates, predictors and consequences of low career satisfaction and burnout in academic hospital medicine. Submitted for publication.
  • McCarl J, Dwinnell B, Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A . Chief Medical Resident (CMR) Teaching & Leadership Course. MedEdPORTAL; 2010.
  • Stickrath CR, Cumbler EU, Glasheen JJ. Improving stroke outcomes through collaboration and hospitalist-focused training. J Hosp Medicine 2009;4:327.
  • Baker J, Glasheen J. Lack of recognition and treatment of osteoporosis in post-hip fracture patients. J Hosp Med 2009;4(S1):6.
  • Glasheen J, Misky G, Reid M, Harrison R, Sharpe B, Auerbach A. Rates, predictors and consequences of low career satisfaction and burnout in academic hospital medicine. J of Hosp Med 2009;4(S1):24-25.
  • Levin D, Kiser T, Pell J, Glasheen J. The low number of therapeutic vancomycin troughs in the intensive care unit. J Hosp Med 2009;4(S1):38.
  • Levin D, Trosterman A, Moloo J, Glasheen J. A hospitalist run observation service safely decreases length of stay for low risk chest pain patients. J Hosp Med 2009;4(S1):38-39.
  • Misky G, Reid M, Glasheen J, Harrison R, Sharpe B, Auerbach A. Gaps in mentorship and impact on scholarship among academic hospitalists. J of Hosp Med 2009;4(S1):43.
  • Reid M, Misky G, Harrison R, Auerbach A Glasheen J. Demographics, productivity, and promotion among academic hospitalists in 2008. J of Hosp Med 2009;4(S1):50.
  • Wald H, Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Youngwerth J, Glasheen J. A hospitalist-run geriatric service is associated with improved processes of care. J Hosp Med 2009;4(S1):63.
  • Glasheen JJ. The Fast, Furious Future: Address HM workforce shortage by limiting growth and building an academy. The Hospitalist 2009;13(1):56.
  • Glasheen JJ. Don’t Fear Fear: HM should stare down known issues, embrace the prospect of change. The Hospitalist 2009;13(2):52.
  • Glasheen JJ. Stimulate Healthcare Reform: How Obama’s Plan could save healthcare. The Hospitalist
  • Glasheen JJ. How do you give a great lecture? SGIM Forum
  • Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Risk stratification tools for transient ischemic attack: Which patients require hospital admission? J Hosp Medicine 2009;4:247-251.
  • Glasheen JJ. Clarion Call: It’s time for hospitalist to own inpatient stroke. The Hospitalist 2009;13(7):40.
  • Glasheen JJ. The Anvil of Indecision: The stark reality of noninsurance, guardianship, and end-of-life decisions. The Hospitalist 2009;13(8):45.
  • Glasheen JJ. Only Fools Rush In: HER technology should balance usability, efficiency, and safety. The Hospitalist 2009;13(9):52.
  • Glasheen JJ. Spanish Flu Redux?: H1N1 can’t hold a candle to the 1918 influenza strain that killed millions. The Hospitalist 2009;13(10):53.
  • Glasheen JJ. Certified Special: Recognition of Focused Practice completes long road to specialty status. The Hospitalist 2009;13(11):53.
  • Glasheen JJ. Undercover MD: How I discovered the real state of hospital care. The Hospitalist 2009;13(12):49.
  • Glasheen JJ, Cumbler, EU. Tailoring internal medicine training to improve hospitalist outcomes. Arch Intern Med 2009;169(2):204-205.
  • Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Prediction rules in the management of TIA. (accepted to J Hosp Med 9/08).
  • Stickrath CR, Cumbler EU, Glasheen JJ. Improving stroke outcomes through collaboration and hospitalist-focused training. (accepted J Hosp Med, 11/08)
  • Glasheen JJ. Fight the losing battle: Resolve to lose hazardous holiday waist. The Hospitalist 2008;12(1):64,67.
  • Glasheen JJ. Exceed acceptable: New studies challenge hospitalists to prove our value. The Hospitalist 2008;12(2):60,63
  • Glasheen JJ. Lessons of the deposed: Consult + Comanagement – Communication = Confusion. The Hospitalist 2008;12(3):80.
  • Glasheen JJ. MySpace for hospitalists: The networking power of the annual meeting. The Hospitalist 2008;12(4):80.
  • Glasheen JJ. Safety, salary and saints: Or, things I learned in San Diego. The Hospitalist 2008;12(5):64.
  • Glasheen JJ. Promise or Insanity: Achieving hospital medicine’s promise demand educational reform. The Hospitalist 2008;12(6):60,63.
  • Glasheen JJ. Bueller…Bueller?: Everything I needed to know about patient safety I learned in high school. The Hospitalist 2008;12(7):64.
  • Glasheen JJ. Doctor Remodel: A comparison of contractors hits a nerve and inspires and improvement project. The Hospitalist 2008;12(8):60.
  • Glasheen JJ. Left Turns: The eternal quest for balance. The Hospitalist 2008;12(9):60.
  • Glasheen JJ. Something interesting happened: My personal journey to Kaizen. The Hospitalist 2008;12(10):68.
  • Egan EA, Cumbler E, Glasheen J. How do you start a residents’ quality improvement program? SGIM Forum 2008;31(8):9.
  • Glasheen JJ. Market Meltdown: As Wall Street collapses, HMG leaders can learn valuable lesson. The Hospitalist 2008;12(11):68.
  • Glasheen JJ, Sharpe B, Centor R. Developing Academic Hospitalists. SGIM Forum 2008;31(12):4.
  • Glasheen JJ. Lions, Planes, Bears, Oh My: Fear the right things; make patient safety HM’s top priority. The Hospitalist 2008;12(12):68.
  • Auerbach A, Glasheen JJ. Academic Hospitalist Academy. The Leadership Forum 2008;1(2):3-4.
  • Glasheen JJ, Epstein KR, Siegal E, Kutner J, Prochazka A. Fulfilling the promise of Hospital Medicine: Time to tailor internal medicine training to address hospitalists’ needs? (submitted to Journal of General Internal Medicine)
  • Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Glasheen JJ. Use of Medications for insomnia in the hospitalized geriatric population. (Accepted for publication in J Am Geri Society).
  • Goldenberg J, Glasheen JJ. Hospitalists as educators (Mt. Sinai Medical Journal).
  • Glasheen JJ, Goldenberg J. Training hospitalists (Mt. Sinai Medical Journal).
  • Stickrath CR, Misky GJ, Prochazka AV, Glasheen JJ. Frequency of appropriate laboratory utilization in an academic medical center: Opportunities for cost savings? Journal of Hospital Medicine 2008;3(S1):42-43.
  • Gopal RK, Miyoshi TJ, Glasheen JJ, Prochazka AV. Long-term impact of resident work-hour restrictions on burnout. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2008;23:340.
  • Glasheen JJ. Fight the losing battle: Resolve to lose hazardous holiday waist. The Hospitalist 2008;12(1):64,67.
  • Glasheen JJ. Exceed acceptable: New studies challenge hospitalists to prove our value. The Hospitalist 2008;12(2):60,63.
  • Glasheen JJ. Lessons of the deposed: Consult + Comanagement – Communication = Confusion. The Hospitalist 2008; 2(3):In press
  • Glasheen JJ. Myspace for hospitalists: The networking power of the annual meeting. The Hospitalist 2008:12(4):In press
  • Glasheen JJ. Diarrhea and Clostridium difficile Colitis. In Williams, M. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach. Philadelphia: Elsevier 2007 pages 485-491.
  • Cumbler E, Guerrasio J, Kim J, Glasheen J. Use of Medications for insomnia in the hospitalized geriatric population. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 2008;56:579-581.
  • Glasheen JJ, Siegal E, Epstein KR, Kutner J, Prochazka A. Fulfilling the promise of Hospital Medicine: Tailoring internal medicine training to address hospitalists’ needs. J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(7):1110-5.
  • Anderson M, Glasheen JJ. Critical literature 2007: clinical topics. J Hosp Medicine 2008;3:333-341.
  • Goldenberg J, Glasheen JJ. Hospitalist Educators: Future of inpatient internal medicine training. Mt Sinai J Med 2008;75:430-435.
  • Glasheen JJ, Goldenberg J, Nelson JR. Achieving Hospital Medicine’s promise through internal medicine residency redesign. Mt Sinai J Med 2008;75:436-441.
  • Glasheen JJ, Prochazka AV. Further evidence of a clinically significant levofloxacin-warfarin interaction. South Med J. 2008;101(6):660.
  • Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ, Wald H. Alternate solutions to the geriatric workforce deficit. Am J Med 2008;121(10):e21.
  • Glasheen JJ, Prochazka AV. The safety of levofloxacin in patients on warfarin. American Journal of Medicine 2007;120(4):e13.
  • Glasheen JJ, Carter JE, Prochazka AV. The value of repeat stool testing for Clostridium difficile. American Journal of Medicine 2007;120(7):e11.
  • Gopal RK, Radhakrishnan P, Gateley A, Glasheen JJ, Prochazka AV. Predictors of Internal Medicine Internship burnout: importance of cognitive factors. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2007; 22; S1: 89.
  • Gopal RK, Radhakrishnan P, Gateley A, Glasheen JJ, Prochazka AV. Predictors of Internal Medicine Internship Burnout: Importance of Cognitive Factors. 30th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting, Toronto, Canada April 26th, 2007
  • Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Carter JE, Cumber E, Chu E, Reid M. A novel Internal Medicine hospitalist training program. Association of Program Directors Meeting, San Diego, California, April 17, 2007.
  • Glasheen JJ, Carter JE, Sturges R, Baumgartner C, Prochazka AV. The predictive value of preoperative HbA1c in patients undergoing elective hip and knee replacement. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2007;2(S2):14-15.
  • Glasheen JJ, Carter JE, Sturges R, Baumgartner C, Prochazka AV. Effect of type 2 diabetes on elective joint arthroplasty outcomes. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2007;2(S2):15.
  • Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Harris M, Chu E, Reid M. A novel Internal Medicine hospitalist training program. Association of Program Directors Meeting, San Diego, California, April 17, 2007.
  • Glasheen JJ, Epstein KR, Siegal E, Kutner J, Prochazka AV. The spectrum of community-based hospitalist practice, a call to tailor internal medicine residency training. Archives of Internal Medicine 2007;167(7):727-728.
  • Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Management of blood pressure after acute stroke: An evidence-based guide for the hospitalist. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2007;2:261-267.
  • Cumbler E, Glasheen J. Teaching Patient Safety via a Structured Review of Medical Errors: A Novel Approach to Educating Residents about Medical Error, Disclosure, and Malpractice. MedEdPORTAL; 2007. Available from:
  • Glasheen JJ. Transitions of Care. The Hospitalist 2007;11(9):83.
  • Glasheen JJ. End-of-Life Predictions: Why we have a lot to learn from Oscar the cat. The Hospitalist 2007;11(10):84.
  • Glasheen JJ. Lessons of the Titanic. The Hospitalist 2007;11(11):84.
  • Glasheen JJ. Hours to Expertise. The Hospitalist 2007;11(12):72.
  • Gopal RK, Carreira F, Baker WA, Glasheen JJ, Crane LA, Miyoshi TJ, Prochazka AV. Internal medicine residents reject “longer and gentler” training. J Gen Intern Med. 2007;22(1):102-106.
  • Glasheen JJ, Prochazka AV. The safety of levofloxacin in patients on warfarin. American Journal of Medicine (Accepted for publication, 11/2006)
  • Glasheen JJ, Carter JE, Prochazka AV. The value of repeat stool testing for Clostridium difficile. (accepted for publication, American Journal of Medicine 8/2006)
  • Glasheen JJ. Clostridium difficile diarrhea. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine, 1st edition. Co-editors, Williams and Hayward. Publisher, Elsevier. (accepted for publication 6/2007)
  • Cumbler E, Glasheen JJ. Management of Blood Pressure after Acute Ischemic Stroke: An Evidence-Based Guide for the Hospitalist. (accepted for publication, Journal of Hospital Medicine 3/2007)
  • Glasheen JJ, Epstein KR, Siegal E, Kutner J, Prochazka AV. The spectrum of community-based hospitalist practice, a call to tailor internal medicine residency training (accepted for publication, Archives of Internal Medicine).
  • Gopal RK, Glasheen JJ, Miyoshi TJ, Fryer GE and Prochazka AV. Does Internal Medicine Resident Burnout Improve with Seniority?: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2006; 21; S4: 41.
  • Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Harris M, Chu E, Reid M. A novel Internal Medicine hospitalist training program. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2006; 21; S4: 168-169.
  • Glasheen JJ, Youngwerth J, Johnson D. The effect of an intensive palliative care-focused retreat on hospitalist faculty and resident palliative care knowledge and comfort/confidence. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2006; 1; S2: 9.
  • Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Harris M, Chu E, Reid M. A novel Internal Medicine hospitalist training program. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2006; 1; S2: 38-39.
  • Gopal RK, Glasheen JJ, Miyoshi TJ, Fryer E, Prochazka AV. Does internal medicine resident burnout improve with seniority?: A prospective cohort study. 29th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 28th, 2006
  • Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Harris M, Chu E, Reid M. A novel Internal Medicine hospitalist training program. 29th Annual Society of General Internal Medicine National Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 28th, 2006
  • Glasheen JJ, Youngwerth J, Johnson D. The effect of an intensive palliative care-focused retreat on hospitalist faculty and resident palliative care knowledge and comfort/confidence. 9th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine National Convention, Washington D.C., May 4th, 2006.
  • Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Harris M, Chu E, Reid M. A novel Internal Medicine hospitalist training program. 9th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine National Convention, Washington D.C., May 4th, 2006 (Research award finalist)
  • Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Harris M, Chu E, Reid M. A novel Internal Medicine hospitalist training program. 9th Annual Society of Hospital Medicine National Convention, Washington D.C., May 4th, 2006 (Research award finalist)
  • Glasheen JJ, Cumbler E, Woodmansee W, Youngwerth J, Carter J. In the literature. The Hospitalist 2006;10(7):31-34.
  • Gopal R, Glasheen JJ, Miyoshi T, Prochazka. Resident hours in pursuit of better health care—Reply. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:1423-1424.
  • Pletz MW, Fugit RV, McGee L, Glasheen JJ, Keller DL, Welte T, Klugman KP. Flouroquinolone-resistant Streptococcus pneumonia (Letter). Emerging Infectious Disease 2006; 12(9):1462-1463.
  • Glasheen JJ. Clostridium difficile diarrhea. Comprehensive Hospital Medicine, 1st edition. Co-editors, Williams and Hayward. Publisher, Elsevier. (Accepted for publication 10/2006)
  • Letter to the editro regarding effect of levofloxacin on warfarin use. Accepted to Am J of Med 10/2006
  • Glasheen JJ, Trosterman A, Youngwerth J, Harris M, Chu E, Reid M. An innovative hospitalist training program. JGIM supplement 2006
  • Longitudinal effects of burnout in an internal medicine residency training program. JGIM supplement 2006
  • Glasheen JJ. Editor, Hospital Medicine Secrets. Philadelphia: Elsevier 2007
  • Dweitzelweig S, Glasheen JJ. Sepsis. In Glasheen, JJ. Hospital Medicine Secrets. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2007 pages 355-361.
  • Glasheen JJ. Diarrhea in the hospitalized patient. In Glasheen, JJ. Hospital Medicine Secrets. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2007 pages 250-256.
  • Glasheen JJ. Editor, Best of the 9th Annual SHM Meeting, August, 2006
  • Johnson D, Glasheen JJ, Youngwerth Y, Nowels D. Integrating palliative care training into educational programs for hospitalist faculty and residents. American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Care Medicine 2006 Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, February 11, 2006
  • Glasheen JJ. Diarrhea in the hospitalized patient. Hospital Medicine Secrets. Editor Glasheen JJ. Publisher, Elsevier. (Accepted for publication,10/2006)
  • Glasheen JJ, Fugit RV, Prochazka AV. The risk of overanticoagulation with antibiotic use in outpatients on stable warfarin regimens. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20(7):653-656. (Selected as a “Notable Article” by the JGIM editors as one of the most important papers of the year)
  • Glasheen JJ, Fugit RV, Prochazka AV. The risk of overanticoagulation with antibiotic use in outpatients on stable warfarin regimens. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20(7):653-656. (Selected as a “Notable Article” by the JGIM editors as one of the most important papers of the year)
  • Gopal R, Glasheen JJ, Miyoshi T, Prochazka AV. Burnout and Internal Medicine Resident Work-hour Restrictions. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:2595-2600.
  • Carreira F, Baker WA, Gopal RK, Glasheen JJ, Crane LA, Miyoshi TJ, Prochazka AV. Internal medicine residents reject “longer and gentler” training. JGIM 2005;20;S1:158.
  • Gopal RK, Carreira F, Baker WA, Glasheen JJ, Miyoshi TJ, Crane LA, Prochazka AV. Does internal medicine resident burnout affect self-reported quality of care? JGIM 2005;20;S1, 153-4.
  • Gopal R, Glasheen JJ, Miyoshi TY, Prochazka A. Does personality hardiness protect against resident burnout? JGIM 2004;19:S1:145.
  • Glasheen JJ, Fugit RV, Prochazka AV. The risk of overanticoagulation with antibiotic use in outpatients on stable warfarin regimens. J Gen Intern Med. 2005;20(7) 653-656.
  • Gopal R, Glasheen JJ, Miyoshi T, Prochazka AV. Burnout and Internal Medicine Resident Work-hour Restrictions. Arch Intern Med; 165: 2595-2600.
  • Glasheen JJ. What exactly does a hospitalist do? Best of the Annual SHM Meeting monograph, page 2. August 2005
  • Glasheen JJ, Zwillich C. Back to the bedside. The Hospitalist 2005;9(1):41.
  • Glasheen JJ. Preventing warfarin-induced bleeds. South Med J 2005;98(1):96-103.
  • Glasheen JJ, Sorensen M. Burkitt ’s lymphoma presenting as severe hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis. Leukemia and Lymphoma 2005;45(2):281-283
  • Best of the Annual SHM Meeting. Editor
  • Hospital Medicine Secrets Executive Editor Publisher, Elsevier.
  • Reply to letter to the editor regarding burnout study. Accepted to Arch Intern Med 7/2006
  • Dweitzelweig S, Glasheen JJ. Sepsis. Hospital Medicine Secrets. Editor Glasheen JJ. Publisher, Elsevier. (Accepted for publication, 10/2006)

Professional Memberships

  • American College of Physicians (ACP), Fellow
  • American Board of Internal Medicine, ABIM Hospital Medicine Examination Committee
  • Academic Hospitalist Academy: Faculty Development Planning Group, SGIM/SHM/ACGIM, Program Chair
  • Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, Director, Regional Meeting of the Society of Hospital Medicine
  • Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM), Senior Fellow
  • Assn. of Program Directors in Internal Medicine, Member
  • Assn. Chiefs of General Internal Medicine, Member

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Hospital Medicine, Board Certification (2010)
Clinical Interests
This physician treats inpatients only and does not make office appointments.