Lyng JW, Ward C, Angelidis M, Breyre A, Donaldson R, Inaba K, Mandt MJ, Bosson N. Prehospital Trauma Compendium: Traumatic Pneumothorax Care - a position statement and resource document of NAEMSP. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2024 Nov 5;:1-35. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39499620
Montgomery EE, Anderson IM, Scherzer DJ, Arteaga GM, Rozenfeld RA, Wing R, Umoren RA, Wall JJ, McKissic DA, Centers GI, Searly CR, Mandt MJ, Jackson BM, Hulfish EW, Maloney LM, Duman-Bender TM, Kennedy C, Adler M, Naples J, Luk J, Gleich SJ, Lutfi R, Pearson KJ, Reames SE, Auerbach MA, Abulebda K. A National Simulation-Based Study of Pediatric Critical Care Transport Teams Performance. J Pediatr. 2024 Sep 13;276:114303. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39278534
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Becher NA, Kierulf G, Bothwell S, Hills-Dunlap JL, Mandt M, Moulton SL. Interfacility Transport of Children with Traumatic Pneumothorax: Does Elevation Make a Difference?. J Pediatr Surg. 2024 Feb;59(2):316-319. PubMed PMID: 37973415
Becher NA, Kierulf G, Bothwell S, Hills-Dunlap JL, Mandt M, Moulton SL. Interfacility Transport of Children with Traumatic Pneumothorax: Does Elevation Make a Difference?. J Pediatr Surg. 2023 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37973415
Mandt M, Harris M, Lyng J, Moore B, Gross T, Gausche-Hill M, Donofrio-Odmann JJ. Quality Management of Prehospital Pediatric Respiratory Distress and Airway Programs: An NAEMSP Position Statement and Resource Document. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2022;26(sup1):111-117. PubMed PMID: 35001832
Harris M, Lyng JW, Mandt M, Moore B, Gross T, Gausche-Hill M, Donofrio-Odmann JJ. Prehospital Pediatric Respiratory Distress and Airway Management Interventions: An NAEMSP Position Statement and Resource Document. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2022;26(sup1):118-128. PubMed PMID: 35001823
Lyng J, Harris M, Mandt M, Moore B, Gross T, Gausche-Hill M, Donofrio-Odmann JJ. Prehospital Pediatric Respiratory Distress and Airway Management Training and Education: An NAEMSP Position Statement and Resource Document. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2022;26(sup1):102-110. PubMed PMID: 35001818
Adelgais K, Pusic M, Abdoo D, Caffrey S, Snyder K, Alletag M, Balakas A, Givens T, Kane I, Mandt M, Roswell K, Saunders M, Boutis K. Child Abuse Recognition Training for Prehospital Providers Using Deliberate Practice. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2021 Nov-Dec;25(6):822-831. PubMed PMID: 33054522
Mandt MJ, Hayes K, Severyn F, Adelgais K. Appropriate Needle Length for Emergent Pediatric Needle Thoracostomy Utilizing Computed Tomography. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2019 Sep-Oct;23(5):663-671. PubMed PMID: 30624127
Rappaport LD, Brou L, Givens T, Mandt M, Balakas A, Roswell K, Kotas J, Adelgais KM. Comparison of Errors Using Two Length-Based Tape Systems for Prehospital Care in Children. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2016 Jul-Aug;20(4):508-17. PubMed PMID: 26836351
Freeman JF, Ciarallo C, Rappaport L, Mandt M, Bajaj L. Use of capnographs to assess quality of pediatric ventilation with 3 different airway modalities. Am J Emerg Med. 2016 Jan;34(1):69-74. PubMed PMID: 26508582
Caffrey SM, Clark JR, Bourn S, Cole J, Cole JS, Mandt M, Murray J, Sibold H, Stuhlmiller D, Swanson ER. Paramedic specialization: a strategy for better out-of-hospital care. Air Med J. 2014 Nov-Dec;33(6):265-73. PubMed PMID: 25441518
Flight For Life Colorado Newborn &Young Child Team Pediatric and Neonatal Guidelines for Care
Mandt MJ, Roback MG, Bajaj L, Galinkin JL, Gao D, Wathen JE. Etomidate for short pediatric procedures in the emergency department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2012 Sep;28(9):898-904. PubMed PMID: 22929142
Mandt MJ, Grubenhoff J. Emergencies and Injuries. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Pediatrics, 21st ed. McGraw-Hill Incorporated, 2012
Mandt MJ, Deakyne S, Blumen JR, et al. "Does Airway Modality Affect Time to Adverse Event Recognition for Paramedics Using Capnography?" Pediatric Academic Society, Boaston, MA 2012
Rappaport L, Deakyne S, Blumen JR, Jones S, Mandt MJ. "Does Real-Time Feedback of Respiratory Rate, Tidal Volume, Minute Ventilation, and EtCO2 Improve BVM Ventilation Techniques by Paramedics?" Pediatric Academic Society, Boaston, MA 2012
Mandt MJ, Rappaport L, Blumen J, Valente T. Learn Pediatric Capnography [internet] Children' Hospital Colorado, Dec 2012. Available from:
Fuzak-Freeman J, Ciarallo C, Rappaport L, Mandt M, et al. "Use of capnographs to assess quality of pediatric ventilation with 3 different airway modalities." Am J Emerg Med. Accepted for publication September 2015.
Rappaport L, Brau L, Givens T, Mandt M, et al. "A Comparison of Errors Using Two Length-Based Tape System for Prehospital Care in Children." Prehosp Emerg Care. Accepted for publication October 2015.