Associate Professor, Anesthesiology-Pediatric Anesthesiology
Medical School
MD, University of Michigan Medical School
Graduate School
MHA, University of Minnesota - Twin City
Undergraduate School
BSE, University of Michigan (MI)
University of Minnesota/St John's Hospital Program
University of California (San Francisco) School of Medicine Program, Anesthesiology (2009)
University of Colorado (University Hospital) Program, Pediatric Anesthesiology
Anesthesiology-Pediatric Anesthesiology
Professional Titles
Chief Medical Information Officer
Performance Improvement and Informatics Officer
Guffey P. Faust Anesthesia Review, Chapter on Informatics. 2023.
Thomas JJ, Bashqoy F, Brinton JT, Guffey P, Yaster M. Integration of the Codonics Safe Label System(®) and the Omnicell XT(®) Anesthesia Workstation into Pediatric Anesthesia Practice: Utilizing Technology to Increase Medication Labeling Compliance and Decrease Medication Discrepancies While Maintaining User Acceptability. Hosp Pharm. 2022 Feb;57(1):11-16. PubMed PMID: 35521011
Hong Mershon B, Vannucci A, Bryson T, Lin F, Greilich PE, Dear G, Guffey P, Agarwala A. A Collaborative Partnership between the Multicenter Handoff Collaborative and an Electronic Health Record Vendor. Appl Clin Inform. 2021 May;12(3):647-654. PubMed PMID: 34320682
Thomas JJ, Yaster M, Guffey P. The Use of Patient Digital Facial Images to Confirm Patient Identity in a Children's Hospital's Anesthesia Information Management System. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2020 Feb;46(2):118-121. PubMed PMID: 31810830
Thomas JJ, Yaster M, Guffey P. The Use of Patient Digital Facial Images to Confirm Patient Identity in a Children's Hospital's Anesthesia Information Management System. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2020 Feb;46(2):118-121. PubMed PMID: 31810830
Guffey P MD, MHA and Hyman D MD. Principles of Patient Safety in Pediatric Hem/Onc/HSCT, in Patient Safety and Quality in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation. Springer. 2017.
Guffey, P MD. and Culwick, M MD. Adverse event prevention and mitigation, in Quality and Safety in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care. Oxford University Press. New York, NY. Accepted.
Guffey, P MD and Culwick M MD. The National Anesthesia Incident Reporting System: Theory, Practice and Current Results. Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology. LW&W. Vol 44. Accepted
Guffey P. Culwick M. Adverse Event Prevention and Mitigation. In: Quality and Safety in Anesthesia and Perioperative Care. Oxford University Press, Oct 10, 2016
Guffey P. & Merry A. Incident Reporting - Refresher courses in Anesthesiology. Vol 44. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2016.
Guffey PJ, Culwick M, Merry AF. Incident reporting at the local and national level. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2014 Winter;52(1):69-83. PubMed PMID: 24370721
Guffey PJ, Culwick M, Merry AF. Incident reporting at the local and national level. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2014 Winter;52(1):69-83. PubMed PMID: 24370721
Review of a case from the anesthesia quality institute anesthesia incident reporting system published in the ASA newsletter. May, 2012.
35 Anesthesia for Burns and Trauma, Patrick J. Guffey & Dean B. Andropoulos, Gregory's Pediatric Anesthesia V5. In press.
Rice, A. MBA, Guffey, P MD, Johansen K, MA et al. Use of LEAN principles to increase first case on-time starts at a large, academic, freestanding pediatric hospital. Society of Pediatric Anesthesia Annual Meeting 2012.
Guffey, P. MD, Szolnoki, J. MD, Caldwell, J. MD. Polaner, D. MD, Design and Implementation of a Near Miss Reporting System at a Large, Academic Pediatric Anesthesia Department. Pediatric Anaesthesia. 2011 Jul;21(7):810-4.
James J. Thomas, MD1, Myron Yaster, MD1, Patrick Guffey, MD MHA.The use of patient digital facial images to reduce wrong surgery events in a pediatric hospital’s anesthetizing locations. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety.
Guffey P. Hyman D. Principles of patient safety in pediatric Hem/Onc/HSCT. In: Patient Safety and Quality in Pediatric Hematology-Oncology. Springer Publishing.