Friedman SL, Helm DT, Woodman AC. Unique and universal barriers: hospice care for aging adults with intellectual disability. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2012 Nov;117(6):509-32. PubMed PMID: 23167489
Perkins EA, Friedman SL. Introduction to the special issue on aging and end of life. Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2012 Nov;117(6):439-41. PubMed PMID: 23167483
Friedman, SL, Helm, DT, Woodman, AC. End-of-life policies and practice for children residing in pediatric nursing facilities.
Friedman, SL, Helm, DT, Woodman, AD. End-of-life policies for children with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities
Friedman, SL, Hickey, F. Down syndrome: Finding new friends. In Bright Future Case Studies for Primary Care Clinicians: Child Development and Behavior. Knight, J, Bridgemohan, C, and Emans, SJ (eds), The Bright Future Center for Pediatric
Education in Growth and Development, Behavior, and Adolescent Health, in press.
Friedman, S., Crocker, A., Helm, D., Osborne, P., Sezun, S., Freeman, S. Intellectual disability information booklet. Answers to parents’ questions on intellectual disability. Children’s Hospital Boston Institute for Community Inclusion, 2012
Friedman SL, Helm DT, Woodman AC. Unique and universal barriers: hospice care for aging adults with intellectual disability.
Am J Intellect Dev Disabil. 2012; 117(6):509-32.
doi: 10.1352/1944-7558-117.6.509.
Friedman, SL, Kalichman, M, and Council on Children with Disabilities. Out-of-Home Placement, Pediatrics, in press.
Norwood, KW, Slayton, L, and Council on Children with Disabilities and Section on Oral Health. Oral health care for children with developmental disabilities. Pediatrics 2013; 131: 614-619.
Friedman, S and Hickey, F. Down syndrome: Finding new friends. In Bright Futures Pediacases: The Bright Future Center for Pediatric Education in Growth and Development, Behavior, and Adolescent Health, Boston, MA,, 2013.
Friedman, SL, Helm, DT, Woodman, AC. Unique and universal barriers to hospice care for aging adults with intellectual disability. Psychology Progress. May 2, 2013
Griffith, EM, Katz, T, Friedman, SL. Autism spectrum disorders, CAPF News, Colorado Academy of Family Physicians, Spring 2013, pp. 18-21.
Friedman, S, Helm, D, Woodman, A. People with ID face unique barriers to hospice care. Health Matters Community Academic Partnership. February 20, 2013.
Friedman, SL & Helm, DT. Ethical Dilemmas in Developmental Disbilities: Clinicians' Influence. Merrick, J (ed) Chronic Disease and Disability in Childhood, Nova Biomedical: New York, 2013.
Friedman, SL & Helm, DT. Ethical Dilemmas in Developmental Disabilities: Clinicians' Influence. Internat J Child Health Human Develop 2013; 6(4): 434.
Friedman SL, Kalichman MA, Council on Children with Disabilities, Council on Children with Disabilities. Out-of-home placement for children and adolescents with disabilities. Pediatrics. 2014 Oct;134(4):836-46. PubMed PMID: 25266436
Friedman SL, Helm DT, Woodman AC. End-of-life care policies and practices in pediatric skilled nursing facilities. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2014 Nov;31(7):765-70. PubMed PMID: 24097839
Lipkin PH, Okamoto J; Council on Children with Disabilities and Council on School Health. The individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA) for children with special educational needs. Pediatrics. 2015 Dec;136(6):e1650-62. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3409.
Friedman, SL. Nursing Homes, Health Care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan, 3rd edition, (eds. Rubin IL, Merrick J, Greydanus DE, & Patel DR. Dordrecht: Springer, in press.
Friedman, SL & Helm DT. End-of-Life Care, Health Care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan, 3rd edition, (eds. Rubin IL, Merrick J, Greydanus DE, & Patel DR. Dordrecht: Springer, in press
Friedman SL. A Family's Prayers, Miracles We Have Seen (ed. Rotbart, H), HCI Books, in press.
Friedman SL & Norwood K. Care Options for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities and Medical Complexity, Pediatrics, in press.
Friedman, SL, Kalichman, M, Council on Children with Disabilities, Response to Comments, Out of Home Placement, Pediatrics, November 17, 2014
Friedman, SL, Nursing Home Settings, in Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Across the Lifespan, ed., Rubin, IL and Merrick, J, Greydanus, SR Patel. Dordrecht: Springer.
Friedman, SL and Helm, DL, End-of-Life Care, in Health Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabiltiies Across the Lifespan. eds. Rubin, IL, Merrick, J, Greydanus, DE, Patel, DR. Dordrecht: Springer.
Council on Children with Disabilities and Medical Home Implementation Project Advisory Committee, Patient- and family-centered care coordination: a framework for integrating care for children and youth across multiple systems. Pediatrics 2014; 133: e1451-e1460.
Adams, RC, Elias, ER, and Council on Children with Disabilities, Nonoral feeding for children and youth with developmental or acquired disabilities. Pediatrics 2014; 134: 31745-e1762.
Dressler, P, Pickler, L, Friedman, S. Use of Transition Planning Resources by Primary Care Providers for Adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, HRSA/MCHB DBP Training Grant Meeting, March 2014, Boston, MA.
Friedman SL, Norwood, KW, Council on Children with Disabilities. Out-of-Home Placement for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities—Addendum: Care Options for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities and Medical Complexity. Pediatrics 2016, 138 (6): e2 0163216.
Sison, V, Hepburn, S, Friedman, S. A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive Function and Adaptive Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Developmental Disabilities, HRSA/MCHB DBP Training Grant Meeting, March 2014, Boston, MA.
Nolan R, Walker T, Hanson J, Friedman S. Developmental behavioral pediatrician support of the Medical Home for children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics 2016; 37:687-693.
Nolan, R, Hanson, J, Friedman, S., Developmental Behavioral Pediatric Support of the Medical Home for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, HRSA/MCHB DBP Training Grant Meeting, March 2014, Boston, MA.
Friedman, SL. Nursing Homes, Health Care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan, 3rd edition, (eds. Rubin IL, Merrick J, Greydanus DE, & Patel DR. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016
Friedman, SL & Helm DT. End-of-Life Care, Health Care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan, 3rd edition, (eds. Rubin IL, Merrick J, Greydanus DE, & Patel DR. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016.
Kuo DZ, Houtrow AJ, Council on Children with Disabilities (Norwood, KW, Adams, RC, Brei, TJ, Davidson, LF, Davis BE, Friedman Sl, et al). Recognition and Management of Medical Complexity. Pediatrics 2016. 138 (6), e2 0163021.
Friedman, SL, Dressler, PB, Hepburn, DBP Connections: Engaging PCP in Case Consultation via Telehealth in Rural Colorado, AUCD Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 12/06/2016
Angulo, A, Reynolds, A, Friedman, S, Asherin, R, Lavesser, P, Heburn, S, Domek, G, Cunningham, M, Talmi, A. Cultural Relevance of Fine Motor Screening Tools in Non-English Speaking Communities, AAP NCE, San Francisco, October 2016
Hepburn S, Dressler P, Friedman S. Community engagement research
improve participation of primary care physicians in telehealth consultation focused on neurodevelopmental disorders. SAGE Research Methods Cases – Psychology, in press.
Dressler P, Moody E, Nguyen, T, Friedman, S, Pickler, L. Use of Transition Resources
by Primary Care Providers for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,
Intell Dev Disabilities, in press.
Angulo A, Cunningham M, Tong, S, Friedman S, Talmi A. Enhancing Fine Motor Skills in a Rural Guatemalan Community: A Quality Improvement Project. AAP Annual NCE Conference, Chicago, IL, September 2017
Roush J, Cienkowski K, Ellis S, Friedman S, Handlesman J, et al., Preparation of LEND audiology trainees to serve children with autism and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. AUCD Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 2017.
The SPARK Consortium. SPARK (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge): a US cohort of 50,000 families to accelerate autism research, Neuron, in press.
Boothsby C, Holt J, Davis BE, Friedman S. Medical Home module: Family Centered Medical Home: Core Functions and Practical Approaches,, 2017.
Angulo A, Cunningham M, Tong S, Friedman S, Talmi A. Cultural Relevance of FM Domain of ASQ in Guatemala, MCHB HRSA Annual Grantee Meeting, Aurora, CO, March 15, 2017.
Adams RC, Levy SE, Council on Children with Disabilities. Shared decision-making and children with disabilities: Pathways to Consensus. Pediatrics 2017; 139: 139 (6) e20170956
Hauer J, Houtrow AJ, Section on Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Council on Children with Disabilities. Pain Assessment and Treatment in Children With Significant Impairment of the Central Nervous System
Pediatrics 2017; 139 (6) e20171002.
Dressler P, Hepburn, S, Friedman, S. Assessing Provider Barriers to Attending Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Telehealth Conferences, Capstone Projects Spring Showcase, Colorado School of Public Health, May 12, 2016
Dressler PB, Nguyen TK, Moody EJ, Friedman SL, Pickler L. Use of Transition Resources by Primary Care Providers for Youth With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Intellect Dev Disabil. 2018 Feb;56(1):56-68.
Feliciano P, Daniels AM, Green Snyder L, Beaumont A, Camba A, et al., Spark: A USCohort of 50,000 Families to Accelerate Autism Research. Neuron 2018; 97: 488-493
Angulo A, Cunningham M, Tong S, Friedman S, Talmi A. Enhancing fine motor skills in rural Guatemalan Community: A Quality Improvement Project. Pediatrics 2018, 145 (1).
Angulo A, Cunningham M, Domek G, Asherin R, Friedman S, Talmi A. Society of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Washington DC, September 18, 2018.
Hepburn S, Dressler P, Friedman S. Community engagement research improve participation of primary care physicians in telehealth consultation focused on neurodevelopmental disorders. SAGE Research Methods Cases – Psychology, February 7, 2018. ISBN: 9781526449733. DOI:
Friedman S, Mood E, Katz T. Sleep Issues in Patients with CDKL5 Gene Mutation. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 5, 2018.
Friedman S and Katz T. Sleep issues in children with CDKL5. 4th International CDKL5 Family Education and Awareness Conference. Aurora, CO, June 30, 2018.
Feliciano P, Zho X, Astrovskaya J, Turner TN, et al. Exome sequencing of 457 families recruited online provides evide3nce of autism risk genes, npj Genom. Med. 4, 19 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41525-019-0093-8
Harstad E, Barbaresi W, Bax, A, Deavenport-Samar A, Friedman S, Blum N. Medication used for initial ADHD medication treatment of preschoolers: A DBP Net Study. SDBP Annual Meeting September 2019.
Angulo A, Cunningham M, Tong S, Friedman S, Talmi A. Home investigation and developmental screening in a rural Guatemalan community. Platform presentation at International Developmental Pediatric Association Congress, Manila, Philippines, December 2019.
Raz D and Friedman S, NEJM Resident 360 Behavioral/Developmental Pediatrics Rotation Guide,, 2020
Fonbonne E, Green Snyder L, Daniels A, Feliciano P, Chung W, SPARK Consortium. Psychiatric and medical profiles of autistic adults in SPARK Cohort. J Autism Dev Disord 2020;50 (10):3379-2698.
Fombonne E, Goin-Kochel RP, O'Roak BJ; SPARK Consortium. Beliefs in vaccine as causes of autism among SPARK cohort caregivers. Vaccine 2020; 38(7):1794-1803.
Wang T, Hoekzema K, Vecchio D, Wu H, Sulovari A, Coe BP, Gillentine MA, …SPARK Consortium et al,. Large-scale targeted sequencing identifies risk genes for neurodevelopmental disorders. Nat Commun 2020;11(1):4932. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18723-y.
Harstad E, Bax AB, Loe IM, Friedman S, Mittal S, et al. Preschool ADHD and Telephone Management at DBPNet Sites: Common before the COVID-19 Pandemic, J Dev Behav Pediatr
Barbaresi W, Cacia J, Friedman S, Hanson R, Roizen N, et al., The Role of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule in the Diagnosis of Autism by Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrician: A DBPNet Study. Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Virtual: Oct. 8-12, 2020.
Harstad E, Elizabeth Harstad, Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman A. Friedman S, et al, Methylphenidate More Effective Than Guanfacine in Preschoolers with ADHD: A DBPNet Study. Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Virtual: Oct. 8-12, 2020.
Wilson R, Reynolds A, Coan E, Boles R, Thomas J, Friedman S. ACCESS for Autism, CHCO Poster session, 1/2020
Wilson R, Reynolds A, Boles R, Friedman S.
ACCESS for Autism", has been accepted for the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2020 Meeting, May 2020 (accepted, although conference canceled due to COVID-19)
Carolyn DiGuiseppia, Tessa Crumea, Caroline C. Ledbetterb, Julia Van Dykea, Katherine R. Sabourina, Gnakub N. Sokec, Lisa Croend, Julie Danielse, Li-Ching Leef, Laura A. Schievec Gayle Windhamg, Sandra Friedmanh, Cordelia Robinson Rosenbergh
Cannabis Use in Peri-Pregnancy and Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Offspring: Findings from the Study to Explore Early Development International Society for Autism Research, June 2020 (accepted although conference was canceled due to COVID-19)
Fleming H, Dempsey AG, Palmer C, Dempsey J, Friedman S, Galan HL, Gien J. Primary contributors to gastrostomy tube placement in infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. J Pediatr Surg. 2021 Feb 19:S0022-3468(21)00148-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2021.02.015.
Harstad E, Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman A, Friedman S, Loe I, Mittal S. Vanderbilt D, Blum N. a2-Adrenergic Agonists or Stimulants for Preschool-Age Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. JAMA 2021 25, 325(20):2067-2075. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.6118.
Harstad E , Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman A, Friedman S, LaRosa A, Loe I, Mittal S, Vanderbilt D, Blum N, Preschool Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Telephone Medication Management at Developmental-Behavioral Pediatric Network Sites. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2021 Apr 29. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000919.
DiGuiseppi C, Crume T, Van Dyke J, Sabourin KR, Soke GN, Croen LA, Daniels JL, Lee L-C, Schieve LA, Windham GC, Friedman S, Rosenberg CR. Peri Pregnancy Cannabis Use and Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Offspring: Findings from the Study to Explore Early Development; Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Published online 11/12/2021
Friedman S and Elias E. Intellectual Disability, in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, 5th edition (eds. Feldman, Elias, Blum), Elsevier, in press.
Wilson R, Boles R, Reynolds A, Coan, E, Friedman S. Autism Screening and care during COVID-19 via Project ACCESS: A multiple care pathway for improved, innovative, and expanded care; PAS Virtual Conference, May 2021.
Dempsey A, Goode R, Steingass K, Friedman S, Monteiro S, Needelman H. Challenges and Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic Related to Neonatal Follow-Up Care, SDBP Annual Meeting
Barbaresi W, Roizen, Stein REK, Fussell J, Cacia J, Friedman S, Hansen R, Hofer J, Vanderbilt D, Sideridis G. Child, Clinician and Assessment Characteristics Associated with Consistency of Autism Diagnosis by Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians: A DBPNet Study, SDBP Annual Meeting.
Barbaresi W, Cacia J, Friedman S, Fussell J, Hansen J, Hofer J, Roizen N, Sideridis G, Stein R, Vanderbilt D. Clinician and Assessment Characteristics Associated with Consistency of Autism Diagnosis by Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians: A DBPNet Study. AUCD Annual Meeting.
Wilson R, Boles R, Reynolds A, Coan, E, Friedman S. Project ACCESS: A multiple care pathway for improved, innovative, and expanded care for children with ASD. 2021 Annual Spring Pediatric Research Virtual Poster Session, May 2021
Blum NJ, Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman A, Friedman S, Loe IM, Mittal S, Vanderbilt D, LaRosa A, Harstad E. Do Externalizing and Internalizing Symptoms Moderate Medication Response in Preschool Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? A DBPNet Study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2023 Sep 1;44(7):e447-e454. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000001209. Epub 2023 Aug 8. PMID: 37696030.
Loe IM, Blum NJ, Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman A, Friedman S, LaRosa A, Mittal S, Vanderbilt D, Harstad E. Adverse Effects of a-2 Adrenergic Agonists and Stimulants in Preschool-age Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network Study. J Pediatr. 2023 Jun;257:113325. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2023.01.004. Epub 2023 Jan 14. PMID: 36649794.
Angulo AS, Cunningham M, Domek G, Friedman S, Talmi A. Cultural relevance of fine motor domain of the ASQ in Guatemala. Infant Ment Health J. 2023 Nov;44(6):794-802. doi: 10.1002/imhj.22088. Epub 2023 Oct 29. PMID: 37899298.
Friedman S and Elias E. Intellectual Disability, in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, 5th edition (eds. Feldman HM, Blum NJ, Elias ER, Manuel J, Stancin T), Elsevier, January 2023.
Raz D and Friedman S, NEJM Resident 360 Behavioral/Developmental Pediatrics Rotation Guide,,
Barbaresi W, Cacia J, Friedman S, Fussell J, Hansen R, Hofer J, Roizen N, Stein REK, Vanderbilt D, Sideridis G. Clinician Diagnostic Certainty and the Role of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule in Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis in Young Children. JAMA Pediatr. 2022 Dec 1;176(12):1233-1241. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.3605. PMID: 36251287; PMCID: PMC9577880.
Deavenport-Saman A, Vanderbilt DL, Harstad E, Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Friedman S, LaRosa A, Loe I, Mittal S, Blum N. Association of Coexisting Conditions, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medication Choice, and Likelihood of Improvement in Preschool-Age Children: A Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network Study. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2022 Aug;32(6):328-336. doi: 10.1089/cap.2022.0009. Epub 2022 Jul 5. PMID: 35787014.
Loe IM, Blum NJ, Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman A, Friedman S, LaRosa A, Mittal S, Vanderbilt D, Harstad E. Adverse Effects of a-2 Adrenergic Agonists and Stimulants in Preschool-Age ADHD: A DBPNet Study. J Pediatr.
Friedman S, Elias E. Intellectual Disability, in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (eds.Feldman HM, Elias ER, Blum NJ, Jimenez M, Stancin T), Elsevier 2022
Barreiro A, Wolter-Warmerdam K, Friedman S, Hickey F, Johnson S, Marmolejo J. Child Feeding Practices in Children with Down Syndrome in Relationship to Ethnicity and BMI. Appetite; 170, March 2022,
Barbaresi WJ, Friedman SL, Vanderbilt D, Cacia J, Fussell J, Hansen R, Hofer J, Roizen N, Sideridis G, Stein R. Child, Clinician, and Assessment Characteristics Associated with Consistency of Autism Diagnosis by Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians: A DBPNet Study, Platform Presentation, PAS Annual Meeting, April 2022.
Loe IM, Blum NJ, Shults J, Barbaresi W,Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman A, Friedman S, LaRosa A, Mittal S,Vanderbilt D, Harstad E. Adverse Effects of a-2 Adrenergic Agonists and Stimulants in Preschool-Age ADHD: A DBPNet Study, J Pediatr
Blum N, Schuts J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Davenport-Samans A, Friedman S, Loe I, Mittal S, Vanderbilt D, La Rosa W, Harstad E. Do ADHD externalizing or internalizing behaviors moderate medication response in ADHD, Platform Presentation, SDBP Annual Meeting, September 2022, Denver.
Wilson R, Reynolds A, Boles R, Friedman S. Improving access to diagnosis and management of autism by increasing community provider comfort: A combined model of community of practice ECHO and second level screening for autism. SDBP Annual Meeting, September 2022, Denver
Shea L, Johnson D, Friedman S, Health Services and System,
Wilson R, Reynolds A, MD, Cobian M, Coan E, Hayutin L, Mattie S, Boles RE, Friedman S. Building Primary Care Partnerships to Improve Access to Diagnosis and Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Concerns, INSAR Annual Conference, May 5, 2023, Stockholm, Sweden
Roizen N, Friedman SL, Vanderbilt D; Sideridis G, Stein REK, Hansen RL, Fussell JJ, Barbaresi W. Comparison of Developmental Profiles of Young Children Referred for Concern for Autism Spectrum Disorder with and without ASD Diagnosis: DBPNet Study. PAS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. April 28, 2023
Blum NJ, Shults J, Cacia J, Barbaresi W, Mittal S, Loe I, Deavenport-Saman A, Bax A, Friedman SL, Vanderbilt D, LaRosa A, Harstad E. Does ADHD Severity, Externalizing, or Internalizing Symptoms Moderate Medication Response in Preschool Aged Children with ADHD? A DBPNet Study
PAS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. April 28, 2023
Friedman S, Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman, LaRosa A, Loe IM, Mittal S, Vanderbilt D, Blum N, Harstad E. ADHD in Medication Treated Preschool-age Children without and with ASD:A DBPNet Study. J Dev Behav Pediatr, ():10.1097/DBP.0000000000001286, July 18,2024. | DOI: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000001286\
Eygnor A, Boles R, Angulo A, Cobian M, Wilson R, Coan E, Reynolds A, Friedman S.
Assessing Community Needs for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of Rural/Frontier Needs through Community Outreach with Developmental Pediatrics.. Clin Pediatr (Phila) 2024 Feb 20:99228241233803.doi: 10.1177/00099228241233803. .
Fussell JJ, Stein REK, Friedman S, Hansen R, Roizen N, Sideridis G, Vanderbilt D, Barbaresi W. Characteristics of Young Children Associated with Diagnostic Utility of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule: A DBPNet Study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2024 Nov 26. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000001332. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39620995.
DiGuiseppi C, Crume TL, Holst B, Aiona K, Van Dyke J, Croen LA, Daniels JL, Friedman S, Sabourin KR; Schieve LA, Windam GC; Rosenberg C. Associations of maternal peripregnancy cannabis use with behavioral and developmental outcomes in children with and without symptoms of autism spectrum disorder: Study to Explore Early Development. Autism Res, in press.
Munir KM, Friedman SL, Leonard, EL. Intellectual Disability (Intellectual and Developmental Disorder).: Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Psychiatry. 4th edition (eds. Ebert, M Loosen, Martin PR, McVoy M, In Ronis RJ, Weissman SH (eds). McGraw-Hill, 2025.
Friedman S, Shults J, Barbaresi W, Bax A, Cacia J, Deavenport-Saman, LaRosa A, , Mittal S, Vanderbilt D, Blum N, Harstad E. ADHD in Medication Treated Preschool-age Children without and with ASD:A DBPNet Study. J Dev Behav Pediatr video recording; August 2024
Friedman S. Neurodiversity for Behavioral Health Providers. November 2024
Friedman S. Neurodiversity for Physical Health Providers. Approved by HCPF; online module. December 2024
A Parents Guide to Neurodiversity.
Interviewee articles/neurodiversity/
Wallis KE, Kennelly A, Wozniak SN, Craig S, Flaherty CM, Cacia J, Christiansen A, Cordero L, Ortiz P, Kellom KS, Stefanski K; DBPNet Steering Committee. Disparities in Telehealth Uptake for Developmental-Behavioral Pediatric Assessments by Preferred Family Language: A Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics Research Network Study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2024 Jul-Aug 01;45(4):e378-e383. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000001290. Epub 2024 Jul 17. PMID: 39259268.
Reyes N, Charlifue-Smith R, Johnson D, Pidcock J, Friedman S.
Caregivers’ Reported Needs for Their Adolescents or Young Adults with Intellectual Disability and Autism after the Covid-19 Pandemic, International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting. Melbourne, Australia, May 18, 2024,
Coan E, Swain D, Wilson R, Hayutin L, Middleton C, Thomas JF, Friedman S, Reynolds A, Boles R. The Pediatric Care Network at Children’s Hospital Colorado: Educating and Supporting Primary Care Providers to Expedite Identification of Autistic Youth. INSAR, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2023.
Johnson D, Acosta S, Castanza Smith A, Friedman S, Heimert S, Lehman K, Ward K, Vigil D. Developing a Network of Culturally Responsive Leaders Using the Cultural Crossroads in Disabilities Learning Modules, AUCD Annual Meeting, Washington DC, November 6, 2023.
Johnson D, Acosta S, Costanza Smith A, Friedman S, Heimerl S, Lehman K, Ward K, Vigil D. Developing a Network of Culturally Responsive Leaders Using the Cultural Crossroads in Disabilities Learning Modules, AUCD Annual Meeting, Washington DC
Wilson R, Angulo A, Coan, E, Roques M, Cobian M, Friedman S. Partnership with Primary Care Providers Improves Access to Diagnosis and Management of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Including Bilingual Components of Care. AUCD, Washingon DC, November 7, 2023.