Fernald D, Hamer M, James K, Tutt B, West D. Launching a Laboratory Testing Process Quality Improvement Toolkit: From the Shared Networks of Colorado Ambulatory Practices and Partners (SNOCAP). J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;28(5):576-83. PubMed PMID: 26355129
James KA, Byers T, Hokanson JE, Meliker JR, Marshall JA. Response to "Comment on 'Association between Lifetime Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic in Drinking Water and Coronary Heart Disease in Colorado Residents'". Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Jul;123(7):A169. PubMed PMID: 26132290
James KA, Hall DA. Groundwater pesticide levels and the association with Parkinson disease. Int J Toxicol. 2015 May-Jun;34(3):266-73. PubMed PMID: 25939349
James KA, Ross SE, Vance B, Radcliffe T, Harrison MI, West D. Inefficiency in primary care: common causes and potential solutions. Fam Pract Manag. 2015 Mar-Apr;22(2):18-22. PubMed PMID: 25884969
Romitti PA, Zhu Y, Puzhankara S, James KA, Nabukera SK, Zamba GK, Ciafaloni E, Cunniff C, Druschel CM, Mathews KD, Matthews DJ, Meaney FJ, Andrews JG, Conway KM, Fox DJ, Street N, Adams MM, Bolen J. Prevalence of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies in the United States. Pediatrics. 2015 Mar;135(3):513-21. PubMed PMID: 25687144
James KA, Cunniff C, Apkon SD, Mathews K, Lu Z, Holtzer C, Pandya S, Ciafaloni E, Miller L. Risk Factors for First Fractures Among Males With Duchenne or Becker Muscular Dystrophy. J Pediatr Orthop. 2015 Sep;35(6):640-4. PubMed PMID: 25379822
James KA, Byers T, Hokanson JE, Meliker JR, Zerbe GO, Marshall JA. Association between lifetime exposure to inorganic arsenic in drinking water and coronary heart disease in Colorado residents. Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Feb;123(2):128-34. PubMed PMID: 25350952
Fox DJ, Kumar A, West NA, DiRienzo AG, James KA, Oleszek J. Trends with corticosteroid use in males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy born 1982-2001. J Child Neurol. 2015 Jan;30(1):21-6. PubMed PMID: 24682290
Fox DJ, Kumar A, West NA, DiRienzo AG, James KA, Oleszek J, Muscular Dystrophy Surveillance, Tracking, and Research Network (MD STARnet). Trends with corticosteroid use in males with duchenne muscular dystrophy born 1982-2001. J Child Neurol. 2015 Jan;30(1):21-6. PubMed PMID: 24682290
James KA, Meliker JR, Buttenfield BE, Byers T, Zerbe GO, Hokanson JE, Marshall JA. Predicting arsenic concentrations in groundwater of San Luis Valley, Colorado: implications for individual-level lifetime exposure assessment. Environ Geochem Health. 2014 Aug;36(4):773-82. PubMed PMID: 24429726
James KA, Fernald DH, Huff J, Ross S, Staton EW, West D, Ricciardi R. GAPS in implementing health assessments in primary care: a literature review. J Ambul Care Manage. 2014 Jan-Mar;37(1):2-10. PubMed PMID: 24309390
James KA, Meliker JR, Buttenfield BE, Byers T, Zerbe GO, Hokanson JE, Marshall JA. Predicting arsenic concentrations in groundwater of San Luis Valley, Colorado: implications for individual-level lifetime exposure assessment. Environ Geochem Health. 2014 Jan 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24429726
James KA, Fernald DH, Huff J, Ross S, Staton EW, West D, Ricciardi R. GAPS in implementing health assessments in primary care: a literature review. J Ambul Care Manage. 2014 Jan-Mar;37(1):2-10. PubMed PMID: 24309390
West DR, James KA, Fernald DH, Zelie C, Smith ML, Raab SS. Laboratory medicine handoff gaps experienced by primary care practices: A report from the shared networks of collaborative ambulatory practices and partners (SNOCAP). J Am Board Fam Med. 2014 Nov-Dec;27(6):796-803. PubMed PMID: 25381077
James KA, Cunniff C, Apkon SD, Mathews K, Lu Z, Holtzer C, Pandya S, Ciafaloni E, Miller L. Risk Factors for First Fractures Among Males With Duchenne or Becker Muscular Dystrophy. J Pediatr Orthop. 2014 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25379822
James KA, Byers T, Hokanson JE, Meliker JR, Zerbe GO, Marshall JA. Association between Lifetime Exposure to Inorganic Arsenic in Drinking Water and Coronary Heart Disease in Colorado Residents. Environ Health Perspect. 2014 Oct 28. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25350952
Smith ML, Raab SS, Fernald DH, James KA, Lebin JA, Grzybicki DM, Zelie C, West DR. Evaluating the connections between primary care practice and clinical laboratory testing: a review of the literature and call for laboratory involvement in the solutions. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2013 Jan;137(1):120-5
Nabukera SK, Romitti PA, Caspers KM, Street N, Cunniff C, Mathews KD, Fox DJ, Puzhankara S, Ciafaloni E, James KA, Su Y; MD STARnet. Reproductive patterns among mothers of males diagnosed with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. Am J Med Genet A. 2013 Jan;161A(1):70-5. doi: 10.1002
James KA, Meliker JR, Marshall JA, Hokanson JE, Zerbe GO, Byers TE. Validation of estimates of past exposure to arsenic in drinking water using historical urinary arsenic concentrations. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2013 Feb 27. doi: 10.1038.
James KA, Marshall JA, Meliker JR, Hokanson JE, Zerbe GO, Byers TE. Lifetime exposure to inorganic arsenic in drinking water and the association with diabetes mellitus. Accepted 2/2013 Environmental Research
James KA, Meliker JR. Environmental cadmium exposure and osteoporosis: a review. Int J Public Health. 2013 Oct;58(5):737-45. PubMed PMID: 23877535
James KA, Marshall JA, Hokanson JE, Meliker JR, Zerbe GO, Byers TE. A case-cohort study examining lifetime exposure to inorganic arsenic in drinking water and diabetes mellitus. Environ Res. 2013 May;123:33-8. PubMed PMID: 23507312
James KA, Meliker JR, Marshall JA, Hokanson JE, Zerbe GO, Byers TE. Validation of estimates of past exposure to arsenic in drinking water using historical urinary arsenic concentrations. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2013 Jul;23(4):450-4. PubMed PMID: 23443236
Smith ML, Raab SS, Fernald DH, James KA, Lebin JA, Grzybicki DM, Zelie C, West DR. Evaluating the connections between primary care practice and clinical laboratory testing: a review of the literature and call for laboratory involvement in the solutions. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2013 Jan;137(1):120-5. PubMed PMID: 23276182
Nabukera SK, Romitti PA, Caspers KM, Street N, Cunniff C, Mathews KD, Fox DJ, Puzhankara S, Ciafaloni E, James KA, Su Y, MD STARnet. Reproductive patterns among mothers of males diagnosed with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. Am J Med Genet A. 2013 Jan;161A(1):70-5. PubMed PMID: 23239595
James K, Meliker JR. Is arsenic a contributor to CKD?. Am J Kidney Dis. 2013 Mar;61(3):364-5. PubMed PMID: 23414728
Lifetime Exposure to Inorganic arsenic and the association with Coronary Heart disease
Lifetime exposure to inorganic arsenic and the association wtih diabetes mellitus
James, KA and JR Meliker (2012) Commentary: Is Arsenic a Contributor to Chronic Kidney Disease? American Journal of Kidney Disease (in press).
Spatial Modeling of Inorganic aresenic in groundwater in Geographic Informaiton Systems
Phenotypes in Sensory Modulation Disorder
Comprehensive Psychiatry
Matthews DJ, KA James, LA Miller, S Pandya, KA Campbell, E Ciafaloni, KD Mathews, TM Miller, C Cunniff, FJ Meaney, CM Druschel, PA Romitti, and DJ Fox Use of corticosteroids in a population-based cohort of boys with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy. Journal Child Neurology (2010) (accepted, EPUB: 2010).
Use of corticosteroids in a population-based cohort of boys with duchenne and becker muscular dystrophy.
Matthews DJ, James KA, Miller LA, Pandya S, Campbell KA, Ciafaloni E, Mathews KD, Miller TM, Cunniff C, Meaney FJ, Druschel CM, Romitti PA, Fox DJ; MD STARnet.
J Child Neurol. 2010 Nov;25(11):1319-24. Epub 2010 Mar 5.
Cunniff C, Andrews J, Meaney FJ, Mathews KD, Matthews D, Ciafaloni E, Miller TM, Bodensteiner JB, Miller LA, James KA, Druschel CM, Romitti PA, Pandya S.
J Child Neurol. 2009 Apr;24(4):425-30. Epub 2008 Dec 12.
P Romitti, S Puzhankara, K Matthews, G Zamba, C Cunniff, J Andrews, De Matthews, K James, L miller, C Druschel, D Fox, S Pandya, E Ciafaloni. (2009) Prevalence of DBMD. MMWR 58: 1119-1122 Center for Disease Control and Environment.