Kristine Erlandson, MD

Professor, Medicine-Infectious Disease

Medical School
  • MD, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (2004)
Graduate School
  • MSc, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (2014)
Undergraduate School
  • BA, Augustana College (IL) (2000)
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center Program (2005)
  • University of Nebraska Medical Center Program, Chief Resident, Internal Medicine (2008)
  • University of Colorado, Infectious Disease (2011)
Medicine-Infectious Disease

Professional Titles

  • Professor


  • John A. Carey Young Investigator Award, AIDS Clinical Trials Group (2016)
  • Emerging Leaders in Aging, Tideswell (2019)
  • Outstanding Early Career Scholar, University of Colorado (2017)
  • Young Investigator Award in HIV Research, Gilead Sciences (2015)
  • K24 National Institute of Aging Mid-Career Mentoring Award, NIA (2024)

Research Interests

My research is focused on the complications of aging, understanding the mechanisms of successful aging, and implementing interventions to ensure successful aging among persons living with HIV. My current research is investigating the benefits of different intensities of exercise, the impact of adjuvant therapies (i.e., statins), and the role of body composition (muscle, fat) on the physical function of older adults with HIV. Some antiretroviral therapy has been associated with weight gain, and I also study mechanisms and interventions for this weight gain. More recently, my research has expanded into complications of COVID-19, and I am the site-PI for the RECOVER Study to understand post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV2, co-PI on RECOVER clinical trials for therapeutics to treat chronic complications of COVID-19, in addition to a recently completed R01 supplement to test a rehabilitation intervention following COVID-19. As an infectious diseases trained physician with expertise in gerontologic principles and epidemiology, I am also dedicated to mentoring the next generation of clinicians and researchers.


  • Zanni MV, Umbleja T, Fichtenbaum CJ, Fitch KV, McCallum S, Aberg JA, Overton ET, Malvestutto CD, Bloomfield GS, Currier JS, Schnittman SR, Erlandson KM, Diggs MR, Foldyna B, Martinez E, Somboonwit C, Wang GP, Mushatt D, Connick E, Lu MT, Douglas PS, Ribaudo HJ, Grinspoon SK. Effects of Pitavastatin on COVID-19 Incidence and Seriousness Among a Global Cohort of People With HIV. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2024 Oct;11(10):ofae574. PubMed PMID: 39435321
  • Abidi MZ, Lopez R, Arrigain S, Weinberg A, Kaplan B, McAdams-DeMarco M, Schold JD, Erlandson KM. Area-Level Social Deprivation and Cytomegalovirus Seropositivity at the Time of Solid Organ Transplant. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Oct 1;7(10):e2437878. PubMed PMID: 39374014
  • Kaur H, Alluri RK, Wu K, Kalayjian RC, Bush WS, Palella FJ, Koletar SL, Hileman CO, Erlandson KM, Ellis RJ, Bedimo RJ, Taiwo BO, Tassiopoulos KK, Kallianpur AR. Sex-Biased Associations of Circulating Ferroptosis Inhibitors with Reduced Lipid Peroxidation and Better Neurocognitive Performance in People with HIV. Antioxidants (Basel). 2024 Aug 28;13(9). PubMed PMID: 39334701
  • Abdo M, Kunisaki KM, Morris A, Stosor V, Chang D, D'Souza G, Crothers K, Abdel-Maksoud M, DiGuiseppi C, Brown TT, MaWhinney S, Erlandson KM. Frailty, Physical Function Impairment and Pulmonary Function in Aging Men with and without HIV from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). Res Sq. 2024 Sep 10. PubMed PMID: 39315264
  • Sun J, Ditzenberger GL, Brown TT, Langan S, Hsu HY, Ng D, Palella FJ, Lake JE, Kingsley LA, Koletar SL, Post W, Erlandson KM. Muscle Quality And Physical Function In Men With And Without Hiv. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2024 Sep 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39288937
  • Johnson SG, Abedian S, Stürmer T, Huling JD, Lewis V C, Buse JB, Brosnahan SB, Mudumbi PC, Erlandson KM, McComsey GA, Arnold J, Wiggen TD, Wong R, Murphy S, Rosen C, Kaushal R, Weiner MG, Bramante C. Prevalent Metformin Use in Adults With Diabetes and the Incidence of Long COVID: An EHR-Based Cohort Study From the RECOVER Program. Diabetes Care. 2024 Nov 1;47(11):1930-1940. PubMed PMID: 39287394
  • Debroy P, Barrett BW, Erlandson KM, Budoff M, Brown TT, Price JC, Post WS, Stosor V, Skavarca C, D'Souza G, Lake JE. Relationships Between Hepatic Steatosis and Frailty Differ by HIV Serostatus. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2024 Oct 1;97(2):165-171. PubMed PMID: 39250650
  • Erlandson KM, Umbleja T, Ribaudo HJ, Schrack JA, Overton ET, Fichtenbaum CJ, Fitch KV, Roa JC, Diggs MR, Wood K, Zanni MV, Bloomfield GS, Malvestutto C, Aberg JA, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Morones RG, Breaux K, Douglas PS, Grinspoon SK, Brown TT. Pitavastatin is Well-Tolerated with no Detrimental Effects on Physical Function. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Aug 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39159048
  • Erlandson KM, Geng LN, Selvaggi CA, Thaweethai T, Chen P, Erdmann NB, Goldman JD, Henrich TJ, Hornig M, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kim C, Cribbs SK, Laiyemo AO, Letts R, Lin JY, Marathe J, Parthasarathy S, Patterson TF, Taylor BD, Duffy ER, Haack M, Julg B, Maranga G, Hernandez C, Singer NG, Han J, Pemu P, Brim H, Ashktorab H, Charney AW, Wisnivesky J, Lin JJ, Chu HY, Go M, Singh U, Levitan EB, Goepfert PA, Nikolich JŽ, Hsu H, Peluso MJ, Kelly JD, Okumura MJ, Flaherman VJ, Quigley JG, Krishnan JA, Scholand MB, Hess R, Metz TD, Costantine MM, Rouse DJ, Taylor BS, Goldberg MP, Marshall GD, Wood J, Warren D, Horwitz L, Foulkes AS, McComsey GA. Differentiation of Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Postacute Sequelae by Standard Clinical Laboratory Measurements in the RECOVER Cohort. Ann Intern Med. 2024 Sep;177(9):1209-1221. PubMed PMID: 39133923
  • Ditzenberger GL, Lake JE, Kitch DW, Kantor A, Muthupillai R, Moser C, Belaunzaran-Zamudio PF, Brown TT, Corey K, Landay AL, Avihingsanon A, Sattler FR, Erlandson KM. Effects of Semaglutide on Muscle Structure and Function in the SLIM LIVER Study. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39046173
  • Iriarte E, Cooley S, Wisch J, Erlandson KM, Ances BM, Jankowski C. Area Deprivation Index and Frailty Among Older People With HIV. J Appl Gerontol. 2024 Jul 18;:7334648241262658. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39025783
  • Masters MC, Campbell LM, Yu J, Heaton A, Erlandson KM, Garudadri H, Nguyen T, Moore DJ, Moore RC. Postural Stability as a Measure of Fall Risk in Older People with and without HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2024 Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38973466
  • Masters MC, Tassiopoulos K, Bao Y, Wu K, Koletar SL, Rubin LH, Yang J, Overton ET, Letendre S, Brown TT, Erlandson KM, Palella FJ. Risk factors for progression from prediabetes to diabetes among older people with HIV. AIDS. 2024 Oct 1;38(12):1740-1748. PubMed PMID: 38923420
  • Russo SC, Ockene MW, Arpante AK, Johnson JE, Lee H, Toribio M, Stanley TL, Hadigan CM, Grinspoon SK, Erlandson KM, Fourman LT. Efficacy and safety of tesamorelin in people with HIV on integrase inhibitors. AIDS. 2024 Oct 1;38(12):1758-1764. PubMed PMID: 38905488
  • Kousari AE, Wilson MP, Hawkins KL, Bandali MM, Henao-Martínez AF, Gardner EM, Erlandson KM. Weight change with antiretroviral switch from integrase inhibitor or tenofovir alafenamide-based to Doravirine-Based regimens in people with HIV. HIV Res Clin Pract. 2024 Dec;25(1):2339576. PubMed PMID: 38831550
  • Durstenfeld MS, Wilson MP, Jankowski CM, Ditzenberger GL, Longenecker CT, Erlandson KM. Chronotropic Incompetence Among People With HIV Improves With Exercise Training in the Exercise for Healthy Aging Study. J Infect Dis. 2024 Oct 16;230(4):919-927. PubMed PMID: 38805178
  • Jones R, Robinson AT, Beach LB, Lindsey ML, Kirabo A, Hinton A Jr, Erlandson KM, Jenkins NDM. Exercise to Prevent Accelerated Vascular Aging in People Living With HIV. Circ Res. 2024 May 24;134(11):1607-1635. PubMed PMID: 38781293
  • Lake JE, Kitch DW, Kantor A, Muthupillai R, Klingman KL, Vernon C, Belaunzaran-Zamudio PF, Fichtenbaum CJ, Heath S, Perazzo H, Corey K, Brown TT, Landay A, Sattler F, Erlandson KM. The Effect of Open-Label Semaglutide on Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease in People With HIV. Ann Intern Med. 2024 Jun;177(6):835-838. PubMed PMID: 38684100
  • Adhiambo HF, Cook P, Erlandson KM, Jankowski C, Oliveira VHF, Do H, Khuu V, Davey CH, Webel AR. Qualitative Description of Exercise Perceptions and Experiences Among People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the High-Intensity Exercise to Attenuate Limitations and Train Habits Study. J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2024 Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38447065
  • Wu K, Koethe J, Hulgan T, Brown T, Bares SH, Tassiopoulos K, Lake JE, Leonard M, Samuels DC, Erlandson K, Haas DW. Pharmacogenetics of weight gain following switch from efavirenz- to integrase inhibitor-containing regimens. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2024 Feb 1;34(2):25-32. PubMed PMID: 37910437
  • O'Brien KK, Erlandson KM, Brown DA, Carusone SC, Vera JH, Bergin C, Avery L, Bayoumi AM, Hanna SE, Harding R, Solomon P, Clair-Sullivan NS, O'Shea N, Murray C, Boffito M, Da Silva G, Torres B, McDuff K, Davis AM. Episodic disability questionnaire (EDQ) measurement properties among adults living with HIV in Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, and United States. BMC Infect Dis. 2024 Jan 10;24(1):71. PubMed PMID: 38200425
  • Abidi MZ, Umbleja T, Overton ET, Burdo T, Flynn JM, Lu MT, Taron J, Schnittman SR, Fitch KV, Zanni MV, Fichtenbaum CJ, Malvestutto C, Aberg JA, Fulda ES, Eckard AR, Manne-Goehler J, Tuan JJ, Ribaudo HJ, Douglas PS, Grinspoon SK, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. Cytomegalovirus IgG is Associated With Physical Function But Not Muscle Density in People With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2024 Apr 15;95(5):470-478. PubMed PMID: 38180893
  • Kosana P, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Letendre S, Ma Q, Paul R, Ellis R, Erlandson KM, Farhadian SF. Polypharmacy Is Associated With Slow Gait Speed and Recurrent Falls in Older People With HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Jun 14;78(6):1608-1616. PubMed PMID: 38147306
  • Kim TW, Bertholet N, Magane KM, Lloyd-Travaglini C, Winter MR, Samet JH, Erlandson KM, Stein MD, Bryant KJ, Saitz R, Heeren TC. Alcohol Consumption and Illicit Drug Use: Associations With Fall, Fracture, and Acute Health Care Utilization Among People With HIV Infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2024 Apr 1;95(4):391-398. PubMed PMID: 38133581
  • Erlandson KM, Mohaweche R, Morrow M, Mawhinney S, Khuu V, Boyd M, Balasubramanyam A, Melanson EL, Lake JE. Energy balance and body composition after switch between integrase strand transfer inhibitors and doravirine among people with HIV. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2024 Jan 3;79(1):179-185. PubMed PMID: 38000089
  • Jankowski CM, Konigsberg IR, Wilson MP, Sun J, Brown TT, Julian CG, Erlandson KM. Skeletal muscle DNA methylation: Effects of exercise and HIV. Aging Cell. 2024 Jan;23(1):e14025. PubMed PMID: 37920126
  • Wu K, Koethe J, Hulgan T, Brown T, Bares SH, Tassiopoulos K, Lake JE, Leonard M, Samuels DC, Erlandson K, Haas DW. Pharmacogenetics of weight gain following switch from efavirenz- to integrase inhibitor-containing regimens. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2024 Feb 1;34(2):25-32. PubMed PMID: 37910437
  • Millman N, Koethe JR, Erlandson KM. Obesity among women with HIV. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2024 Jan 1;19(1):30-34. PubMed PMID: 37909915
  • Bares SH, Wu X, Tassiopoulos K, Lake JE, Koletar SL, Kalayjian R, Erlandson KM. Weight Gain After Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation and Subsequent Risk of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Feb 17;78(2):395-401. PubMed PMID: 37698083
  • Laper S, Hileman CO, Block G, Erlandson KM, Krsak M. Perceived Risks and Benefits and Frequency of Cannabis Use Among People with HIV in Different Legal Environments. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2024 May;40(5):293-300. PubMed PMID: 37823750
  • Baim-Lance A, Cooley S, Yoo-Jeong M, Ances B, Duque G, Ellis RJ, Flexner C, Pence BW, Plankey M, Mullins JD, Sun J, Thames AD, Margolick JB, Moore DJ, Erlandson KM. Current Challenges, Solutions, and Novel Directions in Research and Clinical Care: Proceedings from the 14th Annual International Workshop on HIV and Aging. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2024 Nov 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39492669
  • Wilson MP, Jankowski CM, Cook PF, Kulik GL, Iriarte E, SantaBarbara NJ, Fourman LT, Erlandson KM. Effect of a Supervised Exercise Program on Exercise Self-Efficacy in Aging Adults With and Without HIV: A Secondary Analysis of the Exercise for Healthy Aging Study. AIDS Behav. 2024 Oct 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39472400
  • Jones R, Robinson AT, Beach LB, Lindsey ML, Kirabo A, Hinton A Jr, Erlandson KM, Jenkins NDM. Exercise to Prevent Accelerated Vascular Aging in People Living With HIV. Circ Res. 2024 May 24;134(11):1607-1635. PubMed PMID: 38781293
  • Kosana P, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Letendre S, Ma Q, Paul R, Ellis R, Erlandson KM, Farhadian SF. Polypharmacy Is Associated With Slow Gait Speed and Recurrent Falls in Older People With HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2024 Jun 14;78(6):1608-1616. PubMed PMID: 38147306
  • Lake JE, Kitch DW, Kantor A, Muthupillai R, Klingman KL, Vernon C, Belaunzaran-Zamudio PF, Fichtenbaum CJ, Heath S, Perazzo H, Corey K, Brown TT, Landay A, Sattler F, Erlandson KM. The Effect of Open-Label Semaglutide on Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease in People With HIV. Ann Intern Med. 2024 Jun;177(6):835-838. PubMed PMID: 38684100
  • Kousari AE, Wilson MP, Hawkins KL, Bandali MM, Henao-Martínez AF, Gardner EM, Erlandson KM. Weight change with antiretroviral switch from integrase inhibitor or tenofovir alafenamide-based to Doravirine-Based regimens in people with HIV. HIV Res Clin Pract. 2024 Dec;25(1):2339576. PubMed PMID: 38831550
  • Abidi MZ, Umbleja T, Overton ET, Burdo T, Flynn JM, Lu MT, Taron J, Schnittman SR, Fitch KV, Zanni MV, Fichtenbaum CJ, Malvestutto C, Aberg JA, Fulda ES, Eckard AR, Manne-Goehler J, Tuan JJ, Ribaudo HJ, Douglas PS, Grinspoon SK, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. Cytomegalovirus IgG is Associated With Physical Function But Not Muscle Density in People With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2024 Apr 15;95(5):470-478. PubMed PMID: 38180893
  • Kim TW, Bertholet N, Magane KM, Lloyd-Travaglini C, Winter MR, Samet JH, Erlandson KM, Stein MD, Bryant KJ, Saitz R, Heeren TC. Alcohol Consumption and Illicit Drug Use: Associations With Fall, Fracture, and Acute Health Care Utilization Among People With HIV Infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2024 Apr 1;95(4):391-398. PubMed PMID: 38133581
  • Burk-Leaver E, Zivalich C, Sunshine J, Lowry CA, Erlandson KM. Evaluation of a Cohort-Based Healthy Aging With HIV Wellness Pilot Intervention: "People Aging and Thriving With HIV" in Colorado. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2024 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39631090
  • Iriarte E, Smyth HL, Schmiege S, Tassiopoulos K, Jankowski CM, Erlandson KM. Predictors of frailty trajectories among people with HIV. AIDS. 2024 Dec 3. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39630590
  • Jankowski CM, Konigsberg IR, Wilson MP, Sun J, Brown TT, Julian CG, Erlandson KM. Skeletal muscle DNA methylation: Effects of exercise and HIV. Aging Cell. 2023 Nov 3;:e14025. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37920126
  • Millman N, Koethe JR, Erlandson KM. Obesity among women with HIV. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2023 Nov 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37909915
  • Guaraldi G, Erlandson KM, Milic J, Landay AL, Montano MA. Can statin preventative treatment inform geroscience-guided therapeutics?. Aging Cell. 2023 Oct 13;:e13998. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37830430
  • Laper S, Hileman CO, Block G, Erlandson KM, Krsak M. Perceived Risks and Benefits and Frequency of Cannabis Use Among People with HIV in Different Legal Environments. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2023 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37823750
  • Bares SH, Wu X, Tassiopoulos K, Lake JE, Koletar SL, Kalayjian R, Erlandson KM. Weight gain after antiretroviral therapy initiation and subsequent risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Sep 12. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37698083
  • Damioli L, Shepard Z, Wilson MP, Erlandson KM. Retrospective analysis of the management of pelvic decubitus ulcers and their outcomes. Ther Adv Infect Dis. 2023 Jan-Dec;10:20499361231196664. PubMed PMID: 37693861
  • Ditzenberger GL, Oliveira VHF, Jankowski CM, Erlandson KM. The use of non-invasive imaging modalities for the assessment of skeletal muscle quantity and quality in people with HIV: A narrative review. HIV Med. 2023 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37651982
  • Ives J, Bagchi S, Soo S, Barrow C, Akgün KM, Erlandson KM, Goetz M, Griffith M, Gross R, Hulgan T, Moanna A, Soo Hoo GW, Weintrob A, Wongtrakool C, Adams SV, Sayre G, Helfrich CD, Au DH, Crothers K. Design and methods of a randomized trial testing "Advancing care for COPD in people living with HIV by implementing evidence-based management through proactive E-consults (ACHIEVE)". Contemp Clin Trials. 2023 Sep;132:107303. PubMed PMID: 37481201
  • Milic J, Erlandson KM, Guaraldi G. Moving from the prediction of fractures to the prediction of falls in an aging HIV scenario. AIDS. 2023 Jul 15;37(9):1467-1469. PubMed PMID: 37395250
  • Erlandson KM, Umbleja T, Lu MT, Taron J, Ribaudo HJ, Overton ET, Presti RM, Haas DW, Sax PE, Yin MT, Zhai BK, Louis R, Upadhyay N, Eslami P, Douglas PS, Zanni MV, Fitch KV, Fulda ES, Fichtenbaum CJ, Malvestutto CD, Grinspoon SK, Brown TT. Associations of Muscle Density and Area With Coronary Artery Plaque and Physical Function. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023 Oct 1;94(2):174-184. PubMed PMID: 37368931
  • Horwitz LI, Thaweethai T, Brosnahan SB, Cicek MS, Fitzgerald ML, Goldman JD, Hess R, Hodder SL, Jacoby VL, Jordan MR, Krishnan JA, Laiyemo AO, Metz TD, Nichols L, Patzer RE, Sekar A, Singer NG, Stiles LE, Taylor BS, Ahmed S, Algren HA, Anglin K, Aponte-Soto L, Ashktorab H, Bassett IV, Bedi B, Bhadelia N, Bime C, Bind MC, Black LJ, Blomkalns AL, Brim H, Castro M, Chan J, Charney AW, Chen BK, Chen LQ, Chen P, Chestek D, Chibnik LB, Chow DC, Chu HY, Clifton RG, Collins S, Costantine MM, Cribbs SK, Deeks SG, Dickinson JD, Donohue SE, Durstenfeld MS, Emery IF, Erlandson KM, Facelli JC, Farah-Abraham R, Finn AV, Fischer MS, Flaherman VJ, Fleurimont J, Fonseca V, Gallagher EJ, Gander JC, Gennaro ML, Gibson KS, Go M, Goodman SN, Granger JP, Greenway FL, Hafner JW, Han JE, Harkins MS, Hauser KSP, Heath JR, Hernandez CR, Ho O, Hoffman MK, Hoover SE, Horowitz CR, Hsu H, Hsue PY, Hughes BL, Jagannathan P, James JA, John J, Jolley S, Judd SE, Juskowich JJ, Kanjilal DG, Karlson EW, Katz SD, Kelly JD, Kelly SW, Kim AY, Kirwan JP, Knox KS, Kumar A, Lamendola-Essel MF, Lanca M, Lee-Lannotti JK, Lefebvre RC, Levy BD, Lin JY, Logarbo BP Jr, Logue JK, Longo MT, Luciano CA, Lutrick K, Malakooti SK, Mallett G, Maranga G, Marathe JG, Marconi VC, Marshall GD, Martin CF, Martin JN, May HT, McComsey GA, McDonald D, Mendez-Figueroa H, Miele L, Mittleman MA, Mohandas S, Mouchati C, Mullington JM, Nadkarni GN, Nahin ER, Neuman RB, Newman LT, Nguyen A, Nikolich JZ, Ofotokun I, Ogbogu PU, Palatnik A, Palomares KTS, Parimon T, Parry S, Parthasarathy S, Patterson TF, Pearman A, Peluso MJ, Pemu P, Pettker CM, Plunkett BA, Pogreba-Brown K, Poppas A, Porterfield JZ, Quigley JG, Quinn DK, Raissy H, Rebello CJ, Reddy UM, Reece R, Reeder HT, Rischard FP, Rosas JM, Rosen CJ, Rouphael NG, Rouse DJ, Ruff AM, Saint Jean C, Sandoval GJ, Santana JL, Schlater SM, Sciurba FC, Selvaggi C, Seshadri S, Sesso HD, Shah DP, Shemesh E, Sherif ZA, Shinnick DJ, Simhan HN, Singh U, Sowles A, Subbian V, Sun J, Suthar ... Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) adult study protocol: Rationale, objectives, and design. PLoS One. 2023;18(6):e0286297. PubMed PMID: 37352211
  • Rigolon A, Németh J, Anderson-Gregson B, Miller AR, deSouza P, Montague B, Hussain C, Erlandson KM, Rowan SE. The neighborhood built environment and COVID-19 hospitalizations. PLoS One. 2023;18(6):e0286119. PubMed PMID: 37314984
  • Castillo-Mancilla JR, Erlandson KM, Hecker ER, Komaie G, Shomaker LB, Cicutto L, Mankin G, Maclean P. Outcomes of a Career Development Award (Pre-K) Mock Review Program for Postdoctoral Fellows and Early-Career Faculty. Acad Med. 2023 Nov 1;98(11):1313-1318. PubMed PMID: 37289813
  • Thaweethai T, Jolley SE, Karlson EW, Levitan EB, Levy B, McComsey GA, McCorkell L, Nadkarni GN, Parthasarathy S, Singh U, Walker TA, Selvaggi CA, Shinnick DJ, Schulte CCM, Atchley-Challenner R, Alba GA, Alicic R, Altman N, Anglin K, Argueta U, Ashktorab H, Baslet G, Bassett IV, Bateman L, Bedi B, Bhattacharyya S, Bind MA, Blomkalns AL, Bonilla H, Bush PA, Castro M, Chan J, Charney AW, Chen P, Chibnik LB, Chu HY, Clifton RG, Costantine MM, Cribbs SK, Davila Nieves SI, Deeks SG, Duven A, Emery IF, Erdmann N, Erlandson KM, Ernst KC, Farah-Abraham R, Farner CE, Feuerriegel EM, Fleurimont J, Fonseca V, Franko N, Gainer V, Gander JC, Gardner EM, Geng LN, Gibson KS, Go M, Goldman JD, Grebe H, Greenway FL, Habli M, Hafner J, Han JE, Hanson KA, Heath J, Hernandez C, Hess R, Hodder SL, Hoffman MK, Hoover SE, Huang B, Hughes BL, Jagannathan P, John J, Jordan MR, Katz SD, Kaufman ES, Kelly JD, Kelly SW, Kemp MM, Kirwan JP, Klein JD, Knox KS, Krishnan JA, Kumar A, Laiyemo AO, Lambert AA, Lanca M, Lee-Iannotti JK, Logarbo BP, Longo MT, Luciano CA, Lutrick K, Maley JH, Marathe JG, Marconi V, Marshall GD, Martin CF, Matusov Y, Mehari A, Mendez-Figueroa H, Mermelstein R, Metz TD, Morse R, Mosier J, Mouchati C, Mullington J, Murphy SN, Neuman RB, Nikolich JZ, Ofotokun I, Ojemakinde E, Palatnik A, Palomares K, Parimon T, Parry S, Patterson JE, Patterson TF, Patzer RE, Peluso MJ, Pemu P, Pettker CM, Plunkett BA, Pogreba-Brown K, Poppas A, Quigley JG, Reddy U, Reece R, Reeder H, Reeves WB, Reiman EM, Rischard F, Rosand J, Rouse DJ, Ruff A, Saade G, Sandoval GJ, Schlater SM, Shepherd F, Sherif ZA, Simhan H, Singer NG, Skupski DW, Sowles A, Sparks JA, Sukhera FI, Taylor BS, Teunis L, Thomas RJ, Thorp JM, Thuluvath P, Ticotsky A, Tita AT, Tuttle KR, Urdaneta AE, Valdivieso D, VanWagoner TM, Vasey A, Verduzco-Gutierrez M, Wallace ZS, Ward HD, Warren DE, Weiner SJ, Welch S, Whiteheart SW, Wiley Z, Wisnivesky JP, Yee LM, Zisis S, Horwitz LI, Foulkes AS. Development of a Definition of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. JAMA. 2023 Jun 13;329(22):1934-1946. PubMed PMID: 37278994
  • Abdo M, Kunisaki KM, Morris A, Stosor V, Chang D, D'Souza G, Crothers K, Abdel-Maksoud M, DiGuiseppi C, Brown TT, Erlandson KM, MaWhinney S. Pulmonary Function and Quality of Life in Aging Men With and Without HIV from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2023 Jun 28. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 37276144
  • Rauzi MR, Ridgeway KJ, Wilson MP, Jolley SE, Nordon-Craft A, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Erlandson KM. Rehabilitation Therapy Allocation and Changes in Physical Function Among Patients Hospitalized Due to COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis. Phys Ther. 2023 Mar 3;103(3). PubMed PMID: 37172130
  • O'Brien KK, Erlandson KM, Brown DA, Carusone SC, Vera JH, Bergin C, Avery L, Bayoumi AM, Hanna SE, Harding R, Solomon P, St Clair-Sullivan N, O'Shea N, Murray C, Boffito M, Da Silva G, Torres B, McDuff K, Davis AM. Episodic Disability Questionnaire (EDQ) measurement properties among adults living with HIV in Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, and United States. Res Sq. 2023 Apr 5. PubMed PMID: 37066168
  • Churchill L, Morrow M, Capin JJ, Jolley SE, Hare K, MaWhinney S, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Erlandson KM. Using Wearable Technology to Quantify Physical Activity Recovery: Secondary Report From the AFTER (App-Facilitated Tele-Rehabilitation) Program for COVID-19 Survivors Randomized Study. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2023 Mar 20;10:e43436. PubMed PMID: 36939818
  • Dos Santos AP, Navarro AM, da Silva LSL, Erlandson KM, Webel AR, Oliveira V, Abdalla PP, Alves TC, Tasinafo Júnior MF, Venturini ACR, Gomide EBG, Correa Cordeiro JF, de Andrade D, Machado DRL. Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Prediction in People Living With HIV: A Cross-sectional Study. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2023 May-Jun 01;34(3):270-279. PubMed PMID: 36917650
  • Masters MC, Granche J, Yang J, Overton ET, Letendre S, Koletar SL, Rubin LH, Brown TT, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM, Palella F. Association Between Metformin Use and Cognitive and Physical Function in Persons with HIV and Diabetes. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2023 Jun;39(6):302-309. PubMed PMID: 36792952
  • O'Brien KK, Brown DA, McDuff K, St Clair-Sullivan N, Solomon P, Chan Carusone S, McCorkell L, Wei H, Goulding S, O'Hara M, Thomson C, Roche N, Stokes R, Vera JH, Erlandson KM, Bergin C, Robinson L, Cheung AM, Torres B, Avery L, Bannan C, Harding R. Conceptualising the episodic nature of disability among adults living with Long COVID: a qualitative study. BMJ Glob Health. 2023 Mar;8(3). PubMed PMID: 36863719
  • Horvat Davey C, Navis B, Webel AR, Jankowski C, Oliveira VHF, Khuu V, Cook PF, Erlandson KM. Impact of Food Insecurity and Undernutrition on Frailty and Physical Functioning in Aging People With HIV in the United States. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2023 May-Jun 01;34(3):238-247. PubMed PMID: 36752748
  • Davis AJ, Greene M, Walker J, Erlandson KM. Perspectives of people living with HIV age 50 and over regarding barriers and resources for care. AIDS Care. 2023 Apr;35(4):581-590. PubMed PMID: 36736330
  • Manuzak JA, Granche J, Tassiopoulos K, Rower JE, Knox JR, Williams DW, Ellis RJ, Goodkin K, Sharma A, Erlandson KM. Cannabis Use Is Associated With Decreased Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Older Adults With HIV. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2023 Jan;10(1):ofac699. PubMed PMID: 36726540
  • Jolley SE, Mowry CJ, Erlandson KM, Wilson MP, Burnham EL. Impact of Alcohol Misuse on Requirements for Critical Care Services and Development of Hospital Delirium in Patients With COVID-19 pneumonia. Crit Care Explor. 2023 Jan;5(1):e0829. PubMed PMID: 36713630
  • Rockstrom M, Balaban E, Fakhri S, Peterson RA, Jin Y, Jolley SE, Erlandson KM, Hippensteel JA. Predictors of adverse outcomes in aged patients critically ill with COVID-19: a retrospective study. J Investig Med. 2023 Apr;71(4):315-320. PubMed PMID: 36655809
  • Zanni MV, Foldyna B, McCallum S, Burdo TH, Looby SE, Fitch KV, Fulda ES, Autissier P, Bloomfield GS, Malvestutto CD, Fichtenbaum CJ, Overton ET, Aberg JA, Erlandson KM, Campbell TB, Ellsworth GB, Sheth AN, Taiwo B, Currier JS, Hoffmann U, Lu MT, Douglas PS, Ribaudo HJ, Grinspoon SK. Sex Differences in Subclinical Atherosclerosis and Systemic Immune Activation/Inflammation Among People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Jan 13;76(2):323-334. PubMed PMID: 36101518
  • Schnittman SR, Lu MT, Mayrhofer T, Burdo TH, Fitch KV, McCallum S, Fulda ES, Zanni MV, Foldyna B, Malvestutto C, Fichtenbaum CJ, Aberg JA, Bloomfield GS, Overton ET, Currier J, Tebas P, Sha BE, Ribaudo HJ, Flynn JM, Douglas PS, Erlandson KM, Grinspoon SK. Cytomegalovirus Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Titer and Coronary Artery Disease in People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Clin Infect Dis. 2023 Feb 8;76(3):e613-e621. PubMed PMID: 35975297
  • Guaraldi G, Erlandson KM, Milic J, Landay AL, Montano MA. Can statin preventative treatment inform geroscience-guided therapeutics?. Aging Cell. 2023 Dec;22(12):e13998. PubMed PMID: 37830430
  • Ambrose N, Amin A, Anderson B, Bertagnolli M, Campion F, Chow D, Danan R, D'Arinzo L, Drews A, Erlandson K, Fitzgerald K, Gaspar F, Gong C, Hanna G, Hawley H, Jones S, Lopansri B, Mullen T, Musser J, O'Horo J, Piantadosi S, Pritt B, Razonable R, Rele S, Roberts S, Sandmeyer S, Stein D, Te J, Vahidy F, Webb B, Welch N, Wood A, Yttri J. The Influence of Social Determinants on Receiving Outpatient Treatment with Monoclonal Antibodies, Disease Risk, and Effectiveness for COVID-19. J Gen Intern Med. 2023 Dec;38(16):3472-3481. PubMed PMID: 37715096
  • O'Halloran JA, Parra-Rodriguez L, Goss CW, Agarwal M, Cooley S, Wu K, Westerhaus E, Presti R, Ances BM, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM. Impact of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors on Cognition in the HAILO Cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023 Dec 15;94(5):437-444. PubMed PMID: 37949447
  • Durstenfeld MS, Wilson MP, Jankowski CM, Ditzenberger GL, Longenecker CT, Erlandson KM. Chronotropic Incompetence among People with HIV Improves with Exercise Training in the Exercise for Healthy Aging Study. medRxiv. 2023 Nov 10. PubMed PMID: 37986954
  • Erlandson KM, Mohaweche R, Morrow M, Mawhinney S, Khuu V, Boyd M, Balasubramanyam A, Melanson EL, Lake JE. Energy balance and body composition after switch between integrase strand transfer inhibitors and doravirine among people with HIV. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2023 Nov 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 38000089
  • Ditzenberger GL, Oliveira VHF, Jankowski CM, Erlandson KM. The use of non-invasive imaging modalities for the assessment of skeletal muscle quantity and quality in people with HIV: A narrative review. HIV Med. 2023 Dec;24(12):1176-1189. PubMed PMID: 37651982
  • Damioli L, Shepard Z, Wilson MP, Erlandson KM. Retrospective analysis of the management of pelvic decubitus ulcers and their outcomes. Ther Adv Infect Dis. 2023 Jan-Dec;10:20499361231196664. PubMed PMID: 37693861
  • Durstenfeld MS, Wilson MP, Jankowski CM, Ditzenberger GL, Longenecker CT, Erlandson KM. Chronotropic Incompetence among People with HIV Improves with Exercise Training in the Exercise for Healthy Aging Study. medRxiv. 2023 Nov 10. PubMed PMID: 37986954
  • O'Halloran JA, Parra-Rodriguez L, Goss CW, Agarwal M, Cooley S, Wu K, Westerhaus E, Presti R, Ances BM, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM. Impact of Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors on Cognition in the HAILO Cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023 Dec 15;94(5):437-444. PubMed PMID: 37949447
  • Dos Santos AP, Navarro AM, da Silva LSL, Erlandson KM, Webel AR, Oliveira V, Abdalla PP, Alves TC, Tasinafo Júnior MF, Venturini ACR, Gomide EBG, Correa Cordeiro JF, de Andrade D, Machado DRL. Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Prediction in People Living With HIV: A Cross-sectional Study. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2023 May-Jun 01;34(3):270-279. PubMed PMID: 36917650
  • Horvat Davey C, Navis B, Webel AR, Jankowski C, Oliveira VHF, Khuu V, Cook PF, Erlandson KM. Impact of Food Insecurity and Undernutrition on Frailty and Physical Functioning in Aging People With HIV in the United States. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2023 May-Jun 01;34(3):238-247. PubMed PMID: 36752748
  • Rauzi MR, Ridgeway KJ, Wilson MP, Jolley SE, Nordon-Craft A, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Erlandson KM. Rehabilitation Therapy Allocation and Changes in Physical Function Among Patients Hospitalized Due to COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis. Phys Ther. 2023 Mar 3;103(3). PubMed PMID: 37172130
  • O'Brien KK, Brown DA, McDuff K, St Clair-Sullivan N, Solomon P, Chan Carusone S, McCorkell L, Wei H, Goulding S, O'Hara M, Thomson C, Roche N, Stokes R, Vera JH, Erlandson KM, Bergin C, Robinson L, Cheung AM, Torres B, Avery L, Bannan C, Harding R. Conceptualising the episodic nature of disability among adults living with Long COVID: a qualitative study. BMJ Glob Health. 2023 Mar;8(3). PubMed PMID: 36863719
  • Thaweethai T, Jolley SE, Karlson EW, Levitan EB, Levy B, McComsey GA, McCorkell L, Nadkarni GN, Parthasarathy S, Singh U, Walker TA, Selvaggi CA, Shinnick DJ, Schulte CCM, Atchley-Challenner R, Alba GA, Alicic R, Altman N, Anglin K, Argueta U, Ashktorab H, Baslet G, Bassett IV, Bateman L, Bedi B, Bhattacharyya S, Bind MA, Blomkalns AL, Bonilla H, Bush PA, Castro M, Chan J, Charney AW, Chen P, Chibnik LB, Chu HY, Clifton RG, Costantine MM, Cribbs SK, Davila Nieves SI, Deeks SG, Duven A, Emery IF, Erdmann N, Erlandson KM, Ernst KC, Farah-Abraham R, Farner CE, Feuerriegel EM, Fleurimont J, Fonseca V, Franko N, Gainer V, Gander JC, Gardner EM, Geng LN, Gibson KS, Go M, Goldman JD, Grebe H, Greenway FL, Habli M, Hafner J, Han JE, Hanson KA, Heath J, Hernandez C, Hess R, Hodder SL, Hoffman MK, Hoover SE, Huang B, Hughes BL, Jagannathan P, John J, Jordan MR, Katz SD, Kaufman ES, Kelly JD, Kelly SW, Kemp MM, Kirwan JP, Klein JD, Knox KS, Krishnan JA, Kumar A, Laiyemo AO, Lambert AA, Lanca M, Lee-Iannotti JK, Logarbo BP, Longo MT, Luciano CA, Lutrick K, Maley JH, Marathe JG, Marconi V, Marshall GD, Martin CF, Matusov Y, Mehari A, Mendez-Figueroa H, Mermelstein R, Metz TD, Morse R, Mosier J, Mouchati C, Mullington J, Murphy SN, Neuman RB, Nikolich JZ, Ofotokun I, Ojemakinde E, Palatnik A, Palomares K, Parimon T, Parry S, Patterson JE, Patterson TF, Patzer RE, Peluso MJ, Pemu P, Pettker CM, Plunkett BA, Pogreba-Brown K, Poppas A, Quigley JG, Reddy U, Reece R, Reeder H, Reeves WB, Reiman EM, Rischard F, Rosand J, Rouse DJ, Ruff A, Saade G, Sandoval GJ, Schlater SM, Shepherd F, Sherif ZA, Simhan H, Singer NG, Skupski DW, Sowles A, Sparks JA, Sukhera FI, Taylor BS, Teunis L, Thomas RJ, Thorp JM, Thuluvath P, Ticotsky A, Tita AT, Tuttle KR, Urdaneta AE, Valdivieso D, VanWagoner TM, Vasey A, Verduzco-Gutierrez M, Wallace ZS, Ward HD, Warren DE, Weiner SJ, Welch S, Whiteheart SW, Wiley Z, Wisnivesky JP, Yee LM, Zisis S, Horwitz LI, Foulkes AS. Development of a Definition of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection. JAMA. 2023 Jun 13;329(22):1934-1946. PubMed PMID: 37278994
  • Masters MC, Granche J, Yang J, Overton ET, Letendre S, Koletar SL, Rubin LH, Brown TT, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM, Palella F. Association Between Metformin Use and Cognitive and Physical Function in Persons with HIV and Diabetes. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2023 Jun;39(6):302-309. PubMed PMID: 36792952
  • Milic J, Erlandson KM, Guaraldi G. Moving from the prediction of fractures to the prediction of falls in an aging HIV scenario. AIDS. 2023 Jul 15;37(9):1467-1469. PubMed PMID: 37395250
  • Davis AJ, Greene M, Walker J, Erlandson KM. Perspectives of people living with HIV age 50 and over regarding barriers and resources for care. AIDS Care. 2023 Apr;35(4):581-590. PubMed PMID: 36736330
  • Rockstrom M, Balaban E, Fakhri S, Peterson RA, Jin Y, Jolley SE, Erlandson KM, Hippensteel JA. Predictors of adverse outcomes in aged patients critically ill with COVID-19: a retrospective study. J Investig Med. 2023 Apr;71(4):315-320. PubMed PMID: 36655809
  • Abidi MZ, Schold JD, Kaplan B, Weinberg A, Erlandson KM, Malamon JS. Patient years lost due to cytomegalovirus serostatus mismatching in the scientific registry of transplant recipients. Front Immunol. 2023;14:1292648. PubMed PMID: 38264645
  • Yu X, Lobo JD, Sundermann E, Baker DJ, Tracy R, Kuchel GA, Stephenson KE, Letendre S, Brew B, Cysique L, Dale SK, Wallen C, Kunisaki KM, Guaraldi G, Milic J, Winston A, Moore D, Margolick JB, Erlandson KM. Current Challenges and Solutions for Clinical Management and Care of People with HIV: Findings from the 12th Annual International HIV and Aging Workshop. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2022 Nov 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36322713
  • Chauhan LR, Huang M, Abdo M, Church S, Fixen D, MaWhinney S, Miller M, Erlandson KM. Impact of a pilot multimodal intervention to decrease antibiotic use for respiratory infections in a geriatric clinic. Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol. 2022;2(1):e1. PubMed PMID: 36310812
  • Guaraldi G, Milic J, Bacchi E, Carli F, Menozzi M, Franconi I, Raimondi A, Ciusa G, Masi V, Belli M, Guaraldi S, Aprile E, Mancini M, Mussini C, Lake JE, Erlandson KM. Contribution of integrase inhibitor use, body mass index, physical activity and caloric intake to weight gain in people living with HIV. HIV Res Clin Pract. 2022 Nov 22;24(1):1-6. PubMed PMID: 36883678
  • Smith L, Letendre S, Erlandson KM, Ma Q, Ellis RJ, Farhadian SF. Polypharmacy in older adults with HIV infection: Effects on the brain. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2022 Mar;70(3):924-927. PubMed PMID: 34855982
  • Lange-Maia BS, Buchman AS, Leurgans SE, Lamar M, Lynch EB, Erlandson KM, Barnes LL. Racial Differences in the Effect of HIV Status on Motor and Pulmonary Function and Mobility Disability in Older Adults. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2022 Oct;9(5):1888-1896. PubMed PMID: 34403124
  • Oliveira VHF, Erlandson KM, Cook PF, Jankowski C, MaWhinney S, Dirajlal-Fargo S, Knaub L, Hsiao CP, Horvat Davey C, Webel AR. The High-Intensity Exercise Study to Attenuate Limitations and Train Habits in Older Adults With HIV (HEALTH): A Research Protocol. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2022 Mar-Apr 01;33(2):178-188. PubMed PMID: 34039876
  • Guaraldi G, Milic J, Bacchi E, Carli F, Menozzi M, Franconi I, Raimondi A, Ciusa G, Masi V, Belli M, Guaraldi S, Aprile E, Mancini M, Mussini C, Lake JE, Erlandson KM. Contribution of integrase inhibitor use, body mass index, physical activity and caloric intake to weight gain in people living with HIV. HIV Res Clin Pract. 2022 Nov 22;24(1):1-6. PubMed PMID: 36883678
  • Abdo M, Kunisaki KM, Morris A, Stosor V, Chang D, D'Souza G, Crothers K, Abdel-Maksoud M, DiGuiseppi C, Brown TT, MaWhinney S, Erlandson KM. Pulmonary and Physical Function Limitations in Aging Men with and without HIV from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS). Ann Epidemiol. 2022 Oct 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36244514
  • O'Brien KK, Solomon P, Carusone SC, Erlandson KM, Bergin C, Bayoumi AM, Hanna SE, Harding R, Brown DA, Vera JH, Boffito M, Murray C, Aubry R, O'Shea N, St Clair-Sullivan N, Boyd M, Swinton M, Torres B, Davis AM. Assessing the sensibility and utility of a short-form version of the HIV Disability Questionnaire in clinical practice settings in Canada, Ireland and the USA: a mixed methods study. BMJ Open. 2022 Sep 29;12(9):e062008. PubMed PMID: 36175103
  • Zanni MV, Foldyna B, McCallum S, Burdo TH, Looby SE, Fitch KV, Fulda ES, Autissier P, Bloomfield GS, Malvestutto CD, Fichtenbaum CJ, Overton ET, Aberg JA, Erlandson KM, Campbell TB, Ellsworth GB, Sheth AN, Taiwo B, Currier JS, Hoffmann U, Lu MT, Douglas PS, Ribaudo HJ, Grinspoon SK. Sex-Differences in Subclinical Atherosclerosis and Systemic Immune Activation/Inflammation among People with HIV in the U.S. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Sep 14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 36101518
  • Schnittman SR, Lu MT, Mayrhofer T, Burdo TH, Fitch KV, McCallum S, Fulda ES, Zanni MV, Borek F, Malvestutto C, Fichtenbaum CJ, Aberg JA, Bloomfield GS, Overton ET, Currier J, Tebas P, Sha BE, Ribaudo HJ, Flynn JM, Douglas PS, Erlandson KM, Grinspoon SK. Cytomegalovirus IgG Titer and Coronary Artery Disease in People with HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35975297
  • Hernández-Ruiz VA, Erlandson KM, Amieva H, Avila-Funes JA. Veterans Aging Cohort Study Index and Frailty: One Part of the Whole. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2022 Oct;38(10):792-797. PubMed PMID: 35972736
  • Wiley B, Parsons TM, Burkart S, Young AL, Erlandson KM, Tassiopoulos KK, Wu K, Gurnett C, Presti RM, Bolton KL, Challen GA. Effect of Clonal Hematopoiesis on Cardiovascular Disease in People Living with HIV. Exp Hematol. 2022 Oct;114:18-21. PubMed PMID: 35940373
  • Capin JJ, Jolley SE, Morrow M, Connors M, Hare K, MaWhinney S, Nordon-Craft A, Rauzi M, Flynn S, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Erlandson KM. Safety, feasibility and initial efficacy of an app-facilitated telerehabilitation (AFTER) programme for COVID-19 survivors: a pilot randomised study. BMJ Open. 2022 Jul 26;12(7):e061285. PubMed PMID: 35882451
  • Fitch KV, Mccallum SA, Erlandson KM, Overton ET, Zanni MV, Fichtenbaum C, Aberg JA, Fulda ES, Kileel EM, Moran LE, Bloomfield GS, Novak RM, Pérez-Frontera S, Abrams-Downey A, Pierone G Jr, Kumarasamy N, Ruxrungtham K, Mngqibisa R, Douglas PS, Ribaudo HJ, Grinspoon SK. Diet in a global cohort of adults with HIV at Low to Moderate Traditional Cardiovascular Disease Risk. AIDS. 2022 Jul 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 35876637
  • Erlandson KM, Langan S, Lake JE, Sun J, Sharma A, Adrian S, Scherzinger A, Palella F, Kingsley L, Gange SJ, Tien PC, Yin MT, Brown TT. Differences in Muscle Quantity and Quality by HIV Serostatus and Sex. J Frailty Aging. 2022;11(3):309-317. PubMed PMID: 35799438
  • Bolt MA, MaWhinney S, Pattee JW, Erlandson KM, Badesch DB, Peterson RA. Inference following multiple imputation for generalized additive models: an investigation of the median p-value rule with applications to the Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry and Colorado COVID-19 hospitalization data. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2022 May 21;22(1):148. PubMed PMID: 35597908
  • Jolley S, Nordon-Craft A, Wilson MP, Ridgeway K, Rauzi MR, Capin J, Heery LM, Stevens-Lapsley J, Erlandson KM. Disparities in the allocation of inpatient physical and occupational therapy services for patients with COVID-19. J Hosp Med. 2022 Feb;17(2):88-95. PubMed PMID: 35446466
  • Cook P, Jankowski C, Erlandson KM, Reeder B, Starr W, Flynn Makic MB. Low- and High-Intensity Physical Activity Among People with HIV: Multilevel Modeling Analysis Using Sensor- and Survey-Based Predictors. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2022 Apr 14;10(4):e33938. PubMed PMID: 35436236
  • Capin JJ, Wilson MP, Hare K, Vempati S, Little CE, McGregor D, Castillo-Mancilla J, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Jolley SE, Erlandson KM. Prospective telehealth analysis of functional performance, frailty, quality of life, and mental health after COVID-19 hospitalization. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Mar 26;22(1):251. PubMed PMID: 35337276
  • Psomas CK, Hoover DR, Shi Q, Brown TT, Vance DE, Holman S, Plankey MW, Tien PC, Weber KM, Floris-Moore M, Bolivar HH, Golub ET, McDonnell Holstad M, Radtke KK, Tamraz B, Erlandson KM, Rubin LH, Sharma A. Polypharmacy Is Associated With Falls in Women With and Without HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2022 Jul 1;90(3):351-359. PubMed PMID: 35333216
  • Bowman ER, Wilson M, Riedl KM, MaWhinney S, Jankowski CM, Funderburg NT, Erlandson KM. Lipidome Alterations with Exercise Among People With and Without HIV: An Exploratory Study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2022 Jul;38(7):544-551. PubMed PMID: 35302400
  • O'Brien KK, Brown DA, Bergin C, Erlandson KM, Vera JH, Avery L, Carusone SC, Cheung AM, Goulding S, Harding R, McCorkell L, O'Hara M, Robinson L, Thomson C, Wei H, St Clair-Sullivan N, Torres B, Bannan C, Roche N, Stokes R, Gayle P, Solomon P. Long COVID and episodic disability: advancing the conceptualisation, measurement and knowledge of episodic disability among people living with Long COVID - protocol for a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open. 2022 Mar 7;12(3):e060826. PubMed PMID: 35256450
  • Looby SE, Kantor A, Burdo TH, Currier JS, Fichtenbaum CJ, Overton ET, Aberg JA, Malvestutto CD, Bloomfield GS, Erlandson KM, Cespedes M, Kallas EG, Masiá M, Thornton AC, Smith MD, Flynn JM, Kileel EM, Fulda E, Fitch KV, Lu MT, Douglas PS, Grinspoon SK, Ribaudo HJ, Zanni MV. Factors Associated With Systemic Immune Activation Indices in a Global Primary Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Cohort of People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus on Antiretroviral Therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Oct 12;75(8):1324-1333. PubMed PMID: 35235653
  • Erlandson KM, Fitch KV, McCallum SA, Ribaudo HJ, Overton ET, Zanni MV, Bloomfield GS, Brown TT, Fichtenbaum CJ, Bares S, Aberg JA, Douglas PS, Fulda ES, Santana-Bagur JL, Castro JG, Moran LE, Mave V, Supparatpinyo K, Ponatshego PL, Schechter M, Grinspoon SK. Geographical Differences in the Self-Reported Functional Impairment of People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Associations With Cardiometabolic Risk. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Sep 30;75(7):1154-1163. PubMed PMID: 35165682
  • Deminice R, Oliveira VHF, Webel AR, Erlandson KM. Sarcopenia Related to Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Protective Effects of Exercise. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2022 Apr 1;50(2):73-80. PubMed PMID: 35029356
  • Abdo M, Wu X, Sharma A, Tassiopoulos KK, Brown TT, Koletar SL, Yin MT, Erlandson KM. Regional Differences in Risk of Recurrent Falls Among Older U.S. Women and Men with HIV in the HIV Infection, Aging, and Immune Function Long-Term Observational Study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2022 Jul;38(7):530-537. PubMed PMID: 35018800
  • Masters MC, Yang J, Lake JE, Abraham AG, Kingsley L, Brown TT, Palella FJ, Erlandson KM. Diabetes mellitus is associated with declines in physical function among men with and without HIV. AIDS. 2022 Apr 1;36(5):637-646. PubMed PMID: 34999609
  • Davis AJ, Greene M, Siegler E, Fitch KV, Schmalzle SA, Krain A, Vera JH, Boffito M, Falutz J, Erlandson KM. Strengths and Challenges of Various Models of Geriatric Consultation for Older Adults Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 Mar 23;74(6):1101-1106. PubMed PMID: 34358303
  • Kamis KF, Barbera L, Abdo M, Rowan SE, Hussain C, Gardner EM, Johnson SC, MaWhinney S, Davis AJ, Carlson J, Kozacka KA, Erlandson KM. Risk Factors for Hospitalization in People With HIV and COVID-19. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Nov 1;88(3):e22. PubMed PMID: 34334740
  • Kousari A, Moser C, Olefsky M, Brown TT, Currier JS, McComsey GA, Scherzinger A, Stein JH, Lake JE, Erlandson KM. Poorer Muscle Quality and Quantity With ART Initiation Is Associated With Greater Inflammation and Immune Activation. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Dec 1;88(4):399-405. PubMed PMID: 34326283
  • Erlandson KM, Liu J, Johnson R, Dillon S, Jankowski CM, Kroehl M, Robertson CE, Frank DN, Tuncil Y, Higgins J, Hamaker B, Wilson CC. An exercise intervention alters stool microbiota and metabolites among older, sedentary adults. Ther Adv Infect Dis. 2021 Jan-Dec;8:20499361211027067. PubMed PMID: 34262758
  • Windham S, Wilson MP, Fling C, Sheneman D, Wand T, Babcock L, MaWhinney S, Erlandson KM. Elevated glycohemoglobin is linked to critical illness in CoVID-19: a retrospective analysis. Ther Adv Infect Dis. 2021 Jan-Dec;8:20499361211027390. PubMed PMID: 34249357
  • Abdo M, Ressler A, MaWhinney S, Jankowski C, Johnson SC, Erlandson KM. End-of-Life Planning Prior to Death Among People Living With HIV. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2021 Jan-Feb 01;32(1):127-133. PubMed PMID: 32058335
  • Debroy P, Lake JE, Moser C, Olefsky M, Erlandson KM, Scherzinger A, Stein JH, Currier JS, Brown TT, McComsey GA. Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Is Associated With Decreased Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Density in People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Mar 15;72(6):979-986. PubMed PMID: 32107532
  • Erlandson KM, Wilson MP, MaWhinney S, Rapaport E, Liu J, Wilson CC, Rahkola JT, Janoff EN, Brown TT, Campbell TB, Jankowski CM. The Impact of Moderate or High-Intensity Combined Exercise on Systemic Inflammation Among Older Persons With and Without HIV. J Infect Dis. 2021 Apr 8;223(7):1161-1170. PubMed PMID: 32779711
  • Haas MK, Aiona K, Erlandson KM, Belknap RW. Higher Completion Rates With Self-administered Once-weekly Isoniazid-rifapentine Versus Daily Rifampin in Adults With Latent Tuberculosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Nov 2;73(9):e3459-e3467. PubMed PMID: 32915203
  • Oliveira VHF, Borsari AL, Cárdenas JDG, Alves Junior CM, Castro NF, Marinello PC, Padilha CS, Webel AR, Erlandson KM, Deminice R. Low Agreement Between Initial and Revised European Consensus on Definition and Diagnosis of Sarcopenia Applied to People Living With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Apr 1;86(4):e106-e113. PubMed PMID: 33230028
  • Abdo M, Langan SJ, MaWhinney S, Sun J, Lake JE, Palella FJ, Kingsley L, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. Effect of Statin Therapy on Age-Associated Changes in Physical Function Among Men With and Without HIV in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Apr 1;86(4):455-462. PubMed PMID: 33230030
  • Erlandson KM, Wu K, Lake JE, Samuels DC, Bares SH, Tassiopoulos K, Koethe JR, Brown TT, Leonard M, Benson CA, Haas DW, Hulgan T. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and weight gain following switch to integrase strand transfer inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2021 Mar 1;35(3):439-445. PubMed PMID: 33252493
  • Jankowski CM, Wilson MP, MaWhinney S, Reusch J, Knaub L, Hull S, Erlandson KM. Blunted Muscle Mitochondrial Responses to Exercise Training in Older Adults With HIV. J Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 16;224(4):679-683. PubMed PMID: 33378424
  • Abdo M, Coyle RP, Seifert SM, Castillo-Mancilla JR, Jankowski CM, Mawhinney S, Anderson PL, Erlandson KM. Associations Between Tenofovir Diphosphate in Dried Blood Spots, Impaired Physical Function, and Fracture Risk. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Jan;8(1):ofaa577. PubMed PMID: 33447638
  • Hileman CO, Kalayjian RC, Azzam S, Schlatzer D, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Bedimo R, Ellis RJ, Erlandson KM, Kallianpur A, Koletar SL, Landay AL, Palella FJ, Taiwo B, Pallaki M, Hoppel CL. Plasma Citrate and Succinate Are Associated With Neurocognitive Impairment in Older People With HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 2;73(3):e765-e772. PubMed PMID: 33564870
  • Kelly SG, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM, Koletar SL, Palella FJ Jr. Incorporating Frailty Into the Pooled Cohort Equations to Predict Cardiovascular Disease Among Persons With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Jul 1;87(3):971-977. PubMed PMID: 33625065
  • Dillon SM, Abdo MH, Wilson MP, Liu J, Jankowski CM, Robertson CE, Tuncil Y, Hamaker B, Frank DN, MaWhinney S, Wilson CC, Erlandson KM. A Unique Gut Microbiome-Physical Function Axis Exists in Older People with HIV: An Exploratory Study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2021 Jul;37(7):542-550. PubMed PMID: 33787299
  • Lake JE, La K, Erlandson KM, Adrian S, Yenokyan G, Scherzinger A, Dubé MP, Stanley T, Grinspoon S, Falutz J, Mamputu JC, Marsolais C, McComsey GA, Brown TT. Tesamorelin improves fat quality independent of changes in fat quantity. AIDS. 2021 Jul 15;35(9):1395-1402. PubMed PMID: 33756511
  • Erlandson KM, Piggott DA. Frailty and HIV: Moving from Characterization to Intervention. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2021 Jun;18(3):157-175. PubMed PMID: 33817767
  • Falutz J, Brañas F, Erlandson KM. Frailty: the current challenge for aging people with HIV. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2021 May 1;16(3):133-140. PubMed PMID: 33833208
  • Krsak M, Wada NI, Plankey MW, Kinney GL, Epeldegui M, Okafor CN, Friedman MR, Palella FJ, Erlandson KM. Self-Reported Cannabis Use and Markers of Inflammation in Men Who Have Sex With Men With and Without HIV. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2021 Apr;6(2):165-173. PubMed PMID: 33912681
  • Erlandson KM, Carter CC, Melbourne K, Brown TT, Cohen C, Das M, Esser S, Huang H, Koethe JR, Martin H, McComsey GA, Orkin C, Post FA, Rockstroh JK, Sax PE, Stellbrink HJ, Waters L, Wei X, Lake JE. Weight Change Following Antiretroviral Therapy Switch in People With Viral Suppression: Pooled Data from Randomized Clinical Trials. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Oct 20;73(8):1440-1451. PubMed PMID: 33987636
  • Jin S, Vo M, Du C, Garudadri H, Py A, Moore DJ, Erlandson KM, Moore RC, Nguyen T. Unsupervised Sequence Alignment between Video and Human Center of Pressure. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2021 Nov;2021:1980-1984. PubMed PMID: 34891675
  • Maragh-Bass AC, Parker S, Thompson G, Erlandson KM, Karris M, Webster J, White BL. 'Ending the HIV epidemic': where are African American women in the plan?. AIDS. 2021 Dec 1;35(15):2541-2544. PubMed PMID: 34870932
  • Campbell TW, Wilson MP, Roder H, MaWhinney S, Georgantas RW 3rd, Maguire LK, Roder J, Erlandson KM. Predicting prognosis in COVID-19 patients using machine learning and readily available clinical data. Int J Med Inform. 2021 Nov;155:104594. PubMed PMID: 34601240
  • Hernández-Favela CG, Hernández-Ruiz VA, Bello-Chavolla OY, Crabtree-Ramírez B, Sierra-Madero J, Amieva H, Erlandson KM, Avila-Funes JA. Higher Veterans Aging Cohort Study 2.0 Index Score Predicts Functional Decline Among Older Adults Living with HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2021 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34465139
  • Kamkwalala AR, Garg A, Roy U, Matthews A, Castillo-Mancilla J, Lake JE, Sebastiani G, Yin M, Brown TT, Kamer AR, Jabs DA, Ellis RJ, Boffito M, Greene M, Schmalzle S, Siegler E, Erlandson KM, Moore DJ. Current Considerations for Clinical Management and Care of People with HIV: Findings from the 11th Annual International HIV and Aging Workshop. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2021 Sep 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34405689
  • Lange-Maia BS, Buchman AS, Leurgans SE, Lamar M, Lynch EB, Erlandson KM, Barnes LL. Racial Differences in the Effect of HIV Status on Motor and Pulmonary Function and Mobility Disability in Older Adults. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2021 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34403124
  • Masters MC, Perez J, Wu K, Ellis RJ, Goodkin K, Koletar SL, Andrade A, Yang J, Brown TT, Palella FJ, Sacktor N, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM. Baseline Neurocognitive Impairment (NCI) Is Associated With Incident Frailty but Baseline Frailty Does Not Predict Incident NCI in Older Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 16;73(4):680-688. PubMed PMID: 34398957
  • Davis AJ, Greene M, Siegler E, Fitch KV, Schmalzle SA, Krain A, Vera JH, Boffito M, Falutz J, Erlandson KM. Strengths and Challenges of Various Models of Geriatric Consultation for Older Adults Living with HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34358303
  • Kamis KF, Barbera L, Abdo M, Rowan SE, Hussain C, Gardner EM, Johnson SC, MaWhinney S, Davis AJ, Carlson J, Kozacka KA, Erlandson KM. Risk Factors for Hospitalization in People With HIV and COVID-19. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Nov 1;88(3):e22. PubMed PMID: 34334740
  • Kousari A, Moser C, Olefsky M, Brown TT, Currier JS, McComsey GA, Scherzinger A, Stein JH, Lake JE, Erlandson KM. Poorer Muscle Quality and Quantity With ART Initiation Is Associated With Greater Inflammation and Immune Activation. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Dec 1;88(4):399-405. PubMed PMID: 34326283
  • Erlandson KM, Liu J, Johnson R, Dillon S, Jankowski CM, Kroehl M, Robertson CE, Frank DN, Tuncil Y, Higgins J, Hamaker B, Wilson CC. An exercise intervention alters stool microbiota and metabolites among older, sedentary adults. Ther Adv Infect Dis. 2021 Jan-Dec;8:20499361211027067. PubMed PMID: 34262758
  • Windham S, Wilson MP, Fling C, Sheneman D, Wand T, Babcock L, MaWhinney S, Erlandson KM. Elevated glycohemoglobin is linked to critical illness in CoVID-19: a retrospective analysis. Ther Adv Infect Dis. 2021 Jan-Dec;8:20499361211027390. PubMed PMID: 34249357
  • Gharamti AA, Mei F, Jankousky KC, Huang J, Hyson P, Chastain DB, Fan J, Osae S, Zhang WW, Montoya JG, Erlandson KM, Scherger SJ, Franco-Paredes C, Henao-Martínez AF, Shapiro L. Diagnostic Utility of a Ferritin-to-Procalcitonin Ratio to Differentiate Patients With COVID-19 From Those With Bacterial Pneumonia: A Multicenter Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Jun;8(6):ofab124. PubMed PMID: 34183978
  • Oliveira VHF, Erlandson KM, Cook PF, Jankowski C, MaWhinney S, Dirajlal-Fargo S, Knaub L, Hsiao CP, Horvat Davey C, Webel AR. The High-Intensity Exercise Study to Attenuate Limitations and Train Habits in Older Adults With HIV (HEALTH): A Research Protocol. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2021 May 25. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 34039876
  • Erlandson KM, Carter CC, Melbourne K, Brown TT, Cohen C, Das M, Esser S, Huang H, Koethe JR, Martin H, McComsey GA, Orkin C, Post FA, Rockstroh JK, Sax PE, Stellbrink HJ, Waters L, Wei X, Lake JE. Weight Change Following Antiretroviral Therapy Switch in People With Viral Suppression: Pooled Data from Randomized Clinical Trials. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Oct 20;73(8):1440-1451. PubMed PMID: 33987636
  • Krsak M, Wada NI, Plankey MW, Kinney GL, Epeldegui M, Okafor CN, Friedman MR, Palella FJ, Erlandson KM. Self-Reported Cannabis Use and Markers of Inflammation in Men Who Have Sex With Men With and Without HIV. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2021 Apr;6(2):165-173. PubMed PMID: 33912681
  • Falutz J, Brañas F, Erlandson KM. Frailty: the current challenge for aging people with HIV. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2021 May 1;16(3):133-140. PubMed PMID: 33833208
  • Erlandson KM, Piggott DA. Frailty and HIV: Moving from Characterization to Intervention. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2021 Jun;18(3):157-175. PubMed PMID: 33817767
  • Dillon SM, Abdo MH, Wilson MP, Liu J, Jankowski CM, Robertson CE, Tuncil Y, Hamaker B, Frank DN, MaWhinney S, Wilson CC, Erlandson KM. A Unique Gut Microbiome-Physical Function Axis Exists in Older People with HIV: An Exploratory Study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2021 Jul;37(7):542-550. PubMed PMID: 33787299
  • Lake JE, La K, Erlandson KM, Adrian S, Yenokyan G, Scherzinger A, Dubé MP, Stanley T, Grinspoon S, Falutz J, Mamputu JC, Marsolais C, McComsey GA, Brown TT. Tesamorelin improves fat quality independent of changes in fat quantity. AIDS. 2021 Jul 15;35(9):1395-1402. PubMed PMID: 33756511
  • Kelly SG, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM, Koletar SL, Palella FJ Jr. Incorporating Frailty Into the Pooled Cohort Equations to Predict Cardiovascular Disease Among Persons With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Jul 1;87(3):971-977. PubMed PMID: 33625065
  • Hileman CO, Kalayjian RC, Azzam S, Schlatzer D, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Bedimo R, Ellis RJ, Erlandson KM, Kallianpur A, Koletar SL, Landay AL, Palella FJ, Taiwo B, Pallaki M, Hoppel CL. Plasma Citrate and Succinate Are Associated With Neurocognitive Impairment in Older People With HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 2;73(3):e765-e772. PubMed PMID: 33564870
  • Abdo M, Coyle RP, Seifert SM, Castillo-Mancilla JR, Jankowski CM, Mawhinney S, Anderson PL, Erlandson KM. Associations Between Tenofovir Diphosphate in Dried Blood Spots, Impaired Physical Function, and Fracture Risk. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Jan;8(1):ofaa577. PubMed PMID: 33447638
  • Jankowski CM, Wilson MP, MaWhinney S, Reusch J, Knaub L, Hull S, Erlandson KM. Blunted Muscle Mitochondrial Responses to Exercise Training in Older Adults With HIV. J Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 16;224(4):679-683. PubMed PMID: 33378424
  • Oliveira VHF, Borsari AL, Cárdenas JDG, Alves Junior CM, Castro NF, Marinello PC, Padilha CS, Webel AR, Erlandson KM, Deminice R. Low Agreement Between Initial and Revised European Consensus on Definition and Diagnosis of Sarcopenia Applied to People Living With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Apr 1;86(4):e106-e113. PubMed PMID: 33230028
  • Abdo M, Langan SJ, MaWhinney S, Sun J, Lake JE, Palella FJ, Kingsley L, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. Effect of Statin Therapy on Age-Associated Changes in Physical Function Among Men With and Without HIV in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Apr 1;86(4):455-462. PubMed PMID: 33230030
  • Erlandson KM, Wu K, Lake JE, Samuels DC, Bares SH, Tassiopoulos K, Koethe JR, Brown TT, Leonard M, Benson CA, Haas DW, Hulgan T. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and weight gain following switch to integrase strand transfer inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 2021 Mar 1;35(3):439-445. PubMed PMID: 33252493
  • Gharamti AA, Mei F, Jankousky KC, Huang J, Hyson P, Chastain DB, Fan J, Osae S, Zhang WW, Montoya JG, Erlandson KM, Scherger SJ, Franco-Paredes C, Henao-Martínez AF, Shapiro L. Diagnostic Utility of a Ferritin-to-Procalcitonin Ratio to Differentiate Patients With COVID-19 From Those With Bacterial Pneumonia: A Multicenter Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Jun;8(6):ofab124. PubMed PMID: 34183978
  • Masters MC, Perez J, Wu K, Ellis RJ, Goodkin K, Koletar SL, Andrade A, Yang J, Brown TT, Palella FJ, Sacktor N, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM. Baseline Neurocognitive Impairment (NCI) Is Associated With Incident Frailty but Baseline Frailty Does Not Predict Incident NCI in Older Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Aug 16;73(4):680-688. PubMed PMID: 34398957
  • O'Brien KK, Bayoumi AM, Chan Carusone S, Davis AM, Aubry R, Avery L, Solomon P, Erlandson KM, Bergin C, Harding R, Brown DA, Vera JH, Hanna SE. Disability and self-care living strategies among adults living with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic. AIDS Res Ther. 2021 Nov 19;18(1):87. PubMed PMID: 34798881
  • Campbell TW, Wilson MP, Roder H, MaWhinney S, Georgantas RW 3rd, Maguire LK, Roder J, Erlandson KM. Predicting prognosis in COVID-19 patients using machine learning and readily available clinical data. Int J Med Inform. 2021 Nov;155:104594. PubMed PMID: 34601240
  • O'Brien KK, Bayoumi AM, Carusone SC, Davis AM, Aubry R, Avery L, Solomon P, Erlandson KM, Bergin C, Harding R, Brown DA, Vera JH, Hanna S. Disability and Self-care Living Strategies Among Adults Living With HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Res Sq. 2021 Sep 14. PubMed PMID: 34545356
  • Barbera LK, Kamis KF, Rowan SE, Davis AJ, Shehata S, Carlson JJ, Johnson SC, Erlandson KM. HIV and COVID-19: review of clinical course and outcomes. HIV Res Clin Pract. 2021 Aug;22(4):102-118. PubMed PMID: 34514963
  • Hernández-Favela CG, Hernández-Ruiz VA, Bello-Chavolla OY, Crabtree-Ramírez B, Sierra-Madero J, Amieva H, Erlandson KM, Avila-Funes JA. Higher Veterans Aging Cohort Study 2.0 Index Score Predicts Functional Decline Among Older Adults Living with HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2021 Nov;37(11):878-883. PubMed PMID: 34465139
  • Kamkwalala AR, Garg A, Roy U, Matthews A, Castillo-Mancilla J, Lake JE, Sebastiani G, Yin M, Brown TT, Kamer AR, Jabs DA, Ellis RJ, Boffito M, Greene M, Schmalzle S, Siegler E, Erlandson KM, Moore DJ. Current Considerations for Clinical Management and Care of People with HIV: Findings from the 11th Annual International HIV and Aging Workshop. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2021 Nov;37(11):807-820. PubMed PMID: 34405689
  • Hazlett C, Wulf DA, Pasaniuc B, Arah OA, Erlandson KM, Montague BT. Credible learning of hydroxychloroquine and dexamethasone effects on COVID-19 mortality outside of randomized trials. medRxiv. 2020 Dec 8. PubMed PMID: 33330889
  • Erlandson KM. Physical Function and Frailty in HIV. Top Antivir Med. 2020 Dec-Jan;28(3):469-473. PubMed PMID: 34107206
  • Hixon B, Burgess HJ, Wilson MP, MaWhinney S, Jankowski CM, Erlandson KM. A supervised exercise intervention fails to improve subjective and objective sleep measures among older adults with and without HIV. HIV Res Clin Pract. 2020 Oct 29;:1-9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33119991
  • Gharamti AA, Mei F, Jankousky KC, Huang J, Hyson P, Chastain DB, Fan J, Osae S, Zhang WW, Montoya JG, Erlandson KM, Scherger SJ, Franco-Paredes C, Henao-Martínez AF, Shapiro L. Diagnostic utility of a Ferritin-to-Procalcitonin Ratio to differentiate patients with COVID-19 from those with Bacterial Pneumonia: A multicenter study. medRxiv. 2020 Oct 22. PubMed PMID: 33106821
  • Haas MK, Aiona K, Erlandson KM, Belknap RW. Higher Completion Rates with Self-administered Once-weekly Isoniazid-Rifapentine versus Daily Rifampin in Adults with Latent Tuberculosis. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32915203
  • Adrian S, Miao H, Feng H, Scherzinger A, Nardini G, Beghetto B, Roncaglia E, Ligabue G, Milic J, Guaraldi G, Lake JE, Erlandson KM. Effects of atazanavir, darunavir, and raltegravir on fat and muscle among persons living with HIV. HIV Res Clin Pract. 2020 Aug;21(4):91-98. PubMed PMID: 32878571
  • Shiau S, Bender AA, O'Halloran JA, Sundermann E, Aggarwal J, Althoff KN, Baker JV, Deeks S, Fried LP, Karpiak S, Karris MY, Marcotte TD, Nachega JB, Margolick JB, Erlandson KM, Moore DJ. The Current State of HIV and Aging: Findings Presented at the 10th International Workshop on HIV and Aging. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2020 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32847368
  • Erlandson KM, Wilson MP, MaWhinney S, Rapaport E, Liu J, Wilson CC, Rahkola JT, Janoff EN, Brown TT, Campbell TB, Jankowski CM. The Impact of Moderate or High-Intensity Combined Exercise on Systemic Inflammation among Older Persons with and without HIV. J Infect Dis. 2020 Aug 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32779711
  • Pelloquin R, Abdo M, MaWhinney S, Jankowski CM, Erlandson KM. Physical Function and Frailty Tools in Mortality Prediction of Middle-Aged Adults With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 Nov 1;85(3):372-378. PubMed PMID: 32732769
  • Jankowski CM, Mawhinney S, Wilson MP, Campbell TB, Kohrt WM, Schwartz RS, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. Body Composition Changes in Response to Moderate- or High-Intensity Exercise Among Older Adults With or Without HIV Infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 Nov 1;85(3):340-345. PubMed PMID: 32701826
  • Umbleja T, Brown TT, Overton ET, Ribaudo HJ, Schrack JA, Fitch KV, Douglas PS, Grinspoon SK, Henn S, Arduino RC, Rodriguez B, Benson CA, Erlandson KM. Physical Function Impairment and Frailty in Middle-Aged People Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the REPRIEVE Trial Ancillary Study PREPARE. J Infect Dis. 2020 Jul 9;222(Supplement_1):S52-S62. PubMed PMID: 32645163
  • Cawthon PM, Manini T, Patel SM, Newman A, Travison T, Kiel DP, Santanasto AJ, Ensrud KE, Xue QL, Shardell M, Duchowny K, Erlandson KM, Pencina KM, Fielding RA, Magaziner J, Kwok T, Karlsson M, Ohlsson C, Mellström D, Hirani V, Ribom E, Correa-de-Araujo R, Bhasin S. Putative Cut-Points in Sarcopenia Components and Incident Adverse Health Outcomes: An SDOC Analysis. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Jul;68(7):1429-1437. PubMed PMID: 32633824
  • Oliveira VHF, Borsari AL, Webel AR, Erlandson KM, Deminice R. Sarcopenia in people living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2020 Jul;74(7):1009-1021. PubMed PMID: 32341489
  • Erlandson KM, Travison TG, Zhu H, Magaziner J, Correa-de-Araujo R, Cawthon PM, Bhasin S, Manini T, Fielding RA, Palella FJ, Kingsley L, Lake JE, Sharma A, Tien PC, Weber KM, Yin MT, Brown TT. Application of Selected Muscle Strength and Body Mass Cut Points for the Diagnosis of Sarcopenia in Men and Women With or at Risk for HIV Infection. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2020 Jun 18;75(7):1338-1345. PubMed PMID: 32301484
  • Debroy P, Lake JE, Moser C, Olefsky M, Erlandson KM, Scherzinger A, Stein JH, Currier JS, Brown TT, McComsey GA. Antiretroviral therapy initiation is associated with decreased visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue density in people living with HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Feb 28. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32107532
  • Lake JE, Wu K, Bares SH, Debroy P, Godfrey C, Koethe JR, McComsey GA, Palella FJ Jr, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM. Risk Factors for Weight Gain Following Switch to Integrase Inhibitor-Based Antiretroviral Therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Feb 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32099991
  • Stabell AC, Wilson M, Jankowski CM, MaWhinney S, Erlandson KM. The Impact of a Structured, Supervised Exercise Program on Daily Step Count in Sedentary Older Adults With and Without HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 Jun 1;84(2):228-233. PubMed PMID: 32084050
  • Abdo M, Ressler A, MaWhinney S, Jankowski C, Johnson SC, Erlandson KM. End-of-Life Planning Prior to Death Among People Living With HIV. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2020 Feb 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32058335
  • Ozemek C, Erlandson KM, Jankowski CM. Physical activity and exercise to improve cardiovascular health for adults living with HIV. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2020 Mar - Apr;63(2):178-183. PubMed PMID: 32014512
  • Masters MC, Erlandson KM. Editorial: Forging new frontiers in HIV and aging. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2020 Mar;15(2):81-82. PubMed PMID: 32000248
  • Erlandson KM, Bradford Y, Samuels DC, Brown TT, Sun J, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Ritchie MD, Haas DW, Hulgan T. Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups and Frailty in Adults Living with HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2020 Mar;36(3):214-219. PubMed PMID: 31822125
  • Sax PE, Erlandson KM, Lake JE, Mccomsey GA, Orkin C, Esser S, Brown TT, Rockstroh JK, Wei X, Carter CC, Zhong L, Brainard DM, Melbourne K, Das M, Stellbrink HJ, Post FA, Waters L, Koethe JR. Weight Gain Following Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy: Risk Factors in Randomized Comparative Clinical Trials. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Sep 12;71(6):1379-1389. PubMed PMID: 31606734
  • Goulding D, Wilson MP, MaWhinney S, Jankowski CM, Erlandson KM. A supervised exercise intervention fails to improve depressive symptoms and quality of life among sedentary older adults with HIV infection. AIDS Care. 2020 Jun;32(6):714-721. PubMed PMID: 31238710
  • Hazlett C, Wulf DA, Pasaniuc B, Arah OA, Erlandson KM, Montague BT. Credible learning of hydroxychloroquine and dexamethasone effects on COVID-19 mortality outside of randomized trials. medRxiv. 2020 Dec 8. PubMed PMID: 33330889
  • Erlandson KM, Wu K, Lake JE, Samuels DC, Bares SH, Tassiopoulos K, Koethe JR, Brown TT, Leonard M, Benson CA, Haas DW, Hulgan T. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups and weight gain following switch to INSTI-Based ART. AIDS. 2020 Nov 25. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33252493
  • Abdo M, Langan SJ, MaWhinney S, Sun J, Lake JE, Palella FJ, Kingsley L, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. The Effect of Statin Therapy on Age-Associated Changes in Physical Function Among Men With and Without HIV in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 Nov 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33230030
  • Oliveira VH, Borsari AL, CÁrdenas JDG, Alves Junior CM, Castro NF, Marinello PC, Padilha CS, Webel AR, Erlandson KM, Deminice R. Low Agreement Between Initial and Revised European Consensus on Definition and Diagnosis of Sarcopenia Applied to People Living with HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2020 Nov 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33230028
  • Erlandson KM, Bradford Y, Samuels DC, Brown T, Sun J, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Ritchie MD, Haas D, Hulgan T. Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups and Frailty in Adults Living with HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2019 Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31822125
  • Masters MC, Erlandson KM. Forging new frontiers in HIV and aging. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2019 Dec 6. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31815749
  • Sax PE, Erlandson KM, Lake JE, McComsey GA, Orkin C, Esser S, Brown TT, Rockstroh JK, Wei X, Carter CC, Zhong L, Brainard DM, Melbourne K, Das M, Stellbrink HJ, Post FA, Waters L, Koethe JR. Weight Gain Following Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy: Risk Factors in Randomized Comparative Clinical Trials. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Oct 14. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31606734
  • Montano M, Bhasin S, D'Aquila RT, Erlandson KM, Evans WJ, Funderburg NT, Justice A, Ndhlovu LC, Ojikutu B, Pahor M, Pahwa S, Ryan AS, Schrack J, Schultz MB, Sebastiani P, Sinclair DA, Tripp J, Walker B, Womack JA, Yung R, Reeves RK. Harvard HIV and Aging Workshop: Perspectives and Priorities from Claude D. Pepper Centers and Centers for AIDS Research. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2019 Nov Dec;35(11-12):999-1012. PubMed PMID: 31456412
  • Ressler AM, Abdo M, MaWhinney S, Johnson SC, Erlandson KM. Examining Mortality to Identify Opportunities for Improved Care Among Adults with HIV in a Single Academic Medical Center. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2019 Nov Dec;35(11-12):1082-1088. PubMed PMID: 31432692
  • Masters MC, Perez J, Tassiopoulos K, Andrade A, Ellis R, Yang J, Brown TT, Palella FJ , Jr, Erlandson KM. Gait Speed Decline Is Associated with Hemoglobin A1C, Neurocognitive Impairment, and Black Race in Persons with HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2019 Nov Dec;35(11-12):1065-1073. PubMed PMID: 31468979
  • Erlandson KM, Karris MY. HIV and Aging: Reconsidering the Approach to Management of Comorbidities. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2019 Sep;33(3):769-786. PubMed PMID: 31395144
  • Sundermann EE, Erlandson KM, Pope CN, Rubtsova A, Montoya J, Moore AA, Marzolini C, O'Brien KK, Pahwa S, Payne BAI, Rubin LH, Walmsley S, Haughey NJ, Montano M, Karris MY, Margolick JB, Moore DJ. Current Challenges and Solutions in Research and Clinical Care of Older Persons Living with HIV: Findings Presented at the 9th International Workshop on HIV and Aging. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2019 Nov Dec;35(11-12):985-998. PubMed PMID: 31373216
  • Lake JE, Moser C, Johnston L, Magyar C, Nelson SD, Erlandson KM, Brown TT, McComsey GA. CT Fat Density Accurately Reflects Histologic Fat Quality in Adults With HIV On and Off Antiretroviral Therapy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Oct 1;104(10):4857-4864. PubMed PMID: 31329901
  • Erlandson KM, Zhang L, Ng DK, Althoff KN, Palella FJ Jr, Kingsley LA, Jacobson LP, Margolick JB, Lake JE, Brown TT. Risk Factors for Falls, Falls With Injury, and Falls With Fracture Among Older Men With or at Risk of HIV Infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 Aug 1;81(4):e117-e126. PubMed PMID: 31242143
  • Goulding D, Wilson MP, MaWhinney S, Jankowski CM, Erlandson KM. A supervised exercise intervention fails to improve depressive symptoms and quality of life among sedentary older adults with HIV infection. AIDS Care. 2019 Jun 25;:1-8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31238710
  • Adrian S, Scherzinger A, Sanyal A, Lake JE, Falutz J, Dubé MP, Stanley T, Grinspoon S, Mamputu JC, Marsolais C, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. The Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Analogue, Tesamorelin, Decreases Muscle Fat and Increases Muscle Area in Adults with HIV. J Frailty Aging. 2019;8(3):154-159. PubMed PMID: 31237318
  • McGrath R, Erlandson KM, Vincent BM, Hackney KJ, Herrmann SD, Clark BC. Decreased Handgrip Strength is Associated With Impairments in Each Autonomous Living Task for Aging Adults in the United States. J Frailty Aging. 2019;8(3):141-145. PubMed PMID: 31237315
  • Rubin LH, Gustafson D, Hawkins KL, Zhang L, Jacobson LP, Becker JT, Munro CA, Lake JE, Martin E, Levine A, Brown TT, Sacktor N, Erlandson KM. Midlife adiposity predicts cognitive decline in the prospective Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study. Neurology. 2019 Jul 16;93(3):e261-e271. PubMed PMID: 31201294
  • Debroy P, Lake JE, Sim M, Erlandson KM, Falutz J, Prado CM, Brown TT, Guaraldi G, Metabolic Cohort Team TMH. Lean mass declines consistently over 10 years in people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy, with patterns differing by sex. Antivir Ther. 2019;24(5):383-387. PubMed PMID: 31032811
  • Mathur S, Roberts-Toler C, Tassiopoulos K, Goodkin K, McLaughlin M, Bares S, Koletar SL, Erlandson KM. Detrimental Effects of Psychotropic Medications Differ by Sex in Aging People With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2019 Sep 1;82(1):88-95. PubMed PMID: 31169770
  • Montoya JL, Jankowski CM, O'Brien KK, Webel AR, Oursler KK, Henry BL, Moore DJ, Erlandson KM. Evidence-informed practical recommendations for increasing physical activity among persons living with HIV. AIDS. 2019 May 1;33(6):931-939. PubMed PMID: 30946147
  • Johs NA, Kellar-Guenther Y, Jankowski CM, Neff H, Erlandson KM. A qualitative focus group study of perceived barriers and benefits to exercise by self-described exercise status among older adults living with HIV. BMJ Open. 2019 Mar 7;9(3):e026294. PubMed PMID: 30850416
  • Liu J, Johnson R, Dillon S, Kroehl M, Frank DN, Tuncil YE, Zhang X, Ir D, Robertson CE, Seifert S, Higgins J, Hamaker B, Wilson CC, Erlandson KM. Among older adults, age-related changes in the stool microbiome differ by HIV-1 serostatus. EBioMedicine. 2019 Feb;40:583-594. PubMed PMID: 30685386
  • Debroy P, Sim M, Erlandson KM, Falutz J, Prado CM, Brown TT, Guaraldi G, Lake JE. Progressive increases in fat mass occur in adults living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy, but patterns differ by sex and anatomic depot. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2019 Apr 1;74(4):1028-1034. PubMed PMID: 30668716
  • McGrath RP, Clark BC, Erlandson KM, Herrmann SD, Vincent BM, Hall OT, Hackney KJ. Impairments in Individual Autonomous Living Tasks and Time to Self-Care Disability in Middle-Aged and Older Adults. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2019 Jun;20(6):730-735.e3. PubMed PMID: 30503592
  • Lake JE, Debroy P, Ng D, Erlandson KM, Kingsley LA, Palella FJ, Budoff MJ, Post WS, Brown TT. Associations between subcutaneous fat density and systemic inflammation differ by HIV serostatus and are independent of fat quantity. Eur J Endocrinol. 2019 Oct;181(4):451-459. PubMed PMID: 31430720
  • Kelly SG, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Erlandson KM, Koletar SL, Palella FJ. Frailty Is an Independent Risk Factor for Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease, Bone Disease, and Diabetes Among Aging Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Sep 27;69(8):1370-1376. PubMed PMID: 30590451
  • Neff HA, Kellar-Guenther Y, Jankowski CM, Worthington C, McCandless SA, Jones J, Erlandson KM. Turning disability into ability: barriers and facilitators to initiating and maintaining exercise among older men living with HIV. AIDS Care. 2019 Feb;31(2):260-264. PubMed PMID: 29968493
  • Erlandson KM, Perez J, Abdo M, Robertson K, Ellis RJ, Koletar SL, Kalayjian R, Taiwo B, Palella FJ Jr, Tassiopoulos K. Frailty, Neurocognitive Impairment, or Both in Predicting Poor Health Outcomes Among Adults Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Jan 1;68(1):131-138. PubMed PMID: 29788039
  • Lake JE, Li X, Palella FJ Jr, Erlandson KM, Wiley D, Kingsley L, Jacobson LP, Brown TT. Metabolic health across the BMI spectrum in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected men. AIDS. 2018 Jan 2;32(1):49-57. PubMed PMID: 28926404
  • Erlandson KM, Lake JE, Sim M, Falutz J, Prado CM, Domingues da Silva AR, Brown TT, Guaraldi G. Bone Mineral Density Declines Twice as Quickly Among HIV-Infected Women Compared With Men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Mar 1;77(3):288-294. PubMed PMID: 29140875
  • Justice AC, Erlandson KM, Hunt PW, Landay A, Miotti P, Tracy RP. Can Biomarkers Advance HIV Research and Care in the Antiretroviral Therapy Era?. J Infect Dis. 2018 Jan 30;217(4):521-528. PubMed PMID: 29165684
  • Fukui SM, Piggott DA, Erlandson KM. Inflammation Strikes Again: Frailty and HIV. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2018 Feb;15(1):20-29. PubMed PMID: 29411315
  • Sun J, Brown TT, Samuels DC, Hulgan T, D'Souza G, Jamieson BD, Erlandson KM, Martinson J, Palella FJ Jr, Margolick JB, Kirk GD, Schrack JA. The Role of Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Age-Related Decline in Gait Speed Among Older Men Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Aug 16;67(5):778-784. PubMed PMID: 29481608
  • Erlandson KM, Streifel A, Novin AR, Hawkins KL, Foster C, Langness J, Bessesen M, Falutz J, Moanna A, Looney D, Johns ST, Nguyen JB, Oxman MN, Levin MJ. Low Rates of Vaccination for Herpes Zoster in Older People Living With HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2018 Jul;34(7):603-606. PubMed PMID: 29661022
  • Soti S, Corey KE, Lake JE, Erlandson KM. NAFLD and HIV: Do Sex, Race, and Ethnicity Explain HIV-Related Risk?. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2018 Jun;15(3):212-222. PubMed PMID: 29671204
  • Hawkins KL, Zhang L, Ng DK, Althoff KN, Palella FJ Jr, Kingsley LA, Jacobson LP, Margolick JB, Lake JE, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. Abdominal obesity, sarcopenia, and osteoporosis are associated with frailty in men living with and without HIV. AIDS. 2018 Jun 19;32(10):1257-1266. PubMed PMID: 29794494
  • Erlandson KM, MaWhinney S, Wilson M, Gross L, McCandless SA, Campbell TB, Kohrt WM, Schwartz R, Brown TT, Jankowski CM. Physical function improvements with moderate or high-intensity exercise among older adults with or without HIV infection. AIDS. 2018 Oct 23;32(16):2317-2326. PubMed PMID: 30134299
  • Hawkins KL, Gordon KS, Levin MJ, Weinberg A, Battaglia C, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Brown ST, Rimland D, Justice A, Tate J, Erlandson KM. Herpes Zoster and Herpes Zoster Vaccine Rates Among Adults Living With and Without HIV in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Dec 1;79(4):527-533. PubMed PMID: 30179984
  • Monczor AN, Li X, Palella FJ Jr, Erlandson KM, Wiley D, Kingsley LA, Post WS, Jacobson LP, Brown TT, Lake JE. Systemic Inflammation Characterizes Lack of Metabolic Health in Nonobese HIV-Infected Men. Mediators Inflamm. 2018;2018:5327361. PubMed PMID: 30356397
  • Seifert SM, Castillo-Mancilla JR, Erlandson K, Morrow M, Gandhi M, Kuncze K, Horng H, Zheng JH, Bushman LR, Kiser JJ, MaWhinney S, Anderson PL. Brief Report: Adherence Biomarker Measurements in Older and Younger HIV-Infected Adults Receiving Tenofovir-Based Therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Mar 1;77(3):295-298. PubMed PMID: 29189417
  • Mellor-Crummey LE, Lake JE, Wilhalme H, Tseng CH, Grant PM, Erlandson KM, Price JC, Palella FJ Jr, Kingsley LA, Budoff M, Post WS, Brown TT. A Comparison of the Liver Fat Score and CT Liver-to-Spleen Ratio as Predictors of Fatty Liver Disease by HIV Serostatus. J Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018;2(3). PubMed PMID: 30511049
  • Monczor AN, Li X, Palella FJ Jr, Erlandson KM, Wiley D, Kingsley LA, Post WS, Jacobson LP, Brown TT, Lake JE. Systemic Inflammation Characterizes Lack of Metabolic Health in Nonobese HIV-Infected Men. Mediators Inflamm. 2018;2018:5327361. PubMed PMID: 30356397
  • Hawkins KL, Gordon KS, Levin MJ, Weinberg A, Battaglia C, Rodriguez-Barradas MC, Brown ST, Rimland D, Justice A, Tate J, Erlandson KM. Herpes Zoster and Herpes Zoster Vaccine Rates Among Adults Living With and Without HIV in the Veterans Aging Cohort Study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Dec 1;79(4):527-533. PubMed PMID: 30179984
  • Erlandson KM, MaWhinney S, Wilson M, Gross L, McCandless SA, Campbell TB, Kohrt WM, Schwartz R, Brown TT, Jankowski CM. Physical function improvements with moderate or high-intensity exercise among older adults with or without HIV infection. AIDS. 2018 Oct 23;32(16):2317-2326. PubMed PMID: 30134299
  • Neff HA, Kellar-Guenther Y, Jankowski CM, Worthington C, McCandless SA, Jones J, Erlandson KM. Turning disability into ability: barriers and facilitators to initiating and maintaining exercise among older men living with HIV. AIDS Care. 2018 Jul 3;:1-5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29968493
  • Hawkins KL, Zhang L, Ng DK, Althoff KN, Palella FJ Jr, Kingsley LA, Jacobson LP, Margolick JB, Lake JE, Brown TT, Erlandson KM. Abdominal obesity, sarcopenia, and osteoporosis are associated with frailty in men living with and without HIV. AIDS. 2018 Jun 19;32(10):1257-1266. PubMed PMID: 29794494
  • Erlandson KM, Perez J, Abdo M, Robertson K, Ellis RJ, Koletar SL, Kalayjian R, Taiwo B, Palella FJ Jr, Tassiopoulos K. Frailty, Neurocognitive Impairment, or Both in Predicting Poor Health Outcomes Among Adults Living with HIV. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 May 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29788039
  • Soti S, Corey KE, Lake JE, Erlandson KM. NAFLD and HIV: Do Sex, Race, and Ethnicity Explain HIV-Related Risk?. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2018 Jun;15(3):212-222. PubMed PMID: 29671204
  • Erlandson KM, Streifel A, Novin AR, Hawkins KL, Foster C, Langness J, Bessesen M, Falutz J, Moanna A, Looney D, Johns ST, Nguyen JB, Oxman MN, Levin MJ. Low Rates of Vaccination for Herpes Zoster in Older People Living With HIV. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2018 Jul;34(7):603-606. PubMed PMID: 29661022
  • Sun J, Brown TT, Samuels DC, Hulgan T, D'Souza G, Jamieson BD, Erlandson KM, Martinson J, Palella FJ Jr, Margolick JB, Kirk GD, Schrack JA. The Role of Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Age-Related Decline in Gait Speed Among Older Men Living With Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Aug 16;67(5):778-784. PubMed PMID: 29481608
  • Fukui SM, Piggott DA, Erlandson KM. Inflammation Strikes Again: Frailty and HIV. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2018 Feb;15(1):20-29. PubMed PMID: 29411315
  • Justice AC, Erlandson KM, Hunt PW, Landay A, Miotti P, Tracy RP. Can Biomarkers Advance HIV Research and Care in the Antiretroviral Therapy Era?. J Infect Dis. 2018 Jan 30;217(4):521-528. PubMed PMID: 29165684
  • Erlandson KM, Lake JE, Sim M, Falutz J, Prado CM, Domingues da Silva AR, Brown TT, Guaraldi G. Bone Mineral Density Declines Twice as Quickly Among HIV-Infected Women Compared With Men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Mar 1;77(3):288-294. PubMed PMID: 29140875
  • Lake JE, Li X, Palella FJ Jr, Erlandson KM, Wiley D, Kingsley L, Jacobson LP, Brown TT. Metabolic health across the BMI spectrum in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected men. AIDS. 2018 Jan 2;32(1):49-57. PubMed PMID: 28926404
  • Justice AC, Erlandson KM, Miotti PG, Landay A, Hunt PW, Tracy RP. Can Biomarkers Advance HIV Research and Care in the ART Era?. J Infect Dis. 2017 Nov 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29165684
  • Erlandson KM, Lake JE, Sim M, Falutz J, Prado CM, Domingues da Silva AR, Brown TT, Guaraldi G. Bone Mineral Density Declines Twice as Quickly Among HIV-Infected Women Compared to Men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2017 Nov 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29140875
  • Erlandson KM, Kitch D, Wester CW, Kalayjian RC, Overton ET, Castillo-Mancilla J, Koletar SL, Benson CA, Campbell TB, Robertson K, Lok JJ. The Impact of Statin and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor/Angiotensin Receptor Blocker Therapy on Cognitive Function in Adults With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Nov 29;65(12):2042-2049. PubMed PMID: 29020174
  • Tassiopoulos K, Abdo M, Wu K, Koletar SL, Palella FJ Jr, Kalayjian R, Taiwo B, Erlandson KM. Frailty is strongly associated with increased risk of recurrent falls among older HIV-infected adults. AIDS. 2017 Oct 23;31(16):2287-2294. PubMed PMID: 28991026
  • Lake JE, Li X, Palella FJ Jr, Erlandson KM, Wiley D, Kingsley L, Jacobson LP, Brown TT. Metabolic health across the body mass index spectrum in HIV-Infected and HIV-Uninfected Men. AIDS. 2017 Sep 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28926404
  • Erlandson KM, Fiorillo S, Masawi F, Scherzinger A, McComsey GA, Lake JE, Stein JH, Currier JS, Brown TT. Antiretroviral initiation is associated with increased skeletal muscle area and fat content. AIDS. 2017 Aug 24;31(13):1831-1838. PubMed PMID: 28590329
  • Hawkins KL, Brown TT, Margolick JB, Erlandson KM. Geriatric syndromes: new frontiers in HIV and sarcopenia. AIDS. 2017 Jun 1;31 Suppl 2:S137-S146. PubMed PMID: 28471944
  • Erlandson KM, Wu K, Koletar SL, Kalayjian RC, Ellis RJ, Taiwo B, Palella FJ Jr, Tassiopoulos K. Association Between Frailty and Components of the Frailty Phenotype With Modifiable Risk Factors and Antiretroviral Therapy. J Infect Dis. 2017 Mar 15;215(6):933-937. PubMed PMID: 28453849
  • Erlandson KM, Fiorillo SP, Cardoso SW, Riviere C, Sanchez J, Hakim J, Kumarasamy N, Badal-Faesen S, Lalloo U, Kumwenda J, Campbell TB, Brown TT. Insulin-Like Growth Factor Is Associated with Changes in Body Composition with Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2017 Sep;33(9):929-934. PubMed PMID: 28403619
  • Johs NA, Wu K, Tassiopoulos K, Koletar SL, Kalayjian RC, Ellis RJ, Taiwo B, Palella FJ Jr, Erlandson KM. Disability Among Middle-Aged and Older Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 Jul 1;65(1):83-91. PubMed PMID: 28369402
  • Seifert SM, Castillo-Mancilla JR, Erlandson KM, Anderson PL. Inflammation and pharmacokinetics: potential implications for HIV-infection. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2017 Jun;13(6):641-650. PubMed PMID: 28335648
  • Lake JE, Stanley TL, Apovian CM, Bhasin S, Brown TT, Capeau J, Currier JS, Dube MP, Falutz J, Grinspoon SK, Guaraldi G, Martinez E, McComsey GA, Sattler FR, Erlandson KM. Practical Review of Recognition and Management of Obesity and Lipohypertrophy in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Clin Infect Dis. 2017 May 15;64(10):1422-1429. PubMed PMID: 28329372
  • Natsag J, Erlandson KM, Sellmeyer DE, Haberlen SA, Margolick J, Jacobson LP, Palella FJ Jr, Koletar SL, Lake JE, Post WS, Brown TT. HIV Infection Is Associated with Increased Fatty Infiltration of the Thigh Muscle with Aging Independent of Fat Distribution. PLoS One. 2017;12(1):e0169184. PubMed PMID: 28060856
  • Negredo E, Back D, Blanco JR, Blanco J, Erlandson KM, Garolera M, Guaraldi G, Mallon P, Moltó J, Serra JA, Clotet B. Aging in HIV-Infected Subjects: A New Scenario and a New View. Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:5897298. PubMed PMID: 29430462
  • Hodes RJ, Sierra F, Austad SN, Epel E, Neigh GN, Erlandson KM, Schafer MJ, LeBrasseur NK, Wiley C, Campisi J, Sehl ME, Scalia R, Eguchi S, Kasinath BS, Halter JB, Cohen HJ, Demark-Wahnefried W, Ahles TA, Barzilai N, Hurria A, Hunt PW. Disease drivers of aging. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2016 Dec;1386(1):45-68. PubMed PMID: 27943360
  • Erlandson KM, Zhang L, Lake JE, Schrack J, Althoff K, Sharma A, Tien PC, Margolick JB, Jacobson LP, Brown TT. Changes in weight and weight distribution across the lifespan among HIV-infected and -uninfected men and women. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Nov;95(46):e5399. PubMed PMID: 27861378
  • Erlandson KM, Ng D, Jacobson LP, Margolick JB, Dobs AS, Palella FJ Jr, Lake JE, Bui H, Kingsley L, Brown TT. Inflammation, Immune Activation, Immunosenescence, and Hormonal Biomarkers in the Frailty-Related Phenotype of Men with or at Risk for HIV. J Infect Dis. 2016 Oct 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27799351
  • Schrack JA, Jacobson LP, Althoff KN, Erlandson KM, Jamieson BD, Koletar SL, Phair J, Brown TT, Margolick JB. Effect of HIV-infection and cumulative viral load on age-related decline in grip strength. AIDS. 2016 Nov 13;30(17):2645-2652. PubMed PMID: 27603294
  • Grant PM, Kitch D, McComsey GA, Collier AC, Bartali B, Koletar SL, Erlandson KM, Lake JE, Yin MT, Melbourne K, Ha B, Brown TT. Long-term body composition changes in antiretroviral-treated HIV-infected individuals. AIDS. 2016 Nov 28;30(18):2805-2813. PubMed PMID: 27662545
  • Castillo-Mancilla JR, Brown TT, Erlandson KM, Palella FJ Jr, Gardner EM, Macatangay BJ, Breen EC, Jacobson LP, Anderson PL, Wada NI. Suboptimal Adherence to Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Is Associated With Higher Levels of Inflammation Despite HIV Suppression. Clin Infect Dis. 2016 Dec 15;63(12):1661-1667. PubMed PMID: 27660234
  • Piggott DA, Erlandson KM, Yarasheski KE. Frailty in HIV: Epidemiology, Biology, Measurement, Interventions, and Research Needs. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2016 Dec;13(6):340-348. PubMed PMID: 27549318
  • Grant PM, Kitch D, McComsey GA, Collier AC, Koletar SL, Erlandson KM, Yin MT, Bartali B, Ha B, Melbourne K, Brown TT. Long-term Bone Mineral Density Changes in Antiretroviral-Treated HIV-Infected Individuals. J Infect Dis. 2016 Aug 15;214(4):607-11. PubMed PMID: 27330053
  • Erlandson KM, Plankey MW, Springer G, Cohen HS, Cox C, Hoffman HJ, Yin MT, Brown TT. Fall frequency and associated factors among men and women with or at risk for HIV infection. HIV Med. 2016 Nov;17(10):740-748. PubMed PMID: 27028463
  • Mave V, Erlandson KM, Gupte N, Balagopal A, Asmuth DM, Campbell TB, Smeaton L, Kumarasamy N, Hakim J, Santos B, Riviere C, Hosseinipour MC, Sugandhavesa P, Infante R, Pillay S, Cardoso SW, Tripathy S, Mwelase N, Berendes S, Andrade BB, Thomas DL, Bollinger RC, Gupta A. Inflammation and Change in Body Weight With Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in a Multinational Cohort of HIV-Infected Adults. J Infect Dis. 2016 Jul 1;214(1):65-72. PubMed PMID: 26962236
  • Erlandson KM, Guaraldi G, Falutz J. More than osteoporosis: age-specific issues in bone health. Curr Opin HIV AIDS. 2016 May;11(3):343-50. PubMed PMID: 26882460
  • Erlandson KM, Lake JE. Fat Matters: Understanding the Role of Adipose Tissue in Health in HIV Infection. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2016 Feb;13(1):20-30. PubMed PMID: 26830284
  • Erlandson KM, Li X, Abraham AG, Margolick JB, Lake JE, Palella FJ Jr, Koletar SL, Brown TT. Long-term impact of HIV wasting on physical function. AIDS. 2016 Jan 28;30(3):445-54. PubMed PMID: 26760233
  • Erlandson KM, Jiang Y, Debanne SM, McComsey GA. Effects of 96 Weeks of Rosuvastatin on Bone, Muscle, and Fat in HIV-Infected Adults on Effective Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2016 Apr;32(4):311-6. PubMed PMID: 26477698
  • Erlandson KM, Lake JE. Fat Matters: Understanding the Role of Adipose Tissue in Health in HIV Infection. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2016 Jan 30. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26830284
  • Erlandson KM, Li X, Abraham AG, Margolick JB, Lake JE, Palella FJ Jr, Koletar SL, Brown TT. Long-term impact of HIV wasting on physical function. AIDS. 2016 Jan 28;30(3):445-54. PubMed PMID: 26760233
  • Erlandson KM, Jiang Y, Debanne SM, McComsey GA. Effects of 96 Weeks of Rosuvastatin on Bone, Muscle, and Fat in HIV-Infected Adults on Effective Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2015 Nov 16. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26477698
  • Barocas JA, Erlandson KM, Belzer BK, Hess T, Sosman J. Advance directives among people living with HIV: room for improvement. AIDS Care. 2015;27(3):370-7. PubMed PMID: 25307722
  • Erlandson KM, Jiang Y, Debanne SM, McComsey GA. Effects of randomized rosuvastatin compared with placebo on bone and body composition among HIV-infected adults. AIDS. 2015 Jan 14;29(2):175-82. PubMed PMID: 25396266
  • Erlandson KM, Campbell TB. Inflammation in Chronic HIV Infection: What Can We Do?. J Infect Dis. 2015 Aug 1;212(3):339-42. PubMed PMID: 25583171
  • Foster CL, Mould K, Reynolds P, Simonian PL, Erlandson KM. Clinical problem-solving. Sick as a dog. N Engl J Med. 2015 May 7;372(19):1845-50. PubMed PMID: 25946284
  • Runfola JK, House J, Miller L, Colton L, Hite D, Hawley A, Mead P, Schriefer M, Petersen J, Casaceli C, Erlandson KM, Foster C, Pabilonia KL, Mason G, Douglas JM Jr. Outbreak of Human Pneumonic Plague with Dog-to-Human and Possible Human-to-Human Transmission--Colorado, June-July 2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2015 May 1;64(16):429-34. PubMed PMID: 25928467
  • Erlandson KM, O'Riordan M, Hileman CO, Rapaport E, Labbato D, Campbell TB, McComsey GA. Plasma Sclerostin in HIV-Infected Adults on Effective Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2015 Jul;31(7):731-8. PubMed PMID: 25919636
  • Allshouse AA, MaWhinney S, Jankowski CM, Kohrt WM, Campbell TB, Erlandson KM. The Impact of Marijuana Use on the Successful Aging of HIV-Infected Adults. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Jun 1;69(2):187-92. PubMed PMID: 25647530
  • Erlandson KM, Allshouse AA, Rapaport E, Palmer BE, Wilson CC, Weinberg A, MaWhinney S, Campbell TB. Physical function impairment of older, HIV-infected adults is associated with cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin response. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2015 Sep;31(9):905-12. PubMed PMID: 26061347
  • Schrack JA, Althoff KN, Jacobson LP, Erlandson KM, Jamieson BD, Koletar SL, Phair J, Ferrucci L, Brown TT, Margolick JB. Accelerated Longitudinal Gait Speed Decline in HIV-Infected Older Men. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Dec 1;70(4):370-6. PubMed PMID: 26102450
  • Erlandson KM, Jiang Y, Debanne SM, McComsey GA. Rosuvastatin Worsens Insulin Resistance in HIV-Infected Adults on Antiretroviral Therapy. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;61(10):1566-72. PubMed PMID: 26157049
  • Erlandson KM, Taejaroenkul S, Smeaton L, Gupta A, Singini IL, Lama JR, Mngqibisa R, Firnhaber C, Cardoso SW, Kanyama C, Machado da Silva AL, Hakim JG, Kumarasamy N, Campbell TB, Hughes MD. A Randomized Comparison of Anthropomorphic Changes With Preferred and Alternative Efavirenz-Based Antiretroviral Regimens in Diverse Multinational Settings. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2015 Sep;2(3):ofv095. PubMed PMID: 26213694
  • Erlandson KM, Jiang Y, Debanne SM, McComsey GA. Effects of randomized rosuvastatin compared with placebo on bone and body composition among HIV-infected adults. AIDS. 2015 Jan 14;29(2):175-82. PubMed PMID: 25396266
  • Barocas JA, Erlandson KM, Belzer BK, Hess T, Sosman J. Advance directives among people living with HIV: room for improvement. AIDS Care. 2014 Oct 13;:1-8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25307722
  • Erlandson KM, Allshouse AA, Jankowski CM, Mawhinney S, Kohrt WM, Campbell TB. Relationship of physical function and quality of life among persons aging with HIV infection. AIDS. 2014 Aug 24;28(13):1939-43. PubMed PMID: 24992000
  • Erlandson KM, Schrack JA, Jankowski CM, Brown TT, Campbell TB. Functional impairment, disability, and frailty in adults aging with HIV-infection. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2014 Sep;11(3):279-90. PubMed PMID: 24966138
  • Yogo N, Shapiro L, Erlandson KM. Sepedonium intra-abdominal infection: a case report and review of an emerging fungal infection. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2014 Sep;69(9):2583-5. PubMed PMID: 24788660
  • Erlandson KM, Gudza I, Fiorillo S, Ndemera B, Schooley RT, Gwanzura L, Borok M, Campbell TB. Relationship of vitamin D insufficiency to AIDS-associated Kaposi's sarcoma outcomes: retrospective analysis of a prospective clinical trial in Zimbabwe. Int J Infect Dis. 2014 Jul;24:6-10. PubMed PMID: 24769175
  • Erlandson KM, O'Riordan M, Labbato D, McComsey GA. Relationships between inflammation, immune activation, and bone health among HIV-infected adults on stable antiretroviral therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 Mar 1;65(3):290-8. PubMed PMID: 24525466
  • Erlandson KM, Kitch D, Tierney C, Sax PE, Daar ES, Melbourne KM, Ha B, McComsey GA. Impact of randomized antiretroviral therapy initiation on glucose metabolism. AIDS. 2014 Jun 19;28(10):1451-61. PubMed PMID: 24637543
  • Miller CJ, Baker JV, Bormann AM, Erlandson KM, Huppler Hullsiek K, Justice AC, Neuhaus J, Paredes R, Petoumenos K, Wentworth D, Winston A, Wolfson J, Neaton JD, INSIGHT SMART Study Group, ESPRIT Study Group. Adjudicated morbidity and mortality outcomes by age among individuals with HIV infection on suppressive antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One. 2014;9(4):e95061. PubMed PMID: 24728071
  • Yogo N, Nichol AC, Campbell TB, Erlandson KM. Syphilis presenting as retinal detachment and orchitis in a young man with HIV. Sex Transm Dis. 2014 Feb;41(2):114-6. PubMed PMID: 24413491
  • Erlandson KM, Reynolds SM, Cox C, Palella FJ, Witt MD, Kingsley LA, Brown TT, Plankey M. Self-Reported Body Fat Change in HIV-Infected Men Is a Marker of Decline in Physical Health-Related Quality of Life with Aging, Independent of Co-Morbidity. PLoS One. 2014;9(12):e114166. PubMed PMID: 25436612
  • Yogo N, Nichol AC, Campbell TB, Erlandson KM. Syphilis presenting as retinal detachment and orchitis in a young man with HIV. Sex Transm Dis. 2014 Feb;41(2):114-6. PubMed PMID: 24413491
  • Erlandson KM, O'riordan M, Labbato D, McComsey GA. Relationships Between Inflammation, Immune Activation, and Bone Health Among HIV-Infected Adults on Stable Antiretroviral Therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 Mar 1;65(3):290-8. PubMed PMID: 24525466
  • Erlandson KM, Allshouse A, Jankowski CM, MaWhinney S, Kohrt WM, Campbell TB. Functional Impairment is Associated with Low Bone and Muscle Mass among Persons Aging with HIV-infection (accepted to J Acq Immun Def Syndrome 2013).
  • Erlandson KM. Allshouse AA. Jankowski CM. Lee EJ. Rufner KM, Palmer B. Wilson CC. MaWhinney S. Kohrt WM. Campbell TB. Association of Functional Impairment with Inflammation and Immune Activation in HIV-1- Infected Adults on Effective Antiretroviral Therapy. (accepted to J Infect Dis 2013)
  • Erlandson KM, Kitch D, Tierney C, Sax PE, Daar ES, Tebas P, Melbourne K, Ha B, Jahed NC, McComsey GA. Weight and lean body mass change with antiretroviral initiation and impact on bone mineral density. AIDS. 2013 Aug 24;27(13):2069-79. PubMed PMID: 24384588
  • Erlandson KM, Allshouse AA, Jankowski CM, Lee EJ, Rufner KM, Palmer BE, Wilson CC, MaWhinney S, Kohrt WM, Campbell TB. Association of functional impairment with inflammation and immune activation in HIV type 1-infected adults receiving effective antiretroviral therapy. J Infect Dis. 2013 Jul 15;208(2):249-59. PubMed PMID: 23559466
  • Schoen JC, Erlandson KM, Anderson PL. Clinical pharmacokinetics of antiretroviral drugs in older persons. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol. 2013 May;9(5):573-88. PubMed PMID: 23514375
  • Erlandson KM, Allshouse AA, Jankowski CM, MaWhinney S, Kohrt WM, Campbell TB. Functional impairment is associated with low bone and muscle mass among persons aging with HIV infection. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 Jun 1;63(2):209-15. PubMed PMID: 23392468
  • Accepted 2/2012 pending minor revisions, citation not yet available. Erlandson KM. Allshouse A. Duong S. MaWhinney S. Kohrt W. Campbell T. HIV, Aging, and Advanced Directives: Are we successfully planning for the future? J Palliative Med 2012.
  • Erlandson KM. Allshouse AA. Jankowski CM. MaWhinney S. Kohrt WM. Campbell TB. Functional Impairment is Associated with Low Bone and Muscle Mass in Middle-Aged HIV-1 Infected Persons. Accepted for poster presentation at Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Seattle, WA, March 2012.
  • Erlandson KM. Allshouse A. Duong S. MaWhinney S. Kohrt WM. Campbell TB. HIV, Aging, and Advanced Directives: Are we successfully planning for the future? Journal of Palliative Medicine 2012; 15: 1124-9. PMID: 22694717.
  • Erlandson, KM, Allshouse A. Jankowski CM.Duong S. MaWhinney S. Kohrt WM. Campbell TB. A Comparison of Functional Status Instruments in HIV-Infected Adults on Effective Antiretroviral Therapy. HIV Clin Trials 2012; 13: 324-34. PMID: 23195670
  • Erlandson, KM, Allshouse A. Jankowski CM.Duong S. MaWhinney S. Kohrt WM. Campbell TB. Risk Factors for falls among HIV-infected Persons. J Acq Immun Def Syndrome 2012; 61: 484-9.
  • Erlandson KM. Allshouse AA. Jankowski CM. Duong S. MaWhinney S. Kohrt WM. Campbell TB. Prevalence of and risk factors for frequent falls in HIV-infected persons. Presented as an oral abstract at the 2nd International HIV and Aging Workshop, Baltimore, MD 2011 (Manuscript submitted 1/31/2012).
  • Erlandson KM. Allshouse AA. Jankowski C, Duong S, MaWhinney S, Kohrt WM, Campbell TB. A prospective comparison of three functional assessments with the Veterans Aging Cohort Study index in virologically suppressed HIV-infected Adults. Presented as an oral abstract at the 2nd International HIV and Aging Workshop, Baltimore, MD 2011 (Manuscript submitted 1/17/2012).
  • Erlandson KM. Allshouse A. Wilson C. MaWhinney S. Kohrt W. Campbell T. Frailty in HIV-1 infected individuals is associated with immune activation and inflammation but not immune senescence. Presented as a late-breaker poster at 6th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Rome, Italy 2011 (Manuscript in preparation).
  • Erlandson KM. Allshouse A. Duong S. MaWhinney S. Kohrt W. Campbell T. Prevalence and risk factors for frailty in HIV-1 infected individuals on suppressive antiretroviral therapy. Presented as a poster at 6th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Rome, Italy 2011.
  • Erlandson KM. Allshouse A. Duong S. MaWhinney S. Kohrt W. Campbell T. Frailty is associated with psychiatric disease, chronic pain, and poor quality of life in aging HIV-1 infected individuals. Presented as an e-poster at the 6th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Rome, Italy 2011.

Professional Memberships

  • American College of Physicians (ACP), Fellow
  • Infectious Diseases Society of America, Member
  • American Geriatrics Society, Member
  • HIV Medicine Association, Member

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Hospital Affiliation
  • University of Colorado Hospital

Specialty Information

  • Internal Medicine, Board Certification (2007)
  • Infectious Disease, Board Certification (2010)
Conditions & Treatments
  • Infections
  • Primary Care
  • Immune System - AIDS / HIV Disease
  • Immune System
Clinical Interests
My clinical interests for Infectious Diseases include treatment and prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infection and primary care of people with HIV/AIDS. I am particularly interested in management of older adults with HIV and issues regarding weight gain experience with antiretroviral therapy.

Care Philosophy
My overarching goal is to improve the quality and quantity of life among people with HIV and sequelae of other infectious diseases.

Personal Interests
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two children, running and traveling.

Public Speaking
I frequently give talks locally, nationally, and internationally on my research.