Jori Leszczynski, DVM

Professor, Pathology



  • Kleymann AM, Zawadzki NA, Fong DL, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Leszczynski JK, Anderson SM, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Corynebacterium bovis Growth in Tissue Culture Conditions and Media. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2024 Aug 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 39181706
  • Archer CL, Tsuji NK, Waters MH, Brazzell JL, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Manuel CA, Habenicht LM. Evaluation of a gel-based versus micro-pellet diet for adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Lab Anim. 2024 Aug;58(4):291-301. PubMed PMID: 39102523
  • Manuel CA, Pugazhenthi U, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Schurr MJ. A Clinical Scoring System and Impact of Athymic Nude Mouse Age on Corynebacterium bovis Clinical Disease. Comp Med. 2024 Aug 1;74(4):246-254. PubMed PMID: 38704217
  • Tennis MA, Fong DL, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Manuel CA, Leszczynski JK, Fordham S. Animal Models in Research. The American Biology Teacher 1 August 2024; 86 (6): 361–368. doi:
  • Pires EM, Pugazhenthi U, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Antibiotic Treatment of Corynebacterium bovis-associated Clinical Disease in NSG Mice. Comp Med. 2023 Dec 1;73(6):461-465. PubMed PMID: 38103891
  • Taylor JZ, Fong DL, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Leszczynski JK, Frank DN, Kofonow JM, Robertson CE, Nicklawsky AG, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Effects of Extended Cage Component Sanitation Interval on the Microenvironment, Health, and Gastrointestinal Microbiome of Rats (Rattus norvegicus). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2023 May 1;62(3):212-221. PubMed PMID: 37072181
  • Taylor JZ, Fong DL, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Leszczynski JK, Frank DN, Kofonow JM, Robertson CE, Nicklawsky AG, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Effects of Extended Cage Component Sanitation Interval on the Microenvironment, Health, and Gastrointestinal Microbiome of Rats (Rattus norvegicus). J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2023 May 1;62(3):212-221. PubMed PMID: 37072181
  • Manuel CA, Pearson EC, Pugazhenthi U, Fink MK, Habenicht LM, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Schurr MJ. A Clinical Scoring Systems for the Evaluation of Corynebacterium bovis -associated Disease in NSG Mice. Comp Med. 2022 Dec 1;72(6):386-393. PubMed PMID: 36744509
  • Manuel CA, Johnson LK, Pugazhenthi U, Fong DL, Fink M, Habenicht LM, Leszczynski JK, Diana IR, Schurr MJ, Frank DN. Effect of Antimicrobial Prophylaxis on Corynebacterium bovis Infection and the Skin Microbiome of Immunodeficient Mice. Comp Med. 2022 Apr 1;72(2):78-89. PubMed PMID: 35379380
  • Habenicht LM, Staley AW, Clancy BM, Bozan S, Manuel CA, Fong DL, Nicklawsky AG, Klug A, Leszczynski JK. Characterization of a Jumping Stereotypy in Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) and Assessment of Opaque Tubing Enrichment on Stereotypies and Breeding. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2022 Mar 1;61(2):149-158. PubMed PMID: 35140007
  • Habenicht, LM, AK Winchester, BM Clancy, S Bozan, CA Manuel, DL Fong, AG Nicklawsky, A Klug, JK Leszczynski. Characterization of a jumping stereotypy in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) and assessment of opaque tubing enrichment on stereotypies and breeding. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2022 March 61(2): 149-158.
  • Manuel, CA, LK Johnson, DL Fong, MK Fink, LM Habenicht, J.K. Leszczynski, D. Ir, CE Robertson, MJ Schurr, DN Frank. Effect of Antimicrobial Prophylaxis on Corynebacterium bovis Infection and the Skin Microbiome of Immunodeficient Mice. Comparative Medicine. 2022 April 72(2):78-89, 2022.
  • Fagre AC, Pugazhenthi U, Cheleuitte-Nieves C, Crim MJ, Henderson KS, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Schurr MJ, Daniels JB, Manuel CA. Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Corynebacterium bovis Isolates from Immunodeficient Rodents. Comp Med. 2021 Jun 1;71(3):210-214. PubMed PMID: 33836843
  • Pearson EC, Pugazhenthi U, Fong DL, Smith DE, Nicklawsky AG, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Leszczynski JK, Schurr MJ, Manuel CA. Metaphylactic Antibiotic Treatment to Prevent the Transmission of Corynebacterium bovis to Immunocompromised Mouse Offspring. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. 2020 Nov 1;59(6):712-718. PubMed PMID: 32907697
  • Mitchell CM, Johnson LK, Crim MJ, Wiedmeyer CE, Pugazhenthi U, Tousey S, Tollin DJ, Habenicht LM, Fink MK, Fong DL, Leszczynski JK, Manuel CA. Diagnosis, Surveillance and Management of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus Infections in Chinchillas ( Chinchilla lanigera) . Comp Med. 2020 Aug 1;70(4):370-375. PubMed PMID: 32731906
  • Manuel C.A., Pearson E.C., Pugazhenthi U., Fink M.K., Habenicht L.M., Fong D.L., Leszczynski J.K., Schurr M.J. Development of a Novel Clinical Scoring System for Corynebacterium bovis Infections in NSG Mice. Presented at the 71st American Association for Laboratory Animal Science meeting. Held Virtually October 2020. (Platform)
  • Setter, SM., IF Choi, PW Setter, HR Goold, MK Fink, L. Habenicht, DL Fong, JK Leszczynski, CA Manuel. Assessment of a Novel Procedure to Reverse Mouse Penile Prolapses. Presented at the 71st American Association for Laboratory Animal Science meeting. Held Virtually October 2020. (Poster) ** Poster won second place in the Clinical section.
  • Habenicht, LM, S. Bozan, BM Clancy, CA Manuel, DL Fong, JK Leszczynski, A. Klug. Assessment of Opaque Tubing Enrichment to Reduce Stereotypic Behaviors and Promote Breeding Efficiency in Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Presented at the 71st American Association for Laboratory Animal Science meeting. Held Virtually October 2020. (Poster)
  • Habenicht, LM, BM Clancy, CA Manuel, DL Fong, A. Klug, JK Leszczynski. Characterization of Novel Stereotypic Behavior in laboratory Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) Housed in Individually Ventilated Caging. Presented at the 71st American Association for Laboratory Animal Science meeting. Held Virtually October 2020. (Poster)
  • Mitchell, CM, LK Johnson, MJ Crim, CE Wiedmeyer, U. Pugazhenthi, S. Tousey, DJ Tollin, LM Habenicht, DL Fong, J.K. Leszczynski, C.A. Manuel. Diagnosis, Surveillance and Management of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus Infections in Chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera). Comparative Medicine. 2020 August; 70(4) 370-375.
  • Pearson, EC, U. Pugazhenthi, DL Fong, DE Smith, AG Nicklawsky, LM Habenicht, MK Fink, J.K. Leszczynski, MJ Schurr, CA Manuel. Metaphylactic Antibiotic Treatment to Prevent the Transmission of Corynebacterium bovis to Immunocompromised Mouse Offspring. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2020 November; 59(6); 712-718.
  • B. Trotter, M. Sketers, H. Tekie, N. Montero, D. Munoz, J. Sketers, M. Montero, L. Bell, D. L. Fong, C.A. Manuel, L. Richardson, C. Russell, J.K. Leszczynski. Transitioning to a New Compliance and Animal Facility Administration Software. Presented at the 70th American Association for Laboratory Animal Science meeting in Denver, CO, October 13 – October 17, 2019. (Poster)
  • C.A. Manuel, A.C. Fagre, D. Frank, U. Pugazhenthi, L. Johnson, M.J. Crim, K.S. Henderson, C. Cheleuitte-Nieves, D.L. Fong, J.K. Leszczynski, J.B. Daniels, M.J. Shurr. Corynebacterium bovis: Antibiotic susceptibility, prophylaxis and the skin microbiota. Presented at the 70th American Association for Laboratory Animal Science meeting in Denver, CO, October 13 – October 17, 2019. (Platform)
  • Mitchell, C., A. McGrath, B. Beck, M.J. Schurr, D. Fong, J.K. Leszczynski, C.A. Manuel. Low Cost, Small-Scale Decontamination of Laboratory Equipment by Using Chlorine Dioxide Gas. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2019 September; 58(5); 569-576
  • Leszczynski, J.K., D. Fong, C.M. Manuel, M. Wallace. Oops!... I Did It Again. Lab Animal. 2017 Oct; 46(10):365-367
  • J.K. Leszczynski, M. Wallace, J. Tackett. Chapter 26 - Basic Animal Facility Management. Management of Animal Care and Use Programs in Research, Teaching, and Testing, 2nd Edition. Editors, R.H. Weichbrod, G.A. Thompson, J.N. Norton. CRC Press. 2018 (pages 599-638).
  • McCullah, E.A., P. McCullagh, A. Klug, J.K. Leszczynski, D.L. Fong. Effects of Extended Cage-Change Interval on Ammonia Levels and Reproduction in Mongolian Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2017 November; 56(6); 713-717.
  • Manuel, C.A., U. Pugazhenthi, S.P. Spiegel, J.K. Leszczynski. Detection and Elimination of Corynebacterium bovis from Barrier Rooms by Using an Environmental Sampling Surveillance Program. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2017 March; 56(2); 202-209.
  • Manuel, C.A., S.M. Bagby, J.A. Reisinger, U. Pugazhenthi, T.M. Pitts, S.B. Keysar, J.J. Arcaroli, J.K. Leszczynski. Procedure for Horizontal Transfer of Patient-Derived Xenograft Tumors to Eliminate Corynebacterium bovis. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2017 March; 56(2); 166-172.
  • Kennedy, B.W., J. Zynda, R. Hoglund, J.K. Leszczynski, E. Hildebrand, J. Cox. Global Warming and the Sustainable Vivarium. ALN Magazine. 2017 Feb.
  • K. Schoonveld, J. Shulman, C.A. Manuel, M.L. Wallace-Fields, J. Tackett, J.K. Leszczynski. Health Checking Mouse Cages: Red Light or White Light?. Poster Presented at the 68th American Association for Laboratory Animal Science meeting in Austin, TX, October 15-19. 2017. (poster)
  • Manuel, C.A., U. Pugazhenthi, J.K. Leszczynski. Corynebacterium bovis Surveillance of a Ventilated Rack System by Sampling Exhaust Air Manifolds. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. 2016 January; 55(1); 58-65.
  • Fong, D., C.M. Manuel, J.K. Leszczynski, M. Douse. Call Me Maybe. Lab Animal. 2016 Nov; 45(11):423-425.
  • Leszczynski J, Wallace M, Tackett J, Jiron U, Collins J, Warder C, Richardson L, Bell L, Russell C. Shutting down a working vivarium for decontamination. Lab Anim (NY). 2014 Aug;43(8):283-90. PubMed PMID: 25050729
  • Golkowski, M, C. Golkowski, J.K. Leszczynski, S.R. Plimpton, P. Maslowski. A. Foltynowicz-Mtyba, J.Ye, and B. McCollister. Hydrogen Peroxide Enhanced Nonthermal Plasma Effluent for Biomedical Applications. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. Pending Publication
  • Golkowski, M, C. Golkowski, J.K. Leszczynski, S.R. Plimpton, P. Maslowski. A. Foltynowicz-Mtyba, J.Ye, and B. McCollister. Hydrogen Peroxide Enhanced Nonthermal Plasma Effluent for Biomedical Applications. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2012 Aug; 40(8): 1984-1991
  • M. Wallace-Fields, J Tackett, L. Richardson, J.K. Leszczynski. A Novel Approach to a Mopping System to Reduce Labor and Product Costs and Decrease Chemical Usage.
  • E. Severs, J.K. Leszczynski. Training Rats to Shift into Clean Cages by Using Operant Conditioning with Positive Reinforcement.
  • J.K. Leszczynski, M. Wallace, J. Tackett. Chapter 26 - Basic Animal Facility Management. Management of Animal Care and Use Programs in Research, Teaching, and Testing, 2nd Edition. Editors, R.H. Weichbrod, G.A. Thompson, J.N. Norton. CRC Press. In Press
  • Manuel, C.A., S.M. Bagby, J.A. Reisinger, U. Pugazhenthi, T.M. Pitts, S.B. Keysar, J.J. Arcaroli, J.K. Leszczynski. A Horizontal Transfer Technique of PDX Tumors to Eliminate Corynebacterium bovis. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. In Press.
  • Manuel, C.A., U. Pugazhenthi, S.P. Spiegel, J.K. Leszczynski. Deterction and Elimination of Corynebacterium bovis from Barrier Rooms with an Environmental Sampling Surveillance Program. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. In Press.