A. Kim, R. Kevin Roger, J. Chen, P. Boulos, R. Quaife, T. Bull, "3D Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography Guidance of BPA for Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension", American Thoracic Society, 2025 (Accepted for publication).
Life-Saving Salvage Closure of Ischemic VSD using Rapid CT Driven 3D Printing/Modeling and 3D TEE Guidance. ASE2024, June14-16, 2024.
Madhurima Vardhan, Cyrus Tanade, S. James Chen, Owais Mahmood, Jaidip Chakravartti, W. Jones, Andrew Kahn
Sreekanth Vemulapalli, Manesh Patel,
Jane Leopold, Amanda Randles
"Diagnostic Performance of Coronary Angiography Derived Computational Fractional Flow Reserve." JAHA (2024)
SG Chidyagwai, MS Kaplan, CW Jensen, S. SJ Chen, RChamberlein, KD Hill, PCA Barker, TC Slesnick. "Surgical Modulation of Pulmonary Artery Shear Stress: A Patient-Specific CFD Analysis of the Norwood Procedure". Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology.
Saxon CE, Genders TSS, Quaife RA, Chen SJ, Burke JM, McGuinn EM. Aortic valve chordae tendineae: A rare cause of aortic stenosis. Radiol Case Rep. 2023 Jan;18(1):1-3. PubMed PMID: 36312300
Tanade C, Chen SJ, Leopold JA, Randles A. Analysis identifying minimal governing parameters for clinically accurate in silico fractional flow reserve. Front Med Technol. 2022;4:1034801. PubMed PMID: 36561284
Non-invasive characterization of complex coronary lesions. M. Vardhan, J. Gounley, S.J. Chen, A.M. Kahn, J.A. Leopold, A. Randles. J. of Scientific Report, 2021 (in press).
Transcatheter Closure of Left Ventricle to Coronary Sinus Fistula Post-MVR and Septal Myectomy. R.S. Bricker, R. Quaife, S.J. Chen, J.M. Messenger, J.D. Carroll. JACC (in press).
Towards Integrating Augmented Reality into Clinics for Planning Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Procedure. M. Vardhan, P. Manesh, S.J. Chen, J.A. Leopold, A. Randles. MICCAI.
Kaplan, M., Barker, P., Hill, K., Chen, J., Chamberlain, R., Randles, A.,"Generating Patient-Specific 3D Cfd Models After The Norwood Procedure From Routine Clinical Data." The 6th International Conference on Clinical and Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease (2019). Under-reviewed. Kaplan, M., Barker, P., Hill, K., Chen, J., Chamberlain, R., Randles, A.,"Generating Patient-Specific 3D Cfd Models After The Norwood Procedure From Routine Clinical Data." The 6th International Conference on Clinical and Engineering Frontiers in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease (2019). Under-reviewed.
Madhurima Vardhan*, John Gounley, James Chen, Andy Kahn, Jane Leopold, Amanda Randles . The importance of side branches in modeling 3D hemodynamics from angiograms for patients with coronary artery disease. (2019) Nature Scientific Reports.
Nils Petri, Alexander Haak, Dominik Wiktor, Esra Donmez, James S. Chen, Edward Gill, Ernesto E. Salcedo, Robert A. Quaife, John D. Carroll. Assessment of the intra-atrial septum orientation for structural heart disease interventions. TVT 2018 in Chicago (2018).
Nils Petri, Alexander Haak, Dominik Wiktor, Esra Donmez, James S. Chen, Edward Gill, Ernesto E. Salcedo, Robert A. Quaife, John D. Carroll. Assessment of the intra-atrial septum orientation and its mean curvature for structural heart disease interventions.TCT 2018 in San Diego.
Nils Petri, Alexander Haak, Robert A. Quaife, Edward Gill, Ernesto E. Salcedo, James S. Chen, John D. Carroll. Pseudo-Illumination in 3D Transesophageal Echocardiography for Structural Heart Disease Interventions – Learning from Caravaggio (2018).
Kaplan, M., Barker, P., Hill, K., Chen, J., Chamberlain, R., Gounley, J., Vardhan, M., Randles, A., “3D Patient-Specific Hemodynamics Derived from 2D Angiography in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Following the Norwood Procedure.” BMES Annual Conference. (2018)
Stacey D. Clegg, MD; S. James Chen, PhD; Niels Nijhof, MSc; et al., Integrated 3D Echo-X Ray to Optimize Image Guidance for Structural Heart Intervention. J Am Coll Cardiol Img. 2015;8(3):371-374. doi:10.1016/j.jcmg.2014.06.024.
Bryan E. Yunker, Sr., Member, IEEE, Gerald D. Dodd, S. James Chen, Samuel Chang, Ann L. Scherzinger, Robin Shandas, Yusheng Feng, Kendall S.
The Extraction of Anatomical Structure from Medical Imagery with applications in Surgical Planning and Navigation. IEEE Med. Imaging (in review).
Bryan E. Yunker, Sr., Member, IEEE, Gerald D. Dodd, Samuel Chang, S. James Chen,
Craig Lanning, Robin Shandas, Yusheng Feng, Kendall S. Hunter. MATLAB based Medical Image Viewer with
Synchronized B-Mode and Doppler Images. Trans. of Computational Imaging (in review).
S. James Chen, Marvin H. Eng, Joel A. Garcia, Onno Wink, Mani Vembar, Adam R. Hansgen, Robert A. Quaife and John D. Carroll. Computed Tomography Angiography for Image Guidance in Percutaneous. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (in revision).
Stacey D. Clegg, S. James Chen, Niels Nijhof, Michael S. Kim, Emersto E. Salcedo, Robert A. Quaife, John C. Messenger, John Bracken, and John D. Carroll, "Integrated 3D Echo-X Ray to Optimize Image Guidance for Structural Heart Intervention", J. Am Coll Cardiol Img. March 2015,8(3):371-374 doi:10.1016/j.jcmg.2014.06.024
Cardiac CT Imaging Of An ‘Elephant Trunk’ Left Atrial Appendage Morphology With 3d Modeling, The Society of Computed Tomography, the 9th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, July 10-13, 2014.
Haase, Christian; Schaefer, Dirk; Kim, Michael; Chen, S; Carroll, John; Eshuis, Peter; Doessel, Olaf; Grass, Michael. "First pass cable artefact correction for cardiac C-arm CT imaging". J. of Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014 (in press).
Bryan E. Yunkera, Gerald D. Dodd, S. James Chen, Samuel Chang, Craig J.
Lanning, Ann L. Scherzinger, Robin Shandas, Yusheng Feng, Kendall S. Hunter. The design and fabrication of two portal vein flow phantoms by different methods. Medical Physics. Med. Phys. 41(2), 023701 (2014); http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4861819
Shamima Yasmin, Nan Du, S. James Che and Yusheng Feng. A haptic-enabled novel approach to cardiovascular
visualization. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (2014). Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/cav.1586.
S. Yasmin, N Du, SJ Chen, and Y. Feng, “A haptic-enabled novel approach to cardiovascular visualization”, Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds, 2014; 25:257-271 (DOI:10.1002/cav.1586).
Dattilo PB, Chen SYJ, Carroll JD, Messenger JC. 3D fluoroscopy-based imaging in the cardiovascular catheterization laboratory: past, present and future. Interv. Cardiol. (2013), 101-111
Chen SYJ, Lu F, Hansgen AR, Carroll JD. Effectiveness assessment of dual-axis rotational coronary angiography (DRCA) using 3D modeling and quantitative coronary analysis. (to be submitted to J. of Med. Physics)
Chen SYJ, Marvin HE, Garcia JA Wink O, Vembar M Hansgen AR, Quaife RA, Carroll JD. Computed tomography angiography for image guidance in PCI: A validation study. J. of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (under review).
Dattilo PB, Chen SYJ, Hansgen AR, Carroll JD. Angiographic methods and findings of the transcatheter mitral annuloplasty using the MONARC system for the treatment of mitral regurgitation. (in preparation).
Clegg SD, Chen SYJ, Salcedo EE, Quaife RA, Carroll JD. Integrated 3D Echo-X-ray Image Guidance for Structural Heart Interventions. (in preparation).
Integrated 3D Echo-X-Ray Image Guidance for Structural Heart Interventions, J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 2012;59;E326
SYJ Chen, MH Eng, JA Garcia, O Wink, M Vembar, AR Hansgen RA Quaife, and JD Carroll, "Computed Tomography Angiography for Image Guidance in PCI: a validation study", JACC Cardiovascular Imaging (in revision).
L. Liu, J. Wang, W. Yang, and S.J. Chen, In vivo stress analysis of a pacing lead from an Angiographic Sequence. J. of Biomechanical Engineering, vol. 133, April, 2011 (in press).
S.J. Chen, M.H. Eng, J.A. Garcia, O. Wink, M. Vembar, A.R. Hansgen, R.A. Quaife, J.D. Carroll. Computed Tomography Angiography for Image Guidance in PCI: A validation study. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (in revision).
Hudson PA, Klein AJ, Kim MS, Wink O, Hansgen A, Casserly I, Messenger JC, James Chen SY, Carroll JD, Garcia JA. A novel dual-axis rotational coronary angiography evaluation of coronary artery disease—case presentation and review. Clin Cardiol. 2010 Jul;33(7):E16-9.
Klein AJ, Garcia JA, Hudson PA, Kim MS, Messenger JC, Casserly I, Wink O, Hattler B, Tsai T, Chen SY, Hansgen A, Carroll JD. Safety and efficacy of dual-axis rotational coronary angiography vs. Standard coronary angiography. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2010 Sep 17. (Epub ahead of print).
S.J. Chen and J.D. Carroll, “Performance Assessment of Implanted Device for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Based on Three-dimensional Modeling”, June 9-11, 2010, Rockville, Maryland.
S. James Chen and John D. Carroll, "Coronary Angiography", in Practical Signal and Image Processing Concepts for Clinical Cardiology, Edited by Jeffrey J. Goldberger and Jason Ng.
S. James Chen, John C. Messenger, and John D. Carroll, "A methodology for quantifying deformations in stented coronary arteries based on three-dimensional angiography", J. of ASTM International, 7(1), Dec. 2009.
S. James Chen and John D. Carroll, "Performance Assessment of Implanted Device for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Based On Three-dimensional Modeling", FDA/NHLBI/NSF
3rd annual workshop on computer methods for cardiovascular devices:The integration of nonclinical and computer models, Jun 10-11, 2010.
S. James Chen and John D. Carroll, "Coronary Angiography", in Practical Signal and Image Processing Concepts for Clinical Cardiology, Edited by Jeffrey J. Goldberger and Jason Ng.
Computed Tomography Angiography vs. Coronary Angiography: A 3 Dimensional Vessel Feature Comparison
*Marvin H. Eng MD, ‡Onno Wink PhD, *S.Y. James Chen PhD *Philip Li MS, *Adam Hansgen BS, *John D. Carroll MD, *Joel A. Garcia MD.,
*University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Aurora, CO. , ‡ Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands. American College of Cardiology (2009).
Cardiology Clinics - Advances in Angiography
Feasibility of a Method to Quantify Movement-induced Conformational Changs in the Superficial Femoral and Popliteal (Femoropopliteal) Arterial Tree Using 3-D Angiography. Andrew J. Klein, Ivan P. Casserly, John C. Messenger, John D. Carroll, and S.-Y. James Chen, J. of ASTM International, 2009, vol 6, no.5 (www.astm.org).
Advanced Rotational X-Ray System with 3D Reconstruction (3DRx): Novel clinical applications in endoscopoic retrograde cholangiography (ERC). Y.K. Chen, R.J. Shah1 ,O. Wink, S.J. Chen. Digestive Disease Week, Chicago IL., May 31 - June 3, 2009.
Klein AJ, Casserly IP, Messenger JC, Carroll JD, Chen SY, In vivo 3D modeling of the femoropopliteal artery in human subjects based on x-ray angiography: methodology and validation. Med. Phys, 2009 Feb; 36(2):289-310
Klein AJ, Chen SY, Messenger JC, Carroll JD, Casserly IP, Quantitative Assessment of the Conformational Change in the Femoropopliteal Artery With Leg Movement. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. (accepted in press).
Advances in Coronary Angiography. Guest Editors: S. James Chen and John D. Carroll. Cardiology Clinics, 27(3), August 2009 ISSN 0733-8651, W.B. Saunders Company, Elsevier Inc.
Chen SYJ and Carroll JD, Advanced 3D Modeling and Quantitative Analysis on Coronary Vascular Structures for Percutaneous based Annulus Repair, Circulation 2008; 118:S898-S899.
F. Ahang, C. Lanning, L. Mazzaro, B. Rech, S.J. Chen, and R. Shandas,
"Validation of a Second-Generation Echo PIV System in Patient-specific Carotid Artery Models: in Vitro Studies Using Pulsatile Flow", Proceedings of the ASME 2008, June 25 - 29, 2008.
A. Klein, I.P. Casserly, J.C. Messenger, J.D. Carroll, and S.J. Chen, "Method to Quantify Movement-induced Superfical Femoral and Popliteal Arterial Tree Using 3-D Angiography", the 2nd Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture of Medical Metalic Materials and Devices, May 7, 2008, Denver, CO
S.J. Chen, J.C. Messenger, J.D. Carroll, "Deformation Assessment of Intracoronary Device Placed in the Coronary Vascular Structures Based on 3-D Angiography", the 2nd Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture of Medical Metalic Materials and Devices, May 7, 2008, Denver, CO
A.J. Klein, I.P. Casserly, J.C. Messenger, J.D. Carroll, and S.J. Chen, "In vivo 3-D Reconstruction of the Femoropopliteal Artery in Human Subjects Based on X-ray Angiography - Methodology and Validation", to be submitted to Journal of Medical Physics, 2008.
D. Schafer, B. Movassaghi, M. Grass, G. Schoonenberg, R. Florent, O. Wink, A. Klein, S.J. Chen, J. Garcia, J.C. Messenger, J.D. Carroll, "Three-dimensional reconstruction of coronary stents in vivo based on motion compensated x-ray angiography", Medical Imaging 2007: Visualization and Image-guided Procedures, Edited by Cleary, Kevin R.; Miga, Michael I.. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6509, pp. 65091M (2007).
Joel A. Garcia, S.-Y.J. Chen, A. Hansgen, O. Wink, B. Movassaghi, J.C. Messenger, `Rotational Angiography (RA) and Three-dimensional Imaging (3-DRA): an available clinical tool, Int J Cardiovasc Imaging, vol. 23, no. 1, February, 2007, pp 9 13.
K.S. Hunter, C.J. Lanning, S.-Y.J. Chen, C.G. DeGroff, D. Chang, K.C. Chan, D.D. Ivy DD, R. Shandas, `Three-Dimensional Patient-Specific Simulation of Coupled Blood Flow Dynamics and Artery Motion in the Proximal Pediatric Pulmonary Vasculature under Normotensive and Hypertensive Conditions’, Medical Engineering & Physics, (in press), 2007.
Y. Zhang, M.L. Dunn, S.K. Hunger, C. Lanning, S.-Y.J. Chen, D. Dunbar, and R. Shandas, `Application of A Microstructural Constitutive Model of the Pulmonary Artery to Patient-Specific Studies: Validation and Effect of Orthotropy’, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, (in press), 2007
Hunter KS, Lanning CJ, Chen SYJ, DeGroff CG, Chang D, Chan KC, Ivy DD, Shandas R, "Three-Dimensional Patient-Specific Simulation of Coupled Blood Flow Dynamics and Artery Motion in the Proximal Pediatric Pulmonary Vasculature under Normotensive and Hypertensive Conditions", Medical Engineering & Physics (accepted pending revision).
Joel A. Garcia James Chen Adam Hansgen, Onno Wink Babak Movassaghi, John C. Messenger "Rotational Angiography (RA) and Three-dimensional Imaging (3-DRA): an available clinical tool", Int J Cardiovasc Imaging (2006).
Hunter KS, Lanning CJ, Chen SYJ, Zhang Y, Garg R, Ivy DD, Shandas R, "Simulations of Congenital Defect Closure and Reactivity Tests in Patient-Specific Models of the Pediatric Pulmonary Vasculature: A 3-D Numerical Study with Fluid-Structure Interaction, J. Biomech. Engr. (2006).