Laureate, Colorado Chapter American College of Physicians
Research Interests
Informed consent, smoking cessation, preventive medicine
Vander Weg MW, Howren MB, Grant KM, Prochazka AV, Duffy S, Burke R, Cretzmeyer M, Parker C, Thomas EBK, Rizk MT, Bayer J, Kinner EM, Clark JM, Katz DA. A smoking cessation intervention for rural veterans tailored to individual risk factors: A multicenter randomized clinical trial. J Subst Use Addict Treat. 2024 Jan;156:209191. PubMed PMID: 37866436
Campos L, Prochazka A, Anderson M, Kaizer A, Foster C, Hullar T. Consistent hearing aid use is associated with lower fall prevalence and risk in older adults with hearing loss. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023 Oct;71(10):3163-3171. PubMed PMID: 37314100
Cegolon L, Filon FL, Prochazka A, Lange JH. Low immunoglobulin-E levels as potential biomarker to screen individuals susceptible to cancer in occupational settings. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2022 Dec;129(6):663-664. PubMed PMID: 36464394
Fink AS, Prochazka AV, Hall DE. Extending the Discussion on Informed Consent. J Am Coll Surg. 2022 May 1;234(5):975-976. PubMed PMID: 35426419
Ha DM, Prochazka AV, Bekelman DB, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Studts JL, Keith RL. Modifiable factors associated with health-related quality of life among lung cancer survivors following curative intent therapy. Lung Cancer. 2022 Jan;163:42-50. PubMed PMID: 34896804
Ha DM, Prochazka AV, Bekelman DB, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Studts JL, Keith RL. Modifiable factors associated with health-related quality of life among lung cancer survivors following curative intent therapy. Lung Cancer. 2022 Jan;163:42-50. PubMed PMID: 34896804
Ha DM, Prochazka AV, Bekelman DB, Stevens-Lapsley JE, Chan ED, Keith RL. Association of Leisure-Time Physical Activity With Health-Related Quality of Life Among US Lung Cancer Survivors. JNCI Cancer Spectr. 2021 Feb;5(1):pkaa118. PubMed PMID: 35075444
Jensen KM, Campagna EJ, Juarez-Colunga E, Prochazka AV, Runyan DK. Authors' Response to "Importance of Oral Health for Adolescents and Adults With Down Syndrome". Am J Prev Med. 2021 Oct;61(4):e213. PubMed PMID: 34544562
Jensen KM, Campagna EJ, Juarez-Colunga E, Runyan DK, Prochazka AV. Predictors of Receipt of Clinical Preventive Services in Adolescents and Adults with Down Syndrome Accessing Medicaid. Disabil Health J. 2021 Apr;14(2):101016. PubMed PMID: 33229308
Jensen KM, Campagna EJ, Juarez-Colunga E, Prochazka AV, Runyan DK. Low Rates of Preventive Healthcare Service Utilization Among Adolescents and Adults With Down Syndrome. Am J Prev Med. 2021 Jan;60(1):1-12. PubMed PMID: 33191063
Prochazka AV. Review: Automated mobile phone text messaging increases smoking cessation (moderate evidence). Ann Intern Med. 2020 Mar 17;172(6):JC33. PubMed PMID: 32176899
West-Denning J, Prochazka AV. NutriRECS Consortium provides weak recommendations for continuing current red meat and processed meat consumption. Ann Intern Med. 2020 Feb 18;172(4):JC15. PubMed PMID: 32066148
Erly BK, Prochazka AV. E-cigarettes were more effective than nicotine replacement for smoking cessation at 1 year. Ann Intern Med. 2019 May 21;170(10):JC50. PubMed PMID: 31108512