Oyler JL, Myers JS, Ranji SR, Shah BJ, Franks-Snedecor R, Stucky Fisher E, Tad-Y D, Warm E, Greenwald JL, Tess A. Maximizing impact of faculty development through purposeful design: Lessons from a quality and safety education academy. J Hosp Med. 2023 Apr;18(4):352-356. PubMed PMID: 36451292
Rossi-MacKay D, Bulfer M, Kuljis D, Tad-y DB. Reduction in Opioid Prescribing and Administration in Hospitalized Acute Care Medical Patients. J Opioid Mgt; 18(4), July/August 2022.
Gonzalo J, Caverzagie K, Tad-y, DB, et al. The Triple Helix of Clinical, Research and Education Missions in Academic Health Centers: A Qualitative Study of Diverse Stakeholder Perspectives. Learning Health Systems; 2020; e10250.
Valin JP, Gulley S, Keidan B, Perkins K, Winfield G, Price C, Neff W, and Tad-y, DB. Physician Executives Guide a Successful COVID-19 Response in Colorado. NEJM Catalyst; Oct 15, 2020.
Oza SK, van Schaik S, Boscardin CK, Pierce R, Miao E, Lockspeiser T, Tad-Y D, Aagaard E, Kuo AK. Leadership Observation and Feedback Tool: A Novel Instrument for Assessment of Clinical Leadership Skills. J Grad Med Educ. 2018 Oct;10(5):573-582. PubMed PMID: 30386485
Myers JS, Tess AV, McKinney K, Rosenbluth G, Arora VM, Tad-Y D, Vidyarthi AR. Bridging Leadership Roles in Quality and Patient Safety: Experience of 6 US Academic Medical Centers. J Grad Med Educ. 2017 Feb;9(1):9-13. PubMed PMID: 28261389
Tad-Y DB, Pierce RG, Pell JM, Stephan L, Kneeland PP, Wald HL. Leveraging a Redesigned Morbidity and Mortality Conference That Incorporates the Clinical and Educational Missions of Improving Quality and Patient Safety. Acad Med. 2016 Sep;91(9):1239-43. PubMed PMID: 26983075
Tad-Y D, Wald HL. The evolution of morbidity and mortality conferences. BMJ Qual Saf. 2016 Sep 21. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27653833
Murphy, E, Tad-y, DB, Combs, B. Exploring Drivers of medical Overuse Through Transformation of Grand Rounds into “Right Care Rounds.” Journal of Graduate Medical Education; In Press.
Wannamaker, E, Tad-y, D, Cumbler, E. Quality Improvement (QI) Through Post Discharge Telephone Assessment: A Model for Student--Centered QI. American Medical Student Research Journal. In Press.
Sweigart JR, Tad-Y D, Pierce R, Wagner E, Glasheen JJ. The Health Innovations Scholars Program: A Model for Accelerating Preclinical Medical Students' Mastery of Skills for Leading Improvement of Clinical Systems. Am J Med Qual. 2015 Apr 8. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25855673
Murphy EN, Tad-y D, Combs B. Exploring Drivers of Medical Overuse Through Transformation of Grand Rounds Into "Right Care Rounds". J Grad Med Educ. 2015 Jun;7(2):283-4. PubMed PMID: 26221457
Furfari, K, Rosenthal, L, Tad-y, DB, Wolfe, B, and Glasheen, J. Nurse Practitioners as Inpatient Providers: A Hospital Medicine Fellowship Program. J of Nurse Practitioners; 10 (6), 425-429, 2014.
Accepted for publication in JGIM. Awaiting citation.
Clinical Decision Support: Hospital Medicine
Sections on Pituitary Tumors, Adrenal Tumors
Tackett S, Tad-y D, Rios R, Kisuule F, Wright S. Appraising the practice of etiquette-based medicine in the inpatient setting. J Gen Intern Med. 2013 Jul;28(7):908-13. PubMed PMID: 23423452
Tad-y, D, Pierce, R, Pell, J, Kneeland, P, and Wald, H. Re-designing M&M: A Systems-based M&M
Tad-y, DB, Pell, J, and Wald, H. Redesigning M&M: a Systems-Based M&M. AAMC Aligning and Educating for Quality
Tad-y, D. Doing QI with Learners. Author. University of Colorado School of Medicine, Academy of Medical Educators.
What is the best approach for inpatient evaluation and management of endocrine incidentalomas?
A Curriculum in the Business of Medicine for Hospitalist Training Track Residents in Internal Medicine. Darlene B. Tad-y, MD, Michael Guthrie, MD, MBA, and Jeffrey Glasheen, MD, University of Colorado School of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Business
Developing a Quality Improvement Curriculum for the Pre-clinical Medical Student
Assessing Medication Adherence: Teaching Trainees. Workshop author and instructor. American Academy of Communication in Healthcare, Annual Research and Teaching Forum.
Approach to Incidentalomas in the Inpatient Setting. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, Lecture, 2010.
Oyler JL, Myers JS, Ranji SR, Shah BJ, Snedecor RF, Fisher ES, Tad-y DB, Warm EJ, Greenwald JL and Tess A. Maximizing Impact of Faculty Development through Purposeful Design: Lessons from a Quality and Safety Academy.
Johns Hopkins Carey School of Business-Graduate Certificate in the Business of Medicine , Certificate
Clinical Interests
Interests: Patient-Centered Care, Patient flow, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
This physician treats inpatients only and does not make office appointments.