Teri Hernandez, PhD

Professor, College of Nursing

College of Nursing


  • Farabi SS, Barbour LA, Heiss K, Hirsch NM, Dunn E, Hernandez TL. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is Associated with Altered Glycemic Patterns in Pregnant Women with Obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Feb 22. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30794722
  • Barbour, LA, Friedman, JE, and Hernandez, TL. (2019, in press). Metabolic changes in Normal and Obese Pregnancies and in Gestational Diabetes. In Diabetes in Pregnancy. EA Reece, D. Coustan, (Eds.). Wolters Kluwer Health, in press.
  • Hernandez, TL, Friedman, JE, and Barbour, LA. (2019, in press). Insulin Resistance in Pregnancy: Implications for Mother and Offspring. In, Insulin Resistance: Childhood Precursors of Adult Disease 2nd Ed. PS Zeitler, KL Nadeau (Eds.). Springer, in-press.
  • Carlson NS, Corwin EJ, Hernandez TL, Holt E, Lowe NK, Hurt KJ. Association between provider type and cesarean birth in healthy nulliparous laboring women: A retrospective cohort study. Birth. 2018 Jun;45(2):159-168. PubMed PMID: 29388247
  • Carlson NS, Corwin EJ, Hernandez TL, Holt E, Lowe NK, Hurt KJ. Association between provider type and cesarean birth in healthy nulliparous laboring women: A retrospective cohort study. Birth. 2018 Jan 31. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29388247
  • Lichliter RL, Tremewan LE, Shonka NM, Mehnert JE, Brennan L, Thrasher JM, Hernandez TL. Therapeutic antibiotic serum concentrations by two blood collection methods within the pediatric patient: A comparative effectiveness trial. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2018 Feb 20. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29461683
  • Lichliter RL, Tremewan LE, Shonka NM, Mehnert JE, Brennan L, Thrasher JM, Hernandez TL. Therapeutic antibiotic serum concentrations by two blood collection methods within the pediatric patient: A comparative effectiveness trial. J Spec Pediatr Nurs. 2018 Apr;23(2):e12212. PubMed PMID: 29461683
  • Heerwagen MJR, Gumina DL, Hernandez TL, Van Pelt RE, Kramer AW, Janssen RC, Jensen DR, Powell TL, Friedman JE, Winn VD, Barbour LA. Placental lipoprotein lipase activity is positively associated with newborn adiposity. Placenta. 2018 Apr;64:53-60. PubMed PMID: 29626981
  • Hernandez TL, Mande A, Barbour LA. Nutrition therapy within and beyond gestational diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2018 Nov;145:39-50. PubMed PMID: 29679625
  • Barbour LA, Hernandez TL. Maternal Non-glycemic Contributors to Fetal Growth in Obesity and Gestational Diabetes: Spotlight on Lipids. Curr Diab Rep. 2018 May 9;18(6):37. PubMed PMID: 29744612
  • Barbour LA, Farabi SS, Friedman JE, Hirsch NM, Reece MS, Van Pelt RE, Hernandez TL. Postprandial Triglycerides Predict Newborn Fat More Strongly than Glucose in Women with Obesity in Early Pregnancy. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2018 Aug;26(8):1347-1356. PubMed PMID: 29931812
  • Hernandez TL, Brand-Miller JC. Nutrition Therapy in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Time to Move Forward. Diabetes Care. 2018 Jul;41(7):1343-1345. PubMed PMID: 29934477
  • Young BE, Levek C, Reynolds RM, Rudolph MC, MacLean P, Hernandez TL, Friedman JE, Krebs NF. Bioactive components in human milk are differentially associated with rates of lean and fat mass deposition in infants of mothers with normal vs. elevated BMI. Pediatr Obes. 2018 Oct;13(10):598-606. PubMed PMID: 30092608
  • Borengasser SJ, Baker PR 2nd, Kerns ME, Miller LV, Palacios AP, Kemp JF, Westcott JE, Morrison SD, Hernandez TL, Garces A, Figueroa L, Friedman JE, Hambidge KM, Krebs NF. Preconception Micronutrient Supplementation Reduced Circulating Branched Chain Amino Acids at 12 Weeks Gestation in an Open Trial of Guatemalan Women Who Are Overweight or Obese. Nutrients. 2018 Sep 11;10(9). PubMed PMID: 30208589
  • Barbour LA, Hernandez TL. Maternal Lipids and Fetal Overgrowth: Making Fat from Fat. Clin Ther. 2018 Oct;40(10):1638-1647. PubMed PMID: 30236792
  • Soderborg TK, Clark SE, Mulligan CE, Janssen RC, Babcock L, Ir D, Lemas DJ, Johnson LK, Weir T, Lenz LL, Frank DN, Hernandez TL, Kuhn KA, D'Alessandro A, Barbour LA, El Kasmi KC, Friedman JE. The gut microbiota in infants of obese mothers increases inflammation and susceptibility to NAFLD. Nat Commun. 2018 Oct 26;9(1):4462. PubMed PMID: 30367045
  • Hernandez TL, Hay WW Jr, Rozance PJ. Continuous glucose monitoring in the neonatal intensive care unit: not quite ready for 'plug and play'. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2018 Nov 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30425111
  • Young BE, Patinkin Z, Palmer C, de la Houssaye B, Barbour LA, Hernandez T, Friedman JE, Krebs NF. Human milk insulin is related to maternal plasma insulin and BMI: but other components of human milk do not differ by BMI. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2017 Sep;71(9):1094-1100. PubMed PMID: 28513622
  • Rudolph MC, Young BE, Lemas DJ, Palmer CE, Hernandez TL, Barbour LA, Friedman JE, Krebs NF, MacLean PS. Early infant adipose deposition is positively associated with the n-6 to n-3 fatty acid ratio in human milk independent of maternal BMI. Int J Obes (Lond). 2016 Dec 13. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27876761
  • Moore GS, Allshouse AA, Fisher BM, Kahn BF, Hernandez TL, Reece MS, Reynolds RM, Lee W, Barbour LA, Galan HL. Can Fetal Limb Soft Tissue Measurements in the Third Trimester Predict Neonatal Adiposity?. J Ultrasound Med. 2016 Sep;35(9):1915-24. PubMed PMID: 27417735
  • Hernandez TL. Carbohydrate Content in the GDM Diet: Two Views: View 1: Nutrition Therapy in Gestational Diabetes: The Case for Complex Carbohydrates. Diabetes Spectr. 2016 May;29(2):82-8. PubMed PMID: 27182176
  • Lemas DJ, Young BE, Baker PR 2nd, Tomczik AC, Soderborg TK, Hernandez TL, de la Houssaye BA, Robertson CE, Rudolph MC, Ir D, Patinkin ZW, Krebs NF, Santorico SA, Weir T, Barbour LA, Frank DN, Friedman JE. Alterations in human milk leptin and insulin are associated with early changes in the infant intestinal microbiome. Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 May;103(5):1291-300. PubMed PMID: 27140533
  • Ferranti EP, Jones EJ, Hernandez TL. Pregnancy Reveals Evolving Risk for Cardiometabolic Disease in Women. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2016 May-Jun;45(3):413-25. PubMed PMID: 26987786
  • Hernandez TL, Van Pelt RE, Anderson MA, Reece MS, Reynolds RM, de la Houssaye BA, Heerwagen M, Donahoo WT, Daniels LJ, Chartier-Logan C, Janssen RC, Friedman JE, Barbour LA. Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Randomized to a Higher-Complex Carbohydrate/Low-Fat Diet Manifest Lower Adipose Tissue Insulin Resistance, Inflammation, Glucose, and Free Fatty Acids: A Pilot Study. Diabetes Care. 2016 Jan;39(1):39-42. PubMed PMID: 26223240
  • Barbour LA, Hernandez TL, Reynolds RM, Reece MS, Chartier-Logan C, Anderson MK, Kelly T, Friedman JE, Van Pelt RE. Striking differences in estimates of infant adiposity by new and old DXA software, PEAPOD and skin-folds at 2 weeks and 1 year of life. Pediatr Obes. 2016 Aug;11(4):264-71. PubMed PMID: 26198967
  • Hernandez, TL, Van Pelt, RE, Anderson, MA, Reece, MS, Reynolds, RM, de la Houssaye, B, Heerwagen, M, Donahoo, WT, Daniels, LJ, Chartier-Logan, C, Janssen, RC, Friedman, JE, and Barbour, LA. Women with Gestational Diabetes Randomized to a Higher Complex Carbohydrate/Low Fat Diet Manifest Lower Adipose Tissue Insulin Resistance, Inflammation, Glucose, and Free Fatty Acids. Diabetes Care, 2016, 39(1):39-42.
  • Moore GS, Allshouse AA, Fisher BM, Kahn BF, Hernandez TL, Reece MS, Reynolds RM, Lee W, Barbour LA, and Galan HL. Can Ultrasound Measures of Fetal Limb Soft-tissue at 28 weeks Predict Neonatal Adiposity? Journal of Ultrasound Medicine, in-press, 2016
  • Ferranti, EP, Jones, EJ, and Hernandez, TL. Pregnancy reveals evolving risk for cardiometabolic disease in women. J Gynecol Neonat Nurs, 2016, in press.
  • Hernandez, TL. Diet Therapy in Gestational Diabetes: The Case for Complex Carbohydrates. Diabetes Spectrum, 2016, in-press.
  • Lemas D, Young B, Tomczik A, Hernandez TL, DeLaHoussaye B, Robertson C, Rudolph M, Krebs N, Santorico S, Barbour L, Weir T, Frank D, Friedman J. Breast milk leptin, insulin and n6/n3 fatty acids are associated with early differences in microbiome taxa and metagenomic pathways in infants born to lean and obese mothers. Keystone Symposia Gut Microbiota Modulation of Host Physiology, Keystone CO, Jan 2015 (Poster).
  • Barbour, LA, Hernandez TL, Reynolds R, Chartier-Logan C, Reece M, Friedman J, Van Pelt R. Striking Differences in Infant Adiposity by New and Old DXA Software, PEA POD, and Skinfolds at 2 Weeks and One Year of Life. ADA, Boston, MA, 2015 (Oral).
  • Carlson, NS, Hernandez, TL, Hurt, KJ. Parturition Dysfunction in Obesity: Time to Target the Pathobiology. Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2015, 13(1):135.
  • Bessesen, DH, Cox-York, KA, Hernandez, TL, Erickson, CB, Wang, H, Jackman, MR, Van Pelt, RE. Postprandial triglycerides and adipose tissue storage of dietary fatty acids: Impact of menopause and estradiol. Obesity, 2015, 23(1): 145-153.
  • Hernandez, TL. Glycemic targets in pregnancies affected by diabetes: Historical perspective and future directions. Current Diabetes Reports, 2015, 15(1):565.
  • Bessesen, DH, Cox-York, KA, Hernandez, TL, Erickson, CB, Wang, H, Jackman, MR, Van Pelt, RE. Postprandial triglycerides and adipose tissue storage of dietary fatty acids: Impact of menopause and estradiol. Obesity, 2015, 23(1): 145-153.
  • Hernandez, TL, Bessesen, DH, Cox-York, KA, Erickson, CG, Law, CK, Anderson, MA, Wang, H, Jackman, MR, and Van Pelt, RE. Femoral lipectomy increases postprandial lipemia in women. Am J Physiol Endocrino Metab, 2015, 309(1):E63-71.
  • Barbour, LA, Hernandez, TL, Reynolds, RM, Reece, MS, Chartier-Logan, C, Anderson MA, Kelly, TL, Friedman, JE, and Van Pelt, RE. Striking Differences in Estimates of Infant Adiposity by New and Old DXA Software, PEAPOD and Skinfolds at Two Weeks and One Year of Life. Pediatr Obesity, 2015, doi: 10.1111/ijpo.120555. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Boyle KE, Hwang H, DeVente JM, Barbour LA, Hernandez TL, Mandarino LJ, Lappas M and Friedman JE. Gestational diabetes is characterized by reduced mitochondrial protein expression and altered calcium signaling proteins in skeletal muscle. PLoS One, 2014, 9(9):e106872.
  • Hernandez, TL, Bessesen, DH, Cox-York, KA, Van Pelt, RE. Increase in postprandial triglycerices 1-year following femoral lipectomy. Obesity, 2014.
  • Hernandez, TL, VanPelt, RE, Anderson, MA, Daniels, LJ, West, JA, Donahoo, WT, Friedman, JE, and Barbour, LA. A higher complex carbohydrate diet in gestational diabetes achieves glucose targets and lowers postprandial lipids: A randomized crossover study. Diabetes Care, 2014, 37(5):1254-1262.
  • Hernandez, TL. Glycemic Norms in Pregnancy: Implications for Better Glucose Control beyond Maternal Diabetes. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 2012, in press.
  • Hernandez, TL, Anderson, MA, Chartier-Logan, C, Friedman, JE, Barbour, LA. Strategies in the nutritional management of gestational diabetes. Clin Obstet Gynecol, 2013, 56(4): 803-15.
  • Hernandez, TL, Barbour, LA. A standard approach to continuous glucose monitor data in pregnancy for the study of fetal growth and infant outcomes. Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 2013, 15(2): 172-179.
  • Barbour, LA; Van Pelt, RE; Brumbaugh, DE; Hernandez, TL; Friedman, JE. Comment on Rowan et al., MiG TOFU Trial: “Caution in Interpretation of the MiG TOFU Trial.” Diabetes Care, 2012, 35(3): e28.
  • Ferland A; Chateau-Degat ML; Hernandez TL; Eckel RH. Tissue-specific responses of lipoprotein lipase to dietary macronutrient composition as a predictor of weight gain over 4 years. Obesity. 2012, Jan 19. doi: 10.1038/oby.2011.372. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Hernandez, TL; Van Pelt, RE; Krause, MA; Reece, MS; Friedman, JE; and Barbour, LA. Higher Carbohydrate vs. Higher Fat Diet in Gestational Diabetes: A Pilot Study. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 2012, in press.
  • Hernandez, TL. Glycemic Norms in Pregnancy: Implications for Better Glucose Control beyond Maternal Diabetes. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 2012, in press.
  • Hernandez, TL; Van Pelt, RE; Krause, MA; Reece, MS; Donahoo, WT, Mande, A, Friedman, JE, and Barbour, LA. Higher Carbohydrate vs Higher Fat Diet in Gestational Diabetes: A Randomized Study. Diabetes, 2012, in press.
  • Rehrer, CW, Karimour-Fard, A, Hernandez, TL, Law, CK, Stob, NR, Hunter, LE, Eckel, RH. Regional differences in subcutaneous adipose tissue gene expression. Obesity, 2012, May 4. Doi: 10.1038oby.2012.117. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Hernandez, TL; Van Pelt, RE; Krause, MA; Reece, MS; Donahoo, WT, Mande, A, Friedman, JE, and Barbour, LA. Higher Carbohydrate vs Higher Fat Diet in Gestational Diabetes: A Randomized Study. Diabetes, 2012, 61(suppl1):A50.
  • Heerwagen, MJ, Delahoussaye, BA, Krause, MA, Kramer, A, Fisher, B, Reece, MS, Winn, VD, Van Pelt, RE, Jensen, DR, Friedman, JE, Hernandez, TL, and Barbour, LA. Human Placental LPL activity is Strongly Associated with Infant Adiposity at Birth. Diabetes, 2012, 61(suppl1):A52.
  • Hernandez, TL; Van Pelt, RE; Krause, MA; Reece, MS; Friedman, JE; and Barbour, LA. Higher Carbohydrate vs. Higher Fat Diet in Gestational Diabetes: A Pilot Study. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 2012, in press.
  • Hernandez, TL; Friedman, JE; Van Pelt, RE; Barbour, LA. Patterns of Glycemia in Normal Pregnancy: Should the Current Therapeutic Targets be Challenged? Diabetes Care, 2011, 34(7): 1660-8.
  • Harmon, K; Gerard, L; Jensen, DR; Kealey, EH; Hernandez, TL; Reece, MS; Barbour, LA; Bessesen, DH. Continuous Glucose Profiles in Obese and Normal-Weight Pregnant Women on Controlled Diet: Metabolic Determinants of Fetal Growth. Diabetes Care, 2011, 34(10):2198-204.
  • Hernandez, TL; Friedman, JE; Van Pelt, RE; Barbour, LA. Response to comment letter, “Changing Glucose Targets in Pregnancy.” Invited response. Diabetes Care, 2011, 34, e175.
  • Barbour, LA; McCurdy, CE; Hernandez, TL; Friedman, JE. Chronically Increased S6K1 and IRS1 Serine Phosphorylation Are Associated with Skeletal Muscle Insulin Resistance in GDM Women with Impaired Glucose Tolerance Postpartum. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2011, Feb 2 (E-pub ahead of print)
  • Hernandez, TL; Kittleson, JM; Law, CK; Ketch, LL; Stob, NR.; Lindstrom, RC; Scherzinger, AL; Stamm, ER; Eckel, RH. Fat comes back: Defense and redistribution of body fat following suction lipectomy in non-obese women. Obesity, 2011, in press
  • Hernandez, TL; Sutherland, JP; Wolfe, P; Allian-Sauer, M; Capell, WH; Talley, ND; Wyatt, HR; Foster, GD; Hill, JO; Eckel, RH. Lack of suppression of circulating free fatty acids and hypercholesterolemia during weight loss on a high fat, low carbohydrate diet. Am J Clin Nutr, 2010, 91(3):578-85.
  • Hernandez, TL; Kittleson, JM; Law, CK; Ketch, LL; Stob, NR.; Lindstrom, RC; Scherzinger, AL; Stamm, ER; Eckel, RH. Fat comes back: Defense and redistribution of body fat following suction lipectomy in non-obese women. Submitted, under consideration at the New England Journal of Medicine.
  • Barbour, LA; McCurdy, CE; Hernandez, TL; Friedman, JE. Increased p70S6 Kinase in Skeletal Muscle Distinguishes Insulin Resistance in Obese GDM Women with Impaired Glucose Tolerance Postpartum. Submitted to Diabetes.
  • Hernandez, T. Patterns of glycemia during the insulin resistance of pregnancy: Obesity, gestational diabetes and relationship to neonatal adiposity. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, United States -- Colorado. Retrieved March 8, 2010, from Dissertations & Theses @ University of Colorado System.(Publication No. AAT 3395917).
  • Hernandez, TL, VanPelt, RE, Jensen, DR, Reece, MS, Kahn, B, Friedman, JE, Barbour, LA. Glycemic patterns that predict neonatal adiposity in lean and obese pregnant women on fixed diets. Diabetes, 2009, 58; Suppl 1; A640.
  • Barbour, LA, Hernandez, TL, Reece, MS, Kahn, B, Horton, T, Galan, H, Thureen, P, Kohrt, W, Friedman, JE, VanPelt, RE. Change in fasting triglycerides from early to late gestation are highly predictive of neonatal adiposity independent of maternal BMI. Diabetes, 2009, 58; Suppl 1; A84.
  • Kahn, BF, Hernandez, TL, Reece, MS, Galan, HL, Barbour, LA. Sonographic predictors of fetal fat accretion. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2009, 201(6),S138-S139.
  • Donahoo, WT, Hernandez, TL, Costa, JL, Jensen, DR, Coates, AM, Brennan, MB, Hochgeschwender, U, Eckel, RH. Plasma alpha-melanocyte stimulationg hormone (alpha-MSH); Gender differences and correlations with obesity. Metabolism, 2009, 58(1):16-21.
  • Hernandez, TL, Ballard, RD, Weil, KM, Shepard, TY, Scherzinger, AL, Stamm, ER, Sharp, TA, Eckel, RH. Effects of maintained weight loss on sleep dynamics and neck morphology in severely obese adults. Obesity, 2009, 17(1)84-91.
  • Hernandez, TL, VanPelt, RE, Jensen, DR, Reece, MS, Kahn, B, Friedman, JE, Barbour, LA. Glycemic patterns that predict neonatal adiposity in lean and obese pregnant women on fixed diets. Diabetes, 2009, in press.
  • Barbour, LA, Hernandez, TL, Reece, MS, Kahn, B, Horton, T, Galan, H, Thureen, P, Kohrt, W, Friedman, JE, VanPelt, RE. Change in Fasting Triglycerides from Early to Late Gestation are Highly Predictive of Neonatal Adiposity Independent of Maternal BMI. Diabetes, 2009, in press.
  • Tasaka, YA; Hernandez, TL; Reed, S; Long, B; Clark, L. Implications for emergency room practice from the experiences of cancer patients. [abstract]. Western Institute of Nursing, 2008.
  • 11. Hernandez, TL, Ballard, RD, Weil, KM, Shepard, TY, Scherzinger, AL, Stamm, ER, Sharp, TA, Eckel, RH. Effects of Maintained Weight Loss on Sleep Dynamics and Neck Morphology in Severely Obese Adults. Obesity. [in revision].
  • Donahoo, WT, Hernandez, TL, Costa, JL, Jensen, DR, Coates, AM, Brennan, MB, Hochgeschwender, U, Eckel, RH. Plasma Alpha-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (Alpha-MSH): Gender Differences and Correlations with Obesity. Metabolism. [in revision]
  • Cornier, M, Dabelea, D, Hernandez,TL, Lindsstrom, RC, Steig, AJ, Stob, JR, VanPelt, RE, Wang, H, Eckel, RH. The Metabolic Syndrome. Endocrine Reviews, 2008, 29(7):277-822
  • Golden, WM, Weber, KB, Hernandez, TL, Sherman, SI, Woodmansee, WW, Haugen, BR. Single-dose rexinoid rapidly and specifically suppresses serum thyrotropin in normal subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol, 2007, 92(1):124-30.
  • Barbour LA, McCurdy CE, Hernandez, TL, Knotts TA, Shao J, Kirwan J, Catalano P, Friedman JE. Cellular Mechanisms for Insulin Resistance in Normal Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 2007, in press
  • Hernandez, TL, Talley ND, Weil, KM, Wamboldt, WS, Klinnert, MD, Moody, EJ, Eckel, RH. The impact of weight loss on quality of life in severe obesity: A comprehensive assessment. [abstract]. Obesity, 2006, 14; A227
  • Barbour LA, McCurdy CE, Hernandez TL, Houssaye B de la Houssaye, Draznin B, Friedman JE. Reduced IRS-1 and Increased SerIRS-1Phosphorylation in Skeletal Muscle from Women with GDM. [abstract]. Diabetes 55S1:A39, 2006
  • Hernandez, TL, Barbour, LA, Marsh, GW, and Eckel RH. The effect of macronutrient content on postprandial glycemia in gestational diabetes: A carbohydrate intervention study. [abstract]. Western Institute of Nursing, 2006.
  • Hernandez, TL. The Place of Experience in Graduate Level Nursing Education: A time for discussion and debate. Nursing Outlook, 2006, 54(1): 8-9.
  • Hernandez, TL, Capell, WH, Wolfe, P, Gerard, LA, Eckel, RH. Time course of C-reactive protein reduction with simvastatin therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Am J Cardiol, 2006, 98:1656-1659
  • Hernandez, TL, Capell, WH, Wolfe, P, Gerard, LA, and Eckel, RH. Simvastatin lowers C-reactive protein within 7 days in patients with type 2 diabetes. [abstract]. J Invest Med, 2005, 53(2): S398.
  • Hernandez, TL, Capell, WH, Wolfe, P, Gerard, LA, and Eckel, RH. Simvastatin lowers C-reactive protein within 7 days in patients with type 2 diabetes. [abstract]. J Invest Med, 2005, 53(2): S398.
  • Hernandez, TL. The Place of Experience in Graduate Level Nursing Education: A time for discussion and debate. Nursing Outlook, 2006, 54(1): 8-9.
  • Wu, X, Zvonic, S, Floyd, ZE, Kilroy, G, Goh, BC, Hernandez, TL, Eckel, RH, Mynatt, RL, Gimble, JM. (2007). Induction of Circadian Gene Expression in Human Subcutaneous Adipose-derived Stem Cells. Obesity, in press
  • Hernandez, TL; Friedman, JE; Van Pelt, RE; Barbour, LA. Patterns of Glycemia in Normal Pregnancy: Should the Current Therapeutic Targets be Challenged? Pooled Analysis/Review. Submitted to Diabetes Care, 2nd review, 2011
  • Harmon, K; Gerard, L; Jensen, DR; Kealey, EH; Hernandez, TL; Reece, MS; Barbour, LA; Bessesen, DH. Continuous Glucose Profiles in Obese and Normal-Weight Pregnant Women on Controlled Diet: Metabolic Determinants of Fetal Growth. Original Article. Submitted to Diabetes Care.
  • Hernandez, TL, Anderson, MA, Chartier-Logan, C, Friedman, JE, Barbour, LA. Strategies in the Nutritional Management of Gestational Diabetes. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2013, in press.
  • Hernandez, TL, VanPelt, RE, Anderson, MA, Daniels, LJ, West, JA, Donahoo, WT, Friedman, JE, and Barbour, LA. A higher complex carbohydrate diet in gestational diabetes achieves glucose targets and lowers postprandial lipids: A randomized crossover study. Diabetes Care, 2014, in press.
  • Hernandez, TL, Bessesen, DH, Cox-York, KA, Erickson, CG, Law, CK, Anderson, MA, Wang, H, Jackman, MR, and Van Pelt, RE. Femoral lipectomy increases postprandial lipemia in women. Submitted, Am J Physiol Endocrino Metab, submitting minor revisions 2015
  • Barbour, LA, Hernandez, TL, Reynolds, RM, Reece, MS, Chartier-Logan, C, Anderson MA, Kelly, TL, Friedman, JE, and Van Pelt, RE. Striking Differences in Estimates of Infant Adiposity by New and Old DXA Software, PEAPOD and Skinfolds at Two Weeks and One Year of Life. Submitted, Pediatr Obesity, under review, 2015.
  • Hernandez, TL, Van Pelt, RE, Anderson, MA, Reece, M, Reynolds, RM, de la Houssaye, B, Heerwagen, M, Donahoo, WT, Daniels, L, Chartier-Logan, C, Janssen, R, Friedman, JE, and Barbour, LA. Women with Gestational Diabetes Randomized to a Higher Complex Carbohydrate/Low Fat Diet Manifest Lower Adipose Tissue Insulin Resistance, Inflammation, Glucose, and Free Fatty Acids. Submitted, Diabetes Care, under review, 2015
  • Hernandez, TL. (2017). Complex Carbohydrate Diets in Gestational Diabetes. In, Nutrition and diet in Maternal diabetes. VB Patel, VR Preedy, and R Rajendram (Eds.). Springer, in-press.
  • Hernandez, TL, Friedman, JE, and Barbour, LA. (2018). Insulin Resistance in Pregnancy: Implications for Mother and Offspring. In, Insulin Resistance: Childhood Precursors of Adult Disease 2nd Ed. PS Zeitler, KL Nadeau (Eds.). Springer, in-press.
  • Barbour, LA, and Hernandez, TL. Maternal non-glycemic contributors to fetal growth in obesity and gestational diabetes: Spotlight on lipids. 2018, Curr Diab Rep, in press

Practice Locations

UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH)
12605 E. 16th Ave
Aurora, CO 80045

Specialty Information

  • Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism