Martha Powell, PhD

Visiting Associate Clinical Professor, Medicine-Health Care Policy Research


  • Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Relationship among Survey Results, Deficiencies, Scope and Severity Ratings, and Enforcement Actions: National patterns and Trends. Nuccio, E, Elder, S, Kaehny, M, and Powell, M. HCPR, UCD, Aurora, CO. December 2010
  • Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Analysis of the Impact of Nursing Home Enforcement Actions on Provider Behavior: Descriptive Statistics. Elder, S., Nuccio, E, Kaehny, M, and Powell, M. HCPR, UCD, Aurora, CO. December 2010.
  • Quality Indicator Surveyor Implementation and Analysis: Paper-Based Federal Oversight of QIS (FOQIS). HCPR, UCD, Aurora, CO. December 2010.
  • Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Desing of Management Reports for Nursing Home Survey Enforcement: Updated Technical Memorandum and Sample Reports, Including FY2009 Data. Hittle, D, Nuccio, E, Kaehny, M, and Powell, M. HCPR, UCD, Aurora, CO. September 2010.
  • Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Final Report Summarizing Project Activities over Three Years
  • Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Design of Management Reports for Nursing Home Survey and Enforcement--Documentation of Report Specifications, Hittle, D. and Powell, M
  • Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Relationship between Past Performance and Facility Characteristic Stratifying Variables and Proposed Enforcement Actions. Nuccio, EJ, Elder, SJ, and Powell, M
  • Updates to the QIS Classroom Training Materials for 10.1.3, October 2012, Margaret Kaehny, Sayuri Kelly, and Martha Powell
  • Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators-Dictionary, July 2013. Karis May, Patrick Walker, and Martha Powell
  • Updates to the Train-the-Trainer Materials for 10.1.3, October 2012, Margaret Kaehny, Sayuri Kelly, and Martha Powell
  • Software Requirements and Specifications for ASE-Q 10.1.3, April 2012, Sayuri Kelly and Martha Powell
  • Software Requirements and Specifications for 10.1.4, December 2012, Sayuri Kelly and Martha Powell
  • Development of Test Cases and Database Tracking System for Testing ASE-Q 10.1.3, April 2012, Sayuri Kelly and Martha Powell
  • Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators - Dictionary, March 2012, Karis May and Martha Powell
  • Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators - Dictionary, July 2012, Karis May and Martha Powell
  • Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators - Dictionary, March 2013, Karis May and Martha Powell
  • Desk Audit Report Dictionary for CMS Regional Office Surveyors, April 2012, Martha Powell
  • Software Requirements and Specifications for 10.1.5 (ASE-Q). 2013. Sayuri Kelly and Martha Powell
  • Training Materials for Surveyors (ASE-Q 10.1.5). 2013 Brian Bandle, Alicia Metcalf, Glenna Massey, Sayuri Kelly, and Martha Powell
  • Revised QIS Onsite Revisit Sampling Algorithm. 2013 Alicia Metcalf, Glenna Massey, Sayuri Kelly, and Martha Powell
  • Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators Dictionary, July 2015. Karis May, Patrick Walker, Brian Bandle, and Martha Powell
  • Analysis of QIS and Traditional Data
  • Testing Plan for New Survey Process