Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Relationship among Survey Results, Deficiencies, Scope and Severity Ratings, and Enforcement Actions: National patterns and Trends. Nuccio, E, Elder, S, Kaehny, M, and Powell, M. HCPR, UCD, Aurora, CO. December 2010
Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Analysis of the Impact of Nursing Home Enforcement Actions on Provider Behavior: Descriptive Statistics. Elder, S., Nuccio, E, Kaehny, M, and Powell, M. HCPR, UCD, Aurora, CO. December 2010.
Quality Indicator Surveyor Implementation and Analysis: Paper-Based Federal Oversight of QIS (FOQIS). HCPR, UCD, Aurora, CO. December 2010.
Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Desing of Management Reports for Nursing Home Survey Enforcement: Updated Technical Memorandum and Sample Reports, Including FY2009 Data. Hittle, D, Nuccio, E, Kaehny, M, and Powell, M. HCPR, UCD, Aurora, CO. September 2010.
Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Final Report Summarizing Project Activities over Three Years
Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Design of Management Reports for Nursing Home Survey and Enforcement--Documentation of Report Specifications, Hittle, D. and Powell, M
Improving the Consistency and Effectiveness of Nursing Home Enforcement: Relationship between Past Performance and Facility Characteristic Stratifying Variables and Proposed Enforcement Actions. Nuccio, EJ, Elder, SJ, and Powell, M
Updates to the QIS Classroom Training Materials for 10.1.3, October 2012, Margaret Kaehny, Sayuri Kelly, and Martha Powell
Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators-Dictionary, July 2013. Karis May, Patrick Walker, and Martha Powell
Updates to the Train-the-Trainer Materials for 10.1.3, October 2012, Margaret Kaehny, Sayuri Kelly, and Martha Powell
Software Requirements and Specifications for ASE-Q 10.1.3, April 2012, Sayuri Kelly and Martha Powell
Software Requirements and Specifications for 10.1.4, December 2012, Sayuri Kelly and Martha Powell
Development of Test Cases and Database Tracking System for Testing ASE-Q 10.1.3, April 2012, Sayuri Kelly and Martha Powell
Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators - Dictionary, March 2012, Karis May and Martha Powell
Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators - Dictionary, July 2012, Karis May and Martha Powell
Quality of Care and Quality of Life Indicators - Dictionary, March 2013, Karis May and Martha Powell
Desk Audit Report Dictionary for CMS Regional Office Surveyors, April 2012, Martha Powell
Software Requirements and Specifications for 10.1.5 (ASE-Q). 2013. Sayuri Kelly and Martha Powell
Training Materials for Surveyors (ASE-Q 10.1.5). 2013 Brian Bandle, Alicia Metcalf, Glenna Massey, Sayuri Kelly, and Martha Powell