Catherine Worthingham Fellow, American Physical Therapy Association
Jack Walker Award for the Best Article on Clinical Practice, Physical Therapy
Bob Doctor Service Award, Colorado Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association
Research Award, APTA
Marian Williams Award for Research in Physical Therapy, APTA
Mañago MM, Glick S, Hebert JR, Coote S, Schenkman M. Strength Training to Improve Gait in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Critical Review of Exercise Parameters and Intervention Approaches. International Journal of MS Care. 2019;21(2):47-56. doi:10.7224/1537-2073.2017-079
McManus BM, Richardson Z, Schenkman M, Murphey M, Morrato EH. Timing and intensity of early intervention service use and outcomes among a safety-net population of children. JAMA Network Open. 2019;2(1):e187529. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.7529
Mañago MM, Hebert JR, Kittelson J, Schenkman M. Feasibility of a targeted strengthening program to improve gait in people with Multiple sclerosis: A brief report. In J Rehabil Res 2018;41:364-367 ; doi: 10.1097/MRR.0000000000000306.; PMID: 30044244
Mañago MM, Hebert JR, Kittelson J, Schenkman M. Feasibility of a targeted strengthening program to improve gait in people with Multiple sclerosis: A brief report. In J Rehabil Res 2018;41:364-367 ; doi: 10.1097/MRR.0000000000000306.; PMID: 30044244
Hall DA, Moore C, Comelle C, SPARX STUDY GROUP. Recruitment of patients with de novo Parkinson disease: Successful strategies in a randomized exercise clinical trial. Trials 2018;14:630. Trials. 2018; 19: 630. Published online 2018 Nov 14. doi: 10.1186/s13063-018-2958-z
Manago MM, Hebert JR, Kittelson J, Schenkman M. Contributions of ankle, knee, hip, and trunk muscle function to gait performance in people with multiple sclerosis: A cross-sectional analysis. PTJ. 2018;98:595-604
Hebert JR, Corboy JR, Vollmer T, Forster JE, Schenkman M. Efficacy of Balance and Eye-movement Exercises for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (BEEMS). Neurology, 2018 Feb 27;90(9):e797-e807. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000005013. Epub 2018 Jan 31.PMID: 29386274
Myers K, Schenkman M. Utilizing a Curriculum Development Process to Design and Implement a New Integrated Clinical Education Experience. J PT Education 2017;31:71-82
Neumeier A, Nordon-Craft A, Malone D, Schenkman M, Clark B, Moss M. Prolonged acute care and post-acute care admission and recovery of physical function in survivors of acute respiratory failure: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. Crit Care. 2017;Jul 21;21(1).190. PMID: 28732512.
Christiansen C, Moore C, Schenkman M, et al. Factors associated with ambulation with ambulatory activity in de novo Parkinson’s disease. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2017 Apr;41(2):93-100.
Akuthota V, Marshall BJ, Mintken PE, Schenkman M, Kumbhare DA. Second order peer reviews of clinically relevant articles for physiatrists. Physical therapy May not help acute lower back pain sufferers. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2017 Sep;96(9):682-685.doi: 1097/PHM.0000000000000676. [Epub ahead of print]
Schenkman M, Moore CG, Kohrt WM, et al. Effect of High-intensity treadmill exercise on the motor symptoms in patients with de novo Parkinson’ disease. A phase 2 randomized clinical trial. JAMA Neurol. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2017.3517 Published online December 11, 2017.
Moss M, Nordon-Craft A, Malone D, Van Pelt D, Kriekels W, Frankel SK, Warner ML, McNulty M, Faircloth D, Schenkman M. A Randomized Trial of an Intensive Physical Therapy Program for Acute Respiratory Failure Patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016:193:1101-1110
Moss M, Nordon-Craft A, Malone D, Van Pelt D, Kriekels W, Frankel SK, Warner ML, McNulty M, Faircloth D, Schenkman M. A Randomized Trial of an Intensive Physical Therapy Program for Acute Respiratory Failure Patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015; Epub ahead of print
Sotille P, Nordon-Craft A, Malone D, Luby D, Schenkman M, Moss M .Physical Therapist Treatment of Patients in the Neurological Intensive Care Unit: A Description of Practice, Phys Ther, 2015 Jul;95(7):1006-14. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20140112
Malone D, Ridgeway K, Nordon-Craft A, Moss P, Schenkman M. Moss M. Physical therapist practice in the intensive care unit: Results of a national survey. Phys Ther 2015;95:1335-1344. Doi: 10.2522/ptj.20140417.
Olson AL, Swigris JJ, Gelkin A, Hannen L, Yagohashi K, Schenkman M, Grown KK. Physical functional capacity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Performance characteristic of the continuous-scale physical function performance test. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine 2015;9:1-7
Ellis R, Cress ME, Wood R, Schenkman M. Exploring the relationship between physical activity and participation in older adults with Parkinson’s disease. Topics in Geriatrics Rehabilitation, 2015;31:145-151
Gisbert R, Schenkman M. LEAP: Physical Intervention in Parkinson’s Disease. Phys Ther 2015;95(3):299-305.
Nordon-Craft A, Schenkman M, Edbrook L, Malone D, Moss M, Denehy L. The physical function intensive care test: implementation in survivors of critical illness. Phys Ther ePub Ahead of Print: 05/2014; DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20130451
Moore CG, Schenkman M, Kohrt WK, Delitto A, Hall DA Corcos D. Study in Parkinson Disease of Exercise (SPARX): Translating high-intensity exercise from animals to humans. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2013; 36: 90-98. DOI information: 10.1016/j.cct.2013.06.002
Ellis T, Schenkman M. The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity in Patients with Parkinson Disease. Focus on Parkinson's Disease, Amsterdam 2014;24:21-25
Moore CG, Schenkman M, Kohrt WK, Delitto A, Hall DA Corcos D. Study in Parkinson Disease of Exercise (SPARX): Translating high-intensity exercise from animals to humans. Contemporary Clinical Trials. available online: 14-JUN-2013 DOI information: 10.1016/j.cct.2013.06.002
Ellis T, Schenkman M. The Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity in Patients with Parkinson Disease. Focus on Parkinson's Disease, Amsterdam; 24:21-25;2014
Nordon-Craft A, Moss M, Quan D, Schenkman M. Intensive care unit-Acquired Weakness, Implications for physical therapist management. Phys Ther. 2012;92:1494-1506
Schenkman M, Baron A, Hall DA, Schwartz R, Kohrt WM. Specificity of Exercise for People in Early and Mid-Stages of Parkinson’s Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Physical Therapy, 2012;92:1395-1410
Stevens-Lapsley J, Kluger B, Schenkman M. Quadriceps muscle weakness, activation deficits, and fatigue with Parkinson’s disease. Neurorehabil and Neural Repair, 2011 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print].
Fisher BA, Schenkman M. Functional recovery of a patient with anorexia nervosa: physical therapist management in the acute care hospital setting. Phys Ther. 2012; 92: 595-604.
related fatigue: a randomized controlled trial.
Ene H, McRae C, Schenkman M. Attitudes of people with Parkinson disease toward exercise following participation in an exercise intervention study. JNPT, accepted for publication, 2010
Nordon-Craft A, Schenkman M, Ridgeway K, Benson A, Moss M. Physical Therapy Management and Patient Outcomes following ICU Acquired Weakness: A Case Series. JNPT Accepted for Publication
Stevens-Lapsley JE, Schenkman ML, Dayton MR. Comparison of self-reported Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) to objective measures of performance in patients after total knee arthroplasty. PM&R (accepted for publication)
Stevens-Lapsley J, Kluger B, Schenkman M. Quadriceps muscle weakness, activation deficits, and fatigue with Parkinson’s disease. Neurorehabil and Neural Repair, in press
Hebert J, Manago M, Corboy J, Schenkman M. The effects of vestibular rehabilitation on MS-related fatigue: a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther. 2011;91:1166–1183
Stevens-Lapsley JE, Schenkman ML, Dayton MR. Comparison of self-reported Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) to objective measures of performance in patients after total knee arthroplasty. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Jun 2011; 3(6):541-9.
Nordon-Craft A, Schenkman M, Ridgeway K, Benson A, Moss M. Physical Therapy Management and Patient Outcomes following ICU Acquired Weakness: A Case Series. JNPT 2011;35:133-140
Schenkman M, Ellis T, Christiansen C, et al. Profile of Functional Limitations and Task Performance among People with Early and Mid-Stage Parkinson Disease. Phys Ther 2011;91:1339-1354.
Ene H, McRae C, Schenkman M. Attitudes of people with Parkinson disease toward exercise following participation in an exercise intervention study. JNPT, 35;34-40, 2011
Schenkman M. Current concepts in rehabilitation of people with Parkinson disease. In: McCulloch K, ed. Home Study Course, , American Physical Therapy Association, 2011
Schenkman M, McFann K, Barón, AE. “PROFILE PD”: Profile Of Function and Impairment Level Experience with PD. Clinimetric Properties of a Rating Scale for Physical Therapist Practice. JNPT 2010;34:182-192
Morris ME, Martin CL, Schenkman M. Striding out with Parkinson disease: evidence based physical therapy for gait disorders. Phys Ther 2010;90:280-288.
Schenkman M, McFann K, Barón, AE. “PROFILE PD”: Profile Of Function and Impairment Level Experience with PD. Clinimetric Properties of a Rating Scale for Physical Therapist Practice. JNPT 2010;34:182-192
Kluger BM, Brown RP, Aerts S, Schenkman M. Determinants of objectively measured physical functional performance in Parkinson’s disease. PM&R in press
Christiansen CL, Davidson BS, Schenkman ML, Kohrt WM. Muscle co-activation and stride variability: implications for walking economy in people with Parkinsons’s disease. PM&R in press
Gisbert R, Schenkman M. LEAP: Physical Intervention in Parkinson’s Disease. PTJ in Press
McManus BM, Hambridge S, Schenkman M, Morrato E. Family Centered Care (FCC) in Early Intervention (EI): Examining Caregiver Perceptions of FCC and EI Service Use Intensity. 2019:
Child: Care, Health, and Development. Accepted for publication. DOI: 10.1111/cch.12724
Prohaska C, Sottile PD, Nordon-Craft A, Gallagher M, Burnham EL, Clark BJ, Ho M, Tyree M, Kiser T, Vadivier RW, Liu W, Schenkman M, Moss M. Patterns of Utilization and Effects of Hospital-Specific Factors on Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy for Critically Ill Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure in the United States: Results of a Five Year Sample Critical Care (Accepted for publication).
Mañago MM, Cameron M, Schenkman M. Association of the Dynamic Gait Index to fall history and muscle function in people with multiple sclerosis: A secondary data analysis. Disability and Rehabilitation. In Press.
Berliner JM, Kluger B, Corcos DM, Pelak V, Gisbert R, McRae C, Atkinson K, Schenkman M. Patient perceptions of visual, vestibular, and oculomotor deficits in people with Parkinson’s disease. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. In press
Kittelson A, Hoogeboom TJ, Schenkman M, Stevens-Lapsley JE, van Meeteren NVL. Person-Centered Care and Physical Therapy: a “Patients-Like-Me” Approach. Phys Ther. In press
Mañago M, Hebert J, Schenkman M. The psychometric properties of a clinical strength assessment protocol in people with multiple sclerosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation. In press
Mañago M, Schenkman M, Berliner J, Hebert J. Gaze Stabilization and Dynamic Visual Acuity in People with Multiple Sclerosis. J Vestibular Research (in press)
Christiansen C, Moore C, Schenkman M, et al. Factors associated with ambulation with ambulatory activity in de novo Parkinson’s disease. JNPT, in press
Akuthota V, Marshall BJ, Mintken PE, Schenkman M, Kumbhare DA. Second order peer reviews of clinically relevant articles for physiatrists. Physical therapy May not help acute lower back pain sufferers. Am J PM&R. In press
Myers K, Schenkman M. Utilizing a Curriculum Development Process to Design and Implement a New Integrated Clinical Education Experience. J PT Education, In P
Kelmenson DA, Quan D, Nordon-Craft A, Malone D, Schenkman M, Moss M. Electrophysiological abnormalities can differentiate pre-hospital discharge functional status in critically ill patients with normal strength. Intensive Care Med, In Press
Ellis R, Cress ME, Wood R, Schenkman M. Exploring the relationship between physical activity and participation in older adults with Parkinson’s disease. Topics in Geriatrics Rehabilitation,
McManus BM, Murphy N, Richardson Z, Khetani M, Schenkman M, Moratto E. (Accepted) Family Centered Care (FCC) in Early Intervention (EI): Examining Caregiver Perceptions of FCC and EI Service Use Intensity. Child: Care, Health, and Development.
Mañago M, Hebert J, Schenkman M. The psychometric properties of a clinical strength assessment protocol in people with multiple sclerosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabilitation. In press
Hebert JR, Corboy JR, Vollmer T, Forster JE, Schenkman M. Efficacy of Balance and Eye-movement Exercises for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (BEEMS). Neurology, In press
Berliner JM, Kluger B, Corcos DM, Pelak V, Gisbert R, McRae C, Atkinson K, Schenkman M. Patient perceptions of visual, vestibular, and oculomotor deficits in people with Parkinson’s disease. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. In press