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Ravichandran K, Wang Q, Ozkok A, Jani A, Li H, He Z, Ljubanovic D, Weiser-Evans MC, Nemenoff RA, Edelstein CL. CD4 T cell knockout does not protect against kidney injury and worsens cancer. J Mol Med (Berl). 2016 Apr;94(4):443-55. PubMed PMID: 26620676
Jain S, Keys D, Martin S, Edelstein CL, Jani A. Protection From Apoptotic Cell Death During Cold Storage Followed by Rewarming in 13-Lined Ground Squirrel Tubular Cells: The Role of Prosurvival Factors X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis and PhosphoAkt. Transplantation. 2016 Mar;100(3):538-45. PubMed PMID: 26457601
Jain S, Keys D, Nydam T, Plenter RJ, Edelstein CL, Jani A. Inhibition of autophagy increases apoptosis during re-warming after cold storage in renal tubular epithelial cells. Transpl Int. 2015 Feb;28(2):214-23. PubMed PMID: 25270002
Ravichandran K, Wang Q, Ozkok A, Jani A, Li H, He Z, Ljubanovic D, Weiser-Evans MC, Nemenoff RA, Edelstein CL. CD4 T cell knockout does not protect against kidney injury and worsens cancer. J Mol Med (Berl). 2015 Dec 1. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26620676
Plenter R, Jain S, Ruller CM, Nydam TL, Jani AH. Murine Kidney Transplant Technique. J Vis Exp. 2015 Oct 20;(105). PubMed PMID: 26555373
Jain S, Keys D, Martin S, Edelstein CL, Jani A. Protection From Apoptotic Cell Death During Cold Storage Followed by Rewarming in 13-Lined Ground Squirrel Tubular Cells: The Role of Prosurvival Factors X-Linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis and PhosphoAkt. Transplantation. 2015 Oct 9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26457601
Jain S, Keys D, Ljubanovic D, Edelstein CL, Jani A. Protection Against Cold Storage-Induced Renal Tubular Cell Apoptosis. Transplantation. 2015 Nov;99(11):2311-6. PubMed PMID: 26177086
Lanaspa MA, Epperson LE, Li N, Cicerchi C, Garcia GE, Roncal-Jimenez CA, Trostel J, Jain S, Mant CT, Rivard CJ, Ishimoto T, Shimada M, Sanchez-Lozada LG, Nakagawa T, Jani A, Stenvinkel P, Martin SL, Johnson RJ. Opposing activity changes in AMP deaminase and AMP-activated protein kinase in the hibernating ground squirrel. PLoS One. 2015;10(4):e0123509. PubMed PMID: 25856396
Jain S, Keys D, Nydam T, Plenter RJ, Edelstein CL, Jani A. Inhibition of autophagy increases apoptosis during re-warming after cold storage in renal tubular epithelial cells. Transpl Int. 2015 Feb;28(2):214-23. PubMed PMID: 25270002
Kim HJ, Ravichandran K, Ozkok A, Wang Q, He Z, Jani A, Ljubanovic D, Douglas IS, Edelstein CL. The water-soluble triptolide derivative PG490-88 protects against cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2014 Jun;349(3):518-25. PubMed PMID: 24727856
Jani A, Martin SL, Jain S, Keys D, Edelstein CL. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2013 Sep 18.
Stenvinkel P, Jani AH, Johnson RJ.Hibernating bears (Ursidae): metabolic magicians of definite interest for the nephrologist. Kidney Int. 2013 Feb;83(2):207-12.
Kim HJ, Lee DW, Ravichandran K, O Keys D, Akcay A, Nguyen Q, He Z, Jani A, Ljubanovic D, Edelstein CL. NLRP3 inflammasome knockout mice are protected against ischemic but not cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury.J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2013 Sep;346(3):465-72. PMID: 23833276
Johnson RJ, Stenvinkel P, Martin SL, Jani A, Sánchez-Lozada LG, Hill JO, Lanaspa MA.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Apr;21(4):659-64.
Sirota JC, Walcher A, Faubel S, Jani A, McFann K, Devarajan P, Davis CL, Edelstein CL. BMC Nephrol. 2013 Jan 17;14:17.
Protection from Prolonged Cold Ischemia (CI) of Several Days Duration Is Mediated by Anti-Apoptotic phosphoBAD during Hibernation
The Role of Increased Autophagic Flux in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells Undergoing Warm Reperfusion (WR) after Cold Ischemia (CI)
Redefining metabolic syndrome as a fat storage condition based on studies of comparative physiology. Johnson RJ, Stenvinkel P, Martin SL, Jani A, Sanchez-Lozada LG, Hill JO, Lanaspa MA.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2012 Sep 13. doi: 10.1002/oby.20026. [Epub ahead of print]
PMID: 23401356
Urine IL-18, NGAL, IL-8 and serum IL-8 are biomarkers of acute kidney injury following liver transplantation.
Sirota JC, Walcher A, Faubel S, Jani A, McFann K, Devarajan P, Davis CL, Edelstein CL.
BMC Nephrol. 2013 Jan 17;14:17.
Hibernating bears (Ursidae): metabolic magicians of definite interest for the nephrologist.
Stenvinkel P, Jani AH, Johnson RJ.
Kidney Int. 2013 Feb;83(2):207-12. doi: 10.1038/ki.2012.396. Epub 2012 Dec 19.
PMID: 23254895
Cytokine production increases and cytokine clearance decreases in mice with bilateral nephrectomy.
Andres-Hernando A, Dursun B, Altmann C, Ahuja N, He Z, Bhargava R, Edelstein CE, Jani A, Hoke TS, Klein C, Faubel S.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012 Dec;27(12):4339-47. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfs256. Epub 2012 Jul 9.
PMID: 22778179
Kidney proteome changes provide evidence for a dynamic metabolism and regional redistribution of plasma proteins during torpor-arousal cycles of hibernation.
Jani A, Orlicky DJ, Karimpour-Fard A, Epperson LE, Russell RL, Hunter LE, Martin SL.
Physiol Genomics. 2012 Jul 15;44(14):717-27. doi: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00010.2012. Epub 2012 May 29.
PMID: 22643061
"Renal Tubular Cells (RTCs) from Hibernating Squirrels are Protected against Apoptosis"
"Increased Autophagic Flux, Caspase-3 and Apoptosis in Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells Undergoing Warm Reperfusion (WR) after Cold Ischemia (CI)"
Lu L, Faubel S, He Z, Andres Hernando A, Jani A, Kedl R, Edelstein CL. Depletion of macrophages and dendritic cells in ischemic acute kidney injury. Am J Nephrol. 2012; 35(2):181-90.
Lu L, Faubel S, He Z, Andres Hernando A, Jani A, Kedl R, Edelstein CL. Depletion of macrophages and dendritic cells in ischemic acute kidney injury. Am J Nephrol. 2012; 35(2):181-90.
Jani A, Zimmerman M, Martin J, Lu L, Turkmen K, Ravichandran K, Pacic A, Ljubanovic D, Edelstein CL. Perfusion storage reduces apoptosis in a porcine kidney model of donation after cardiac death. Transplantation. 2011 Jan 27;91(2):169-75.
Belibi F, Zafar I, Ravichandran K, Segvic AB, Jani A, Ljubanovic DG, Edelstein CL. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1{alpha} (HIF-1{alpha}) and autophagy in polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2011 May;300(5):F1235-43.
Apoptosis and autophagy in cold preservation ischemia. Transplantation. In Press
Jani A, Epperson E, Martin J, Pacic A, Ljubanovic D, Martin SL, Edelstein CL. Renal protection from prolonged cold ischemia and warm reperfusion in hibernating squirrels. Transplantation. 2011 Dec 15;92(11):1215-21.
Akcay A, Nguyen Q, He Z, Turkmen K, Won Lee D, Hernando AA, Altmann C, Toker A, Pacic A, Ljubanovic DG, Jani A, Faubel S, Edelstein CL. IL-33 exacerbates acute kidney injury. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Nov;22(11):2057-67.
Turkmen K, Martin J, Akcay A, Nguyen Q, Ravichandran K, Faubel S, Pacic A, Ljubanovic D, Edelstein CL, Jani A. Apoptosis and autophagy in cold preservation ischemia. Transplantation. 2011 Jun 15;91(11):1192-7.
Biomarkers of Kidney Transplant Rejection
Alkesh Jani
In :Biomarkers of Kidney Disease
Edited By Charles L. Edelstein
Published 9/2010
[TH-PO764] The Injurious Role of IL-33 in Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury
Ali Akcay, Quocan Nguyen, Kultigin Turkmen, Zhibin He, Sarah Faubel, Alkesh Jani, Charles L. Edelstein. Univ of Colorado Denver
[TH-PO779] Hibernation Affects Kidney Function and Morphology
Alkesh Jani, Jessica Martin, Elaine Epperson, Kultigin Turkmen, Kameswaran Ravichandran, Arijana Pacic, Danica Ljubanovic, Sandy Martin, Charles L. Edelstein. U of Colorado
[TH-PO791] Activation of NALP3 Inflammasome in Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury
Authors: Ali Akcay, Quocan Nguyen, Kultigin Turkmen, Dong Won Lee, Zhibin He, Alkesh Jani, Sarah Faubel, Charles L. Edelstein
[TH-PO911] Cold Preservation of Kidneys from Hibernating Squirrels
Alkesh Jani, Jessica Martin, Elaine Epperson, Kultigin Turkmen, Arijana Pacic, Danica Ljubanovic, Sandy Martin, Charles L. Edelstein. U of Colorado
[TH-PO911] Cold Preservation of Kidneys from Hibernating Squirrels
Alkesh Jani, Jessica Martin, Elaine Epperson, Kultigin Turkmen, Arijana Pacic, Danica Ljubanovic, Sandy Martin, Charles L. Edelstein. U of Colorado
[TH-FC017] CD4 T Cells and CXCL1 in Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury
Ali Akcay, Kultigin Turkmen, Quocan Nguyen, Zhibin He, Sarah Faubel, Alkesh Jani, Charles L. Edelstein. Univ of Colorado Denver
[SA-PO2997] Renal Protection from Extreme Cold Ischemia in Hibernating Squirrels
Alkesh Jani, Elaine Epperson, Jessica Martin, Arijana Pacic, Sandy Martin, Danica Ljubanovic, Charles L. Edelstein. U of Colorado
[SA-PO3011] The Effect of Bafilomycin A1 on Apoptosis and Autophagy in Cold Preservation Ischemia
Kultigin Turkmen, Ali Akcay, Jessica Martin, Iram Zafar, Quocan Nguyen, Dong Won Lee, Zhibin He, Alkesh Jani, Charles L. Edelstein. Univ of Colorado
[SA-FC440] Pulsatile Preservation Reduces Apoptosis in a Porcine Model of Kidney Donation after Cardiac Death
Alkesh Jani, Jessica Martin, Kultigin Turkmen, Kameswaran Ravichandran, Danica Ljubanovic, Charles L. Edelstein. U of Colorado
Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2011 Jan 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Hypoxia-inducible factor 1{alpha} (HIF-1 {alpha}) and autophagy in polycystic kidney disease (PKD).
Belibi F, Zafar I, Ravichandran K, Bauer Segvic A, Jani A, Ljubanovic DG, Edelstein CL.
1University of Colorado.
Transplantation. 2011 Jan 27;91(2):169-75.
Perfusion storage reduces apoptosis in a porcine kidney model of donation after cardiac death.
Jani A, Zimmerman M, Martin J, Lu L, Turkmen K, Ravichandran K, Pacic A, Ljubanovic D, Edelstein CL.
Renal Section Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Denver, CO, USA. Alkesh.jani@ucdenver.edu
The Patient with a Kidney Transplant Eric Gibney Gibney, Eric Chirag Parikh Parikh, Chirag Alkesh Jani Jani, Alkesh
Manual of Nephrology: Diagnosis and Therapy
by Robert W Schrier (Editor)Seventh Edition, ISBN-13: 9780781796194
Long-term renal outcomes after delayed graft function.Yarlagadda SG, Klein CL, Jani A.Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2008 Jul;15(3):248-56
Interleukin-18 binding protein transgenic mice are protected against ischemic acute kidney injury.He Z, Lu L, Altmann C, Hoke TS, Ljubanovic D, Jani A, Dinarello CA, Faubel S, Edelstein CL.Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2008 Nov;295(5):F1414-21. Epub 2008 Aug 27.
Caspase-3 activation in a porcine kidney model of donation after cardiac death (DCD)
Ischemic Acute Renal Failure following Nephrectomy Impairs Long-Term Renal Function.[Report]
Source Transplantation. 81(5):800-803, March 15, 2006.
Parikh CR, Jani A, Mishra J, Ma Q, Kelly C, Barasch J, Edelstein CL, Devarajan P.
Urine NGAL and IL-18 are predictive biomarkers for delayed graft function following kidney transplantation.Am J Transplant. 2006 Jul;6(7):1639-45.
Gibney EM, Parikh CR, Jani A. The Patient with Renal Transplantation. In: Schrier RW (editor), Manual of Nephrology. (6th edition). Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2005.
Poole B, Jani A. Parenchymal Disease in Cirrhosis. In: Gines P (editor). Ascites and Renal Dysfunction in liver disease. (2nd edition). Blackwell Publishing, 2005.
Parikh CR, Jani A, Mishra J, Ma Q, Kelly C, Barasch J, Edelstein CL, Devarajan P. Urine NGAL and IL-18 are predictive biomarkers for delayed graft function following kidney transplantation. Am J. Transplant (in press)
Jain S, Keys D, Nydam T, Plenter RJ, Edelstein CL, Jani A. Protection against cold storage induced renal tubular cell apoptosis. Transplantation. Accepted for publication Jan. 2015.
Plenter RJ, Jain S, Nydam T, Jani A. "Revised Arterial Anastomosis for Improving Murine Kidney Transplant Outcomes". Journal Of Investigative Surgery. Accepted for publication December 2014.
Plenter RJ, Jain S, Nydam T, Jani A. Murine Kidney Transplant Technique. Journal of Visual Experimentation. Accepted for publication Dec. 2014. ?