Liptzin DR, Fan LL, Stillwell PC, Dannull KA, Fadell MF, Partrick DA, Dishop MK. Flip-flop lung. An unusual etiology of bronchiectasis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014 Oct 15;190(8):e29. PubMed PMID: 25317474
Smith C, Lee-Miller C, Dishop MK, Cost C, Wang M, Asturias EJ. Multicentric castleman disease presenting with fever. J Pediatr. 2014 Dec;165(6):1261-5. PubMed PMID: 25282064
Stray-Pedersen A, Jouanguy E, Crequer A, Bertuch AA, Brown BS, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Gambin T, Sorte H, Sasa G, Metry D, Campbell J, Sockrider MM, Dishop MK, Scollard DM, Gibbs RA, Mace EM, Orange JS, Lupski JR, Casanova JL, Noroski LM. Compound heterozygous CORO1A mutations in siblings with a mucocutaneous-immunodeficiency syndrome of epidermodysplasia verruciformis-HPV, molluscum contagiosum and granulomatous tuberculoid leprosy. J Clin Immunol. 2014 Oct;34(7):871-90. PubMed PMID: 25073507
Lange J, Dishop M, Krenke K. [Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy--case study]. Pneumonol Alergol Pol. 2014;82(4):358-63. PubMed PMID: 24964239
de Kock L, Sabbaghian N, Plourde F, Srivastava A, Weber E, Bouron-Dal Soglio D, Hamel N, Choi JH, Park SH, Deal CL, Kelsey MM, Dishop MK, Esbenshade A, Kuttesch JF, Jacques TS, Perry A, Leichter H, Maeder P, Brundler MA, Warner J, Neal J, Zacharin M, Korbonits M, Cole T, Traunecker H, McLean TW, Rotondo F, Lepage P, Albrecht S, Horvath E, Kovacs K, Priest JR, Foulkes WD. Pituitary blastoma: a pathognomonic feature of germ-line DICER1 mutations. Acta Neuropathol. 2014 Jul;128(1):111-22. PubMed PMID: 24839956
Arikan-Ayyildiz Z, Caglayan-Sozmen S, Isik S, Deterding R, Dishop MK, Couderc R, Epaud R, Louha M, Uzuner N. Survival of an infant with homozygous surfactant protein C (SFTPC) mutation. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2014 Mar;49(3):E112-5. PubMed PMID: 24347240
MK Dishop. SPP14-01. Adrenocortical neoplasm. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. August 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-02. Placental listeriosis. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. August 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-03. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. August 2014.
K Zhelnin, MK Dishop. SPP14-08. Clear cell myomelanocytic tumor. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. October 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-09. Pulmonary lymphomatoid granulomatosis. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. October 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-10. Placental vernix granulomas due to amnion rupture. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. October 2014.
CS Quattelbaum, MK Dishop. SPP14-11. Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma of the salivary gland. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. October 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-13. Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. November 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-14. Placental histiocytic intervillositis. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. November 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-15. Ductal carcinoma in situ and atypical ductal hyperplasia of the male breast. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. November 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-16. Adenovirus intussusception. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. November 2014.
MK Dishop. SPP14-17. Skin biopsy, incontinentia pigmenti. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2014. November 2014.
Liptzin DR, Watson AM, Dishop MK, Deterding RR, Schwartz DA. Muc5b expression in surfactant protein C mutations in children. American Thoracic Society, May 2014. Abstract in Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2014. 189: A1232. (Poster).
Lee-Miller CA, Smith C, Wang M, Dishop MK, Hayes K, Asurias E, Cost C. Treatment of an atypical case of hyaline vascular variant multicentric Castleman’s disease. American Society for Pediatric Hematology Oncology, May 2014 (Poster).
Acker SN, Ross JT, Dishop MK, Partrick DA. Strategy to increase diagnostic yield of surgical lung biopsy in pediatric oncology patients. Canadian Association of Paediatric Surgeons Meeting, submitted March 2014.
Shows J, Galambos C, Lovell MA, Dishop MK, Greffe B, Cho H, Liang X. Therapy-related lymphoblastic neoplasms: Case report and comparison of clinicopathologic features between lymphoid and myeloid neoplasms. Society for Pediatric Pathology/Paediatric Pathology Society Joint Fall meeting, September 5, 2014. (Platform presentation).
Galambos C, Sims-Lucas S, Ali N, Gien J, Dishop MK, Abman SH. Intrapulmonary vascular shunt pathways in alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins. Society for Pediatric Pathology/Paediatric Pathology Society Joint Fall Meeting, September 5, 2014. (Platform presentation).
Smith C, Dishop MK, Asturias E, et al. A toddler presenting with rash, encephalopathy, and hemolytic anemia (Fatal disseminated Oka strain Varicella in a child with SCID variant). Infectious Disease Society of America Meeting, October 2014. (Platform presentation).
MK Dishop. PIP 2013-17. Granulomatous Villitis. Performance Improvement Program (PIP) In Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. College Of American Pathologists Surgical Pathology Committee. October 2012.
MK Dishop. PIP 2013-37 Chorangioma. Performance Improvement Program (PIP) In Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. College Of American Pathologists Surgical Pathology Committee. November 2012.
57. Hamvas A, Deterding R, Wert S, White F, Dishop MK, Alfano D, Halbower A, Planer B, Stephan M, Uchida D, Williams L, Rosenfeld J, Lebel R, Young L, Cole F, Nogee L. Heterogeneous pulmonary phenotypes associated with mutations in the thyroid transcription factor gene NKX2-1. Chest 2013 Sep; 144(3):794-804.
58. Kupffer O, Ridall LA, Hoffman LM, Dishop MK, Soep JB, Wagener JS, Fan LL. Pulmonary capillaritis in twins. Pediatrics 2013 Nov; 132(5): e1445-8.
59. Brody A, Castile R, Dell S. Deterding R, Fan L, Hagood J, Hamvas A, Hilman B, Kurland Gj Langston C, Nogee L, Redding G, Young L on behalf of the ChILD Research Cooperative: An Official American Thoracic Society Guideline: Classification, Evaluation, and Management of Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease (ChILD) in Infancy. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013; 188:376-94.
45. MK Dishop. Unicystic Ameloblastoma. Virtual Biopsy Program (VBP)-C 2013. College Of American Pathologists Surgical Pathology Committee. February 2013.
46. MK Dishop. PIP-A 2014-04. Fusobacterium infection of placenta. Performance Improvement Program (PIP) In Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. College Of American Pathologists Surgical Pathology Committee. March 2013.
47. MK Dishop. PIP-C 2014-24. Parvovirus infection of placenta. Performance Improvement Program (PIP) In Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. College Of American Pathologists Surgical Pathology Committee. April 2013.
48. MK Dishop. SPP13-04. Low grade neuroendocrine carcinoma (carcinoid tumor) of sacrum. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2013. April 2013.
49. MK Dishop. SPP13-07. Focal nodular hyperplasia of liver. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2013. August 2013.
50. M Rhee-Anagnost, MK Dishop. SPP13-11. Fetal Lung Interstitial Tumor. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2013. April 2013.
52. MK Dishop. SPP13-15. Prosaposin deficiency. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program 2013. December 2013.
42. De Kock L, Sabbaghian N, Plourde F, Srisvastava A, Bouron-Dal Soglio D, Hamel N, Choi JH, Park SH, Deal CL, Dishop MK, Esbenshade A, Jacques T, Perry A, Leichter H, Maeder P, Brundler M-A, Neal J, Zacharin M, Korbonits M, Cole T, Albrecht S, Horvath E, Kovacs K, Priest JR, Foulkes WD. DICER1 mutations in pituitary blastoma. American Society of Human Genetics Meeting, October 2013 (Poster).
Popler J, Lesnick B, Dishop MK, Deterding RR. New coding in the International Classification of Disease, 9th Revision, for Children’s Interstitial Lung Disease. Chest 2012. 142(3): 774-80.
Barham HP, Dishop MK, Prager JD. Idiopathic sclerosing inflammation presenting as sinusitis. Allergy Rhinol 2012; 3: e101-e104.
Hamvas A, Deterding R, Wert S, White F, Dishop MK, Alfano D, Halbower A, Planer B, Stephan M, Uchida D, Williams L, Rosenfeld J, Lebel R, Young L, Cole F, Nogee L. Heterogeneous pulmonary phenotypes associated with mutations in the thyroid transcription factor gene NKX2-1. Chest 2013. [Accepted]
K Shah, MK Dishop. Infantile Respiratory Viruses. In: A Fraire, Ed. Respiratory Viruses. Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2012. [Submitted 2012].
MK Dishop. SPP12-02. Hypochondrogenesis. Society for Pediatric Pathology Slide Survey Program, June 2012.
59. Vece TJ, Schecter MG, Gatti RA, Tunuguntla R, Garcia CK, Langston C, Dishop MK, Moore RH, Fan LL. Rapid and progressive pulmonary fibrosis in 2 families with DNA repair deficiencies of undetermined etiology. J Pediatr. 2012 Jan 10 [Epub ahead of print].
11. Fan LL, MK Dishop. Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease. In: Schwarz MI and King TE, eds. Interstitial Lung Disease, 5th ed. People’s Medical Publishing: Shelton, CT, 2011. pp 171-186.
12. K Jones, MK Dishop, TV Colby. Developmental and Pediatric Lung Disease. In: KO Leslie and MR Wick, eds. Practical Pulmonary Pathology: A Diagnostic Approach, 2nd ed. Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2011. pp 91-116.
39. MK Dishop. PIP 2012. Placental mesenchymal dysplasia. Performance Improvement Program (PIP) in Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. College of American Pathologists Surgical Pathology Committee. November 2011.
40. MK Dishop. PIP 2012. Neuroblastoma. Performance Improvement Program (PIP) in Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. College of American Pathologists Surgical Pathology Committee. November 2011.
55. Foulkes WD, Bahubeshi A, Hamel N, Pasini B, Asioli S, Baynam G, Choong CS, Charles A, Frieder RP, Dishop MK, Graf N, Ekim M, Bouron-Dal Soglio D, Arseneau J, Young RH, Sabbaghian N, Srivastava A, Tischkowitz MD, Priest JR. Extending the phenotypes associated with DICER1 mutations. Hum Mutat 2011 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print]
56. Popler J, Alimohammadi M, Kampe O, Dalin F, Dishop MK, Barker JM, Moriarty-Kelsey M, Soep JB, Deterding RR. Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1: Utility of KCNRG autoantibodies as a marker of active pulmonary disease and successful treatment with rituximab. Pediatr Pulmonol 2011. 47(1):84-87. [Epub ahead of print 2011 Sep 7]
58. Wang M, Albano E, Garrington T, Dishop MK, Macy M. Undifferentiated sarcoma of the liver: A single institution experience using a uniform treatment approach. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology 2011 Dec 31 [Epub ahead of print].
Galambos C, Sims-Lucas S, Ali N, Gien J, Dishop MK, Abman SH. Intrapulmonary shunt pathways in alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins. Thorax 2014. [Epub ahead of print].
Acker S, Dishop MK, Kobak G, Vue P, Somme S. A novel method of minimally invasive resection of a gastric leiomyoma. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Reports. [Accepted January 2014].
Dudley R, Smith C, Dishop MK, Mirsky D, Rao S, Handler M. Clinical Picture: Cervical spine mass in a 5-year-old girl (Onchocerca lupi]. The Lancet. [Accepted November 2014].
51. MK Dishop. Pathology Questions with discussion and references. American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) SEEK Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine, 1st edition. [Continuing Medical Education (CME) Educational Publication.] June-October 2013.
Question 1. Bronchoalveolar lavage cytology.
Question 2. Phases of lung development.
Question 3. Granulomas.
Question 4. Ultrastructure of type 1 and type 2 pneumocytes.
Question 5. Primary ciliary dyskinesia.
Question 6. Diffuse alveolar damage and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Question 7. Asthma.
Question 8. Pulmonary infarction and embolus.
Question 9. Cytomegalovirus.
Question 10. Cystic fibrosis.
Question 11. Sputum cytology adequacy.
Question 12. Gastric aspirate for diagnosis of tuberculosis.
60. Arikan-Ayyildiz Z, Caglayan-Sozmen S, Isik S, Deterding R, Dishop MK, Couderc R, Epaud R, Uzuner N. Survival of an infant with homozygous surfactant protein C (SFTPC) mutations. Pediatric Pulmonology 2013. [Accepted]
61. Acker S, Dishop MK, Kobak G, Vue P, Somme S. A novel method of minimally invasive resection of a gastric leiomyoma. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Reports. [Accepted January 2014].
13. K Shah, MK Dishop. Infantile Respiratory Viruses. In: A Fraire, Ed. Respiratory Viruses. Elsevier: Philadelphia, 2013. [In press].
14. T Phung, MK Dishop, M Mihm. Pathology of Congenital Vascular Lesions. In: Persky MS, Waner M, Blei F, Berenstein A, eds. Vascular Lesions of the Head and Neck: Diagnosis and Management. Thieme: New York, NY, 2013. [In press)].