Hickey, F., Wolter-Warmerdam, K., Winders, P., Holland, S., Kelminson, K., Daniels, D. Ten-year impact of a Down syndrome pediatric clinic. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 2023.
Daniels, D., Wolter-Warmerdam, K., Holland, S., & Hickey, F. (2021). Reach Out and Read Implementation in a Pediatric Down Syndrome Clinic. Journal of Pediatric Health Care.
Nightengale, E. E., Wolter-Warmerdam, K., Yoon, P. J., Daniels, D., & Hickey, F. (2020). Behavioral Audiology Procedures in Children With Down Syndrome. American Journal of Audiology, 29(3), 356-364.
Liu, E., Wolter-Warmerdam, K., Marmolejo, J., Daniels, D., Prince, G., & Hickey, F. (2020). Routine Screening for Celiac Disease in Children With Down Syndrome Improves Case Finding. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 71(2), 252-256.
Daniels D, Knupp K, Benke T, Wolter-Warmerdam K, Moran M, Hickey F. (2019). Infantile Spasms in Children With Down Syndrome: Identification and Treatment Response. Global Pediatric Health. https://doi.org/10.1177/2333794X18821939
Dee Daniels, CPNP, RN MSN, Kelly Knupp, MD, MSCS, et al; Infantile Spasms in Children With Down Syndrome: Identification and Treatment Response: Global Pediatric Health, Volume 6:1-8
Hicky F, Wolter-Warmerdam K, Hickey E, Yoon J, Daniels D (2017) Pediatric Comorbidities and Medical Complications Identified in Children with Down Syndrome. J Down Syndr Chr Abnorm 3(2): 124. DOI: 10.4172/2472-1115.1000124
Clinical Pathway:Aspiration and Dysphagia in Children with Down Syndrome
J. Disabato and D.A,. Daniels, Neurological Assessment of the Neonate, Infant, Child and Adolescent; Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient, Third Edition, Springer 2017
Nightengale, E., Yoon, P, Wolter-Warmerdam, K., Daniels, D, Hickey, F: Understanding Hearing and Hearing Loss in Children with Down Syndrome. The American Journal of Audiology, August 2017
Associated Cardiac Findings in Children with Down Syndrome and Infantile Spasms
Improved Outcome of Infantile Spasms in Down Syndrome Population
Revisiting Infantile Spasms in Children with Down Syndrome in 2014: Improved Outcome withi ACTH; Understanding Increased Prevalence
ACNN/CNS Child Neurology Encounter Guides and Child Neurology Encounter Pocket Guides. Reviewed for the chapter, "Developmental Delay in Children <5 Years Old;Interval History
"Infantile Spasms in Children with Down Syndrome: Investigating a Rare but Serious Condition", Global Down Syndrome Foundation Newletter
Cathy Cartwright, Donna Wallace, Nursing Care of the Pediatric Neurosurgery Patient - Chapter 1 "Neurological Assessment of the Neonate, Infant, Child and Adolescent" , Second Edition, 2013.
Incidence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Aspiration with Down Syndrome at Higher Altitudes
Liu E, Wolter-Warmerdam K, Marmolejo J, Daniels D, Prince G, Hickey F. (2019). Routine screening for celiac disease in children with Down syndrome improves case finding. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. [Manuscript submitted for publication.]
Nightengale E, Wolter-Warmerdam K, Yoon P, Daniels D, Hickey F. (2019). Behavioral Audiology Procedures in Children with Down Syndrome. American Journal of Audiology. [Manuscript submitted for publication.]
Harvey, S., Wolter-Warmerdam, K., McKinney, C., Daniels, D., DomBouran, M., Abmruso, D., and Hickey, F. Blood counts in children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics. In press
21-5073 COVID-19 in children and young adults with Down syndrome